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Why 911

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posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:31 AM

posted by JJay55

The ignore option on this forum really comes in handy for those who namecall and twist posts into cherrypicked nonsense.

The ignore option also works really well on those who expose your disinformation agenda.

Too bad you cannot control the ignore option of your potential victims.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by JJay55
Crikey. Training manuals with crosshairs prove that it was an inside job. Wow, that's amazing.
It's easier to deny the real cause than search for it, eh?

I'm really tired of all the anti-US government sentiment from certain forum members.... who I will put on ignore because their posts are not of value.

Welcome to Conspiracy Land. What's called "research' and "patriotism" is swallowing whole the bilge spewed by lunatic fringe websites and videos.

Racism fuels it. There is a compulsion to demonstrate Israel and Jewish Americans helped pull off 9/11.

Mountains of solid documented intelligence, testimony and even confessions are ignored in favour of unproven factoids strung together to create a wild spin scenario.

Reinforcement is sought. Forums thrive on this stuff.

The enemies of the US and the West have a ready made Fifth Column of willing volunteers.


[edit on 14-8-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:48 AM
Yah Mike, I see that.

I prefer real things like this:\08\14\story_14-8-2009_pg1_1
“KAKUL: Pakistan’s ongoing battle is against extremism and terrorism, and “it is not a fight based on religion, ethnicity, sub-nationalism or provincialism”, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Kayani said on Thursday.
Talking about the identity of Pakistan, Kayani said the nation and its identity were based on the two-nation theory. “Islam is the soul and spirit of Pakistan; Islam is our strength; and we will always be an Islamic republic,” he said, adding that Pakistan was a peaceful country with no aggressive plans, but it was concerned over massive arms acquisitions in the region. He vowed to protect the independence of the country.”

Yet, Pakistan was formed by aggressively taking the territory from India. Further, the ISI is known to protect terrorists. So here you have the top ranking military chief basically lying and protecting Islam. He is also hoping you will fall for the “small handful of extremists” line… which is also a myth.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:53 AM

posted by JJay55

I'm really tired of all the anti-US government sentiment from certain forum members.... who I will put on ignore because their posts are not of value.

We do not care if you ignore our posts or not; because obviously you are beyond help.

We post for open-minded persons and those who may be your targeted innocent victims.

Americans must learn to think for themselves, and not be led around by the nose by some self-acclaimed counter-terrorism expert with an alleged 40 year background in Islamic studies.

A person such as you claim to be, is exactly what the CIA would recruit to carry out their psyops campaigns and planned disinformation goals.


posted by JJay55

Actually I'm a counter-terrorism educator with a 40 year background in Islamic studies. I teach at a university level and have many years of experience working with seasoned professionals in this effort.



posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:07 PM
I believe a casual observer to this thread can ultimately be left with the impression that it eerily resembles other threads seen usually in the Religion forae.

There is a strong parallel to the "Creationism/Evolution" argument, and the virulent, sometimes violent nature of those "discussions".

One truly does have to wonder at "Why 911", indeed ...

Especially once "god" is brought up. Kinda sorta reveals the hole cards of certain participants in this game.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by SPreston
Americans must learn to think for themselves, and not be led around by the nose

Other self-styled true patriots like Timothy McVeigh have expressed the same sentiment. He took the extra step of demonstrating his convictions by striking out at his perceived enemies.


posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by JJay55
Pakistan was formed by aggressively taking the territory from India. Further, the ISI is known to protect terrorists. So here you have the top ranking military chief basically lying and protecting Islam. He is also hoping you will fall for the “small handful of extremists” line… which is also a myth.

Pakistan is the real 'wild card' in the pack. A barely holding power nominal government takes American foreign aid and pretends to work with the West.

The ISI increasingly has the upper hand. They play a good game of co-operating when it serves their short term goals.

No one wants to openly discuss who controls the Pakistani arsenal of nukes and who might share them. Silence always arouses suspicion for me.

This is the one to keep an eye on.


posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Vinciguerra

Click here to learn more about this warning.

