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Glenn Beck's Outrageous Lie: Racist Von Brunn is "Hero of 9/11 Truthers"

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posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Tentickles
I find Infowars to be rather quick to judge these days.

Umm...what is being judged too quickly? There is no "mistake" being made by Glenn Beck. He's not "accidentally" wrong. He's intentionally wrong. That is propaganda. That is disinformation. That is spin.

Anyone can do a few seconds of research and figure out that James Von Brunn is not being held up as a hero in the 9/11 Truth Movement. He's even being demonized on StormFront (the white supremacist website) for Christ's sake! Why in the absolute Hell - if THOSE people disapprove of what he did - would 9/11 "Truthers" approve of what he did?

People in the 9/11 Truth Movement do not support James Von Brunn, Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad, or Scott Roeder. People in the 9/11 Truth Movement would not "work with" Al Qaeda or any terrorist organization. People in the 9/11 Truth Movement do not applaud this senseless violence against ANYONE! People in the 9/11 Truth Movement are against the wars and against the theft of our constitutional liberties. All the 9/11 Truth Movement wants is the restoration of our freedoms, the restoration of peace, and to hold government accountable for the actions it takes in it's own selfish interest.

Nothing is being judged too quickly. It's Beck's own words out of his own fat elitist face. He parades himself around as if he's "in the know", and considers himself some rebel anti-government American patriot, but then uses what little worthless influence he has to dissuade his mindless followers from doing their own research where they would no doubt discover the load of crap he unloads is nothing but half truths.

I don't honestly care what he says. The fact that he has obviously been tasked with conditioning the masses to steer clear of the 9/11 Truth Movement means THEY know that WE know who REALLY is responsible for this. They know they can't challenge the facts we've gathered, so they resort to laughing at us and suppressing our voice. They're scared and they're using the media to bail themselves out. This isn't a sign we should give up, this is a sign we should push forward.

[edit on 6/11/09 by NovusOrdoMundi]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 04:32 PM
Hmmm, does this mean some Japanes Government officials are White Supremacist extremist 9/11 Truth terrorists?

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 04:33 PM

You guys need to get thicker skins. The 9/11 Truther's is a tiny movement and nearly everyone in the US who knows about it thinks you are nuts.

I've never seen any convincing evidence, but my mind remains open to questions about WTC 7. I stopped posting in this forum because people here are so touchy and down right nasty. Perhaps that is not helping your image? When you try to shove things down peoples throats and demand they accept it, you turn people against you. Constantly calling people who don't agree with you names is not helpful either. In fact you are getting in return comments just like the ones you make about people who don't agree with you. Is turnabout fair play?

I don't know whether you are right or not, but you have to face reality at some point. Grow a pair or take up knitting.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I think open discusion and the right to disagree is all that I've read on this thread compared to other threads that have had a lot more nastier comments regarding less important toptics. Disagreement isn't being touchy or thin skined as much as it is openly discussing a topic that seems to be very sensitive to a lot of people. I appreciate your comments and agree that nothng can be forced on others but for somebody with such an open mind "WTC 7" alone makes the point that a new investigation should be conducted and that not all is what it seems.

If "WTC 7" is enogh to make people go Hmm then what I've been taught in law school is true about reasonable doubt. Jury dismissed and lunch is on me.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 04:49 PM
Beck is a very unintelligent man.

Puppet boy.



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[edit on 12-6-2009 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I don't know whether you are right or not, but you have to face reality at some point. Grow a pair or take up knitting.

I don't think "Grow a pair" is the right thing to say here. Truth-seekers in any forum, whether 9/11 related or not, have "a pair". Because if every other "mainstream" person was already on-board with the truth being sought, we wouldn't need "a pair" would we? Its takes "no pair" to be in the mainstream. Get it?

Truth-seekers have to stand up to demand and speak the truth even when we know it's not popular, and too frightening for most to even consider. One has to SEEK the truth, it will not be delivered to you in a nice "MSM" televised package as some would like to think.

But if you start searching and LOOK at some evidence (I admit it won't be delivered on a silver platter, truth seeking takes a little work these days), you might find the things that will get you to seek more TRUTH. I think you will then have "grown a pair".

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by 1SawSomeThings

When people can't disagree without getting rude or calling others names; no they don't have a pair. Perhaps you misunderstood my intent. That warning at the top of the 9/11 Forum is not there for no reason.

What is claimed here about 9/11 is a hard pill to swallow for nearly everyone. Even most Conspiracy fans don't buy into it. You will attract people with good facts and patience. I got to the point I don't care to even discuss it anymore, even though I have my own theory about WTC7.

As far as Brunn goes, who cares what people say or think about him anyway. There is no doubt as to his guilt and what kind of monster just starts shooting innocent people.

9/11 Truthers don't take one bit more grief than Christians, Jews or Muslims do. Its a problem the whole human race has to endure. Humans are basically jerks in the first place. We have a genetic need to hate.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 09:15 PM
When people can't disagree without getting rude or calling others names; no they don't have a pair. Perhaps you misunderstood my intent. That warning at the top of the 9/11 Forum is not there for no reason.

