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The Emergence of President Obama's Muslim Roots

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posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
BTW, thanks for the "foe" designation. I'll always treasure it.

My thread on respected foes.
Lots of folks think it's an 'I hate you' list .. but it isn't.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:26 PM
Some of the remarks here are just plain racist, bigoted and above all else frightening. More to the point I am done discussing anymore politics on this BB.

Why don't some of you just grab your guns and crawl under your sink and we will call for you when it's safe to come out.

Good God.

For the love of Christ he is not a Muslim and if he was who the heck cares. If you do care that he may be a Muslim, then you REALLY, ...REALLY need a healthy dose of humanity.

[edit on 3-6-2009 by AllexxisF1]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:28 PM
Didn't mean to upset you applecart, or yam wagon, or even your turnip truck.

reply to post by AllexxisF1

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:28 PM
WOW .. someone actually read the article I posted.

Did you read the rest .. about what he said about the 'Islamic world'.

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
the "War on terrorism" is a religious war. Given that America is a "Christian nation," it is very much at war with Islam.

Radical Islam declared war against the USA.
The USA is now at war against radical Islam. No doubt about it.
Much like the USA had to go to war against Japan in WWII.
It was thrust upon us.

If radical Islam hadn't done that .. or disengaged ... there'd be no war.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

We absolutely should be at war with Islam as long as Islam is at war with us. The sooner we realize that and accept that, the easier it will be to resolve this conflict.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

That's probably true. However, Allexis, you have to realize that fundamentalism is running ramapant, both Islamic and "Christian." It is no surprise that there are such comments as what you are seeing. Then, they have the audacity to claim that there is not a religious conflict taking place.
I find it rather amuzing, really.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:30 PM
I wouldn't be too surprised if Obama was Muslim. But, then again, if good ol' G. W. was a Christian then I don't mind Obama being a Muslim... We're screwed either way.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

That's certainly true. I certainly don't condone Islam, nor its hateful tendencies.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
Some of the remarks here are just plain racist, bigoted and above all else frightening.

Racist? Did someone here say that they hate him because he's black?
Where was that? Musta' missed it.

Can you back up your claim that there are racist posts here?

As for frightening .. I find it frightening when people want to give Obama a free pass on lies and on his pandering all the while deflecting and putting down those who want the truth exposed. THAT is what is frightening.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by a.m.e.
if good ol' G. W. was a Christian

That is highly questionable and could easily be debated.

reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

If it is a religious war against radical islam, it's because of those radical islamics declaring war against all who don't agree with them ... including other muslims who aren't 'muslim enough'. It was thrust upon us ... and not us upon them.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Sadly, many here play the "racist card" whenever they find someone disagreeing with them. Even more sad is that many of the same members are also showing their ignorance of what the word or concept of racism even means.

I started this thread and I never meant for it to be about race or racism in any sense of the words.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Obviously it's his religion that is important. If he said that his favorite food was turkey sandwiches and then someone recorded him saying his favorite food was really ham sandwiches, would this thread even exist? No. No one care what he likes to eat. Me? I don't care what his religion is either. Attack his policies or acts as a president if you want to. Who cares what his religion is? There's a billion Muslims out there and he's not pushing his beliefs onto others.

Also, to repeat, he's a practicing Christian. He's not Muslim. A religion is a belief and a person can change there religion every three seconds if they want. If he was a Muslim at one point or never was, it doesn't matter.

If you don't trust Obama, don't vote for him in 2012. However, a lot people do like him and trust him. So, they voted for him and he won the election. You as an individual don't get an overriding veto power in national election.

Does anyone here actually believe this Muslim Obama controversy will have any practical effect in the real world? If someone decides not to vote for him in 2012 because they think he might be a Muslim even though he doesn't practice it, is that supposed to be good? I don't understand what your motives are for inventing and selling this scandal?

Muslims aren't evil. Obama isn't a Muslim anyway. If you don't like him or Muslims or people you think might secretly want to be Muslims but aren't currently practicing it, don't vote for them. That's your right.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by andrewh7
reply to post by FlyersFan

Muslims aren't evil.

Not evil, dangerous. When (not if) the next terrorist attack happens, we will revisit this issue.

[edit on 3-6-2009 by finemanm]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
Some of the remarks here are just plain racist, bigoted and above all else frightening. More to the point I am done discussing anymore politics on this BB.

Why don't some of you just grab your guns and crawl under your sink and we will call for you when it's safe to come out.

Good God.

For the love of Christ he is not a Muslim and if he was who the heck cares. If you do care that he may be a Muslim, then you REALLY, ...REALLY need a healthy dose of humanity.

[edit on 3-6-2009 by AllexxisF1]

Humanity! You who post out of IGNORANCE on this matter dare to appeal to humanity???

