posted on May, 29 2009 @ 11:46 PM
People want to sit on here all day long and complain and conspire about the government stealing their freedoms, taking their guns, money and so on.
Then you have threads like this.
If ATS does away with religion it should do away with it all together no discussion about the theories, lies of the bibles/religions, atheist's ,
creation , flaming threads about religions and so on.
People want to moan and cry about their rights, but yet want to take the rights of other humans away.
People need to take their noses out of other beliefs and worry about themselves.
If you see a post about religion that isn't blatantly asking for a debate or your opinion then don't reply.
It's that simple, don't involve yourself with the topic and then you do not need to worry or concern yourself with it or be oh so bothered by it.
I am not a believer either
I just think that no matter what a persons belief system is as long as they are not forcing their opinions on you and telling you what to believe that
everyone should co exist together.
We are not a play ground of boys and girls in grade school where there is a line of separation down the middle.
There is no chance of cooties.
We are adults, and need to start acting like it instead of bantering bickering screaming tantrum throwing little babies.
This battle, this debate, this topic is not even a dead horse any longer it is a gang green rotting maggot infested slop of bones and dead tissue.
Sure some of it is redundant, some of it is extreme/irrational but so are a lot of other things on here.
And sorry but to think that saying "I am about to leave if this this and this" keeps going on, or doesn't change, what kind of mentality is
Give the Mods and Owners a little more credit instead of making demands.
If you choose to leave over such narrow minded and childish reasons then nothing of value was lost.
Don't be so self righteous that you think your membership really means anything because for everyone one person who leaves on such bs reason about
five more people with insight and intelligence will join.