What is claimed here about 9/11 is a hard pill to swallow for nearly everyone. Even most Conspiracy fans don't buy into it. You will attract people with good facts and patience. I got to the point I don't care to even discuss it anymore, even though I have my own theory about WTC7.

As far as Brunn goes, who cares what people say or think about him anyway. There is no doubt as to his guilt and what kind of monster just starts shooting innocent people.

9/11 Truthers don't take one bit more grief than Christians, Jews or Muslims do. Its a problem the whole human race has to endure. Humans are basically jerks in the first place. We have a genetic need to hate.

what planet did this guy fall from, everyone should not be rude, but i will say," everyone is a jerk" wow grab some more meds kid cause your reverse physcology isnt working on me? anyhow, been feeling glenn out and it seems that money wins all wars, politicians, and pledges, guess us non medicated people are on our own, yet once again!

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 09:43 PM
This is EXTREMELY disturbing IMO when you watch the video

to associate 9/11 truth with .......this Disgusting killer should be Criminal....things are indeed getting interesting on propoganda front

IT may soon be time to "stop and think" before you type anything critical of 9/11 before you get lumped in a killer ......or more specifically a domestic terrorist threat.........

The decline of the Economy that will continue and either be a long rather "soft" i.e very mild depression (not like great depression") or continue toward a collapse unless we put new debt growth into productive means (like after WWII) will not be accompanied by the same freedoms that we enjoyed when the economy was robust.....oh no.........things are getting interesting here folks

don't forget that one industry that can still Create JOBS is the PRISON SYSTEM........this could get bad.....and there enough sheep to make it digestable to the masses

first they came for the 9/11 truthers and i didn't say or do anything .....then they came for the ....
........ then ..................

p.s this could also be used so that dissenters are discouraged for speaking up should there be a "new attack" and also to get the sheep scared of these they could help report them and "round em up".....i don't think this is likely right now.....but i don't think it is a long shot either

[edit on 11-6-2009 by cpdaman]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Rams59lb

The only truth is that we are all responsible for our own subjective experience....

There is no higher truth, because nothing can supersede the responsibility one has for their subjective experience...

It's as if the objective world just doesn't really matter.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by cpdaman

Don't get so paranoid they made a connection that quite frankly is valid but at the same time stupid. Any group or organization that believes the government is lying to them will attract people thats views are way out there. Examples even for truthers radio controlled plane,optical illusion and my personal favorite mind control making people only think the plane hit the building. I will say i very rarely participate in any 911 threads because people in the area it all most becomes an obsession. And again this will attract some very scary people. I will say from what i read on 911 forums both sides can use the same evidence and come to different conclusions which tells me the facts are not there. Which by inference means the official story is missing facts of fabricated. But i hate to say it terrorists were the cause and no the building wasn't demolished at least not until after it fell.I believe there is a missing piece the government hasn't released. I would tell you my belief but again theres no way to prove it!

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 12:35 AM
I think what hurts some people the most is that we were beginning to believe that Glen Beck was starting to report on some very important issues such as the financial problem being done on purpose by greedy bankers and our rights being taken away right before our eyes and then the infamous fema camp back down happened when he promised to bring us a report on the hundreds of fema camps that have been built around the country that are fully staffed but are empty then he backed down at the last minute. And now he compares 9/11 truthers to white supremist killers who worship this guy as some kind of a hero. I felt like I was punched in the gut with that one. I never paid much attention to the 9/11 issue other than I think we never have gotten the full story of exactly what went on that day. But to hear a person say something like that on national T.V. as if it was a fact is something that frightens me like nothing has in a long time. That is a serious accusation and I fear even more that what he said is just the beginning of a propaganda campaign with multiple endgames.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 01:44 AM
Alex Jones is actually looking alot less nutty now.

Beck.. what the hell are you talking about you moron!

The elitists are feeling the heat and are desperate!

Seeing how the FED is closer to being audited and the bilderberg grp is getting more and more publicity, they are stooping to new lows again. Lets just hope this audit kicks in and kicks in fast so we can perhaps prevent the next false flag. This s h ^ t is real!

[edit on 12-6-2009 by disfugured]

This vid made me laugh..

[edit on 12-6-2009 by disfugured]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by 1SawSomeThings
Truth-seekers have to stand up to demand and speak the truth

The TRUTH has been put forth to the so-called '9-11 truthers' and they refuse to accept it. The truth is that four airplanes were hijacked by radical Islamic terrorists and those planes were used as weapons to mass murder US citizens in an unending Jihad war against us.

That's the truth.

As for Glenn Beck ... does anyone have a transcript where he actually uses the words 'Von Brunn is a hero of 9/11 truthers'?? I might have missed it but I didn't see him actually say it on the tapes posted here ...

