posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 09:48 AM
It's not always about protecting America. Sometimes it's about protecting other people. I've been to Afghanistan twice and will be going on a
third trip very soon. I've worked with the Afghan National Army, the Afghan National Police, the Afghan Border Patrol, Afghan Commandos, and other
government forces all of which are trying to legitimize the Afghan government and get rid of the terrorist forces in their country, including the
Taliban, who treats their own people like complete garbage. Most of the suicide IEDs, whether carried bodily or in VBIEDs, kill more Afghan civilians
than anyone else. People are dragged out of their homes and killed in front of their families because the Taliban didn't like something they did or
said. It really is ridiculous over there. It's funny how so many people know NOTHING about what they're talking about, yet go on and on about how
we're in places like Afghanistan for the wrong reasons. They've never gone there and never will. They are getting their information from the very
media that they claim to be against. The reason we aren't "winning" the "war" is the media. The Taliban's public relations campaign is killing
us because morons here publish it in American papers. One example was a huge mission we successfully completed in 2006. We rolled into a Taliban
controlled valley that hadn't seen Americans for quite some time. Before we got there ALL women and children headed out of the village and towards
the mountains, which is what they do right before a huge firefight. We ended up killing about 300 confirmed enemy fighters complete with grenades,
RPGs, heavy machine guns, sniper rifles, and assorted small arms. Within hours the Taliban released a statement saying that US troops had rolled into
that specific town and slaughtered 125 innocent women and children. It was complete and total bull$@!#, but guess what. It popped up in the American
press the NEXT DAY. As far as the conspiracy theories about going over there to build pipelines and such are concerned, I've been to a lot of areas
in Afghanistan and I've never seen or heard of anything to support any of those claims. All I've EVER seen are plans put into place to benefit the
people living there and people in my unit being put on trial for killing someone in self defense. I'm not saying that there aren't ulterior motives
for our involvement over there, but I AM saying that in my experience I've seen nothing to suggest them. I haven't been to Iraq, so I can't really
comment on that situation. I can say, however, that people on my team went to Iraq right before I arrived and told me some very interesting things.
For example: Everyone talks about WMDs and how they didn't exist in Iraq. I'm assuming the media is harping on that fact because they're talking
about nukes in particular, but WMDs come in various forms including, but not limited to BIOLOGICAL weapons capable of killing THOUSANDS of people.
These are considered WMDs and MY TEAM found some in Iraq. They did exist and they were found. Why wasn't that on the news? An how about all of the
schools and wells we've built? You won't see those. In closing I think I'll add one more comment that's a little off topic, but needs to be said.
I'm so sick of hearing about mistreatment of prisoners and blah, blah, blah. Prisoners should NOT be mistreated and the people who did the dirty
work should be punished, but what really pisses me off is the fact that no one seems to understand who these people are. You have no idea how hard it
is to get sent to a place like Gitmo. You HAVE to be a major bad guy to make it that far. We captured tons of people red handed in possession of, for
example, VBIEDs in the making and they would get released within a month if they weren't considered bad enough. There are so many stages they have to
go through it's ridiculous. People who end up in places like the ones you see on the news are the worst of the worst and are proven to be so.
[edit on 20-6-2009 by brackforce]