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Why 911

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posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by SPreston


Our OEM office has whole stack of these!

I also have a copy of the FEMA training manual - it was our course text
for anti-terrorism class I took in March 2001. Our instructor pointed
out that since WTC had been attacked before it was logical to assume
would try again

Now you and the rest of the insane clown posse would claim that that he
must have been in on it How else would someone know that WTC
would be attacked again!

If want can get you one - be the hit of your tin foil group! Can wave it
around while denouncing the NWO !

Maybe that is the answer his boss gave him...and his boss gave him.....and so on...

you ever think of that or were you stuck on your own thoughts......???????hmmmm

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by SPreston
reply to post by thedman

Incidentally thedman, the thread is 'Why 911' and I was replying with the symbol 911 comprised of the towers and the national emergency code of 911.

FEMA is supposedly an emergency agency.

posted by thedman
Date for attack was chosen in Mid August. Originally Bin laden had wanted
to attack in Spring - April or May. Atta kept putting Bin laden off until
thought every thing was ready. The longer the wait greater chances of
discovery - when Moussaui was arrested in August.

Where do you get this made-up nonsense, when officially according to the FBI and US intelligence agencies, there was no paper trail whatsoever between the alleged 19 hijackers and Usama bin Laden and Atta and Zacherias Moussouai and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed? None. Zero. Zilch.

How do you come on here on ATS and just make up lies?

Why do the ATS mods allow you to blatantly lie without repercussion?

It could be because not 100% of mods are here to help us.......I'd say maybe 99% are but there is that possibility that a while back somebody infiltrated here and has been assigned to act for us for the most part until " the time" comes to do otherwise...

Just a guess though I could be way off.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by SPreston
Why would Islamic tradition or the Koran have anything to do with 9-11 when traitors within the US Government and US Military and Israelis and Zionists carried out the 9-11 Inside Job?

You're classic Sgt Preston.

If Sacha Baron Cohen plays a Truther in his next movie, you could supply the dialogue.

In the meantime, Saudi Intelligence is looking for new agents. Bring a certified copy of your high school diploma to the interview. No need to wear a vest.


posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by JJay55

I know it is a little further north west but would you consider Tim McVey a terrorist?

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
I know it is a little further north west but would you consider Tim McVey a terrorist?

Mind if I jump in here?

There were two men on the scene attested to by multiple witnesses called John Doe #1 and #2, describe as "Middle Eastern looking" who were written out of the story despite initial reports.

This one really was a govt cover-up, from all appearances.

Jayna Davis, a former Oklahoma City television reporter, amassed a 2,000-page dossier showing that a Middle Eastern terrorist cell made up of former Iraqi soldiers helped McVeigh.

Won't say any more for now.


posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:00 AM
This 'Islamic terrorist cell model' that's been referred to here - could you cite any actual example of a terrorist attack that was carried out in this way?

(I'm talking to JJ/MM)

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:02 AM

It could be because not 100% of mods are here to help us.......I'd say maybe 99% are but there is that possibility that a while back somebody infiltrated here and has been assigned to act for us for the most part until " the time" comes to do otherwise...

Just a guess though I could be way off.

The mods here don't even apply their own widely advertised rules, so # them. Some of them believe things that are patently and demonstrably false.

The motto for this site should probably be changed to 'embrace prejudice'...

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by Seventh

The fact is, the US would have never been on sacred holy Islamic ground without the full blessing of the Saudis. We would not have been allowed to be there period. Instead, the Saudis farm out most of their dirty work to Americans and other people the import while they sit back on their oilrich fatasses.
Since they are an Islamic government it would be illegal for us to be there without their expressed permission, so no one "invaded" their countries.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:45 AM

The fact is, the US would have never been on sacred holy Islamic ground without the full blessing of the Saudis. We would not have been allowed to be there period. Instead, the Saudis farm out most of their dirty work to Americans and other people the import while they sit back on their oilrich fatasses.
Since they are an Islamic government it would be illegal for us to be there without their expressed permission, so no one "invaded" their countries.

Have you ever read John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hitman?

In it he outlines the deal the Saudis struck with the US after Nixon abandoned the gold standard and fixed currency exchange rates. It is hardly their 'full blessing', it's a condition of a deal made back in the early 1970s.

