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The Anti-Christ and His New World Order Revealed

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posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by helen670

Hi/ But MY God is the Creater Of all! He is what created all that is Good! I wont go into Scripture since you dont belive in Scripture,but you quote Scripture,(Unknown that is )YET, you failed to answer that it is Written as 666 NOT 616?

But MY God is the Creater Of all!

If this is true he is therefore the creator of my god, the one he is jealous of

He is what created all that is Good!

Then if this is true, is not the creator of that which created all that is bad and therefore not the creator of all -

But MY God is the Creater Of all!

You can't have it both ways I'm afraid

I wont go into Scripture since you dont belive in Scripture,but you quote Scripture,(Unknown that is )YET, you failed to answer that it is Written as 666 NOT 616?

What's there to answer ? The earliest know fragment of revelation assigns 661 as the number of the beast and not 666 so everything later was a misprint or a change of number.

This is an observation of a contradiction, if however you insist that the number is in fact 666 then my I suggest you take it up with the writers of the bibles. If the bibles are gods word then point out to god that he has designated more than one number to the beast, and perhaps he would be courteous enough to clarify which is the correct number.

If however, you believe the bibles were written by men but only inspired by the yahwehjesus god, then it's up to you to ascertain which person was inspired by god, the one that says 666 or the one that says 661.

To say that your sticking with 666 because 661 doesn't fit your agenda is up to you, but it doesn't negate the fact that the gospels have a different number to what you have.

if you have spent a lifetime believing that revelation assigns the number 666, then you find out it was a mistake. I suppose that's like finding the earliest copy of book of luke, which says that jesus had a son. You may not like it, it may not fit with whatever else you believe, but it's there and would contradict current opinion.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by moocowman

The creator is not of the physical existance, the physical existance is of the creator, that is why the Human Mind deciphers the creator as an biological like entity as if the creator is of the physical reality, which is not the case.

Example: The bible stating the creator as "He".

That is why religions are flawed they look into The Physical creation and not of the true universe that it is binded too.

[edit on 25-6-2009 by Psychonaughty]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Bombeni

Pathetic, that is all I can say

If that's all you can say, then why do you continue with a lengthy paragraph.

If you have a spirit of hate in you why not JUST GO WITH IT. Quit with the lies and excuses.

Does that sentence actually mean anything, please type a little slower to match your thought processing so at to clarify what you mean there.

I'm sure that somewhere in amongst your ad hominem rants you may have some valid questions.

You have the sheer audacity to compare the hundreds of millions of untold acts of mercy on the sick, the poor, the downtrodden, with the atrocities committed by people who did it in the GUISE of Chrisitanity?

In the guise of christianity ? Please explain who these people were that pretended to be christians , but were not in fact christians.

What exactly is a true xtian and who gave you the authority to decide who is and is not an xtian ?

In my opinion, YOU carry the very same spirit that ate them up with evil. You blab on about some incidents in history which we all know were not done by true Christians, as though we need to actually be leary of Christians?

Ahum nope, we don't all know this, perhaps it is time to clear up this "true xtian thing"

Lets' see who of these do you consider a true christian ?

Mother Theresa

Charles Darwin

Pastor Ted Haggard

James Brother of Jesus

Emperor Constantine


the Phelps family

Barak Obama

YOU are the one I would hate to meet in a dark alley. Just the facade of you carries a dark and menacing force, I couldn't imagine coming upon the real you, I hope it never happens.

Needless to say you you have no real faith in your god or you would not be this fearful.

At this juncture, given the nature of your rants and your inabilty to engage in reasonable debate, without personal attack. Leads me to wonder whether or not you actually believe what you scream so loudly.

The last time I heard a rant like this I was compelled to enquirer of the ranter whether or not he was a closet gay.

Are you gay by any chance ? if so this must be a huge burden for you if you also profess to being an xtian.

Don't be ashamed my friend, come out of the closet free yourself you may well live a healthier life without all the mental torture.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Psychonaughty

