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Why 911

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posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 06:09 PM

posted by Dorian Soran

Just remember terrorist attacks don't have to kill thousands and do millions of dollars worth of damage.

Terrorist attacks are by their very definition designed to cause "terror" and that can be done a little at a time.

Bin Laden and his crew ( a large crew at that ) MUST be stopped!

Maybe we need to bring back this instrument of terror to help get out the message.


posted by JJay55

bin Laden is dead. But the nature lives on indeed.
Islamic terrorism will exist until the whole planet is converted to Islam. Very simple. We must change our way of thinking and learn about this enemy as it gets closer because the threat is out there and untimately we are responsible for our own personal security! We cannot be dependent on the government to save or rescue us.

Oh, never mind.


posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 08:13 PM
wow, some empty posts.
Anyone else have good theories on 911 and can tell me the date of the next attack?
Wanna know key dates?

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 08:49 PM

posted by JJay55
wow, some empty posts.
Anyone else have good theories on 911 and can tell me the date of the next attack?
Wanna know key dates?

Ask the Obama Regime. Maybe they will give you a tip.

Maybe there is another shipment of anthrax scheduled from Ft Detrick Maryland.

You are wasting your time here on ATS. The duhbunkers and pseudoskeptics are already frightened half to death; so there is no need to scare them even more.

The rest of us see right through your silly scare tactics, and your valuable time is wasted here.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by SPreston

posted by JJay55
wow, some empty posts.
Anyone else have good theories on 911 and can tell me the date of the next attack?
Wanna know key dates?

Ask the Obama Regime. Maybe they will give you a tip.

Maybe there is another shipment of anthrax scheduled from Ft Detrick Maryland.

You are wasting your time here on ATS. The duhbunkers and pseudoskeptics are already frightened half to death; so there is no need to scare them even more.

The rest of us see right through your silly scare tactics, and your valuable time is wasted here.

Dude. What planet are you on?
There is no fearmongering, that's something made up by barkers like you.
Those that have been out in the world and personally know what's going on have way more intelligence than provaucateurs on a forum that pick fights.
Have a nice day.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 07:26 AM
Key dates will be Quds Day and the symbols in Islam of Mohammud's greatest victories. Again, looking at it from a non-Western standpoint is the only way to understand this enemy.

911- the day to kill Coptic Christians. Swine flu - an excuse to kill Coptic Christians, swine a big symbol of non-muslims. Next date - a symbol of Islam (not the West)

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by JJay55

posted by JJay55
Instead consider the mindset of Islam is to kill Christians and Jews. Islam believes there is only one path. Tradition runs deep and is not Western in Islam. The goal of Islam is to have one unified muslim planet.

Just another CIA disinformation specialist registered on 8-2-2009 brought in for emergency damage control trying to scam us that Islam was behind 9-11 and Islam plans to take over the planet by the year 2020. Specious gibberish.

But when a person actually does some real research into the matter, he finds that it is not Islam, but greedy corporate billionaires, many of them wealthy Zionists who are planning to take over the planet and enslave the masses.

It is the Corporate Elite of the New World Order Crowd, who with their Zionist NeoCONs firmly in control of the most powerful military on earth, who planned and carried out 9-11. Then they without one single good reason targeted Iraq and Saddam who had nothing to do with 9-11. Did you notice the US Military zooming past the dozens of Iraqi ammo dumps filled with high grade military explosives and exotic weaponry? Did you think that was not planned? They were deliberately left unguarded so the Iraqi defenders could build thousands of high grade IED explosive devices with which to kill and maim lots and lots of US troops, who are just expendable cannon fodder to the NWO Elite. It is those same NWO Corporate Elite with their new Socialist Puppet firmly in the White House, who are planning the next stage of their long planned World Conquest.

Not Islam. Of course some of Islam is in bed with the Zionist NWO Elite such as the decadent Saudis and Kuwaitis. But Al Qaeda is nothing to be feared. They are just a bunch of hired riffraff, thugs working for the NWO Elite, run by the CIA and MI5 and the MOSSAD and other such tools of totalitarianism.

JJay55 started this thread on 8-2-09, the same day he registered, and then posted this disinfo nonsense the next day. When will Americans wake up and see through this silly rhetoric?

posted by JJay55
It's important that the American public become educated about this threat because the MSM and US government is avoiding public panic and only warning people to prep for emergency. Once this plan launches into the next phase it will become more dangerous.

This is just like the scare tactic Homeland Security color alerts which the Bush Regime used for a while to instill a certain level of terror in the American sheeple. What, Dubya stuck both feet in his mouth again? Run the color alerts and the sheeple will be too frightened to remember Dubya's lies. Tricky Dick screwed up again; run the color alerts. CondiLiar got caught lying again; the color alerts will fix it won't they?

posted by JJay55
Further, the increase in unexplained tanker truck explosions on our nations roads have increased and our intelligence agencies aren't putting these dots together or just not panicking the public.

