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9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public

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posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by slylee

Whatever the outcome of this is, I believe there is a master conspiracy based around us getting so involved in conspiracy theories we don't see the reality!

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I love an idiot . A fully loaded jet hits the wtc and this " pro " says ,
"" far too small of a catastrophe at that point to involve FEMA ""

And you people still jump on everyone of these bandwangons that come along only to be NOTHING a day later....
OK , everybody off , wait for the next one that will come and go .

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by linv5800
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I love an idiot . A fully loaded jet hits the wtc and this " pro " says ,
"" far too small of a catastrophe at that point to involve FEMA ""

And you people still jump on everyone of these bandwangons that come along only to be NOTHING a day later....
OK , everybody off , wait for the next one that will come and go .

because the first jet was believed to be an accident not a catastrophe! wether he is full of it or just telling the truth, that makes sense, it wasn't for FEMA to be dispatched at that time.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 10:34 PM
Why would he wait? Why would anyone wait? If someone truly has damning evidence of a cover-up it would be released. I stated this earlier. In this day and age, he could spend 100 dollars and buy 10 2 GB Flash Drives. I am sure that he could fit all the videos on there.

You put one in a safe deposit box, you bury one somewhere(public park using GPS) and then you send the others to every MSM outlet there is with an explanation. C'mon, the biggest thing on MSM right now is Michael Jackson dying...they are dying for something like this. Send one to ALEX JONES....

There is YouTube, Live god, buy a website domain name for 10 bucks and upload them yourself and spread them to every internet site there is that would listen. This is the year 2009 and we do not have these videos.

If this guy is looking for one thing, it is exposure for all the wrong reasons. as far as his wifes death, why would SHE kill herself if she was leaving him? Filed him with papers...then a mysterious note shows up behind a picture of the person you are leaving?

It sickens me that people use 9/11 for personal gain. My bet is he is out of money from living on the run.

POST THE VIDEOS or move on you loser....

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by Soloist
9/11 Videographer Re-Charged For Wife's Shooting Death

I would believe nothing of what this guy says, sounds to me like he is simply repeating a lot of the old and tired "truther" mantras in an attempt to distract from him being wanted for killing his wife.

He's hoping people will flock to him for a cause, even if it's completely bunk. And people will, of course because they WANT to believe, not because this wanted murderer has any actual evidence.

People like this should hang.

He never mentioned taking pictures of the vault itself showing the missing documents etc.
I stand on the fence with this stuff.
All recycled data he's talking about mostly and possibly being used to further his own agenda.

[edit on 2-7-2009 by WatchRider]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by slylee

That seems pretty significant! Great find!

I wonder if this was related to the information he had, and his willingness to go public. The murder could have been a warning, and a credibility attack!

[Mod Edit - Replaced quote with Reply To: tab]

[edit on 23/6/2009 by Sauron]

Or... coming back down to earth from the conspiracy orgasm happening in this thread, maybe the guy is a murderer who got away with it, and has deluded himself into believing the towers were sabotaged by our own people.
Anyone who understands how slab/exoskeleton construction works was not at ALL surprised with how the towers collapsed. The same exact thing happened right here in CT prior to the WTC collapse in a building being built exactly the same way... The top floor gave way and pancaked straight down one on top of the next, with the exoskeleton tumbling in on top of it as the floors passed... Just like the WTC. It looked completely engineered yet it was just a horrible accident. 20 workers or so were killed and the nearby buildings were completely unscathed! Just nearly like the WTC except they were not unscathed. Ok conspirators... tell me THAT was a dry run... heh heh.. except before you do, keep in mind that the investigation showed clearly that the upper floor hangars were made of inferior steel.
You have all seen soooo many building implosions and you say ahhaa!!! That looked just like an engineered demolition! To engineer a demolition requires huge amounts of time in building preparation and removal of TONS of steel by very big vehicles and construction crews. Not to mention that there would have had to have been hundreds of demo crews working for perhaps a year or more on each and every floor at each and every hanger point applying explosives, drilling holes for embedding explosives etc... Those hangar points are not even exposed areas! They would have to have been removing ceilings at every hanger point on every single floor and installing explosives all day long for a year or more! Gee, THAT would go unnoticed... This whole conspiracy thing has been the most LUDICROUS topic to come up in recent history in my opinion. For this to have been done it would have to have been done WAY back when the buildings were built. And of course, that did not happen! No one cared about Muslim Fascists back then.
Most of the people talking about the conspiracy have no background in the appropriate science required to properly deliver an opinion but if it sounds convincing, I guess that is good enough for many of those who believe this. Nevermind the facts. Those just get in the way.

