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Had Enough? Citizen Uprising Takes Hold!

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posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
You are so wrong here it makes me want to scream. First of all, there is no love lost at all between me and the 'neocons', as you put it.
Secondly, being a disabled veteran I feel as if I am actually somewhat entitled to assistance through the Government as my injuries occurred while in the Employment of this very Government. However, I don't use it...
Why? Because IT SUCKS!

(1) Thank you for performing in such a selfless act, which provides our security and well being. God bless.

(2) Everything else you said is 100% correct. Our government is one messed up system that requires a shake down.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Pathos

I didn't perform a selfless act. I refused "free" insurance because it sucks.

By the way, it isn't free any way you look at it. You still pay for it with taxes. Kicker is, the Government actually thrives in this situation because not only do they get the funding through the taxes you pay, but the taxes are increased ON TOP of the taxes that are openly paid for the program. This is why you see "This next tax will not be treated as if it was a tax" in the bill. That's right Obamatrons and idiots, YOU HAVE BEEN YANKED because they are going to add an ADDITIONAL tax that is unappropriated. Which is YET ANOTHER illegal addition to this mess.

They are preying on utter ignorance. And it will probably work. Protestors will be labeled terrorists. Pelosi has already laid the groundwork of this with her swastika remarks. What she disregards however, is that more than likely, the swastikas she did see, if she saw any at all, are a reference that the Gov itself is becoming an even MORE transparent embodiment of the Fourth Reicht.

If you meant that my selfless act was joining the service in the first place, I can assure you it wasn't.

[edit on 7-8-2009 by JayinAR]

[edit on 7-8-2009 by JayinAR]

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Pappie54

It seems to me you actually want health insurance reform, not health care reform. There is a difference. Unfortunately, it has been blurred in the current debate. Do you really want the government in control of your health decisions? There are, surely, better solutions than the current one.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

Pelosi has already laid the groundwork of this with her swastika remarks. What she disregards however, is that more than likely, the swastikas she did see, if she saw any at all, are a reference that the Gov itself is becoming an even MORE transparent embodiment of the Fourth Reicht.

Yes, you're right. This is a rerun of the Fourth Reich. In fact, for those that have not seen the Nazi tactics that Obama is now using, here is a video of the Union Thugs that have been sent in to protests to attack the protesters.

These SEIU union members are the modern day Brown shirts that Hitler used to intimidate and attack those who did not agree with him.
Wake up, America, before it is too late. If you don't see what is going on now, you never will.

It is now 1 minute to midnight.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by WTFover

There really ISN'T any distinction between the two.
Not once the Government undercuts the private sector, as they are CLEARLY planning to do.

Because once they foot the bill for all of it, they will legislate the care itself.
Rest assured.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to [url=
If you meant that my selfless act was joining the service in the first place, I can assure you it wasn't.

Sorry to hear that. It would have been an honor in knowing that you did. I can understand your privacy. Sorry for drawing the wrong conclusion.

[edit on 7-8-2009 by Pathos]

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 09:18 PM
His own words..."I expect to be held responsible,"

However...he peppered that with the comment "But I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking"

Yeah right. So in other want a silent majority, Mr. President!

[edit on 8-8-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by burntheships

The problem is that the people that created the mess are his people and supporters. The trial lawyers, who have litigated the health care costs through the roof, supported Obama with 95% of their total contributions to 5% for McCain.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 09:26 PM
Wow! He comes off like a protester himself in that video.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by Pathos

Sorry to hear that. It would have been an honor in knowing that you did. I can understand your privacy. Sorry for drawing the wrong conclusion

Yeah, if altruism DID exist it would be honorable. However, I'm not so sure it does. In fact, people join the military for all sorts of reasons. The number one reason is that the Gov will compensate you after the fact with a free education.
This is why I joined... basically.

I'll tell ya' though, altruism DOES exist in the military. Those are the types that have been programmed to the point that they will help carry out gross acts of misconduct upon the very people they swore to protect if their handlers will them to. They know nothing other than an illusion of honor that has been instilled upon them by men who are utterly evil.

This exists. It is real.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

And this is why lawyers were forbidden to hold the office of POTUS.
Alas, a lawyer will find a way, I suppose.

The law is their playground.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 09:34 PM
And upon them he sent his hatred. Man upon man, brother against brother, and woman accosting child.

But seriously, you guys continue to argue with one another about something simple like health care reform, because the day when I have to say I told you so is the day we will all regret those in the walking slumber. You ignore your nutrients...which will be classified as illegal substances. You ignore your subconscious, which is being melded by advertisements, television, movies, text books, and the media. You ignore the tampering in your religion that has existed for millennia. Yet you, argue about health care and birth certificates?

You are not awake if you can not see that this is a ploy to invoke your violence. This healthcare bill is harmless. I have military healthcare, and it is the bee's knees. Anyways, onto what is really going on here.

They want your hatred to rise. They want violence. They are counting on it. They are provoking you. They are using the disillusioned and intolerant elderly (who have government healthcare). They desire you to have an "uprising"

You play into their hands and you are no better than those controlling the strings behind the scenes. Once we play into their hands they will strike with an iron fist. They will have an excuse for martial law.
You will give them this excuse because of your hot headedness that they ave instilled in every American mind. I am not holier than thou, I am simply warning you.

Wake up and drop the hatred and the violence before it becomes to wait.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

You ignore your nutrients...which will be classified as illegal substances. You ignore your subconscious, which is being melded by advertisements, television, movies, text books, and the media

You intend to use those criticisms as a reference as to WHY Americans should EMBRACE Government sponsored healthcare?


