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conscious Oobe....It's Real!!

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posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 12:00 AM
Prayer or mantra's are in no way important. It is the state of mind that is important. Prayers/mantra's etc are nothing but tools used in obtaining the right state of mind in the specific situation you are in. So instead of seeing which prayers are more usefull I suggest to look further and see which effects those prayers have on your mind and then share that effect. This allows people to find methods that are more suited for them to achieve that effect as well.

Getting back safe and sound is no tricky business either. Simply say that you want to go back or think of your body and you'll be back instantly.

There are many well known techniques already available to make sure you'll be safe such as creating shields around oneself for excample. Delve into psionic techniques and you'll get enough. No need to re-invent the wheel again
Energy that could be spend more usefull in researching other aspects.

[edit on 1-4-2006 by Enyalius]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 02:36 PM
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if smoking and caffeine could cause you not to OOBE?

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by CORTARA
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if smoking and caffeine could cause you not to OOBE?

I don't know, but according to Buddhist Insight Meditation tenants - as I have by my hand
- there are one rule saying: "Any intakes of additive 'medicine' is agianst the rules".

So, as an OOBE is correlated to meditation, and if we're talking Vispanna (insight meditation), then yes.

Enyalius can probably answer this better, if mine was a failure.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 03:52 PM
Does asking for the white light of God work as a protection sheild? I was also wondering why some people say that you can not be asleep to astral travel, because my wife does astral travel when she is asleep but mostly when she is trying to go to sleep, but she has never read a book or looked on a web site regarding astral travel,she just travels when she lays down to go to bed. I my self have never astral travel to my knowledge. but she has told me that she has seen me once with her, but I do not recall doing this. So I was also wondering if some people are more able to astral travel without even trying and do some people just not remeber?

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 05:58 PM
I recall hearing a statement that said, your soul needs to return to its home (the astral plane) once in a while, leaving the body in delta state so the mind is not aware of it, as there is no focus on the particular projection. So in my belief, everyone does it once in a while without taking notice of it.

Btw. you don't need a book to tell you how to astral project, as it is natural. All you need is to be of an explorational nature (hope thats correct elaborated).

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 09:07 PM
Alright, this question may seem kind of random and I'm not sure if anyone has asked before, but I was wondering - has anyone here ever astral traveled to the center of the earth? Some people claim that there's another civilization living under the earth, others claim that Hell is located there, and I've even heard of theories relating to reptilians. Then of course there's the most widely held belief that the center of the earth is a bunch of heated iron, nickel, etc. Anyway, I was just curious if anyone here had actually traveled to the center of the earth astrally and if so what did you see? Thanks!

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by CORTARA
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if smoking and caffeine could cause you not to OOBE?

The key is living a healthy life and taking good care of your body, finding the balance in all you do and take in. These days there is more then enough knowledge about how to live healthy and balance. Regular excercise and balanced meals. The cleaner your body, the less toxins, the less obstructions in energetical flow through your body. You'll simply feel more energetic physically, fitter mentaly etc.

Smoking and caffeine is not healthy. However when you don't do it to often, you know for yourself how much is too much, there won't be an issue.

Another aspect of being in balans is to confront your ego and figure out all the personality aspects you don't feel comfotable with, accept them without casting a judgement upon it, look at the reason why you feel that way, get over it. The less emotional and psychological obstructions the easier it'll be as well. The Vipassana meditation is very helpfull to achieve this because it'll allow you to become more aware of each little thought and act that you do.

Entheogens are natural herbs with similar effects as soft-drugs. These are not promoted to use, however if you know what you're doing and can find the very delicate balance in its usage you can by-pass your obstructions temporarily. But when you confront yourself long enough with the accompanied succes and change you can have the same permanent effect without using aditional help such as entheogens. If you use too much of them you'll go into trance and such as well depending on which you use. Shamans and Druids used to use them as well with very strict preperation rituals seeing that they were aware of its dangers.