Did you know that Muslims have okayed the killing of members of their religion who leave the Muslim religion for another religion?

Did you know that Muslims will kill anyone who publicly writes negatively about their religion or draws pictures of Muhammed?

How about Muslims believing that it's okay to kill their daughters if they want to marry a boy from another religion?

And how about the Muslim extremists who want all non-Muslims destroyed?

You speak of humility and call people on here raacists and bigots when offer opinions about an organization that has perpetuated violence and hatred? Let me ask you something - how is that ANY different than Democrats/Liberals trashing the Republicans?

Maybe any of you educated Democrats or Liberals out there can shed some light on that question. You chastized the Republican party for the last eight years and now claim the extremists in the Republican party have made it the party of hatred and intolerance, but you make excuses for your own president belonging to a RELIGION that STILL TO THIS DAY has extremists who advocate violence and intolerance. You make EXCUSES for your president and you go on bashing another party!!!

How are the two any different??? Come on! I DARE you to explain that one to me.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Heisenberg

It was, but I wouldn't call it a robbery.

One time I left the car keys in my front appartment door (that was stupid). Some kids took the key, took my car, drove around for a day, and you would never guess this, it was returned the next day on the different parking lot in my apartment complex. There was more gass in the tank, they left me a nice unopened orange juice drink, couple of cd( I belive it was Shakira and backstreet boys, I kept the first one) and left the keys in the egnition. I was like whaaaat?

but that's besides the point.

Let's make Obama into a fundamentalist muslim. Shall we? or should we focus on the real issues at hand?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
Hey I got an idea...

Who cares if he's Muslim? Who cares if he has ties to Islam? What does that have to do with how he leads our country? Didn't our forefather's place constitutional rights of freedom to practice any religion?

Why don't people focus on what's important, like instead of creating paranoid delusions, do something to better someone's situation.


Your right - whatever he is, is irrelevant - because he is a puppet.

Why don't people get some education and disabuse themselves of total ignorance?

He lies - he has lied about everything - HE IS A LIAR - period. He is also just following orders - don't you fkn people know that he is bringing Communism down on your fkn heads?

He has been groomed of course - his role is planned, and he is just doing what he was trained to do. The banks and controllers control your stupid ass government - are you so ignorant, you think Obama even means anything?

It doesn't matter how communist, muslim, racist he is - it just makes his job easier. Which is to turn America into a giant starving #hole that will BEG for socialism and a new currency.

They don't want to FORCE you into the North American Union, replacement of the $US with the Amero, and socialism - they want you to BEG for it.

I can already see people saying "CAPITALISM SUX - WE NEED SOCIALISM!"

Capitalism is a system based on freedom - the problem is that socialism has been invading your country for 40 years - and has destroyed capitalism. Now people say "Capitalism failed!" What ignorance - capitalism was DESTROYED intentionally - and made to look like a big pile of poo - so that SOCIALISM would look good in comparison.

You've been had -and the general ignorance dismays me - but its not really your fault - this has been a hard campaign to stupidify you, and to lie to you at every stage of your life. Can't really expect you to suddenly wake up and realize that EVERYTHING YOU HAVE EVER BEEN TOLD WAS A LIE!

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
reply to post by FlyersFan

Sadly, many here play the "racist card" whenever they find someone disagreeing with them. Even more sad is that many of the same members are also showing their ignorance of what the word or concept of racism even means.

I started this thread and I never meant for it to be about race or racism in any sense of the words.

When you label someone a racist - you are in fact creating racism out of nowhere. Government policy is totally racist - racism is a non issue - it is an invented idea to confuse and separate people. It also prevents free speech.

Its a stupid insane intellect defying piece of garbage. Racism does not EXIST.

Racism is incorrectly labeled. No-one cares if people are black or green or whatever, they care about CULTURAL DIFFERENCES - it is differences in behaviors, beliefs and values that cause conflict.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:12 PM

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:24 PM
hehehe. settle down ladies...

just two points:

1) There is never any clause in the US constitution that says Muslims cant be presented.
2) There is never a President who ran for election in any country that had been truthful. ALL had in one way or the other been lied just to get elected.

So just consider where the US is now after being run by how many so called "truthful" Presidents? Go back to your history, take away emotions, clarify the facts, analyze the situation the country is in now (what, when,why and how) and then I guess thats the time you pound those keyboards again and begin posting.

Doing these would probably make "OPEN MINDED and INTELLIGENT" make sense...

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Amagnon

If you don't wanna hire someone who has a race that is unfavorable to you, you can still just say that they are unqualified or he or she is not the matterial the company is looking for and still get away with it without showing your true colors. You know that happens a lot still. Racism exists but not in the form that existed 50 years ago. It's less now but still there, only the racists have become more polite.

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