yes I am aware of this and have not intended to imply otherwise

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by moocowman

You Sir, are a walking example of fallacious and circular logic. You attempt to persuade from a superficial – at best – grasp of classical logic and debate while repeating indefensible proofs as evidence for opinions that cannot stand before critical observation. In effect, I am persuaded that you are nothing more than an educated expert in your own mind devoid of the realities of the subjects you post to, i.e.: an intellectual fraud.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 09:10 PM
All you you guys need to stop this nonsense and wake up to the alien NWO agenda. Maitreya and "Master Jesus" will be the beast and the false prophet. I'm not lying to you and I haven't been at all this entire time so I hope you wake up. They are weak to orgone. Stock up on orgone if you can get it. There is an underground movement of 144,000 people ready to fight in the coming "alien" wars and the NWO called Faction 4. Prepared to die for Yahweh at any cost. Notice the quotes around aliens because they are fallen angels and rebels. Quit listening to the Church lies and start opening your own eyes. Even if you can't get orgone prayer is still powerful. Praying today made it rain here. Come on you can't say there is no power to prayer. Go to your Father in Heaven and it will be given to you. Remember to pray through Jesus to the Father not to Jesus. Start using his real name more too. It's better than using the latinized Jesus. Yeshua, Yahushua. The Churches don't want people to know and there are many Satanists posing as pastors like Jack Van Impe and Rexella and Rick Warren. Most celebrities are probably going to accept Maitreya.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

You need to sober up and stop doing whatever it is your doing. Your answer is HERE.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by SGTChas
reply to post by watchtheashes

You need to sober up and stop doing whatever it is your doing. Your answer is HERE.

See what the bible does to people hrmm...

Day and night, by definition, can only happen on a planet which is spinning. On the third day God created the Earth... hmm...
Genesis 1:1 to 1:10 .
Flaws of the work of man, the bible, lol.....
(Kudos to notreallyalive)

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by moocowman

The thing the Creator did was to give us a gift - a part of Him - choice.

He did not create evil - He won't have anything to do with evil - so you rant against those who elect evil. But you want to blame God for giving us choice.

Your mockery is comical. It's like watching a dog bite it's tail that's been stung by a bee. He blames his tail.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by cbianchi513

Hi cbianchi/

There can be only One God,True?
If there were many, then this whole thing would be out of whack?
I say the DEVIL has created in our minds that he too is looked upon as a god!
The mind is so powerful that people MISS what is right in front of them.
Do we all worship in One God?
If there's a God, then there is also a Devil.
Man's mind became all jumbled when Adam and Eve fell....they did not do what God commanded them to ''Do not Eat of that Tree'' and so when they did their OWN will, they became all knowing and since that first time mans thinking and logic became infected with evil deeds.
It's similar to mind control....Spritual enlightenment of NOT the true Holy Spirit.
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly,that in the late times some shall depart from the faith,giving heed to seducing spirits,and doctrines of devils(1Tim.4:1)
Although, some know and understand this perfectly!


posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by SGTChas

Don't tell me to sober up. The only thing I drink is wine(Israel has many many vineyards) and maybe once a month. Do you know how much condemnation and ill will I would receive from Yahweh if I was lying to you guys? I'm telling the truth. Israel never really liked their own prophets in fact they always killed them. They rejected their own(and the world's) Messiah, so they will do the same to me. You're doing that right now. I'm on your side. What are you going to do when you see everything I said unfold before your eyes? I consider Yahweh a friend and my God, and His Son my Savior and friend as well. What is wrong about that? I check the Scriptures to make sure what I'm saying is well meaning beforehand, and don't think Yeshua isn't here among us just because we're online. He just pointed me to the 666 scripture because I'm one who has understanding. Even online when two or three are gathered in His name here is here in the midst of us. Forums are a great way to spread the word and the Word of God to many people. We have to use Satan's technology against him in favor of the Lord.

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Psychonaughty

You're asking for something you don't want there my friend. I'm here to help not to slander the Word. I believe in God but even demons believe and tremble.

Don't think demons exist? Ever seen a UFO? Ghost? Vision of a hippy Jesus? All demons playing tricks and Satan must use technology (like UFOs) to get around. He's not omnipresent so he must use other means. The Illuminati are very aware of this. They are the seed of Cain son of Satan and Eve. Bet a Pastor has never said that huh? Any wars fought in the Old Testament were usually done to hybrid peoples of this seed. Those fireballs that the military recently covered up are UFOs being knocked out of the skies by 144,000 people on the side of Yah the Most High. One group of 144,000. There are events coming that your imagination couldn't muster to imagine. The mind of God scripted the end and it will be GRAND. With destruction and suffering unfortunately. I don't know the mind of God only the things He has shown me and don't get me wrong I'm still learning.

[edit on 6/25/2009 by watchtheashes]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by watchtheashes
All you you guys need to stop this nonsense and wake up to the alien NWO agenda. Maitreya and "Master Jesus" will be the beast and the false prophet. I'm not lying to you and I haven't been at all this entire time so I hope you wake up. They are weak to orgone. Stock up on orgone if you can get it. There is an underground movement of 144,000 people ready to fight in the coming "alien" wars and the NWO called Faction 4. Prepared to die for Yahweh at any cost. Notice the quotes around aliens because they are fallen angels and rebels. Quit listening to the Church lies and start opening your own eyes. Even if you can't get orgone prayer is still powerful. Praying today made it rain here. Come on you can't say there is no power to prayer. Go to your Father in Heaven and it will be given to you. Remember to pray through Jesus to the Father not to Jesus. Start using his real name more too. It's better than using the latinized Jesus. Yeshua, Yahushua. The Churches don't want people to know and there are many Satanists posing as pastors like Jack Van Impe and Rexella and Rick Warren. Most celebrities are probably going to accept Maitreya.