Glenn Beck sometimes is brilliant and other times he's a buffoon.
No one gets it 100% correct all the time.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 06:32 AM
when I see that gerbil with his face pouches on the tube he doesn't last longer than thi......... glen beck is full of it and is a true pc. of work. I hope he fails.


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[edit on 12-6-2009 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

If you already know "the truth" then that settles it, look no more.

But just in case you didn't know, some professional alliances have formed who want a new independent investigation:

700 architects & engineers:

Senior Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement,
and Government Officials:

an organization of aviation professionals and pilots:

There is much more if you look.

[edit on 12-6-2009 by 1SawSomeThings]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 07:13 AM
Yep when any group are getting to the truth, these clowns make someone do something and then claim everyone is like that. Same mo every time.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 08:27 AM
Liar liar pants on fire. The mental image of Becks ass on fire is certainly satisfying.

I am challenged by the idea that any rational person can go through all the evidence - or even most of it - that is available on the net regarding 911, and conclude that the government story is the correct answer. Hello!? Anyone home in that head?

I think the problem lies in the 'incredulity' factor. Basically - its just too big, they have to discard too many beliefs in order to allow an alternative explanation - and the beliefs are core to their own perceived value.

The main beliefs that I think are the culprits are;

1) America is a good nation, and acts in the worlds best interests.
2) The American military are justified in what they do, they fight evil.
3) 911 was the work of Muslim terrorists.

There's some other ones; "The government would never intentionally do anything that's bad for the American people", "Muslims are bad people" and so on.

These are core values - people who deny that 911 was anything but Muslim 'terrorists' hold onto the whole group of those beliefs - I think it would be rare to find someone who believed in point 3, without them admitting they believed 1 and 2 as well.

What I can say is this - "HELLO!" Just because your government is psycho and your military are murdering innocent people around the world doesn't make you a bad person. What it does do though, is place an enormous responsibility on you to go and do something about it. (Maybe that's the problem? Don't want the responsibility?)

[edit on 12-6-2009 by Amagnon]

[edit on 12-6-2009 by Amagnon]

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

The 9/11 Truther's is a tiny movement and nearly everyone in the US who knows about it thinks you are nuts.

I'd say you are full of #, it's not a small movement, it grows each and every day, secondly how do you verify that "everyone" thinks 9/11 truth advocates are "nuts?"

I would say you're nuts if you prefer 9/11 Lies to 9/11 Truth.

posted on Jun, 12 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Beefcake

Originally posted by HunkaHunka

Originally posted by Solomons
reply to post by HunkaHunka

I dont think its because he doesn't support or believe in the 9/11 truth movement.Probably more to do with the fact he is attempting to link all 9/11 truthers with a crazy white supremacist who shot and killed someone.

Without further study into the movement, I couldn't say if they have more white supremacists in them than not...

What is the percentage of truthers who are white supremacists OR support what this guy did? I just don't know...

Do you?

The issue is not only that obviously all 9/11 truthers are not white supremacists just like he was a WW2 veteran and i don't now think all WW2 Veterans are anti-Semites. You know because they actually help the Jews.

Uhm.... people were DRAFTED for WW2... you CHOOSE to join the 9/11 truther movement... you don't get drafted... see the difference?

The biggest lie is that he was a "HERO" of the truth movement and we all know that he wasn't because personally I'd never even heard his name before yesterday and i follow the movement closely so in other words Glenn Beck is a horrible news man and might aswell said that Von Brunn was actually Superman because it hold just about as much validity.

He may not have been a hero to the truthers YOU know, but he was a hero to the White Supremacists he knew who follow pretty much the same rhetoric as the Truthers...

For example...

Notice how he says the holocaust is a lie just like the truthers who believe 9/11 is a lie...

"The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews. Obama does what Jew owners tell him to do. Jews captured America's money. Jews control the mass media. The 1st Amendment is abrogated --henceforth," von Brunn wrote, according to an FBI agent's affidavit.

Now also note that he was also on the BHO BC bandwagon...

A November 2008 post that appeared under von Brunn's name declared, "There is no Obama documentation -- no records -- no paper trail -- none -- this is no accident. It is being done on purpose with Media help -- but to serve whom & why???"

And He goes on to be anti-marxist and blame everything on everyone else...

Von Brunn's Web site promoted his book, "Kill the Best Gentiles," in which he claimed the Jewish-led "Illuminati" and Jewish figures such as Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx worked "to destroy Western civilization and the Aryan nation that created it."

And finally....

He believes that Obama and the Gov are after his Guns...

A notebook found in his car after the shooting declared, "You want my weapons -- this is how you'll get them," according to investigators.

Now tell me that the Truther movement doesn't also support those ideas? The only difference in my opinion is that they don't cite the Aryan race, and they don't seem to be White Supremacists...

However, that doesn't mean that the majority of White Supremacists aren't also in the truther movement...

There is a huge faction of the truther movement which is White Supremacist... and this needs to be shown...

This is what GB is talking about...

[edit on 12-6-2009 by HunkaHunka]

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