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Beast of Bray Road/Michigan Dog Man

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posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Wow Slayer!!! Thank you so much! Amazing work!

I see ears at :30 and 1:04. For sure. Those are ears, flapping when it runs.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Didn't this person reportedly die, or get killed by the beast in question? Because if so, wouldn't the police have made a report about this? I haven't seen any police reports or police testimonies or comments. Thats kind off.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Thank you for sending those e-mails! Maybe we will get some good information back!

I didn't necessarily mean the blue markings, but even those lighter markings. If there were any light markings on the facial region, I think we would have seen them. Same goes for the gorilla theory. If it's a gorilla, I think it would have to be a silverback to be that big and bulky. And it lacked any lighter colors, from what I saw.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Let me see what I can find out, okay? Want to help me by looking for some information about the cameraman?

If he died or went missing, I think the news would have reported it. Forget all the cover-up stuff...

The other question is- how did the person who posted this footage and stuff... actually get a hold of the footage?

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

I'll help ya look. Not a problem. And the colors and markings and baboon stuff.. I agree with ya on that one.
I'll keep everyone informed on what comes back through the email.

[edit on Jul 27th 2009 by TheMythLives]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:31 PM
So the website with the footage, listed on the first page of this thread... we should have looked earlier.

So goes the first line of the song that has chilled Michigan radio listeners for over two decades. In reality, “The Legend” began on a chilly March morning in 1987. WTCM radio morning personality Jack O'Malley was seeking an idea for an April Fool's prank to play on his listeners. He sat down to brainstorm with WTCM production director Steve Cook, who said he might have something.

"It really wasn't a song, or a poem, or even a story then," reflected Cook, "just the core of an idea." An avid folklore collector since his youth, Cook was especially fascinated by hauntings and unusual animals. Choosing characteristics of Bigfoot, the Boggy Creek monster from Arkansas, the Jersey Devil, and several other "cryptids," Cook created a mythical half-man, half-dog, and wrote several verses about appearances of the creature. He placed the events in Northern Michigan towns, and gave the dogman a mysterious chronological nature. Each sighting occurs in the seventh year of the decade.

That's where I'm at right now. I'll keep looking. But now it's looking really shady. Like he made a song about this as a prank, and it couldn't stop growing.

And that page lists the Gable Film as "2009."

Because the website appears to be a promotion for a CD release.

Right. So. Chances are they didn't rent a gorilla to promote their CD.

And it's surely a Hoax.

[edit on 7/27/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:35 PM
WOW that is so similar to the Wisconsin Bray Road beast about 20 years or so ago. Huh.. another Bray Road. cccrrrraaaazzzzzzyyyyyy.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

That's because the Michigan Dogman and the Beast of Bray Road are supposedly the same thing, or closely related. State lines wouldn't confine something like that, in theory.

I'm referring to the real legends and sightings, not the Gable Film.

[edit on 7/27/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Someone posted in here about a relative who had to video a bear attack scene. He posted the video, and suspects that it may be the victim from the creature attack. Said his relative did it at the request of the county where this occurred. In the video you see cops standing in front of the camera and where the torso of the body is found.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:47 PM
So people were freaked out about this in Wisconsin, I remember one lady was interviewed and said it left claw marks on the back of her trunk as she sped away. Out in Elkhorn Wi. yep .... I wonder if it knows YETI.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:47 PM
I originally thought it was a grizzly bear but after much closer review and studying photos of bears and dogs, I settled on a Gorilla because of the shoulders. Only primates have that wide shoulder structure. So it CAN NOT be any kind of canine or bear. It may run like a bear but it's only a for a few seconds. The face is too out of focus to make absolute conclusions. I don't think it has a tail. It's the rump protruding upwards because it only appears when it starts to run. There's another primate earlier in the tape, so it's not a stretch to assume more than 1 escaped. I know nothing about the tape's history, when it was made, who did it etc.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Sargoth

It seems to be a hoax. The only information that is provided is on the same website as the Gable Film, which is actually a website promoting a CD release. The film's date is cited as 2009 on the website. Also, the whole thing seems to have started as an April Fools Day prank which created a song related to the legend. It's all available in the links that I provided above.

That's what I'm looking at right now. We can still try to identify it, but it could be edited on a computer, a guy in a suit, an altered film of a Gorilla, whatever. BUT. The film isn't real, that's what the evidence points to at this point.

