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Obamagate Begins

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posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by argentus
I would like to see this issue go away. I think it is tearing the solidarity of the nation apart -- polarizing -- and causing undue attention at a time when the United States is at so many pressing and pivotal points.

To paraphrase Whatyoukno, perhaps that is the goal.

You're totally correct on the polarization tearing the nation apart. I predicted this would happen after the 2000 election when democrats were still upset over Clinton's impeachment for lying under oath, and decided that they would get revenge on the next president (Bush) at any cost. I predicted again after the 2004 election that this would turn into a tit-for-tat in every election cycle afterwards until the country became consumed with who's turn it was to get even and all other issues fell by the wayside.

Well, sad to say, but here we are at the point I predicted. Is there a solution? I'm afraid it may be too late ...

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by debunky

But the really fun part of this:

... Hawaii doesn't issue long forms.

Hawaii went "paperless" in 2001, and only issues *cough* E-certs now. Of course, that wasn't the case in 1961. Or 71. Or 81. etc.

edit to put in your quote, Debunky. cheers

[edit on 20/7/09 by argentus]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Zosynspiracy
Oh brother! Come on people! Obama is not going to go anywhere, I don't care what conspiracy surrounds his birth. Also if you think for a second Americans would take to the streets in protest let alone start a civil war you are nuts. Americans are pacified, uninformed, morons for the most part.

You guys act like Obama is worse than any President of the last 50 years. WAKE UP! This country fell from grace way before this clown got into office. America had her chance to vote for a truly liberating candidate, Ron Paul. They failed miserably even "laughing" at the guy. Americans need to suck it up and accept the consequences of their decision to vote Obama into office. He's a plant. Put their by a very powerful group of people. An empty suit is a compliment for Obama. I can't stomach to even watch this turd talk. But I didn't vote for him. All the other stupid Americans that did deserve to suffer under his regime.

[edit on 20-7-2009 by Zosynspiracy]

You would have been stupid to vote for either candidate ....That is why I did not vote....

I took no part in the ongoing plan by TPTB.....who I think are different depending on what is needed........

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by jam321
Obama is now in a better position than ever to provide proof that is BC is legit, even if it isn't. He could easily get the people in Hawaii to produce a legit one in exchange for under the table favors.

How about a 3 nite stay in the Lincoln bedroom? How about a trip overseas via AF1? How about some connections to some influential people? How about some money?

Either way, Obama survives and will be President till 2012.

I still say the best thing he could do is just show that darn piece of paper.

Yes but it would have to be tested to date when the materials were made to make this document..It would then be determined that the document is new..

How can it be new when it was supposed to be made when he was born back in what was it 1959 or something?

They won't let anyone test it but their own people........It's called control...

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
And how many of you have links to George W. Bush's "long form birth certificate"?


I thought so.

Oh, but since Bush is white and from Texas, no need to question that honorable man, right?

However, a black man with an international family background, well then, we must question him like no one has ever been questioned before.

This is a racist witch hunt, start to finish. Ask yourself, did you ever ask for George W. Bush's long form birth certificate. Did you read it with your own eyes?

How about Clinton's? George H.W., Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, etc...???

Nope. None of you have ever seen or read the "long form birth certificate" of any U.S. President.

But now that we've got a black guy in the White House, suddenly it's top on your list of "must see's".

If it looks like racism, smells like racism, sounds like racism, then take a guess at what it is.

He wasn't president, but I would add John McCain to your list too. And he clearly was not born on U.S. soil.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Zosynspiracy
reply to post by soldiermom

What are you talking about? Obama has only been President for what not even 9 months? I hate Obama as much as anyone. But to think he's the worst President in the last 50 years after only less than 9 months as President is completely ignorant. And don't even start with the economy. The economy was in crisis WAY BEFORE Obama stepped into office. If it wasn't for the current economic crisis most people wouldn't be batting an eye at the current administration. The only time Americans pay attention is when it affects their pocket book. And that is no way to run a country. I don't put too much stock into an American populace that is more worried about having the latest cell phone than what cap and trade is. And you expect these same people to riot in the streets? LMAO! No these same morons aren't going to riot in the street they'll probably end up robbing you and me at gun point or worse yet voting another yahoo into office that will promise them more free # and gubmint cheese!

Wait to more of a majority of population becomes desperate ...