Fine, I thought this forum was different, actually concerned with employing something resembling equal standards. After all, you portray yourself as one. Turns out in fact you're just the same bunch of uninformed hypocrites who dominate the Icke forum and the rest. I won't be bothering here again.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 12:58 PM

posted by SPreston

Americans must learn to think for themselves, and not be led around by the nose by some self-acclaimed counter-terrorism expert with an alleged 40 year background in Islamic studies.

posted by mmiichael

Other self-styled true patriots like Timothy McVeigh have expressed the same sentiment. He took the extra step of demonstrating his convictions by striking out at his perceived enemies.

Then obviously you, being the exact opposite of Timothy McVeigh, would teach that Americans must NOT learn to think for themselves, and SHOULD be led around by the nose.

Is that about correct? Does that fit your agenda?

[edit on 8/14/09 by SPreston]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

posted by SPreston
Americans must learn to think for themselves, and not be led around by the nose

posted by mmiichael

Other self-styled true patriots like Timothy McVeigh have expressed the same sentiment. He took the extra step of demonstrating his convictions by striking out at his perceived enemies.

Then obviously you, being the exact opposite of Timothy McVeigh, would teach that Americans must NOT learn to think for themselves, and SHOULD be led around by the nose.

Is that about correct? Does that fit your agenda?

It's fun to twist someone's word to make it look like they're saying something else isn't it Sgt Preston?

Just so I am not misrepresented, I believe the US government and it's intelligence agencies are responsible for a vast amount of deception and self-serving foreign policies that have caused much suffering worldwide.

But I try to keep this in context with the things going on in the rest of the world. There are very nasty regimes and interests out there that make the US look like pussy cats in comparison. Much of what the US does is try to prevent or minimize a lot of the horrors that we might otherwise be seeing in the world if things were left unchecked and every lunatic leadership were left to their own devices.

Like any government, first and foremost the US is charged with protecting the interests of it's citizens. We all can disagree on policies and decisions it makes. Many involve painful collaborations with those who do not have America’s best interests at heart. Such is the constantly shifting nature of diplomacy and foreign alliances.

If you personally feel you cannot abide with how the U S government does it's business there are other places to go. If you choose to remain an American citizen you can do your best to change things through the channels available or create new ones.

But to just criticize your own government in the process embracing deceitful fantasy notions of willful self destruction and unrelenting malicious intent only aid and abets those who want to destroy the US and what it stands for.

In other parts of the world this would be considered treason. The US is a tolerant open-minded society where criticism of government and institutions are considered an alienable right.

I draw a line when I see twisted truth and outright lies presented as undisputed fact to the less informed. I see this around here all the time. I try to point it out sometimes very aggressively. I don’t want to see America torn apart from within. It has it’s problems, but alternative places and ways of life are far worse. We should all be fighting to improve things, not just tear them down.

End of speech.


posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:09 PM
why 911 2001 ?

twin towers look like an =11
first plane to hit towers = 11
towers were '11'0 stories high.
pentagon built on 9/11/1940 61(7) years before at the 77degree latitude.which plane 77 hit the pentagon.bush aircraft carrier is 77.
london bombings happened on 7/7
satanic bible has 9 commandments 11 laws and pentagonal revionism
there are many many more google eric rainbolt for illuminati numerology lessons

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 06:45 PM
hey new here

thought i would contribute, because its the number they would need to call!!!

and im also thinking watch and see what happens on the 09.09.09 in the uk.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Originally posted by SPreston

posted by SPreston
Americans must learn to think for themselves, and not be led around by the nose

posted by mmiichael

Other self-styled true patriots like Timothy McVeigh have expressed the same sentiment. He took the extra step of demonstrating his convictions by striking out at his perceived enemies.

Then obviously you, being the exact opposite of Timothy McVeigh, would teach that Americans must NOT learn to think for themselves, and SHOULD be led around by the nose.

Is that about correct? Does that fit your agenda?

It's fun to twist someone's word to make it look like they're saying something else isn't it Sgt Preston?

Just so I am not misrepresented, I believe the US government and it's intelligence agencies are responsible for a vast amount of deception and self-serving foreign policies that have caused much suffering worldwide.

