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Obamagate Begins

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posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by dooper

I definantly agree with you on this. If the civil war started in the next year, there would be almost no military force to contain it. I doubt they could with all the troops in the country... Well that is assuming they dont just start bombing us.

But I've stated before, civil war might be what they are hoping for. They fighters all kill eachother and whats left? An easily controlled population.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 02:55 AM
Obama is the worst president ever. Using fear to ram agenda down the throats of congress. Honestly, I think he is handling it better than McCain would of. But that isnt saying much. I voted for Chuck Baldwin.

I would feel no sympathy if something happened to him. He has already costed us all 13,000$ in Debt per person to the federal government with the do nothing stimuls. A debt we cannot pay.

I would look forward to a president Biden. Atleast Biden speaks off the cuff and has a way of real talking the nation without a teleprompter

[edit on 21-7-2009 by Spartak_FL]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by argentus
reply to post by debunky

But the really fun part of this:

... Hawaii doesn't issue long forms.

Hawaii went "paperless" in 2001, and only issues *cough* E-certs now. Of course, that wasn't the case in 1961. Or 71. Or 81. etc.

edit to put in your quote, Debunky. cheers

[edit on 20/7/09 by argentus]

Yes, before 2001 you got a "certificate of life birth", now you get a "certification of life birth". Or the other way round.

But all forms of a BC Hawaii issues must be valid mustn't they? If they are not Hawaii excluded their whole population from getting a drivers licence in 2001.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 03:36 AM
I would just like to say to all you people who say that you're a turd if you voted for Obama, that, that is bull, I voted for the man, but i didn't vote for Bush when he was in office and i still had to put up with 8 years of his crap.I wonder what this country would be like now if McCain did win, would you people be any happier? Anyway whoever we would've picked america would have lost. About obamas BC, if he isn't really a citizen i really doubt it'll come to light.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by jam321
Obama is now in a better position than ever to provide proof that is BC is legit, even if it isn't. He could easily get the people in Hawaii to produce a legit one in exchange for under the table favors.

How about a 3 nite stay in the Lincoln bedroom? How about a trip overseas via AF1? How about some connections to some influential people? How about some money?

Either way, Obama survives and will be President till 2012.

I still say the best thing he could do is just show that darn piece of paper.

Hawaii's official birth certificate is the short form. You cannot order the long form. Now, ironically you're recommending that Obama bribe government officials in order to prove to you that he is legitimate. This short form birth certificate is legally sufficient for anything that would require a birth certificate. If this were not the case, no one in Hawaii would be able to get a passport.

You guys will nonetheless keep asking the long form because you know that no one can get it. If you don't like Hawaii's Health Department policies, lobby their state legislature.

Most likely, everything I just said just went over your head. Keep ranting.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 04:00 AM
If "BO" really is a puppet of the NWO, does it not seem likely that they could very easily forge something like a birth certificate?

Perhaps this whole conspiracy is just misdirection, so that when the "antichrist" arrives, you will all embrace it, saying, "oh thank you for saving us from this horrible Kenyan!! THIS WAS NOT THE CHANGE WE NEEDED."

Wake up america!! The NWO can do anything they want!

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by Urekabado
I would just like to say to all you people who say that you're a turd if you voted for Obama, that, that is bull, I voted for the man, but i didn't vote for Bush when he was in office and i still had to put up with 8 years of his crap.I wonder what this country would be like now if McCain did win, would you people be any happier? Anyway whoever we would've picked america would have lost. About obamas BC, if he isn't really a citizen i really doubt it'll come to light.

If you're in the top 1% in terms of yearly income, McCain would have kept Bush's tax cuts for the rich. Fox News pushed this bull# about Obama being a communist/terrorist because the people who run the network and their advertisers didn't want their taxes to go up. When the mass media is owned by a small elite segment of the population whose interests are much different from that of most Americans, their reporting becomes biased. They say whatever they need to to convince gullible idiots making 30k that a guy making 400k whose taxes go up 1% has suffered a gross, life-altering injustice.

Joe the plumber even admitted that he would pay less tax under Obama's plan, but he passionately asserted that he would be discouraged from purchasing a million dollar business due to higher taxes.

Wurzelbacher said, "I'm getting ready to buy a company that makes 250 to 280 thousand dollars a year. Your new tax plan's going to tax me more, isn't it?"