And back to Sonnenfeld... FEMA is dispatched for every disaster. Anyone who knew ANYTHING could look as I did at the Trade Center and see the giant hole and say "WOW! That was a passenger jet that must have made that hole. I said that immediately because it was obvious. And if it was obvious to ME, it was very clear to the FEMA folks who were alerted. And this was (at the time) one of the tallest buildings in the USA with a giant hole in its upper floors. So SURE, I would have deployed FEMA immediately to be safe, and that is JUST what happened. So Sonnenfeld's conspiracy theory is absolutely ludicrous. By saying that FEMA was deployed late to Katrina in no way bolsters his argument as that is NOT how FEMA is normally administrated. It was during the Katrina disaster that FEMA exhibited a failure, NOT its normal operating procedure! They are usually right there, right away with major disasters and this certainly qualified.

[edit on 2-7-2009 by fxmodels]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by fxmodels
Anyone who understands how slab/exoskeleton construction works was not at ALL surprised with how the towers collapsed. The same exact thing happened right here in CT prior to the WTC collapse in a building being built exactly the same way... The top floor gave way and pancaked straight down one on top of the next, with the exoskeleton tumbling in on top of it as the floors passed... Just like the WTC. It looked completely engineered yet it was just a horrible accident. 20 workers or so were killed and the nearby buildings were completely unscathed! Just nearly like the WTC except they were not unscathed. Ok conspirators... tell me THAT was a dry run... heh heh.. except before you do, keep in mind that the investigation showed clearly that the upper floor hangars were made of inferior steel.
[edit on 2-7-2009 by fxmodels]

Nice opinion, you know the same thing that happen to the WTC 1,2 and 7 has happened to many buildings all over the US through controlled demolition.

back on topic, there a 3 possibilities now, 1 - the guy is really a murderer, 2 - goverment warning (damn serious business here), 3 - she really commited suicide.

1 - as a murderer he was freed, but the excuse for retrial is suppost to be some cell mates who claim to have heard about his confession.

2 - the goverment murdered his wife but if that was the case when he was in jail and did not comply with Gov. demands, it would have been easy for an accident to have happened in jail.

3 - she killed herself, the DA or whever said that she would wanna destroy her face by shooting herself through the back of the head, that just sounds really stupid, i can also say she was afraid to look at the gun.

what i really dont understand is, what kind of investigation did they do? was there traces of gun powder on her hand? if there was there is a possibility she could have commited suicide, unless she went to the gun range that same day.

anyway, as for the proof, until released we can just keep arguing back and fort and derailing the OP.

EDIT: too long of a quote.

[edit on 2-7-2009 by Arsenis]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Victoria 1

A conspiracy is any event agreed to by two or more persons. History itself records conspiracies by our founding fathers who conspired together to committ treason to create a new government.

No such event could be pulled off by one person alone, thus it must be a conspiracy. maybe if we were not afraid of the word we could investigate it and be willing to see the truth even if it disturbs us.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 01:39 PM
Actually NO, with all due respect the same thing has NOT happened in controlled demolition. The way the WTC came down was not in any way controlled contrary to what conspiracists keep saying. I am amazed at how many people ignore the actual circumstances of the collapse and only look at the fact that the floors pancaked as the smoking gun evidence of engineered demolition! That is how these types of buildings will collapse. Their strength is engineered to be on the OUTSIDE of the building...Time and time again people say that fact but time and time again the conspiracy folks just put their fingers in their ears and shut their eyes muttering "no no no!". With the WTC, collateral damage was massive, resulting in the loss of additional buildings, and when the first tower collapsed, one floor collapsed,which precipitated taking all above it over on an angle and that imbalance cascaded downward into the pancaked, accelerated collapse. Further when the first floor gave way, ALL the floors above initially moved as a unit down on top of the lower floors. In that instant you can clearly see the HUGE puff of high pressure air pushing smoke before it as it started pancaking. All normal physics I am afraid. Nothing mysterious here, just heinous.
I think its high time to place the actual responsibility with the countries that took this action against us. And it is NOT our own in spite of the faults of the Clinton and Bush administrations for allowing them to train on our soil in spite of warnings delivered to the CIA, and then going after the wrong people [respectively] . So to those who love to "blame America first", dont expect a pass from me. I realize as a country we make our own mistakes, but by and large I have too much respect for this country and all the good it does in the world to sit here and blame ourselves for the biggest terrorist attack on our soil in my lifetime.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by alienj
reply to post by Abbby

I watched the video almost immediately on the news and it was a commercial plane, they had a new york news crew that was near ground zero doing a live broadcast, so they had the news almost asap. Yes maybe some radio stations reported it that way, but Fox News was on top of it, and got the info out pretty quick. Its amazing how after a few years people can begin to change the story to fit their needs and lies. The Truth seems to be irrelevant unless it falls into their view of what they want the truth to be.