Hi Watch/

No one is against you.
If you read and LISTEN to what Scripture says, you will know that Jesus Christ is God!
''And the WORD became Flesh and dwelt among us''(John 1, 14)
In the words of the Apostle Paul, "(Christ) being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant" (Philippians 2:6-7).
"In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.........No man hath seen God at any time;
the only begotten Son,
who is in the bosom of the Father,
He hath declared Him"
(John 1:1-18)....If Jesus Christ was just a simple man,why is it that HE is the only one that did see the Father?
Creature or Creator~
All things were made by HIM;and without HIM was not anything made that was made''(John 1 ,3; Heb.1,3)
How else can a simple man UNITE man(us) with the Father God?
It cannot be done!
When Jesus was Crucified and resurrected, He as the Son of God UNITED US to the Father God,who HIMself is the Son of God,of which the Holy Spirit comes from.
Adam being the First created man...But later fell away(SINNED)from God experienced DEATH of which man was not so created to DIE, but live eternally......
We see in Jesus Christ the SECOND Adam..who was ABLE to conquer DEATH through His three Temptations...
Finally man is UNITED once again with GOD in the Resurrection of Christ...otherwise this was not possible to be done with just a man.

Ill tell you something about demons.
The Devil tricked man to eat and be all knowing....He did not LIE, but he twisted the TRUTH of God's words,just a little so man would not think otherwise...So man thought,Yeh, why not?
The Serpant which is also the devil(also spoken of in Revelation)And the serpent said to Eve: "Ye shall not surely die if you eat of the fruit, but your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as God -- knowing both good and evil."
eg///"Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die" (Genesis 2:16-17).
Satan enticed Adam and Eve by arguing that if they ate of the fruit they would "... be as gods, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:7)

The Devil is a LIAR from the beginning...
The Devil will twist words of God to make it seem TRUTH...and so man not knowing the 'full truth' believes what he hears in his mind.

Maitreya may be a false prophet,An antichrist or simply a false Fore-runner of the Antichrist.
Just as Saint John the Baptist, was the fore-runner of the true Messiah,prophesying the Lord Jesus Christ,So shall come also a fore-runner doing the same.
As for Aliens...yes they are demons coming as they trick man that they are some sort of gods.
You say

Start using his real name more too. It's better than using the latinized Jesus. Yeshua, Yahushua.

This is wrong,because the WORD Lord was used in the Old and New Testament...
to quote''HE Greek version of the Old Testament commonly known as the Septuagint (...) is a version of a Hebrew text earlier by about a millennium than the earliest dated Hebrew manuscript extant (916 AD), a version, in particular, prior to the formal rabbinical revision of the Hebrew which took place early in the 2nd century AD. (...)''
The Septuagint~the Seventy

take care,

These teachings are not my OWN,they have been used for over two thousand years and have not CHANGED....Scripture does not change with the Times.
People may change according to MODERN ideas put forth, but not Gods WORD.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God (2 Tim. 3:16)

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by moocowman

Hi /

You made a comment about 616 being the proper wording of the New Testament....And YET,
You failed to answer me where it is found in the Old Testament?
Here in the Old Testament....
Kings 111 chapter 10:14...
14 Καὶ ἦν ὁ σταθμὸς τοῦ χρυσίου τοῦ ἐληλυθότος τῷ Σαλωμὼν ἐν ἐνιαυτῷ ἑνὶ ἑξακόσια καὶ ἐξηκονταὲξ τάλαντα χρυσίου, 15 χωρὶς τῶν φόρων τῶν ὑποτεταγμένων καὶ τῶν ἐμπόρων καὶ πάντων τῶν βασιλέων τοῦ πέραν καὶ τῶν σατραπῶν τῆς γῆς.
English translation...
14 And the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold.
Here lies where Solomon fell INTO worship of the False gods...

So it remains that it is 666 and not the falsified 616 or whatever other falsified scriptures people come up with.


posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by helen670

Why do all of you guys think I'm promoting Maitreya? It's Anti-Christ. Not Yeshua the Christ. I read the Scriptures every day and listen well and to Yeshua Himself who makes an intercession in my prayer. He shows me where I wrong. No man is perfect but men can be forgiven that they may be made holy.

