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Bush Memos Emerges: God Wants to "Erase" Mid-East Enemies "Before a New Age Begins"

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posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:00 AM
Best part IMO is the fact that in Old Hebrew Gog and Magog are pronounced Geoge ve' Me'Geoge. The "R" sound is a dental rolling "R" unlike the english guttural "R". So technically it could mean George and from George. Papa and W Bush, both of whom boned the Middle East.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by drwizardphd

Bush believed the time had now come for that battle, telling Chirac: "This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people's enemies before a New Age begins".

This is absolutely frightening!

Not only is Bush revealed to be a psychopathic religious nut, he's also blatantly referring to a new world order.

The story has now been confirmed by Chirac himself in a new book, published in France in March, by journalist Jean Claude Maurice. Chirac is said to have been stupefied and disturbed by Bush's invocation of Biblical prophesy to justify the war in Iraq and "wondered how someone could be so superficial and fanatical in their beliefs".

No wonder the French didn't want to help us in the middle east! While we called them pussies and waxed idiotic about freedom fries, they were really the sane ones looking at us as a bunch of religious wackos.

Media lies to us, our government serves zionism, and it was all bull#. Zionists wanted it for their globalist agenda. The one way they MAY be able to fight back is with weapons of mass destruction. Israel and other zionist controlled places are armed to the teeth, can't be reasoned with, can't be bargained with, no pitty, no remorse; THEY (ZIONISTS in control of Israel and U.SL govts) think they are superior and everything else is just an egg to break on the way to their omelet. That is all this is. If you have friends who speak the languages, you'll find the translations were WRONG on Bin Laden and others. People murdered all at the WTC (except certain people were warned then DID NOT GO THERE that day, how ironic?) for their cause. You think they give a crap what anyone thinks? ANYONE who can become a voice, is labeled, hated, RUINED, and cast off and they maintain their control.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:18 AM
I am (slightly) relieved that the war was driven by religion
and not politics. If the impetus for war was Bush's
own ideology, then whew....

I thought the Military Industrial Complex was behind it--
and 9/11.

The reason I am relieved is because politics will remain
when religion is voted out. And that appears to be the case
here. Same old, same old...

~Meet the new boss...Same as the old boss~

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:21 AM
I have maintained all along a very simple thing.

The strategy was to convince world leaders that GW Bush was as Religiously Nutty and capable of anything as the opponent was.

Faced with an opponent, that when the Pentagon examined the situation the conclusion was, terrorists might actually get or use an atomic weapon or dirty bomb

The natural conclusion was to make them believe and leaders in the Middle East believe that America under GW Bush was CAPABLE of incinerating nations

In the end it was putting MAD into play vs terrorism... if a Nuke goes off in a USA city, the guy in charge is crazy enough to devastate the region and use preemptive or excessive force

IT IS NO SURPRISE... That the president of France, a nation know for it's urrrrmmmm diplomacy, i.e talking to both sides a bit too much, would be used as an instrument to help deliver that message

It was of course assumed that this would get blabbed to the right people in the middle east and taken as authentic...

is there a glimmer of truth, possibly... we all wonder about Armageddon etc, etc

But relax, this was told intentionally and for a reason

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:23 AM
Gog and Magog is modern day Iran, Russia, and possibly Turkey. It is prophecied in Ezekiel 38-39 that Russia and Iran will attack Israel but God will not allow them to succeed. After this happens the global government and cashless currency based on a "mark" (RFID?) will come into effect. The global dictator will sign a treaty with Israel and the surrounding enemies for 7 years which is the time period of the tribulation. The Bible explains that the only way to escape this is to believe that Jesus is God in the flesh, died for our sins, and was raised from the dead.

The Bible does not give instruction to instigate a war with these nations or anything like that so I do not know where former president G.W. Bush got these ideas.

I hope I helped explain Gog and Magog and their significance in eschatology.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:26 AM
I love it, everyone is so quick to jump on things that have been said by one person. Do I believe that bush is a religious maniac... sure, why not. But to say how terrifying this is, is absurd. History has been fueled by religion for a very very long time. Religion was invented as a way to divide people and form allies and enemies. More blood shed has been spilled over the will of god(insert favorite religion here) than anything else ever. Its so simple minded. If there is one major thing that has held humanity back it is by far religion. as the late George Carlin said, "its all bullsh*t, and its bad for you..."