The main problem with this line of reasoning was there was no way in hell he could ever come up with the money to make such a purchase. It would be like me complaining about poorly situated cup holders in 80k sports car that I could never afford to buy. Even more ironic was the fact that he owed thousands dollars of unpaid taxes that he'd accumulated during the Bush administration. The GOP painted this guy as an average, low-income American who would be harmed by Obama's tax plan, but the only way he would be harmed is if he won the lottery and instantly ceased to be the low-income, average American.

I would like to think that most Americans were smart enough to realize that guy was full of it. The news clip of him walking up to Obama, using a fake name ("Joe Orsonboxer") and then spouting out a ridiculous scenario about buying a million dollar company was the most obviously staged bull I have seen in a long time. If I claim to be in the market to purchase something I can't afford to buy, this is known as a lie. I doubt the credibility of anyone who openly lies through his teeth.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 04:28 AM
man i cant believe how crazy this is becoming. how can you condemn a man for something he had essentially no choice deciding. it's not like he told his mom in the womb to be born in Africa. kinda rings a bell ( jesus christ if you think about it.) not saying obama is jesus or anything, just saying he is another Tool for another purpose. It's looking like a new revolution, probably another civil war since we seem to be going in a never ending cycle of events.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

I think you are absolutely right kinda don't see the New MTV generation rioting in the streets,

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 06:26 AM
This is an issue because people can not get the long form indicating hospital of birth. Hmm, I guess without the hospital information people have a few questions.

The baby of American citizens born on foreign soil would apply for a birth certifcate upon return to US soil and it would most likely show citizenship only, not necessarily actual place of birth, but place of registration and date of birth.

The way I understood the constitution is that the birth has to occur within the United States on its soil. Not sure if a territory would be covered. It is a requirement. So Obama really should provide the hospital of birth information to quell this.

The other issue is that he is a British subject by virtue of his father at the time of his birth. I can't say that the founding fathers wanted a person who had British citizenship too to serve as president, however, the requirement for a president is to be born on American soil. So it appears that parentage is not important.

If Obama wasn't born in Honolulu, where do they think he was born?

I suppose if this ever came before the supreme court they could make a ruling that at the time of the revolution it was feared that the a British citizen who had become an American citizen could have been elected president, and upon taking office revert the colonies back to the British crown. Today a citizen is considered to be born on US soil by virtue of the parents having US citizenship. I feel that they would interpret it that way.

The way I see things, if you're not a fan of big government, don't worry. They will run out of money, no one will loan them money and the government will collapse. The miltary will come home and we will be a simpler operation for years to come. The cancer of big government has reached its pinnacle and is about to die big time.

[edit on 21-7-2009 by A52FWY]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by Zosynspiracy
reply to post by ZindoDoone

So what? So what if we find out that Obama wasn't born in this country. The only thing that is going to happen is the Constitution will be amended to include those who weren't born in the US will be allowed to be President. I mean come on do you not think that day is on the horizon. America is a multicultural cesspool. The "pot" in melting pot was never meant to melt. It has been for years. It's one thing to embrace different cultures, races etc. But as England knows dealing with the Muslims America has allowed too much culture and too many people that no one even knows what it means to be American anymore. It's sad.

Just like you can be so open minded your brain falls out your country can be so open that it loses it's identity. Exactly what you see happening in the US of A. No one assimilates anymore. They are all vying for their own culture and identity instead of becoming Americans.

[edit on 20-7-2009 by Zosynspiracy]

You are obviously young and try hard not to be informed before inacting mouth. First it is in our Constitution and they will not be able to touch it with out an all out war.
Second, this damn "Melting Pot" everyone refers to. That came from France, they wrote the words on the Statue of Liberty, not anyone in the US.
Back before the 1980's, the US was made up of different cultures as you would pass from state to state. It has gotten to almost a complete wash now where you don't know where someone is from. They talk the same, act the same. Makes me miss the way it was. Makes travel boring anymore.
There are too many people here now. Hell, at least 8 percent are not supposed to be here, somewhere north of 25 million.............

It is important that our top servant be born in the USA according to the Constitution.

That's another thing that pisses me off today, since when did these clowns become our "Leaders"? They are public "servants" first and fourmost.
Yes, they may lead, but I think this has truely gone to their heads......