But I try to keep this in context with the things going on in the rest of the world. There are very nasty regimes and interests out there that make the US look like pussy cats in comparison. Much of what the US does is try to prevent or minimize a lot of the horrors that we might otherwise be seeing in the world if things were left unchecked and every lunatic leadership were left to their own devices.

Like any government, first and foremost the US is charged with protecting the interests of it's citizens. We all can disagree on policies and decisions it makes. Many involve painful collaborations with those who do not have America’s best interests at heart. Such is the constantly shifting nature of diplomacy and foreign alliances.

If you personally feel you cannot abide with how the U S government does it's business there are other places to go. If you choose to remain an American citizen you can do your best to change things through the channels available or create new ones.

But to just criticize your own government in the process embracing deceitful fantasy notions of willful self destruction and unrelenting malicious intent only aid and abets those who want to destroy the US and what it stands for.

In other parts of the world this would be considered treason. The US is a tolerant open-minded society where criticism of government and institutions are considered an alienable right.

I draw a line when I see twisted truth and outright lies presented as undisputed fact to the less informed. I see this around here all the time. I try to point it out sometimes very aggressively. I don’t want to see America torn apart from within. It has it’s problems, but alternative places and ways of life are far worse. We should all be fighting to improve things, not just tear them down.

End of speech.


And a totally rotten self serving load of baby diapers it is.
You contradict the very fabric of you ramble of disinformation ,
Disrespect for others and their thoughts and ideas are IMO your devious tactics.
If you or anyone accepts the mystic crystal revelation moon phraseology mass deception of JJ's bias against Islam , Then simply said you are a bigot.
Your statement about not being misrepresented are the only words from your posts I can agree with.
But that will buy you little compared to the brick wall, name calling, uptown, race card babel you usually spew.
JJ is here with an agenda of fear
IMO and continues to use the most tragic unexplained event in the recent history of the United States of America to promote and attack a certain group of people
.And all this after teaching the LINGO she says for forty years and obviously accomplishing NADA.
Nice thing about America is you can get a ticket on her train right here at ATS for free.
And if you want to improve America HELP it find the real perps of 911 or at least bolster the movement to have it REINVESTIGATED. That would be a step in the direction American needs Mikey.

[edit on 14-8-2009 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker

I believe a casual observer to this thread can ultimately be left with the impression that it eerily resembles other threads seen usually in the Religion forae.

There is a strong parallel to the "Creationism/Evolution" argument, and the virulent, sometimes violent nature of those "discussions".

One truly does have to wonder at "Why 911", indeed ...

Especially once "god" is brought up. Kinda sorta reveals the hole cards of certain participants in this game.

Exactly where and when was God BROUGHT up?
Do you have a fear of this as JJ does of Islam?
CRICKY, Is Muhammad your a hole card wacky?
Do you have anything on topic to say?

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 09:34 PM
9 is the sum total in numerology. 11 is the master number.

The priests that run the world chose that number and I am not talknig about Catholic priests. 2001 = 3 the trinity. The number 3 in the Craft is very important.

All the numbers add up to five. The four elementals plus spirit.

It is a very important number, you have five appendages from the trunk of your body. Five fingers, five toes. It is the reason for the pentagon being the pentagon.

Flight11 was the first to hit the symbolic 11 of the WTC. Flight175 adds up to 3 in numerology. Flight 77 adds up to five and flight 93 is the final....the master number 11 again.

This has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with the dark arts.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million

You contradict the very fabric of you ramble of disinformation ,
Disrespect for others and their thoughts and ideas are IMO your devious tactics.
If you or anyone accepts the mystic crystal revelation moon phraseology mass deception of JJ's bias against Islam , Then simply said you are a bigot.
Your statement about not being misrepresented are the only words from your posts I can agree with.
But that will buy you little compared to the brick wall, name calling, uptown, race card babel you usually spew.
JJ is here with an agenda of fear
IMO and continues to use the most tragic unexplained event in the recent history of the United States of America to promote and attack a certain group of people

It's against the rules here to tell someone they're thick as a brick.

You launch into an hysterical tirade on how you think you see an attack on Muslims.

Well you’re wrong pal. And I’m sick to death of having to make apologetic noises whenever the notion of a Muslim being at fault for anything, anytime, anywhere, is raised. It's not about whose good and bad, it's about a declaration of war.