[edit on 23-6-2009 by alienj], sir, are misremembering. almost immediately? really? do you even know where this video came from? or how many there were?

oh and you may now apologize for those last two sentences. discourse like yours in less than beneficial to everyone.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 09:26 AM
I've been aching for years to get some of this off my chest. Reading this thread is as good a reason as any. I was a 1st Responder at the WTC- sent in at the behest of the US Army-from 9/11-9/15 and subsequently I worked for FEMA Region II HQ at the federal building in Manhattan. I hope this qualifies me as a first hand witness. I was IN building 6 before it collapsed. People were evacuating what they could before the building was sealed off. I saw it collapse and there was no controlled demolition. At the time I was certified in demolitions and I would have recognized the reports associated with any blasts used to detonate a building. The scene was labeled a crime scene and photographers (meaning the press) were excluded for good reason -body parts were scattered everywhere. This did not stop 1st responders from taking pictures. I have two rolls of film from my time there and consider the photos a personal possession I would never share. FEMA was activated instantly because their office and ops center is only afew blocks away from the WTC site. They were on board so quickly because three FEMA staffers from their National Preparedness division were walking back from a meeting at 6 WTC when the first plane hit that morning. The external ops center at the pier was already set up to host a pre-planned exercise. Most FEMA workers are reservists so any major exercises need prior logistical planning that takes many days to complete -the NYC FEMA staff is under 70 people in the office with less than a dozen working on disaster response. FEMA in Manhattan also has a very close working relationship with the city. It only takes minutes for them to get informed, then involved in a situation. The folks at FEMA were also watching their friends die - most employees are former city employees or 1st responders. I'd say their response time was appropriate and driven by that motivation. (However, even FEMA experienced problems. Several employees simply went AWOL after the for over 2 weeks). Despite the theories, I never heard even a whisper about any secrets involving the WTC. Up until 2005 most of the guys who would have had that knowledge were still being counseled for PTSD -not the kind of people you'd expect to keep deep dark secrets. Having had access to all of the WTC materials before they went to the FEMA study and 9/11 Commission, I never saw anything unusual or suggestive of any conspiracy. If there is, it was conducted out of Washington DC. As far as this Sonnefield character stating that evidence was destroyed - he's right. It was buried under millions of tons of debris, dug up, trucked out to a landfill and only a fraction of it was sifted -mostly looking for human remains and personal effects. I personally saw part of a jet engine in the street but nothing more during my 4 days on the site. Perhaps more evidence materialized during the site excavation. Hope this provides some insight!

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 02:23 PM
I'm not sure What I find most interesting about this poster and post.

The date of registration or that so many seem to be showing up lately to what imo can only be described as damage control.

Seems the perps are definitely getting nervous and injecting as much disinfo/shills to maintain and perpetuate as much confusion as possible now that the official story continues to deteriorate faster than they can keep up with.

Originally posted by LiamClancy
I've been aching for years to get some of this off my chest. Reading this thread is as good a reason as any. I was a 1st Responder at the WTC- sent in at the behest of the US Army-from 9/11-9/15 and subsequently I worked for FEMA Region II HQ at the federal building in Manhattan. I hope this qualifies me as a first hand witness. I was IN building 6 before it collapsed. People were evacuating what they could before the building was sealed off. I saw it collapse and there was no controlled demolition. At the time I was certified in demolitions and I would have recognized the reports associated with any blasts used to detonate a building. The scene was labeled a crime scene and photographers (meaning the press) were excluded for good reason -body parts were scattered everywhere. This did not stop 1st responders from taking pictures. I have two rolls of film from my time there and consider the photos a personal possession I would never share. FEMA was activated instantly because their office and ops center is only afew blocks away from the WTC site. They were on board so quickly because three FEMA staffers from their National Preparedness division were walking back from a meeting at 6 WTC when the first plane hit that morning. The external ops center at the pier was already set up to host a pre-planned exercise. Most FEMA workers are reservists so any major exercises need prior logistical planning that takes many days to complete -the NYC FEMA staff is under 70 people in the office with less than a dozen working on disaster response. FEMA in Manhattan also has a very close working relationship with the city. It only takes minutes for them to get informed, then involved in a situation. The folks at FEMA were also watching their friends die - most employees are former city employees or 1st responders. I'd say their response time was appropriate and driven by that motivation. (However, even FEMA experienced problems. Several employees simply went AWOL after the for over 2 weeks). Despite the theories, I never heard even a whisper about any secrets involving the WTC. Up until 2005 most of the guys who would have had that knowledge were still being counseled for PTSD -not the kind of people you'd expect to keep deep dark secrets. Having had access to all of the WTC materials before they went to the FEMA study and 9/11 Commission, I never saw anything unusual or suggestive of any conspiracy. If there is, it was conducted out of Washington DC. As far as this Sonnefield character stating that evidence was destroyed - he's right. It was buried under millions of tons of debris, dug up, trucked out to a landfill and only a fraction of it was sifted -mostly looking for human remains and personal effects. I personally saw part of a jet engine in the street but nothing more during my 4 days on the site. Perhaps more evidence materialized during the site excavation. Hope this provides some insight!

