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Why 911

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posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 11:50 AM
Thanks for the compliment JJ.

I don't take numerology too seriously. It seem you can pick any date and find a dozen tie-in to something significant.

As an overview source I often refer to a site online called History Common. Constantly updated, in an extended timeline they've put together the converging strands as new data becomes available. To forestall accusations of it being govt endorsed, this is an open source project by independent researchers and often provides embarrassing info on foreknowledge leading up to 9/11.

Maybe for later discussion, there were strong warnings from intelligence sources in Russia, Egypt, Germany, Pakistan, and elsewhere providing pieces of the puzzle months before. The target date was thought to be Spring 2001. The no show may have given the US a false impression the plan was aborted.

I get the impression they underestimated the scale of the attack, thinking it was going to be small planes, like Cessnas, and that the targets would be secondary, possibly in Europe.

This snippet is interesting:

[edit note: link too long - go to above opening page then to page 8]

In 2001, bin Laden apparently pressures Khalid Shaikh Mohammed for an attack date earlier than 9/11. According to information obtained from the 9/11 Commission (apparently based on a prison interrogation of Mohammed), bin Laden first requests an attack date of May 12, 2001, the seven-month anniversary of the USS Cole bombing.

Then, when bin Laden learns from the media that Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon would be visiting the White House in June or July 2001, he attempts once more to accelerate the operation to coincide with his visit. [9/11 Commission, 6/16/2004]

The surge of warnings around this time could be related to these original preparations. By mid-July, US intelligence will learn of this delay


[edit on 15-8-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by JJay55
reply to post by Donny 4 million

No, my agenda isn't fear. Those are your words. Not mine.
Your behavior is called projection.

The truth is: 911 is a coptic Christian holiday. Period. That simple.
The goal of Islam is world domination. The Islamic leadership is trying to tell you but there are those who don't want to understand this simple fact. Then they have to demonstrate with events on 911 like taking down the WTC. "Awakening" "Opening eyes"... very clear pattern for the dhimmis who are considered pigs and dogs... and unintelligent. Yes, it is unintelligent not to understand this language and message from Islam.

Darn I guess you have kept me after school to write a hundred times.
The Islamic world is out to get us and they admit it.
I will add since I am free to do so as an American.
That they are not the enemy to fear.
You know where he or she is coming from.
Such as , Castro, Khrushchev, Hitler,Mao Zedong etc.
And we are closer today than ever.
To many in number for even your Mystic crystal mentality to encompass.
It is the under lying message that when decoded points to the arrogance and the intellectual propaganda
you support as the real enemy jj.
Some numbers 40yrs+911? = 0, in any culture.

[edit on 15-8-2009 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

"With the master what is new and significant develops vigorously amid the 'manure' of contradictions out of the contradictory phenomena. The underlying contradictions themselves testify to the richness of the living foundation from which the theory itself developed. It is different with the disciple. His raw material is no longer reality, but the new theoretical form in which the master has sublimated it. It is in part the theoretical disagreement of opponents of the new theory and in part the often paradoxical relationship of this theory to reality which drive him to seek to refute his opponents and explain away reality. In doing so, he entangles himself in contradictions and with his attempts to solve these he demonstrates the beginning disintegration of the theory which he dogmatically espouses." (Karl Marx)

Is this any where near what I think you are saying about Why 911?
It seems quite similar.
Karl figured that out without any numbers atol.
I see how you and jj are not in the same bed on that one. Metaphorically speaking.

[edit on 15-8-2009 by Donny 4 million]

[edit on 15-8-2009 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
reply to post by mmiichael

"With the master what is new and significant develops vigorously amid the 'manure' of contradictions out of the contradictory phenomena. ..." (Karl Marx)

Is this any where near what I think you are saying about Why 911?
It seems quite similar.
Karl figured that out without any numbers atol.
I see how you and jj are not in the same bed on that one. Metaphorically speaking.

For me 9/11 was a call for a confrontational world scale war on terms and locations beneficial to those who planned and executed it. But nearly a decade later all the players may want a reassessment of their stances.

Time passing and time in history are critical factors.

Karl Marx was a brilliant 19th Century economics philosopher. His evaluations were accurate for his time and the world he lived in.

We don't know how he'd see things in the 21st Century.

Radically different parameters, new financial structures, previously unforeseen economic interdependencies - and now communications, information technologies as primary resources in a world where anything and anyone can go anywhere a matter of hours. Previously unanticipated environmental issues, weapons that can annihilate all human life, unimagined population and health concerns, and so on.