We are talking about world events on a level more complex than storybook tales of Good Christians hating Bad Muslims with Evil Jews calling the plays.

Part of our inherent tribalism, countries and cultures come into conflict. Wars with religious differences as their stated basis are a terrible part of history. In the 21st Century, we just saw a prolonged confrontation between Catholics and Protestants end in Ireland. The 20th Century saw a struggle between Communism and Capitalism that resulted in millions dying for a perceived socio-economic calue system. Japan and Germany fought together in war with the goal of conquering Europe and America. They are now among the staunchest supporters of their former Western enemies.

There has been a build up to a confrontation between the Islamic Middle East and the progressive West for a very long time. Attributing historical blame will not change things. Likely most of followers of the Muslim faith do not want this confrontation. The poorest and the weakest are always the first to die in someone else’s dispute.

You don’t recognize the gauntlet being thrown at the largely Christianized West by the Powers That Be in the Muslim Middle East. They have stated it in so many words and made their intentions eminently clear by their increasingly hostile actions. Decades of unprovoked terrorist activity involving civilian populations culminating in a horrendous mass murder at the heart of American capitalism is an unambiguous statement.

They knew what the response was going to be when they planned attacks on the WTC, the Pentagon, the White House.

If you want to interpret responding in kind when you're kicked in the groin by people telling you they want war - a form of prejudice, racism, bigotry – that’s up to you.

It's facing down someone who declares themselves your enemy.


[edit on 14-8-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 07:41 AM
Well said Mike. I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to see actual events clearly. Maybe because many do it from an armchair. I prefer field information, which is live and real and exactly how you seem to see it too. Sure interjecting fears and spin to make it fit into a mindset is a common defense mechanism, but the fine line between fantasy and reality distort real vision and cause more danger. That's why the US is vamping up against homegrown hate-groups and weirdos, lots of scared people out there that don't know how to disenminate real information.

As for those who think Kalid Shiek Mohammed goes by some American numerology and not his instilled beliefs, please do some research. When he chopped off the head of Daniel Pearl he wasn't wearing a black death robe and thinking what numbers add up to 47. Kalid Shiek Mohammed is a muslim who is going by Islamic law in fighting non-muslims. Very simple concept that he himself will tell you. Read his transcripts.
Kalid Shielk Mohammed took credit for being the mastermind of 911 but he was not alone. He works with many other muslims who have the same mission and goal and there is no mystery. They will tell you that they want to kill us. Ask anyone who has been face to face with these guys who are out of the closet about jihad.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Donny 4 million

No, my agenda isn't fear. Those are your words. Not mine.
Your behavior is called projection.

The truth is: 911 is a coptic Christian holiday. Period. That simple.
The goal of Islam is world domination. The Islamic leadership is trying to tell you but there are those who don't want to understand this simple fact. Then they have to demonstrate with events on 911 like taking down the WTC. "Awakening" "Opening eyes"... very clear pattern for the dhimmis who are considered pigs and dogs... and unintelligent. Yes, it is unintelligent not to understand this language and message from Islam.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
9 is the sum total in numerology. 11 is the master number.

The priests that run the world chose that number and I am not talknig about Catholic priests. 2001 = 3 the trinity. The number 3 in the Craft is very important.

All the numbers add up to five. The four elementals plus spirit.

It is a very important number, you have five appendages from the trunk of your body. Five fingers, five toes. It is the reason for the pentagon being the pentagon.

Flight11 was the first to hit the symbolic 11 of the WTC. Flight175 adds up to 3 in numerology. Flight 77 adds up to five and flight 93 is the final....the master number 11 again.

This has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with the dark arts.

For the sake of the uninformed folks like me . Could you sorta explain how the "dark arts" fit into 911. I don't have a clue of the dark arts.
thanks donny

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Donny 4 million

Careful LoneGunMan, you might be set up for ridicule with your answer.
Numerology is interesting but goes much deeper than most people can calculate.
But yes, the mystic part of Islam plays a big part in their behavior. However, the language of the terrorist is what needs to be used to calculate their moves. Not US english.

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