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Orion7911

Or maybe he is tired of people desecrating the memory of those who died on 9/11 trying to make a quick buck and he wants to tell his story. Back off and say something productive.

This FEMA guy is bunk. If he has video, POST them....

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 07:08 AM

posted by LiamClancy

This did not stop 1st responders from taking pictures. I have two rolls of film from my time there and consider the photos a personal possession I would never share.

Your photos from your alleged two rolls of film are useless then aren't they, and your anonymous account just as useless and unverifiable?

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by SPreston

And where are your heroes videos? Why don't you attack him and not those who disagree with you or were there.

Just for giggles, where were you on 9/11?

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 12:49 PM
So, where are those videos???? I have been looking online and it seems that the flavor of the week for the 'truth' movement has moved on...or maybe we had him killed....

posted on Jul, 29 2009 @ 07:48 PM
Maybe I shouldn't be letting this out, but I have a sandwich bag of debris from ground zero that I scooped up directly from inside the middle of the debris field.

A friend and I visited early Jan of 2002. The clean up effort was still on going and there were still big piles of debris 2 or 3 stories in height in the center. After leaving a club not too far away from ground zero we walked to the viewing area and were told viewing doesn't open up until 8am and we had to get tickets from city hall to actually get inside the viewing area. It was about 5am and chances of getting in line to get tickets for that day was not likely.

The NYPD officers asked where we were from and we said CA. One of them said- you know what, I'll give you guys 3 mins to go down.

We looked at each other and said okay and we ran down the ramp that was used to bring in heavy machinary into the center of the debris field. I quickly scooped up a handful of fine debris- glass, bits of metal, dirt and other stuff (probably pieces of flesh now that I think about it). I have debris from the Berlin Wall and wanted to add to my collection, so to speak.

When we ran back up the ramp the cops were gone and about 10 soldiers with rifles were there waiting and the first thing I thought was- oh sh*t. They lied. We're going to get shot.

It was obvious from our faces that we thought we were going to get shot when one of the soldiers laughed and said- don't worry, we wouldn't shoot another American. Then the officer that gave us permission to go past the gates into the field came from around the corner and said to do them a favor (they were all New Yorkers) and tell people in California that New Yorkers aren't assholes. LOL.

Now reading about nano thermite, I wonder what can be found from analyzing the handful of debris we both took from inside ground zero, if anything. lol

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by alienj
reply to post by Abbby

I watched the video almost immediately on the news and it was a commercial plane, they had a new york news crew that was near ground zero doing a live broadcast, so they had the news almost asap. Yes maybe some radio stations reported it that way, but Fox News was on top of it, and got the info out pretty quick. Its amazing how after a few years people can begin to change the story to fit their needs and lies. The Truth seems to be irrelevant unless it falls into their view of what they want the truth to be.

[edit on 23-6-2009 by alienj]

Actually I am fairly new here...not really on one side or another..I don't have a need to fit....and I remember specifically them saying it was possibly a small plane. I am sure I was not watching FOX but I think it was NBC....then a few local channels in Washington DC.

Though my memory could be spotty....just like yours.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 12:43 AM
Did anybody DIGG this article yet?

posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Soloist

Seems like a pretty dramatic statement unless you personally knew the guy. Obviously, if the courts let him free the courts didn't think he was guilty, so why all the animosity? I find that interesting. At the very worst, he might be accused of profiteering...but it's not like every major corporation in the United States is doing Let's keep going after the small guys and the possible whistleblowers. If you have to attack him that ferociously, that you want to see him hung, piques some curiosity - obviously not a normal reaction.

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