We can look at history for guidelines and precedents. But we have to come up with new answers to never before asked questions.

What we've found out, traditional wars, imperial conquests, colonization aren't the guaranteed profit centres they once were. Peace, shared productivity, co-operation are cheaper and more beneficial in the long run for everyone.

As for my own assessment. I'm hoping what's going on right now between the two declared adversaries is a sort of staring contest. Waiting to see who blinks first.

Sheikh bin Laden and his associates genuinely believed they'd brought down the Soviet Union with their extended war in Afghanistan. Now with the word out that the US is financially collapsing, maybe they believe they were the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.

America responded by showing they were prepared to take on the Middle East on their turf. It's not exactly working out the way the players anticipated.

But maybe egos and anger will give way to self preservation. Maybe there will be some serious restrategizing.

I don't know. I'm always hopeful common sense prevails. History has shown this is most often not the case.

We'll see.


[edit on 15-8-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:18 AM
Fascinating thread this, thanks JJay for starting the discussion.

And I believe that those that insist on clinging onto the idea that 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by Mossad and the CIA do so because they find that version of reality (however bizarre and twisted) more comfortable to swallow than the alternative.

We in the West don't want war. We're tired of it. We just want everyone to get on and be friends.

But however much we wish for something, that doesn't make it the reality. War is already here, and things are going to get a lot worse. The best we can do is prepare for it, and be clear in our minds who are our friends and who are our enemies.

Ultimately the battle that's being waged is between the forces of liberalism, pluralism and freedom against totalitarian ideologies of hatred. I know which side I'm on.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 06:33 PM
My pleasure matt! My favorite subject.

Yes, it's easy to get lost in fantasy rather than face reality. I just read an article about female genital mutilation in Egypt and it was hard to face too... but someone needs to look at the truth and confront it when people aren't acting with utmost proper human behavior. A little 11 year old girl was near death because her labia was sewn shut, a common practice in Islamic countries, though they deny it. The truth about Islam isn't pretty.

If we are prepared for the threat from Islam and know their plans and operation style then we will be more protected. Thanks for the opportunity and the great discussion.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
The CIA/government chose that date because

1. GW was in Florida, thus he was to far from control and risk
2. People were going to get suspicious in the WTC at the constant power outages etc occurring
3. Perhaps the chemicals used to bring down the WTC could erode or chemically react causing a misfire or prematurely explode.
4. Maybe the FBI was getting to close to the patsy’s or pawns in Florida?
5. Maybe the car in the parking lot would cause suspicion if no one claimed it?
6. Maybe John O’Neil found something?

It was choosed for occult reasons, nothing to do with that whack at all.

It's what you don't know was the reason they did it, for you to know the end of it "there way"

What do I mean by that
Figure it out. When you do, do something about it and change.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by Mind1universe
It was choosed for occult reasons, nothing to do with that whack at all.

It's what you don't know was the reason they did it, for you to know the end of it "there way"

What do I mean by that
Figure it out. When you do, do something about it and change.

I understand what you are saying.
Their way is exactly right. Occult in their language is not the word "occult".

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:51 AM

posted by Mind1universe
It was choosed for occult reasons, nothing to do with that whack at all.

It's what you don't know was the reason they did it, for you to know the end of it "there way"

What do I mean by that
Figure it out. When you do, do something about it and change.

posted by JJay55

I understand what you are saying.

Their way is exactly right. Occult in their language is not the word "occult".

You understand what he is saying? Really? Mind1universe believes in a stargate opening in 2012 bringing heaven on earth and is a David Icke follower.

Is that what you believe also? Why were you not upfront with us instead of trying to smother us with all this Islam taking over the world by 2020 nonsense? Why are you fostering rascist attacks against a large group of fellow residents of Planet Earth? Hasn't Islam already been attacked far too much by the greedy nations and corporate billionaires lusting after their oil and opium?

A little honesty is all we ask for. And why don't you take your occult to the religion forum? This is the 9/11 Conspiracies Forum.

So you do understand?

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by SPreston
Is that what you believe also? Why were you not upfront with us instead of trying to smother us with all this Islam taking over the world by 2020 nonsense? Why are you fostering rascist attacks against a large group of fellow residents of Planet Earth? Hasn't Islam already been attacked far too much by the greedy nations and corporate billionaires lusting after their oil and opium?