Desperate times call for desperate measures..........

Unless they have a planned controlled way of not letting that happen......FEMA camps?

The way this will all go away and they will win us over is when they fix the economy ..

They will do this only if it benefits them and they will gain more power/control for doing soo..

So yes we will all be happy in a year when the economy is fixed , but we will also have less freedom......

We will take any deal they give us just to save our will happen i think.....I guess we can wait and see...

O.......and that is only like 1/1,000,000 of the " PLAN"

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

Is there a solution? Well, I'm inclined to agree with you in the sense that the cure might be worse than the symptom.

Unlike many here, I don't think there would be widespread rioting if it were proved in a court of law that President Obama was not natural-born and therefore had to be removed from office. I agree that there would likely be fairly spirited riots for a time in some cities. I don't think the riots would be along a pure racial line -- I think the President has a lot of support, in spite of dropping numbers.

I would be afraid that riots would be the final push for martial law to be established.

Of course, I'm a foilhead. That could never happen in America.

[cue fifes and drums]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by daddyroo45

Originally posted by harrytuttle
And how many of you have links to George W. Bush's "long form birth certificate"?


I thought so.

Oh, but since Bush is white and from Texas, no need to question that honorable man, right?

However, a black man with an international family background, well then, we must question him like no one has ever been questioned before.

This is a racist witch hunt, start to finish. Ask yourself, did you ever ask for George W. Bush's long form birth certificate. Did you read it with your own eyes?

How about Clinton's? George H.W., Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, etc...???

Nope. None of you have ever seen or read the "long form birth certificate" of any U.S. President.

But now that we've got a black guy in the White House, suddenly it's top on your list of "must see's".

If it looks like racism, smells like racism, sounds like racism, then take a guess at what it is.

In all the above named situations BOTH parents were U.S citizens. So there is no issue about a foriegn born parent passing on citizenship. As far as the deceased presidents it should be no problem to get a copy of their C.O.L.B. from the presidential libraries. Racism,that is the battle cry of the weak,when the position is indefensible. Which half of his blood line should racist people be prejudiced toward?

[edit on 20-7-2009 by aero56]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c

Originally posted by harrytuttle
And how many of you have links to George W. Bush's "long form birth certificate"?

Why not just use his opposition (McCain) from the recent election, for comparison?


I thought so.

exactly... as there were questions raised regarding His ability to hold office as well. the exception being that those were quickly dispelled, he was born on a military base in the Panama Canal Zone... and as such American "soil". All neat and tidy, legal even.

Oh, but since Bush is white and from Texas, no need to question that honorable man, right?

With regards your mentions of this being little more than a race issue, it would seem you're the first to lay That card on the table in this thread. hmmm... odd.that.

I've no dog in the fight either way. But with the amount of hoopla this has generated since late last summer, and what with the numerous suits filed as a result thereof, it just seems ridiculous that it's been left unnaddressed in a "once and for all" fashion for this long... honestly.

As sooo many government officials have stated on sooo many an occasion, no matter the context of their words, "If you've nothing to hide then what's the problem?"

turnabout is fair play. no?

I personally haven't seen or read where Mr. Obama has outright refused to provide a copy of or the original, nor do I feel the recently signed legislation affords him the ability to restrict access to the same, but it would seem ridiculously easy to put the whole issue to rest once and for all by merely putting it on the record.

as Staples says:
It's That Easy!

... and it would seem quite the no-brainer for so eloquent a speaker, one looking to make a change, a difference, one seeking to restore the people's confidence in their government, one who touted throughout their campaign, "Yes. We Can!"

... yet hasn't.

wash. rinse. repeat.

No. McCain was born in Colon, Panama, not on the military base. Colon is in the center of the Republic of Panama. But his parents are U.S. citizens.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 05:51 PM
obviously the "natives" are restless... i didnt even know about this till today, what the hell obama/ wheres the transparancy? what r u hiding if your a citizen? then of course they could just print one wether he is or not so i dont know where this is all gonna go...

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 06:38 PM
Oh yeah, we are getting restless. I think he got a total pass on the vetting process. Here is someone with multiple alias, using numerous social security numbers and we put him in charge of the country. My question is: "Why isn't he in jail?".

This guy is a fraud and a criminal.