If you associate bright white light with protection then you can visualise that a waterfall of "gods rays" fall upon you for protection. Rays in which you bath. This will not only be a shield but probably have a cleansing effect on you as well. Especially if you visualise the chakra's in the chakra system you use, empty them and refill with this bright white light.

There are people more "natural" to OBE then others. They can simply do it without knowing what it is that they are doing. Astral Traveling occurs when you're not asleep, at least the concious AP'ing. The unconcious form occurs naturally for everyone as we sleep.

@Rock Lobster
I go inside the Earth once a month. This is to visit the spirit named Gaia. After reading a thread in the UFO boards I went deeper into the Earth and there were no alien races or other civilisations. It felt really hot so wouldn't suprise me people associate the lava core with Hell. I did however come across something that looked like dragon about 1 third down. How that one lives there I donno, my logical assumption would be that it would get crushed under the pressure but it seems to do just fine :O

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:25 AM
Hi everyone.

There are three things Id like to discuss about oobe.

1. I want to develop a way to record physical proof or signature.

2. Drugs, and the role they play in expanding consciousness.

3. My first one.

I will talk about number 3 in this post.

I was stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas with the 1st of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment. I was 17 years old. Up until this time I had no idea what the astral plane was. I am an avid reader and thinker and this one day I collapsed onto my bunk physically exhausted, but mentally very active.

As I lay there my body relaxed and drifted off into sleep. But as my body was falling asleep my mind was racing. In my ears I heard a soft whirring noise, and it became louder and louder. I was interested in this sensation because of my desire for knowledge and lack of fear, so I didn’t wake my self up. Now this whirring noise soon became so loud that it sounded like a jet engine was blasting inside my head. At that instant I raised out of bed and open my eyes. Except my legs would not move! I was sitting up outside of my body with a different body. When I opened my eyes, I saw a purple, distorted view of my room. My physical eyes opened up and I could literally see in my mind with two sets of eyes, one superimposed on the other. My spirit body felt very fuzzy and electric. Through out this whole deal I was awake in my mind, but my physical body was in a deep state of relaxation. It took all of my WILL power not to wake up. Then it was over.

I got out of bed for real and walked around the room. I remember thinking that I had just discovered a secret jewel to reality.

Ever since then I have had astral projections all the time.

In another post I will explain what I thinks is the cause of this, and how I want to start experiments.

Having, and controlling an astral projection all starts with the mental aspects of your mind. It is like balancing two razors one on top of the other. It is like trying to catch a butterfly with your finger; if you just hold your finger there it just might land on it.

RiverGoddess didn’t mean to ignore, but I was caught up in my other posts trying to build the points. I have 1200 now. I tell you it is a rough crowd out there. I submitted a news story and other posts and was flamed, deleted, changed, moved etc. I am still learning.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Rock Lobster
Alright, this question may seem kind of random and I'm not sure if anyone has asked before, but I was wondering - has anyone here ever astral traveled to the center of the earth? Some people claim that there's another civilization living under the earth, others claim that Hell is located there, and I've even heard of theories relating to reptilians. Then of course there's the most widely held belief that the center of the earth is a bunch of heated iron, nickel, etc. Anyway, I was just curious if anyone here had actually traveled to the center of the earth astrally and if so what did you see? Thanks!

I have spiralled downwards into earth before, but I reach a point where I land on a soft rubbery grey plastic surface. This place is devoid of color. I can walk around and just see a grey fog. Then I JUMP as high as I can and fly skywards zooming past everything and soaring across the sky. there is no other feeling like this.

I'm not sure if you can travel to the center of the earth. It might be to far away from your body. Plus the astral magma might not be to good your you.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 01:13 PM
I smoke everyday, and its a habit now
I like the taste of it, but to tell you the truth I only smoke to one day test my willpower and how strong I am in letting an addiction go.

I thought about doing this with heavy drugs as well, meaning, getting hooked on coc aine for 2 months and then go totally clean without any help, no matter the pain.