Many large scale war campaigns have been couched in mystical language and concepts. The Third Reich is a prime example. Even the US saw it's gradual takeover of North American land from Atlantic to Pacific as "Manifest Destiny."

With the Muslim war against the West we don't have to speculate or project their objectives. They have stated them repeatedely in veryclear terms and refer back to the Koran as their source. The creation of the worldwide Caliphate is considered a very real and attainable goal for many millions.

This is not an attempt to demonize all people of the Muslim faith, the vast majority of whom have no say in the policies of their leaders.

And though they may express their projects in occultist terms, they execute them with very methodical real world methods and weaponry.

When people declare open hostility and demonstrate it in an increasingly deadly fashon, can you ignore what is happening out of fear of showing prejudice against their entire group?


[edit on 22-8-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 12:51 PM
Some questions Jjay, if you don't mind. I've been following what you have been posting and it is pretty close to what I've been told by other knowledgeable people.

Unfortunately the massive PR campaign convince the West the Muslim world is only responding to historical transgressions of imperialism, colonialism, invasion, has worked. The enforced focus is on Israel as the model of their oppression.

I do not understand clearly how the Middle East's gender imbalance issue you refer to will manifest itself.

I am also unclear where the polarization in the region between Saudi Sunni/Wahhabist interests and the emerging Shiite competition spearheaded by Iran is moving.

I have great problems with the Shhiite methodolgy and goals, but see them roughly analogous to what the Communists represented in the 20th Century with their adversity to Western democratic Capitalism. The Shiites are confronting the Saudi despotic monopoly of Islam and increasing their sphere of influence.

How will this play out in the long term?


posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by SPreston

You should take your ignorance somewhere else.

I'm not a David Icke follower.

I follow myself. I would make this point clear. Do not mis judge or insult me like that again.

For it speaks volumes of how how foolish you are.
You sound like someone who has no idea about any concept of anything. 9/11 was an occult event. 9/11 is a very symbolic date. It is also the day the solar maximum begins. The 9 and the 11, means 9th and 11th dimensions. To make it really obvious, 9/11 1991 was the symbolic date of when the NWO ideology began. George Bush senior announced it exactly 10 years to the date. It would be foolish to consider it just coincidence. The two towers collapsing also symbolises duality collapsing on earth. Which is happening right now.

Whether your aware of it or not. The occult runs this planet. The pyramid system and the Illuminati control this reality and so far your well programmed. Yes it's controlled by minds you would wish you had.

Do yourself a favour, start learning before you sprout your little knowings.

I thought 9/11 woken you up at this stage, hey it obviously hasn't. As we can clearly see now. ding dong.

[edit on 23-8-2009 by Mind1universe]

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

Is that what you believe also? Why were you not upfront with us instead of trying to smother us with all this Islam taking over the world by 2020 nonsense? Why are you fostering rascist attacks against a large group of fellow residents of Planet Earth? Hasn't Islam already been attacked far too much by the greedy nations and corporate billionaires lusting after their oil and opium? n't you take your occult to the religion forum? This is the 9/11 Conspiracies Forum.


If your going to play this, you better find new tools

You can sling shot all you like. I will just sit back and watch you smiling

Islam is not responsible. Nor are the terrorists. The blame always stems to te core, the core is you. The core is what you do and what you project to the world. The attacks was created by the top people of the pyramid.

The terrorist plot

Is another bull# distraction to what is the real problem and what really happened. But of course, you probably watch all that #e on T.V. So you have no hope. Or maybe your a dis info paid to say the #e you have done so already.

Your hilarious, I really didn't think people still talk like you in 2009

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:17 PM
And they even run this site.........................................

Just goes to show you little minded you really are.

God help you.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael
Some questions Jjay, if you don't mind. I've been following what you have been posting and it is pretty close to what I've been told by other knowledgeable people.

Unfortunately the massive PR campaign convince the West the Muslim world is only responding to historical transgressions of imperialism, colonialism, invasion, has worked. The enforced focus is on Israel as the model of their oppression.

I do not understand clearly how the Middle East's gender imbalance issue you refer to will manifest itself.

I am also unclear where the polarization in the region between Saudi Sunni/Wahhabist interests and the emerging Shiite competition spearheaded by Iran is moving.