The lady on the cell phone who ran her car into the gasoline tanker was just a lousy driver. She wasn't even Islam.

posted by JJay55
Red alert, we are attacked with WMD.
Orange alert, we have defined intelligence.
Yellow alert, we know they are out there.
We are not managing to fend off attacks at this point, we are just waiting to put out fires. Reactive.

More Homeland Security nonsense? Rest my case.

Reality is what we need to deal with; not the insane ravings of paid propagandists and fear mongers.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 04:50 AM
Oh yeah, I'm an evil agent of PNAC/CIA/DHS/NSA... here to spread my evil government propaganda and incert chips into your brains so you will become a zombie. Yeah.

Actually I'm a counter-terrorism educator with a 40 year background in Islamic studies. I teach at a university level and have many years of experience working with seasoned professionals in this effort.

Anyone can be a forum troller, few can get a higher education.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:15 AM

posted by JJay55
Oh yeah, I'm an evil agent of PNAC/CIA/DHS/NSA... here to spread my evil government propaganda and incert chips into your brains so you will become a zombie. Yeah.

Actually I'm a counter-terrorism educator with a 40 year background in Islamic studies. I teach at a university level and have many years of experience working with seasoned professionals in this effort.

No you are a disinformation specialist called to an internet forum as damage control.

If you were a counter-terrorism educator with a 40 year background in Islamic studies and teaching at the university level, you wouldn't be wasting your valuable time on a forum with a small cross-section of people gullible enough to suck up your tripe. You wouldn't be an anonymous internet shill. Real professors of counter-terrorism and Arabic studies have already informed us that the later Usama bin Laden videos and audios are fakes. They have already explained how and why the War on Terror is a Hoax.

You would be writing books and giving interviews. Many Americans realize that the War on Terror is a fake, and just a cover for an illegal War of Naked Aggression on sovereign nations and the stealing of valuable assets by greedy billionaire corporations. Most people can see Halliburton ripping off the taxpayers. Many can see how the Blackwater Terrorist Gang is murdering innocent men, women, and children. Some even suspect Blackwater is sniping US troops and blaming it on your precious Al Qaeda. Some of the snipers are really good; much too good for Al Qaeda mountain and desert fighters. Russians? Maybe. Blackwater highly trained renegades? Much more likely. Well that would increase profits and increase the action and give substance to your nonsense wouldn't it? Many people can see that your Homeland Security color alerts were a joke and the hunt for Osama a sham. Your shylock shill games are not fooling everyone.


[edit on 8/6/09 by SPreston]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by SPreston

Why doesn`t this surprise anyone with an IQ above 0......


The invisible enemy, 292 men who died out of the last thousand, died in combat, as insurgents use more sophisticated devices and tactics, guys who fly planes into buildings and wear semtex waistcoats, one helluva leap in warfare tactics here don`t you think.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Seventh
The invisible enemy, 292 men who died out of the last thousand, died in combat, as insurgents use more sophisticated devices and tactics, guys who fly planes into buildings and wear semtex waistcoats, one helluva leap in warfare tactics here don`t you think.

Tactics depend on where the fight is and what defense we are using. Different AQ cells have different weaponry options. Urban warfare (even jungle warfare) is not the same as battlefield combat.
Have you seen the AQ playbooks? Everything from botulism to beheading.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by SPreston
No you are a disinformation specialist called to an internet forum as damage control.

That's funny.
They have meds for paranoia.
Good Luck to you.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
The CIA/government chose that date because

1. GW was in Florida, thus he was to far from control and risk
2. People were going to get suspicious in the WTC at the constant power outages etc occurring
3. Perhaps the chemicals used to bring down the WTC could erode or chemically react causing a misfire or prematurely explode.
4. Maybe the FBI was getting to close to the patsy’s or pawns in Florida?
5. Maybe the car in the parking lot would cause suspicion if no one claimed it?
6. Maybe John O’Neil found something?

I have to say that I like this post alot Chop.
I know you didn;t mean anything funny by it.
It is cool when the truth and satire can be wraped around each other.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by SPreston

posted by JJay55
Oh yeah, I'm an evil agent of PNAC/CIA/DHS/NSA... here to spread my evil government propaganda and incert chips into your brains so you will become a zombie. Yeah.

Actually I'm a counter-terrorism educator with a 40 year background in Islamic studies. I teach at a university level and have many years of experience working with seasoned professionals in this effort.

No you are a disinformation specialist called to an internet forum as damage control.

If you were a counter-terrorism educator with a 40 year background in Islamic studies and teaching at the university level, you wouldn't be wasting your valuable time on a forum with a small cross-section of people gullible enough to suck up your tripe. You wouldn't be an anonymous internet shill. Real professors of counter-terrorism and Arabic studies have already informed us that the later Usama bin Laden videos and audios are fakes. They have already explained how and why the War on Terror is a Hoax.