2 things:

1: Doing exercise, does that include Yoga which I do on regular basis? Or does it mean I gotta run 1 mile every morning?

2: This might seem dumb, but does other planets have a spirit? For example Mars. Have you been to Mars' 'Gaia'?

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Volatile
2 things:

1: Doing exercise, does that include Yoga which I do on regular basis? Or does it mean I gotta run 1 mile every morning?

2: This might seem dumb, but does other planets have a spirit? For example Mars. Have you been to Mars' 'Gaia'?

1. Yes to Yoga

2. Not every planet has a "spirit" inside it. no, mars has none at the minute.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 03:48 PM
I guess it depends on the natural energy that flows around the planet, resulting in the planet itself acquiring a spirit

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:14 PM
The night before last I had possible OOBE number 2. Same thing happened again though, there were definitely some wierd sensations of sitting up in bed but then there were aspects to it that made it seem obvious it was a dream.

For example, I tried to walk through my door, but couldn't - so I opened it and passed through. Can you open doors on the astral plane?

I think it's a possibility that every time I come near to getting out of my body I slip into a regular dream about APing. I guess my question is for regular APers, would you know without a doubt 100% that you were APing?

Then sensation I get isn't complete clarity of mind, it's more like a drunken stupor... i.e. I can think but my thoughts seem somewhat impeded.

Cheers folks.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 12:31 PM
I've never done a OOBE before, but I guess if you did one, you would know
... I guess xD

Last thing I have to add is, my dreams are becoming more and more lucid and reality-like. I start to become more aware of my actions in it, and sometimes are trying to control it. I actually DID control my movement in the last dream I had, which I think is pretty nice, although I coulden't do anything like remake the dream to my idea the way I want it

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Volatile
I've never done a OOBE before, but I guess if you did one, you would know
... I guess xD

Last thing I have to add is, my dreams are becoming more and more lucid and reality-like. I start to become more aware of my actions in it, and sometimes are trying to control it. I actually DID control my movement in the last dream I had, which I think is pretty nice, although I coulden't do anything like remake the dream to my idea the way I want it

I also never had an OOBE or at least no OOBE in the ethreic plane.
I know about 3 or4 lucid dreams that I had that were probabilly astral-projection based, judge on the intense of the experiense (joy and love) and the bright lightened place and beeings that differ from dream beeings somehow. But except of one special outstanding experience I could categorize them as 'very vivid lucid dreams' also. So where there astral projection or lucid dream? Often not that easy to tell. But in most case if you dont know it was probabily a dream.
I read about that often lucid dreamer that later triggered concious oobe identified some of their earlier lucid dreams as astral projections. I dont have this experience till know. Never triggered a concious oobe with success till now. But I believe this is somehow the base to identify a astral-projection as one and differ it from very vivid lucid dream.

Dreaming is something I like best.
Lastly I discovered that in normal dreams my dreamconciousness/subconciousness is capable to act/solve conflicts like I do in lucid dreams. That was really something new. Normaly when my dreamconciousness get stuck in a dream I become lucid and handle the situation but not this time, somehow my dreamconciousness knew what I would do and just did it! And I only 'watched'
Surprised me.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 04:04 AM
If anyone wants me to email them some of the Audio MP3's that I use for Out of Body Travel then give a shout.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 12:49 PM
had a wired awakening this morning.
I saw that someone/something outside my room was working on my doorknob/door handle pulling it down to open the door. I was puzzeled (confused). When this was a dream this 'anomalie' would have trifggered me to concousnes lucid dreaming level at once. But I was already fully concious and I were not in a dream. I knew the door wont open. I locked it and so it didnt really scare me that much. I checked my digital-alarm-clock because there were daylight and I might have sleept to long and maybe someone wanted to visit or wake me and it showed 10.00am! 10.00am ? Can't be! I looked away and checked again.07:00am. And I swear it there was 10:00am displayed the second before.
I would have expected a second awakening so thiswould have made it a false awakening and dream. But there wasnt another awakening it was no dream. This must have been hallucination! Guess my sense and brain werent working that proper at this morning.

