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Originally posted by drwizardphd
This is absolutely frightening!
Not only is Bush revealed to be a psychopathic religious nut, he's also blatantly referring to a new world order.
CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Muckraking leftist newsletter edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair.
In Genesis and Ezekiel Gog and Magog are forces of the Apocalypse who are prophesied to come out of the north and destroy Israel unless stopped. The Book of Revelation took up the Old Testament prophesy.
Bush believed the time had now come for that battle.
There can be little doubt now that President Bush ... was driven by his belief that the attack on Saddam's Iraq was the fulfilment of a Biblical prophesy in which he had been chosen to serve as the instrument of the Lord.
The story has now been confirmed by Chirac himself in a new book, published in France in March, by journalist Jean Claude Maurice.
Originally posted by JanusFIN
Bush explained to French Pres. Chirac that the Biblical creatures Gog and Magog were at work in the Mid-East and must be defeated.
- Damned, are those puppets really on that downgraders level? ... Im just loosing my faith to everything. Bush can slap to faces even being out from office! - Is This why 1 000 000 people are dead now? ... Please, wake me up!
- No wonder that Israel still geting congress and senate votes to their Armagedon against "Evil Iran" ... Please, stop the fundamentalism!
Bush's Shocking Biblical Prophecy Emerges: God Wants to "Erase" Mid-East Enemies "Before a New Age Begins"
The revelation this month in GQ Magazine that Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary embellished top-secret wartime memos with quotations from the Bible prompts a question. Why did he believe he could influence President Bush by that means?
The answer may lie in an alarming story about George Bush's Christian millenarian beliefs that has yet to come to light.
In 2003 while lobbying leaders to put together the Coalition of the Willing, President Bush spoke to France's President Jacques Chirac. Bush wove a story about how the Biblical creatures Gog and Magog were at work in the Middle East and how they must be defeated. egins%22/
[edit on 25-5-2009 by JanusFIN]
Originally posted by pitchdragon
and usa did the same but bush take the oil
by making a war
killing and destroying a country just for this f...... oil
it's a shame and it's insane where is the part of humanity
in this, where is our part of responsability in this.
please let's show a littel respect for humanity and irakies it's not
a video games, we the people we need to show to our
governement that we are not agree with that because we
the people we are not ready to kill 1 million of others peoples
in irak just for keeping driving our car .
Originally posted by JanusFIN
Is This why 1 000 000 people are dead now?
Please, stop the fundamentalism!
Bush wove a story about how the Biblical creatures Gog and Magog were at work in the Middle East and how they must be defeated.
Originally posted by notreallyalive
"The story has now been confirmed by Chirac himself in a new book, published in France in March, by journalist Jean Claude Maurice." WHAT BOOK??
Originally posted by CreeWolf
So, where most countries in the Middle East routinely mix Politics AND Religion, do you think of them as "absolutely evil"? The President of Iran doesn't take a dump without consulting his religious clerics. Sharia Law, enforced in almost all Muslim countries by their Islamic Governments, is totally religious in nature.
This whole thread seems nothing more than an attack on Christianity. Like white males and Jews, its more and more acceptable to judge more harshly than ever.
[edit on 26-5-2009 by CreeWolf]
Originally posted by Dark Ghost
It was an illegal invasion,
South Korean sources report that North Korea followed yesterday's nuclear test with two missile tests today. Meanwhile, President Obama galvanized international support for a maritime blockade, a move the North called an act of w
Originally posted by xxpigxx
I would say that Russia is at work in the Middle East . . . wouldn't you?
The Cold War never ended.
Originally posted by FlyersFan
Originally posted by Dark Ghost
It was an illegal invasion,
Hey Dark Ghost. I agreed with your post except for this.
It wasn't illegal at all.
Saddam went to war against Kuwait. We beat the tar out of him. There was a cease fire and Saddam, who lost the war, agreed to the terms of the cease fire. The breaking of those terms would mean that they could be forced upon him by military action. Saddam continually broke those terms which meant an end to the cease fire agreement from Gulf War I .. and so the US had ever right to force compliance to the UN resolutions ... resolutions which Saddam had agreed to. (Resolutions 687, 689, 1441 and No Fly Zone, Throwing out UN Nuke Inspectors, for example)
The Iraq War is just a continuation of Gulf War I (Kuwait).
It continued because Saddam broke the cease fire UN resolutions.
Also it wasn't illegal as far as the US goes.
It was fully approved by our government.
So no, it wasn't illegal at all.
"War critics astonished as US hawk admits invasion was illegal"
Richard Perle conceded that the invasion of Iraq had been illegal:
"Iraq war illegal, says Annan"
"The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has told the BBC the US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that contravened the UN charter"
"Blix: Iraq War Was Illegal
"The former chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix has declared that the war in Iraq was illegal, dealing another devastating blow to Tony Blair."
Mr Blix, speaking to The Independent, said the Attorney General's legal advice to the Government on the eve of war, giving cover for military action by the US and Britain, had no lawful justification. He said it would have required a second United Nations resolution explicitly authorizing the use of force for the invasion of Iraq last March to have been legal.
Mr Blix demolished the argument advanced by Lord Goldsmith three days before the war began, which stated that resolution 1441 authorized the use of force because it revived earlier UN resolutions passed after the 1991 ceasefire.
Mr Blix said that while it was possible to argue that Iraq had breached the ceasefire by violating UN resolutions adopted since 1991, the "ownership" of the resolutions rested with the entire 15-member Security Council and not with individual states. "It's the Security Council that is party to the ceasefire, not the UK and US individually, and therefore it is the council that has ownership of the ceasefire, in my interpretation."
Tony Blair last night suffered a fresh blow after Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General, said the war in Iraq was "illegal".
Speaking on the BBC World Service, Mr Annan said the war was "not in conformity" with the UN Security Council or with the UN Charter.
Asked if there was legal authority for the war on Iraq, Mr Annan said: "I have stated clearly that it was not in conformity with the security council, with the UN charter."
He also said there could not be credible elections in Iraq next January if the current unrest continued.
Below is the Congressional authorization for force that Bush used to launch the invasion of Iraq. However, if you read Section 3, paragraph B, Bush was required to prove to the Congress that Iraq was in violation of UN Resolutions by still being in possession of weapons of mass destruction, and secondly, that Iraq was behind 9-11. Both claims have since been disproved and discredited.
Originally posted by kettlebellysmith
How can you question Bush's beliefs? How do you know what he believes in his heart? You accuse him of not being a true christian, but you have no way of knowing that. Only God and President Bush know that.
To quote The Christ; Judge not, lest you be judged.
You may judge his actions, but you have no way of knowing what he really believes.
Originally posted by Chevalerous
This story is kind of old now for us Europeans! we have known that GW said that years ago!
[edit on 26-5-2009 by Chevalerous]