I have great problems with the Shhiite methodolgy and goals, but see them roughly analogous to what the Communists represented in the 20th Century with their adversity to Western democratic Capitalism. The Shiites are confronting the Saudi despotic monopoly of Islam and increasing their sphere of influence.

How will this play out in the long term?


Gender imbalance= If women move out of the war zone then they will breed elsewhere. If there are no native women then men will start breeding with outside populations. Already there is a baby boom to breed more muslim babies to fight in 13 years when they are ripened. Population increases in foreign lands... or something like that.

Shia overflow will begin in Iran and spill into Syria, ending with the burning of oil fields before a major escalation... in the next couple of years. Importantly, Shia and Sunni are brothers when it comes down to teaming against non-Muslims and the West. Sunni Saudi has the money. The ironic part that if our strategy was to use Saddam against the Saudis we would have had a strong ally. Unfortunately... well... the old timer generals have slowly been replaced in the Pentagon.

Long term? Until WMD are used we have to play battlefield. So Afghanistan will take more American lives as we increase troops there. This plays into the 7 phase plan perfectly as the West keeps weakening.
There was a plan to hit a dozen cities in the US... I don't think that was cancelled. Look for that attempt in 2010-2011. Ramadan and Quds day are coming up. I dunno, it's quiet out there for now, that usually means there is alot going on behind the scenes. I haven't been able to find out anything for about 6 months now.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:27 PM
oh for # sake

its nothing to do with religion AT ALL. There is no one out to get the American people. The attacks were never created by muslims. Good god so many Amerians are still so fupping gullable. It was NEVER about religion. The battle was always about power and taking power from you. This world is run by a pyramid system that is controled by 4-D beings. They create this division complex. They created politics, religion and all of this chaos. It was never the handy man or the muslim fanatic. People still need to get a grip with reality especially America. For christ sake it makes me sick to read such crap.

stop reading horseh.ite.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Mind1universe

What if it is about religion?
Don't cast something aside that you don't understand for an easy answer that fits into most defense mechanisms. Epistemology and hermeneutics will point you in the right direction, but it's hard work. Much easier to write something off than to look it directly in the face.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by JJay55
Gender imbalance= If women move out of the war zone then they will breed elsewhere. If there are no native women then men will start breeding with outside populations. Already there is a baby boom to breed more muslim babies to fight in 13 years when they are ripened. Population increases in foreign lands... or something like that.

Shia overflow will begin in Iran and spill into Syria, ending with the burning of oil fields before a major escalation... in the next couple of years. Importantly, Shia and Sunni are brothers when it comes down to teaming against non-Muslims and the West. Sunni Saudi has the money. The ironic part that if our strategy was to use Saddam against the Saudis we would have had a strong ally. Unfortunately... well... the old timer generals have slowly been replaced in the Pentagon.

Long term? Until WMD are used we have to play battlefield. So Afghanistan will take more American lives as we increase troops there. This plays into the 7 phase plan perfectly as the West keeps weakening.
There was a plan to hit a dozen cities in the US... I don't think that was cancelled. Look for that attempt in 2010-2011. Ramadan and Quds day are coming up. I dunno, it's quiet out there for now, that usually means there is alot going on behind the scenes. I haven't been able to find out anything for about 6 months now.

Thanks again for the insightful reply, Jjay.

From what I’ve been picking up, the average Muslim man is being indoctrinated that it his sacred duty to produce babies who will grow up to fight in the Holy War. An odd conversation a woman who worked for me had with an ardent believer of this. She’s very white European... He told her it was very wrong for Western women to have families – virtually a crime. They are aware of the rapidly imbalanced demographics where birthrates have dropped dramatically in the West

I agree the Sunni Shiite territorial conflict is sublimated in the war on the West. Iran has been hoping to rally a following among the poor in places like Egypt, being seen as the noble champions opposing Western domination, particularly the US. It is an agreed goal for all is at the top of the elimination agenda.

I agree as terrible as Saddam was, he was the perfect foil for Iran, maintaining an unsteady equilibrium in the region. Even when imprisoned he kept saying they’d want him back. As idealistic as the notion may be of people being given leaders to choose, the people want strong paternalism. Someone who takes control with force. The notion of leadership chosen by putting an “X” on a piece of paper seems weak – almost effeminate...

