posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 01:38 PM
I remember it, clear as day. It involves a concept as far as I read not commented upon by someone else in this thread; a threshold of sorts.
What do I mean by that?
I recall being nine or ten, sitting in the school library (somewhere in Scandinavia), commenting to a classmate on the topic of the universe, that
there is "no way we are alone", and him agreeing totally. Although already from that time becoming more and more interested in the notion of
extraterrestrial intelligences - it was perhaps rather a question of psychology; the reactions I noted amongst my peers, authority figures and
basically everyone else when commenting upon the topic (and by all means to "conspiracy" in general): the scoffing, the ridicule - not of a topic
they had written papers on or even read articles or books about - but of a topic to which they were entirely ignorant - and which could, litterally,
"save us all" (i.e./e.g. ZPE and alike) if confronted with the proper attitude. I found it impossible to subscribe to this attitude myself, and more
and more began to wonder what more humanity out of fear and so on refused to encounter.
My research into my interests continued, and with the advent of Internet and access to international bookshops further up in my age, I came to find
that not only did the rabbit hole go deeper than previously imagined (I still recall many times not being able to at first take in topics such as
"Montauk" and Cathy O'Brien), the topics were indeed oftenly intertwined, with e.g. former Nazi criminals being hired by US officials to commit
crimes on kidnapped minors, before taking off in their home-made flying saucers.
However to answer my above posed question - there indeed was a threshold of easily determinable magnitude. It was in june, 2006. I watched a very
short documentary on US (a country mentioned much too often in the contexts) governmental connections to organized drug smuggling. A US professor sat
behind his desk, looked straight into the camera and as earnestly as reluctantly noted that his own country constituted one of the biggest kingpins in
this business in the entire world.
I don't know why this precise moment served as the trigger, the trigger to me embracing these topics as not fiction, not even maybes and perhapses,
but reality, but it certainly did. Although the entire process as described by me in this post has been indeed continual over many years (see The
Boiling Frog theory), I do believe that I have payed a hefty price for "The Truth".
I will not attempt to be able to differantiate today between who I have become having chosen this path of paying that price, and who I would have
been, had I taken "the blue pill". It would sound good to say (type) "it was worth it".
However - as unsure as I am of who I/we couldhave been had I/we chosen the latter, broader path - as sure I am of the unimaginably prosperous future
lying ahead for any society which thrives on truth and honesty.