I'm here to help not to be deceived by Satan. I know he poses as a doer of good. I knew getting this message across would be hard but I didn't think like this. I know this is the internet but I'm telling you the truth. Maitreya is not a forerunner it's the only name that equals 666 in more than one language. He's very real and waiting for his TV interview a day on which I suggest you don't watch it because he is hypnotic like Obama uses hypnosis at his speeches. But Maitreya is not Obama. Obama is the evil John the Baptist in a sense. Remember they believe John was the Christ until he said there is One greater than he coming. Same with Obama only it's Anti-Christ who is coming in this instance. Satanic magic or not Maitreya is my sworn enemy. In fact in asking Yeshua if I am deceived or deceiving myself He has told me otherwise. The devil seeks whom he may devour. I wish to take no part in that.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by watchtheashes

Hi watch/

You state in your post that Jesus and God are not ONE and the same?
This is false!

Scripture is very clear who Jesus Christ is...I pointed it out to you.
Here's another...The Scripture....All AUTHORITY in Heaven and on earth is given Unto ME(Mathew 28:18...AND ''You search the SCRIPTURES BECAUSE YOU THINK THAT IN THEM you have eternal life,but THEY testify about ME''(John 5:39)..How else can authority be given to just a man named Jesus,if He is not GOD?

Here is another one to think about.
Say the Lords prayer before you read and understand it...''Lord Jesus Christ,Son of God, Have mercy on me a sinner''
When you read the Scriptures,remember that the MIND is so powerful, that anything that enters in it,believes it to be true.
How else can deception occur...the Scriptures WARN us of the LIES of the Demons and HOW they deceive ''even the elect of God''

"These things you should have done, ...... There are bad traditions and good traditions: in Mark 7:1-13 we read how Jesus excoriated the Pharisees for replacing the commandments of God with human tradition, and in Col:2:8, Paul tells us to BEWARE of men's traditions that are NOT according to CHRIST.Those are bad traditions.But lets us look at good traditions.Luke11:42


posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by watchtheashes

Did you learn this through yourself or were you brought up this way, it's like a kid thinking Santa Clause is real but never actually seeing for himself. You should forget everything you know and sit down and ponder with only yourself.

You say UFO's are purely Satanic, but really what would happen if an alien stepped out that was benevolent? What it's the "Anti-christ"?

The bible, basing it all on just records and pages of scriptures put together By man what of the parts that were thrown away, burned, changed, what if it's just a little truth, with alot of twisted perversions based on controling and wealth/greed.

Maybe understanding the spiritual and underlying meaning of the bible is the key, not the Physical existant fairy tale that goes with it.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by moocowman

Wow. That was SO circular, my eyes are still spiralling.

That was probably your intent.

Did you at least ATTEMPT to salt any logical connections in there?

Or was it all just smoke?

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by watchtheashes
All you you guys need to stop this nonsense and wake up to the alien NWO agenda. Maitreya and "Master Jesus" will be the beast and the false prophet. I'm not lying to you and I haven't been at all this entire time so I hope you wake up. They are weak to orgone. Stock up on orgone if you can get it. There is an underground movement of 144,000 people ready to fight in the coming "alien" wars and the NWO called Faction 4. Prepared to die for Yahweh at any cost. Notice the quotes around aliens because they are fallen angels and rebels. Quit listening to the Church lies and start opening your own eyes. Even if you can't get orgone prayer is still powerful. Praying today made it rain here. Come on you can't say there is no power to prayer. Go to your Father in Heaven and it will be given to you. Remember to pray through Jesus to the Father not to Jesus. Start using his real name more too. It's better than using the latinized Jesus. Yeshua, Yahushua. The Churches don't want people to know and there are many Satanists posing as pastors like Jack Van Impe and Rexella and Rick Warren. Most celebrities are probably going to accept Maitreya.

"Orgone", not "Kryptonite"? Dang it! What am I supposed to do with all this kryptonite I stocked up on?

Think they'd take it in trade on an orgone generator, in lieu of cash?

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by dooper

He did not create evil - He won't have anything to do with evil - so you rant against those who elect evil. But you want to blame God for giving us choice.

I don't blame a god for anything I don't believe in your god so how could I ?

I merely make an observation -

Xtians claims jesusyahwhe is the one and only god IE the creator of everything that ever was, is or will be.

For evil to exist it has to be created just like anything else in creation. As jesusyahweh god is alleged to be the creator of all that there is then it created evil.

If as you claim, god did not create evil the obviously the source of evil lays elsewhere which is other than god.

If this then is true, your jesusyahwhegod cannot be omniscient/omnipresent as we have another creator on the scene, the source of what your yahwhejesus is not.

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