You would be writing books and giving interviews. Many Americans realize that the War on Terror is a fake, and just a cover for an illegal War of Naked Aggression on sovereign nations and the stealing of valuable assets by greedy billionaire corporations. Most people can see Halliburton ripping off the taxpayers. Many can see how the Blackwater Terrorist Gang is murdering innocent men, women, and children. Some even suspect Blackwater is sniping US troops and blaming it on your precious Al Qaeda. Some of the snipers are really good; much too good for Al Qaeda mountain and desert fighters. Russians? Maybe. Blackwater highly trained renegades? Much more likely. Well that would increase profits and increase the action and give substance to your nonsense wouldn't it? Many people can see that your Homeland Security color alerts were a joke and the hunt for Osama a sham. Your shylock shill games are not fooling everyone.

[atsimg][/atsimg][edit on 8/6/09 by SPreston]

Good observation sarge.
Forty years eh!
If you think the terrorists were islamic, this guy JJ must be really, really poor at his teachings. OMG
Forty years and all his stuff could not stop the greatest hoax ever.
Where was he when we needed him.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 11:18 AM

[edit on 6-8-2009 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 11:42 AM
Originally posted by JJay55

Tactics depend on where the fight is and what defense we are using. Different AQ cells have different weaponry options. Urban warfare (even jungle warfare) is not the same as battlefield combat.
Have you seen the AQ playbooks? Everything from botulism to beheading.

Nope it`s the same AQ, in identical environments apart from one thing, a lot less of them, now read the graph again, 1st 1000, 2nd 1000, 3rd 1000, 4th 1000, see if you can spot the rising trend whilst fighting the same enemy in the same places but less of them.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
Good observation sarge.
Forty years eh!
If you think the terrorists were islamic, this guy JJ must be really, really poor at his teachings. OMG
Forty years and all his stuff could not stop the greatest hoax ever.
Where was he when we needed him.

First wrong assumption, I'm not a guy.
Next wrong assumption, I'm not poor at teaching.
Last wrong assumption, I'm not a government agent.

My last observation... this forum is filled with typical American mentality. Very sad.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by JJay55

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
Good observation sarge.
Forty years eh!
If you think the terrorists were islamic, this guy JJ must be really, really poor at his teachings. OMG
Forty years and all his stuff could not stop the greatest hoax ever.
Where was he when we needed him.

First wrong assumption, I'm not a guy.
Next wrong assumption, I'm not poor at teaching.
Last wrong assumption, I'm not a government agent.

My last observation... this forum is filled with typical American mentality. Very sad.

first -Sorry, my bad. the guy thing.

next--- You can not be good at teaching others how to protect themselves from islamic terrorists or other kinds as they normally fit the same profile.
Where were you on 911? Do you also teach terrorism, they go hand in hand.
Ya know, it takes one to know one!

last--- Who cares! You still have the disinfo MO

Your last observation --I sorta agree with.
BECAUSE a way to many US voters let the the US government and there
supposed allies run ruff shod all over them without question.
It is the questioning that gets to you isn't it?
Come on fess up!

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 03:21 PM

posted by Donny 4 million
Good observation sarge.
Forty years eh!
If you think the terrorists were islamic, this guy JJ must be really, really poor at his teachings. OMG
Forty years and all his stuff could not stop the greatest hoax ever.
Where was he when we needed him.

posted by JJay55
First wrong assumption, I'm not a guy.
Next wrong assumption, I'm not poor at teaching.
Last wrong assumption, I'm not a government agent.

My last observation... this forum is filled with typical American mentality. Very sad.

Fourth wrong assumption; you are an American

Fifth wrong assumption; you sure ain't teaching us anything

Well we have til the year 2020 to figure out what exactly it is you are trying to teach us

Maybe you should find a different job

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by JJay55
The reason the date 911 was chosen is quite systematic and logical according to Islamic tradition. Anyone know why that specific date was chosen? I'd like to hear some theories before I reveal.

Why not? You implement a plan when all the elements are ready. DDay is June 6. Not because there is some cosmic, numerolgical relevance to defeating Nazi Germany but because that was when conditions were optimal.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 06:27 PM

posted by hooper

Why not? You implement a plan when all the elements are ready. DDay is June 6. Not because there is some cosmic, numerolgical relevance to defeating Nazi Germany but because that was when conditions were optimal.

With NORAD off practicing a half dozen operations, one of which was defending an aircraft flying into buildings, and with the Secret Service in charge of security at the Pentagon, and with Dubya hiding out in brother Jeb's martial law Florida, and with Solicitor General Ted Olson's wife Barbara allegedly on board Flight 77; conditions on 9-11 were certainly optimal.

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