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by andrewh7

Originally posted by jam321

Hawaii's official birth certificate is the short form. You cannot order the long form. Now, ironically you're recommending that Obama bribe government officials in order to prove to you that he is legitimate. This short form birth certificate is legally sufficient for anything that would require a birth certificate. If this were not the case, no one in Hawaii would be able to get a passport.

You guys will nonetheless keep asking the long form because you know that no one can get it. If you don't like Hawaii's Health Department policies, lobby their state legislature.

Most likely, everything I just said just went over your head. Keep ranting.

Your Right! You can't get the Long Form...............................but,
you can get a xerox copy of it from the state with a cert. seal on it.
Yes the shortform is what most send out, but not everyone will except it.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 07:06 AM
Give him the boot asap

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 07:27 AM
It would cost BO $200 to settle this issue once and for all, but he won't because he can't.

TPTB IMO do have a plan: keep him in office long enough for the first set of cheques to clear on his policies then roll on him making those policies null and void.

Yet another multi-billion dollar black hole to funnel more money out of the US while the currency still has a value.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 09:44 AM
There are numerous cell groups planted in America.
The underground French booklet that calls for VIOLENT revolution will be soon ready for distribution.
Acorn is a subversive group of itself. They and many of their sympathizers number in the tens of thousands maybe?
Gangs have been and are being organized and trained by themselves and by outside groups for a number of years now.
More than a few countries are ready to fund groups that want to hit the streets.
Many many Americans have bought "Black Guns" not to resist the government but to protect themselves during civil unrest. Guns this administration is desperate to take away..
During a period where there IS NO executive branch (now and later) implementing Martial Law is a scary thing.
Scary thing is the only way out of this thanks to the average American, Republicans and Democrats in Congress, the Supreme Court, 50 Secretaries of State, the Electoral College, and most of all, The Press. Many of these should be tried for treason.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:05 AM
Apparently this lady believes that Obama has used 39 different social security numbers. I would like to see her proof/findings to back that up, but it does thicken the plot a little. It's also related to Major Cook's deployment case.

I for one don't understand why Obama doesn't provide the proof, unseals his college records and such. If I as a voter have to prove that I'm eligble to vote, then why can't I demand the same of the people on the ballot? One can argue privacy and for private citizens yes there is a right to privacy, but a public official like Obama gave up those claims when he chose to run for public office, in my opinion.

[edit on 21-7-2009 by Kords21]

[edit on 21-7-2009 by Kords21]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by dooper
Anything happens to Obama, and I mean ANYTHING, the proverbial dookey is going to hit the fan across this nation.

Could be the event that kicks off another Civil War, again, by a significant portion of the population to throw off a dominating, controlling Federal Government.

This guy Obama is a complete disaster for the US. If it was determined that he was in fact a KGB plant - put here to destroy the economic system - and thus the US - I would not be surprised one bit.

Look at what he's done to date.

SOMEBODY better be having a closer look.

This guy don't smell right.

are you a chinese communist? or hezbollah, islamic terrorist. you don't sound like you're an american...sounds like your trying to overthrow the government.

[edit on 21-7-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

If people didn't protest over 2 stolen elections, The Patriot Act, torture and illegal wiretapping, then President Obama has nothing to worry about. Say that he's exposed as a fraud and does step down.... what makes you think that Joe Biden would do a better job, or if new elections were to take place, that THAT wouldn't be a wag the dog & pony show as well???

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:03 AM
I give up on these threads, I have better things to do with my time.


Frankly this issue has been beaten down so badly it's not even relevant anymore. "Dr" Russian Mail Order Bride can bring all the lawsuits she wants to the SCOTUS but that won't do her a damn bit of good cause neither her or the SCOTUS have legal standing to remove the president. Or to even qualify him. That is a function of Congress when they were Confirming him as the POTUS.

But no one bothers to read the constitution in it's entirety. People just [*SNIP*] blame Obama for it.

Mod Edit: Explicit comments removed.

[edit on 7/21/2009 by AshleyD]

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

He sounds EXACTLY like the American Citizen that he is. YOU'RE the one who sounds like those you refer too! Being from Kaleeforneea I can see how you might think everybody else in the country are Commie sympathizers for not kowtowing to the 'Great Leader"! There are a lot more of us that feel like Dooper does than what your fellow travelers on the left coast think! You are going to see that in the next election in 2010.


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