As for the full scale war – I don’t know for sure. I do see that the Muslims are winning. But they have their religious histrionic emotionalism which can interferes with making cold rational decisions that will benefit the populace. America with Europe, still have the advantage of weaponry that can cause mass destruction in the Middle

The West has watched as the Muslim Middle East squander it’s oil largesse instead of building up working economies and advancing education, commerce, industry. As wealthy as the Saudis may be, they have prepared an exit strategy, mainly to Britain. Their loyalty is only to their family. If the people of Saudi Arabia end up being sacrificial pawns, it troubles them little.

Is the long term strategy of the West to wait till the Middle East has pushed too far, and then strike hard with impunity? We’ll find out.


posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by JJay55
reply to post by Mind1universe

What if it is about religion?
Don't cast something aside that you don't understand for an easy answer that fits into most defense mechanisms. Epistemology and hermeneutics will point you in the right direction, but it's hard work. Much easier to write something off than to look it directly in the face.

Because its not,

Religion was created for this divide.

Religion is deception.

Think of the shepard and the sheep. The sheep don't plan events like this. The shepard plots the plan. Religion was purposely created to brainwash people. Do you have any idea of this.

September 11 had nothing do with religion. It was just another excuse and scapegoat. Like it's the Jews, its the Muslims, its the terrorists, its them over there, its the east, It's the Russians.

But people never look at the big picture and understand how power works. They never realise the root cause to any conflict or problem. They are never aware of how the ball game begins and how it ends. They never realise the finger pointing business and they never to this day ever think it was the finger pointer all along.

Wake the # up will you.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Originally posted by JJay55
Gender imbalance= If women move out of the war zone then they will breed elsewhere. If there are no native women then men will start breeding with outside populations. Already there is a baby boom to breed more muslim babies to fight in 13 years when they are ripened. Population increases in foreign lands... or something like that.

Shia overflow will begin in Iran and spill into Syria, ending with the burning of oil fields before a major escalation... in the next couple of years. Importantly, Shia and Sunni are brothers when it comes down to teaming against non-Muslims and the West. Sunni Saudi has the money. The ironic part that if our strategy was to use Saddam against the Saudis we would have had a strong ally. Unfortunately... well... the old timer generals have slowly been replaced in the Pentagon.

Long term? Until WMD are used we have to play battlefield. So Afghanistan will take more American lives as we increase troops there. This plays into the 7 phase plan perfectly as the West keeps weakening.
There was a plan to hit a dozen cities in the US... I don't think that was cancelled. Look for that attempt in 2010-2011. Ramadan and Quds day are coming up. I dunno, it's quiet out there for now, that usually means there is alot going on behind the scenes. I haven't been able to find out anything for about 6 months now.

Thanks again for the insightful reply, Jjay.

From what I’ve been picking up, the average Muslim man is being indoctrinated that it his sacred duty to produce babies who will grow up to fight in the Holy War. An odd conversation a woman who worked for me had with an ardent believer of this. She’s very white European... He told her it was very wrong for Western women to have families – virtually a crime. They are aware of the rapidly imbalanced demographics where birthrates have dropped dramatically in the West

I agree the Sunni Shiite territorial conflict is sublimated in the war on the West. Iran has been hoping to rally a following among the poor in places like Egypt, being seen as the noble champions opposing Western domination, particularly the US. It is an agreed goal for all is at the top of the elimination agenda.

I agree as terrible as Saddam was, he was the perfect foil for Iran, maintaining an unsteady equilibrium in the region. Even when imprisoned he kept saying they’d want him back. As idealistic as the notion may be of people being given leaders to choose, the people want strong paternalism. Someone who takes control with force. The notion of leadership chosen by putting an “X” on a piece of paper seems weak – almost effeminate...

As for the full scale war – I don’t know for sure. I do see that the Muslims are winning. But they have their religious histrionic emotionalism which can interferes with making cold rational decisions that will benefit the populace. America with Europe, still have the advantage of weaponry that can cause mass destruction in the Middle

The West has watched as the Muslim Middle East squander it’s oil largesse instead of building up working economies and advancing education, commerce, industry. As wealthy as the Saudis may be, they have prepared an exit strategy, mainly to Britain. Their loyalty is only to their family. If the people of Saudi Arabia end up being sacrificial pawns, it troubles them little.

Is the long term strategy of the West to wait till the Middle East has pushed too far, and then strike hard with impunity? We’ll find out.


Did you get this off the history channel and CNN.

Good christ would ya ever snap back into reality and refrain from talking so much goddam nonsense.


The west will push the east and the east push the west

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