Very unfortunate that people thought it was amusing to turn a real cryptid which has a good deal of sightings into something for publicity.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Thank you!!!, finally someone else see's the ears flapping. Those are not the ears of a primate. Those are canine ears. So what could it be??? I think that it's some kind of hybrid thing. Not sure, maybe something that we haven't seen yet.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by skyeyes

It doesn't matter much. It's a hoax. See above posts and evidence.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

If it's a hoax, then what kind of animal is it. I think someone said that it's a dog in a bear suit, but I'm not convinced on that. The film is old, so who would be trying to capitalize on it now after all these years. And after all this time no one has come forward claiming the film to be a hoax. Heck even the guys who were faking crop circles have gone public.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by skyeyes

But thats the point it was a joke, something to make fun of and scare people. Not a very funny joke, but they were pushing for something different as RavenShadows source info stated above, something serious. I think its a guy in a costume, actually I think I saw a I swear I will have to look again.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by skyeyes

We don't know it's old. I'll repost what I posted above:

"A cool summer mornin' in early June is when 'The Legend' began..."

So goes the first line of the song that has chilled Michigan radio listeners for over two decades. In reality, “The Legend” began on a chilly March morning in 1987. WTCM radio morning personality Jack O'Malley was seeking an idea for an April Fool's prank to play on his listeners. He sat down to brainstorm with WTCM production director Steve Cook, who said he might have something.

"It really wasn't a song, or a poem, or even a story then," reflected Cook, "just the core of an idea." An avid folklore collector since his youth, Cook was especially fascinated by hauntings and unusual animals. Choosing characteristics of Bigfoot, the Boggy Creek monster from Arkansas, the Jersey Devil, and several other "cryptids," Cook created a mythical half-man, half-dog, and wrote several verses about appearances of the creature. He placed the events in Northern Michigan towns, and gave the dogman a mysterious chronological nature. Each sighting occurs in the seventh year of the decade.

They're marketing it here:

Also see:

And claims that the film is from 2009. Even though it is older. They edited it.

The film is not available through any other website. There is no other evidence for this film to be considered legitimate. There is no information about the film elsewhere on the internet.

Edit- If the film was created in 2009, or edited in 2009 as that website says, or featured at all on that website, I have reason to believe that it was altered. They could have added the whole thing. But I think it is a dog or a person in a suit. On this thread, the video was taken off due to copyright from the Productions company on the other website.

Places claim that it was a bear attack. If it was a bear, why does it seem like this other site owns the rights to the film?

They're not claiming it's a hoax outright because they're making money off of it. But they've made it pretty darn clear.

[edit on 7/27/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Yhea, I read the links, but the links talk about the lines being blurred between fact and fiction. One of the links says that some sightings of the creature(s) were easily explained, but some were not. An earlier poster said that Bray Beast/Michigan Dog legend spans over 100 years with hundreds of sightings. I'm sure a lot of those can be explained away. But some were not so easily dismissed. Kinda like UFO's, I didn't post this thread saying that this was Dog Man or Bray Beast. Which link is it that tells where someone made a fake film, I'm having trouble navigating the links you posted?

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by skyeyes

It doesn't come right out and say it, you're right. But- why is that website selling the tape, if it's so important? It does say it started from an April Fools Day prank, did you see that part? That website holds the rights to that tape. There is no information about it anywhere else.

The Beast of Bray Road and the Michigan Dog Man are cryptids. I have no problem with those sightings, aside from this website. I think the cryptid might surely exist. They have established sightings. This film, however, is highly questionable. That entire website is some mix of real sightings and fake footage and stories.

The title of this thread is "Beast of Bray Road/Michigan Dog Man" and the OP links to the website where this video is. The same website selling this stuff, the same website who talks about April Fools Day pranks.

Loren Coleman says no, I say no, too. I think they could have made that video themselves or edited it. It's impossible to find the original film before it was edited, even on YouTube, because the productions company which runs that website with the video complained about copyright.

The film is from the 1970s? I think not. It says that nowhere. this also shows some wire, for those interested.

[edit on 7/27/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Valid points, guess we should let it die, and see if anything else resurfaces about it. I don't know. The film is very strange. Two creatures in it that look very real. Can't tell if it's an old film or not. Possibly a dead person as a result of an attack. Heck I don't know, maybe as you say a hoax, but I'll keep a wary eye, thanks for all your input.

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