Also, could you give me an example of a terrorist attack carried out by the cell structure you've described?

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
reply to post by JJay55

I know it is a little further north west but would you consider Tim McVey a terrorist?

Supposedly John Doe was an imbedded FBI agent. We'll never know because... McVeigh was executed with great haste.
Thing about McVeigh, and the VT killer, and other supposed homegrown terrorists is that we dont' know how they were influenced. Of course the VT killer came from Chinese territory where Islam is predominant and he had 2 muslim suite neighbors. His MO was certainly like Islamic custom. There's lots more on that but our government is going to remain politically correct... because we really don't know much better. sad.

Another example is the IRA. When there was a peace agreement in Northern Ireland, the IRA agents were out of a job. Curiously, in Lebanon a few months later there was a change in sniper accuracy. The IRA snipers had moved south and gained employment where there was work. The way this was discovered was because no longer was there random shooting that sometimes missed. Now there was a distinct pattern of IRA sharp shooting that panned out to be new operatives and training of the locals.

So in other words, criminals will find each other and work together. Any LE officer will tell you this, it's common knowledge. And there is another instance when AQ had a recruiting operation to gain MS13 into their organization. There was a time when MS13 was helpful to human and weapon smuggling operations on the Mexican border, the timing was right before we decided to crack down and build a fence. Their further initiation was "kill a cop" day... which never panned out because of defensive measures. But the point is that AQ is recruiting to be the master leader of crime, so the answer is yes, McVeigh and many others will join.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by Vinciguerra

The fact is, the US would have never been on sacred holy Islamic ground without the full blessing of the Saudis. We would not have been allowed to be there period. Instead, the Saudis farm out most of their dirty work to Americans and other people the import while they sit back on their oilrich fatasses.
Since they are an Islamic government it would be illegal for us to be there without their expressed permission, so no one "invaded" their countries.

Have you ever read John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hitman?

In it he outlines the deal the Saudis struck with the US after Nixon abandoned the gold standard and fixed currency exchange rates. It is hardly their 'full blessing', it's a condition of a deal made back in the early 1970s.

Also, could you give me an example of a terrorist attack carried out by the cell structure you've described?

Yes, Jane Fonda did a movie about the Saudi gold standard problem. We tried to pull a Madoff on them and it backfired... then Nixon was impeached...hmmm.
Anyway, according to current law, we would not be in the ME without their permission so there was no "invasion" as some people believe. The US just doesn't go around the world and invade countries, that's a myth.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by Vinciguerra
This 'Islamic terrorist cell model' that's been referred to here - could you cite any actual example of a terrorist attack that was carried out in this way?

(I'm talking to JJ/MM)

Looking at Atta's behavior it would be identical.
Some contents of those cells didn't know each other until the day of 911, and that's the point. That factor gives them the ability to be anonomous until the day they carry out their mission. In the UK there are 30 cells that intelligence doesn't have a clue about. Probably more since that was reported a couple of years ago.

How about the doctors that drove into the airport in Glasgow? They had planned for a certain period and no one suspected. Same model.
Most terrorists have degrees in engineering, they aren't stupid thugs. Another myth that needs to be clarified to understand this enemy.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 04:58 AM

Yes, Jane Fonda did a movie about the Saudi gold standard problem. We tried to pull a Madoff on them and it backfired... then Nixon was impeached...hmmm.
Anyway, according to current law, we would not be in the ME without their permission so there was no "invasion" as some people believe. The US just doesn't go around the world and invade countries, that's a myth.

So the US didn't invade Afghanistan and Iraq in the last decade?

Supposedly John Doe was an imbedded FBI agent. We'll never know because... McVeigh was executed with great haste.

This is simply untrue. He wasn't executed until June 2001.

Can you give me an example of a terrorist attack using the cell structure you describe?

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by JJay55

Originally posted by Vinciguerra
This 'Islamic terrorist cell model' that's been referred to here - could you cite any actual example of a terrorist attack that was carried out in this way?

(I'm talking to JJ/MM)

Looking at Atta's behavior it would be identical.

Are you talking about the cokehead, stripper-shagging, US army trained likely intelligence asset Mohammed Atta?

If so, his behaviour isn't anything even close to what you've described in your cell structure model.