And yes, in my opinion he is the worst president in 50 years. He's flushing our rights down the toilet and increasing our debt to an unsustainable level.

[edit on 7/20/2009 by sad_eyed_lady]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by TriggerFish

Good job missing the entire point of my post and twisting it around

Touchy, touchy...

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

Well said.

Leading up to, and immediately after, the platform was about hope and change...primarily in the way things were done in government. Among the words used to describe the change was the word TRANSPARENCY... Does anyone remember this? Where has the concept gone, and why would it not apply to our beloved POTUS? (Especially as related to his eligibility.)

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 07:34 PM
Another lawsuit was filed today on the behalf of 44 Plaintiffs against Obama, Michelle, Biden, Hillary, and Gates.

This was a Writ of Quo Warranto - designed to test whether a person exercising power is legally entitled to do so.

Filed by Orly Taitz using RICO and Quo Warranto, they beg the court to halt all military deployments and all federal appointments, including the Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor.

By using the RICO statutes (18 USC 1961), this could give Orley the power to reach deeply into every channel of Obama's life and past to find the corrupt crooks who helped Obama fraudently obtain the Presidency, and assisted in these felonious frauds.

Although this pleading alleges RICO violations by Obama, it reserves specifying them for the second amended Complaint which is forthcoming.

It goes into considerable detail about FOIA violations by Obama and repeats demands for records that prove the truth about his citizenship status.

This crap isn't going away.

He should put up, or resign.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

If it walks like a duck then......

You know what, I was going to end it there but I cannot. You have got your nerves....were you just born or did you not just live through the last 8 years? WHERE WAS YOUR WHITE POPULACE THEN?????? Probably sitting on your white ass shooting beer cans in the back of YOUR TRAILER


Sadly that solves nothing. People like you are the reason this country is so messed up now.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Miraj

Of course, I fear a racial civil war could occur in that situation. This post may come of as racist.. However it's not my intention to discriminate (BTW isn't it BS that I have to clarify this stuff? Equality sure is alive..)

You should try to stop starting of with.. I'm not a racist, or I'm trying to discriminate, because you have just put in the mind of the listener that you maybe or why would say that. " I was walking down the street yesterday, but I'm not a prostitute" Huh why would I say that? Do you get my point.

I also fear a racial civil war, but white people are my concern and not blacks. My grandmother didn't want to vote for him because of that reason. As more time passes, ( and as I visit this site more) that fear is becoming a reality, As I see people post saying they are for a revolution or whatever you want to call it. Funny though, how some of same people would probably say that the BLACK PANTHER PARTY were terrorist, when as African Americans had for less freedoms then than you do now or ever had.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by canihavemyvoteback

Honestly people have been getting ready for a revolution now for a while. It just so happen our new president is half black. I don't think as a whole it has anything to do with race. I'm not saying some people are mad because he is half black which would be racist.

But I believe the majority of Americans are just really PO'd at everything from the past 8 years, and now the congress and SC not upholding the law by allowing the government to takeover the banks and car companies.

To summarize I don't think it is about race. Race is just a polarizing topic to bring up because it has been used to destroy peoples careers for the past umpteen years and now people are just growing tired of the race card always being played.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 09:06 PM
I have to say it.

- A foreign born, unnaturalized citizen for president - which goes against the constitution - is fine so long as the person will uphold the constitution - ?


posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by argentus

Argentus, I think your assumption has a high degree of truth. If I may, I would suggest that you underestimate the results.

I would suggest that before it was over, the removal of Obama would literally tear this country apart, and not just some long-term riots.

It would more likely be civil war. Many would see an opportunity to take advantage and of course, do their looting and burning.

Others would take advantage to settle some old scores.

Some would likely take the opportunity to secede from this perverse, intrusive union.

Many would see the anarchy and destruction as the opportunity to restore this country to its founding principles.

Martial law?

Who's going to stand their turn on the wall while their own homes and families are at risk?

I'm thinking it would be far too widespread and out of control to even begin martial law.


Before this is all over, this man will go down in history who destroyed the greatest nation on earth.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by nunya13

I understand you perfectly.
But we dont get to pick and choose which parts we like
based on the feeling of the day.
The power of the constitution to transcend time and space is in it's entirety
whole and unchanged.
The Elite would like to take it from us, for all the power in the world is still not enough.

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