If the Government is going to classify nutrients as illegal then I DAMNED SURE don't want them running my Doctor's office!


And whoever starred your post is at LEAST borderline retarded.

[edit on 7-8-2009 by JayinAR]

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

I agree that he has only contributed to our nations problems.
Granted...he did not make them...but has magnified them.

I posted that video as a reminder of his slick capabilities in
classic politician doublespeak.

Watch him operate.

[edit on 7-8-2009 by burntheships]

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by TheOneElectric

You ignore your nutrients...which will be classified as illegal substances. You ignore your subconscious, which is being melded by advertisements, television, movies, text books, and the media

You intend to use those criticisms as a reference as to WHY Americans should EMBRACE Government sponsored healthcare?


If the Government is going to classify nutrients as illegal then I DAMNED SURE don't want them running my Doctor's office!


And whoever starred your post is at LEAST borderline retarded.

[edit on 7-8-2009 by JayinAR]

I'll knock the ego in half. My scroll wheel jumped when I was starring yours Jay or he would have only one. I wish I could take it back.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by j2000

Whomever starred the post that was an apology for accidentally starring another post would also be retarded, lol, j/k. But are we really attacking people for starring posts now? This is an angry thread indeed.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 10:36 PM
"It seems each day that the world really does need a reset button."

WHOSHOTJR you are absolutely correct...sorry for coming in late on this post...but selecting health care reform as a topic to be looked at in disdain is somewhat irresponsible. I just read an article the other day in TIME saying the exact same thing - other countries spend a fraction of the amount of money that we do and have much better health care. I say let the States decide the proper way to go about it. In California (where I'm at) it is extremely difficult for anyone to get coverage. My sister is 3 months pregnant, and nobody will cover her because shes a "liability." By their definition that means a human life. Anyone who agrees with that and says it isn't their responsibility to pay for it is obviously for death, and can not be considered pro-life in any way shape or form.

This is a complicated issue, but we shouldn't immediately jump from one side to the other based on biases or ideologies - because, as Rush Limbaugh's daily incompetence proves - values often contradict each other. I dont really like government intervention either, but when companies don't want to insure people or their workers, what else do we do?

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by 27jd

I'm not angry at all. All I was saying is that the person's post was ridiculous and whomever starred it was either just starring crap for the heck of it or lacked ANY AND ALL critical thinking ability.

IQ less than or equal to 50

[edit on 7-8-2009 by JayinAR]

[edit on 7-8-2009 by JayinAR]

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 10:50 PM
Are you serious?

Are you yanks protesting over the government trying to introduce a national health care system? My god the levels of ignorance and stupidity knows no bounds.

Yes I am ripping on your post and yes I ripping on all those protesters.


Should i spell it out any clearer? Do you want to know why this is occurring? BECAUSE PRIVATE HEALTH CARE COMPANIES ARE SCREWING YOU OVER.

But gee you guys must love suffering. Try and do something good, you protest and whinge.

I don't support obama one bit he is a puppet for the elites just like his predecessors.

But seriously like a poster before me said, of all things to protest about you choose this? Millions of Iraqis and Afghans dead for what? Can't you see your fighting peasants so you can steal their oil for your masters. Can't you see your fighting a guerrila war where every Iraqi or Afghani could be an insurgent. TELL ME WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME A STAGED ARMY WON A WAR AGAINST A GUERRILLA ARMY?

Was it in Vietnam? Was it in Afghanistan? Was it in Iraq?

The elites are feeding of you like the slaves you are and all you can think of doing is protesting universal health care which will raise the quality of life in America drastically. Next someone will say its a communist or socialist idea.

Well guess what, it is. So is state police, firefighting, emergency services etc... Should we abolish these things as well. Go back to the good old days where if you didn't have the right pendent on your door the firefighters would ride right past your house.

Yanks like to say communism is good in theory but in reality its a failed system. Well most countries of the world have gone the way of capitalism mostly thanks to you guys and most people of the world as a consequence of capitalism are very very very poor. In reality and in theory capitalism works very well and its going to make most of you very very poor.

Back in the day the working class banded together under unions to fight for health cover, decent hours and wages, holidays, healthy working conditions etc. They fought the elite merchant class so they could have these basic necessities to have a decent standard of living.

Now when you have a chance to finally cement that basic RIGHT into society as law, you are fighting tooth and nail against it. Your ancestors will be turning over in their graves.

I'll tell you something else that you probably did not know about communism. At the height of Russia's powers their were no bums on the street or homeless people. There was a basic standard of living everyone had free health care, free education, food and housing. Why am i bringing this up? Because your leaders (puppets for the elites) will say, "universal health care is a socialist idea, or do you want to be like Canada or England" and being typical good little propagandized sheep you gobble that up. JUST BECAUSE AN IDEA COMES FROM A DIFFERENT COUNTRY OR A DIFFERENT SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN ITS A BAD IDEA BY DEFAULT.

I'm praying with my fingers crossed that America goes the way of Argentina.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

Yeah, i wonder how some posts get starred myself sometimes. Alot of times it's probably just an accident or misunderstood, lol. On topic, i learned during the bailouts that no amount of outrage will stop the fed from doing whatever it wants. If they've all planned for it to go through, it's going through regardless. I work smack in the middle of this very issue, and i can tell you there is alot of messed up stuff going on all around. Government control is definitely not the answer, but something has to give.

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