That scares me a little. Never had hallucination before. How can you see something completly different than what is there?`Should be impossible.
But obviously not. At least not for me anymore.
I do nnot hope that this happens to me again. I want to know whats real and whats not. If this was to teach me something ok, i learnt I cant always thrust my sense. Now this words make sense to me. Indeed.

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by g210
had a wired awakening this morning.

There was a period in my life (last year) where every morning at 6:00am I would wake up COMPLETELY disorientated. At times, I had to focus intensivily to 'understand' what the clock said.

If it said 6:00am, I would believe it to be 9:00am, then I would shortly after know that it was 6:00am but still not 'understand' the clock... Understand as in "What does a '6' character mean?" or "Why are there two zeros? wtf is that about?".

These moments where I would wake up disorientated were later labeled to me by my friend that had been reading a psychological book about disorientations, but the weird thing I notice now is, everytime I had these disorientations in the morning I could remember reality 'leaking' into my dream, like I can't remember the dreams now but there was one day where my mom was going up the stairs and I remember in the dream I was a detective and there was a photographic murdere running around in a lodge. I was looking into a mirror that had be crushed into a wood-barrel, and at a second I turned around, I got photographed by a black shadow, thats where I wake up from the dream starring into my lamp that my mom turned on.

Weird thing is there was about 2 seconds of confrontation with the black shadow that I was looking at its face (didne't see anything), so my mom coming up and turning on the lamp right as the shadow blitz me with its camera can't be coincidence I believe

I've yet to understand how this is possible. I guess its a psychic manuveur but I don't really know what catagory to put it under.

mod edit: Trim Those Quotes!

[edit on 6-4-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:53 PM
poor moldmaker.
..without his permission I have taken him under my wing as my ADOPTEE in the spirit of ATS's 'adopt a newbee' will notive this in my signature, and I sent him a u2u to inform him of this....I am hoping this doesnt freek him out or piss him
I adopt OOBE type folks because its my favorite topic.
If your feeling lost on this board gimme a holler via u2u and I can help you out being a site councilor and all...maybe I will adopt you as well

if your wanting a big sister whos been around awhile that is.....

I drink to much coffee and need to quit smoking

Hey what does PONEROLOGY mean? that word is in the tags on thsi thread and Ive never heard it in my life......

[edit on 5-4-2006 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 10:25 PM
When I first joined ATS, I was a little impatient and a little tweaked about all the rules and stuff. But I have come to realize that the rules are what makes this community so great. I have also learned that much is expected out of the members here. I am in it for the long haul and will continue to contribute when I can.

I am trying to put together some astral projection stuff.

It is late tonight, but I will be getting to a post about possible causes.
I am also interested in developing scientific tests concerning astral projection.
I will discuss the relationship between obe and drugs.

I think the realm of quantum mechanics is very important to this field. But quantum mechanics work only at the extremely small scale. All matter is affected by QM, even the matter in our brain. What is important is to find the bridge from the quantum reality of sub atomic particles to the Newtonian reality of our synapses.

Particles in QM do not travel through space and time, they somehow exist outside of the universe. Our brains contain trillions of these sub atomic particles.
How do they affect our consciousness in their own little "travels".
I believe there is wealth of information waiting to be discovered in this field.

Subjects that helped me define a holographic viewpoint of reality over the years.
Quantum Mechanics
The Ancient Wisdom
Chaos Theory
Dreams and their Meanings

For everyone out there, just to clear up a little debate.

God created the Big Bang.
God created man and the world, and evolution was his tool. I mean you can’t finger paint without the paint, paper, and fingers can you? A hidden analogy here.

Our reality is like the eddies in the Rivers of the dreams of God

RiverGoddess, thank you for adopting me. I am pleased. I have a gift for you but I have to put it together.

Till later...........

[edit on 5-4-2006 by moldmakertech]

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