Some contents of those cells didn't know each other until the day of 911, and that's the point. That factor gives them the ability to be anonomous until the day they carry out their mission. In the UK there are 30 cells that intelligence doesn't have a clue about. Probably more since that was reported a couple of years ago.

MI5 have consistently reported the same figures (2000 individuals, 200 groups, 30 plots) for years, regardless of how many people are arrested, regardless of what MI5 have done to combat the 'terror threat'.

While reporting identical numbers throughout this period they have also claimed that the threat is constantly increasing.

So we cannot trust MI5's reporting of the terrorist threat, as it contains internal contradictions.

How about the doctors that drove into the airport in Glasgow? They had planned for a certain period and no one suspected. Same model.
Most terrorists have degrees in engineering, they aren't stupid thugs. Another myth that needs to be clarified to understand this enemy.

One guy drive a truck into a bollard at an airport after setting himself on fire. Hardly the vast cell structure involving mastermind facilitators from other towns that you've described.

So I repeat, can you give me an example of a terrorist attack which follows the model you've described?

'Most terrorist have degrees in engineering' - care to cite any evidence for this claim? Or are you, as above, just repeating what the news tells you without criticism, question or analysis?

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
I know it is a little further north west but would you consider Tim McVey a terrorist?

Mind if I jump in here?

There were two men on the scene attested to by multiple witnesses called John Doe #1 and #2, describe as "Middle Eastern looking" who were written out of the story despite initial reports.

This one really was a govt cover-up, from all appearances.

Jayna Davis, a former Oklahoma City television reporter, amassed a 2,000-page dossier showing that a Middle Eastern terrorist cell made up of former Iraqi soldiers helped McVeigh.

Won't say any more for now.


Looking at the way AQ recruits it's easy to see that they target those who are impressionable, have anger issues, have pluralistic beliefs, and can be manipulated. Johnny Walker Lindh is another example. Fatty boy Adam Ghadan is another. There are many out there and AQ will build their numbers substantially as they move to expand in 2010-2013.

Also note that the other factors of infiltration are already in place. The US government, our nuclear plants, our water resources, our universities, our infrastructure has people in place that can easily turn. So it's important to be vigilant in our jobs. Many employers have placed a "diversity" position who are to cover sensitivity issues... why do we need this? Hello? That movement only opens a door to infiltration. A workplace shouldn't involve personal issues that need a diversity counsel... except in Sharia law.

I'm all over the place in my posts... hope I'm sparking some common issues that are recognizable. Thanks for the good discussion.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by Vinciguerra

Atta never attended strippers. He stayed in an hotel off the main drag in LV and met with a financier in Las Vegas. Anything else is another myth. That's fact. I didn't read the rest of your post.

[edit on 12-8-2009 by JJay55]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by Vinciguerra

As for the Glasgow doctors... the behavior is important in this case. They were dedicated to Islam. Their motivation was Islam. Their goal was Islamic. Their materials of destruction were Islamic.
You can cherry pick all you want. Islamic terrorism isn't going away. Skeptic isn't going to protect you when it hits your backyard. It would be advisable to understand this threat, it's frequency and depth for personal protection. Because a government will be overwhelmed, like in Katrina, and won't be able to save your ass in the event of a massive attack... which is planned in the next 5 years.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by JJay55


911 is an emergency call and that is why they chose it.

It was also 911 when they did it.

They were giving the finger to the world.

This date was carefully chosen.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:13 AM

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by JJay55
reply to post by Vinciguerra

As for the Glasgow doctors... the behavior is important in this case. They were dedicated to Islam. Their motivation was Islam. Their goal was Islamic. Their materials of destruction were Islamic.

I'm pretty sure Jeeps and gas canisters aren't Islamic.

Looked up the date of McVeigh's execution yet?

You can cherry pick all you want. Islamic terrorism isn't going away. Skeptic isn't going to protect you when it hits your backyard. It would be advisable to understand this threat, it's frequency and depth for personal protection. Because a government will be overwhelmed, like in Katrina, and won't be able to save your ass in the event of a massive attack... which is planned in the next 5 years.

Scaremonger all you like, people have been making these predictions since the 1970s.

Total devastating Katrina like terrorist attacks carried out since the 1970s?

Precisely none.

# off with your lies.

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