posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 05:41 PM
yeah theres something askew ,the way that im beginning or have believed that during the ww2 the agenda and the secret banking systems used the
effieciency and cold calculating scientific methods of the german race to facilitate all manors of experimentation under the cover of more down to the
people reasons to expand and recoup the loses of ww1 what ur seeing now is the refinement of that eras data, used by the same powers to meet the
objective of world power ,,do some homework its out there rockafellers,chases all funneled moneies thru the ubc banking to covertly fund said
atrocities,this is nothing more than a retooled version with the added umph of hi-tech,,,its not so much hitler rising(he was a pawn that was perfect
fit 4 the agenda same as other leaders b4) ,but the agenda perfected ,,time to rethink your god system people,, its here