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:27 AM
Gog and Magog is nothing more than at best...

self fulfilling prophecy if we choose to see the world this way

There is no Gog and Magog any two enemies that rise against the religion will be seen as Gog and Magog

These things were added to the books long ago to assure in later times the church, synagogue etc would never fall to enemies...

vague abstract names that could mean anything, with a purpose of protecting the faith from invaders and conquers, a tool to be used in a time of need, placed at a time when no one understood one day a Nuclear war would be possible

Gog and Magog exist right now

Only if we choose labels over dialouge

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by Jesusis1337

Actually in Ezekiel, it says that Gog leader of "Meshech" and "Tuval" will lead a great army of many nations to the land of Israel, be defeated by supernatural means and that the bodies of the slain armies will lay on the killing fields for many years, then G-d will return to his people. No JC mention. Sorry. Bush has gonads of brass.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by JanusFIN

So which came first?

The Jihad, or the Jihad that started the Jihad?

- Lee

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by drwizardphd

No wonder the French didn't want to help us in the middle east! While we called them pussies and waxed idiotic about freedom fries, they were really the sane ones looking at us as a bunch of religious wackos.

I think you might want to reassess the French in light of some facts.

The French government for years had been siphoning discounted oil from Iraq via the UN sanctioned Oil for Food program. In 2003, the French and a surrogate company partly owned by Pres Chirac where waiting for receipt by tankers of hundreds of millions worth of crude oil being delivered to refineries. The scale of Chirac's conflict of interest involvement in activites abusing his office and UN sanctions was very close to toppling the government.

Chirac was also pressuring Saddam to switch from the US dollar to the Euro to expedite transfers of funds through Switzerland.

So of course when the US was about to invade Iraq the French squealed like pigs. They may were terrified they had transferred money for oil they would never receive.

The French aren't exactly the wonderful lovers of freedom they present themselves to be.


posted on May, 26 2009 @ 02:30 AM
This story seems off. Not that I don't agree with what it says... just the sensationalism, lack of proper citations, and the following:

"The story has now been confirmed by Chirac himself in a new book, published in France in March, by journalist Jean Claude Maurice."

WHAT BOOK?? Why state it's in a new book and fail to give the name? probably because it isn't really true. I looked up Jean Claude Maurice and was only able to find a 1950's actor with no books listed.

Edited to show info from next post:
"Si vous le répétez, je démentirai" is the name of the book. It is only in french, and hasn't been put into english yet.

Thanks BadMedia

By the way, the title translates to 'If you repeat, I lie'

[edit on 26-5-2009 by notreallyalive]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by notreallyalive
This story seems off. Not that I don't agree with what it says... just the sensationalism, lack of proper citations, and the following:

"The story has now been confirmed by Chirac himself in a new book, published in France in March, by journalist Jean Claude Maurice."

WHAT BOOK?? Why state it's in a new book and fail to give the name? probably because it isn't really true. I looked up Jean Claude Maurice and was only able to find a 1950's actor with no books listed.

"Si vous le répétez, je démentirai" is the name of the book. It is only in french, and hasn't been put into english yet.

Took like 5 seconds to find it. I'm guessing based on the name of it, nobody wanted to type that out etc.

You can buy it on amazon.

[edit on 26-5-2009 by badmedia]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by iamjesusphish
Do I believe that bush is a religious maniac... sure, why not. But to say how terrifying this is, is absurd. History has been fueled by religion for a very very long time.

It is terrifying.
Making decisions that affects the masses -decisions based on religion IS terrifying.
The only thing more terrifying - is pretending that it isn't terrifying because it has been happening for a very very long time.
A very very long time is long enough.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:00 AM
Does anyone know how legit this source is?

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:01 AM
I am not surprised that George W. Bush felt he was on a mission from god he's a born again christian and the TPB and neo-cons used that to their advantage.He was a figurehead just like every President has been since the murder of JFK.

[edit on 033131p://0226 by mike dangerously]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by mike dangerously

Bush is lying. He and his father are Magog and Gog, at least so named by Skull and Bones, and their family are occultists, not christian. He is just lying so to destroy the middle east and they'll have their new world order.

Now I just have to know how trustworthy a source alternet is.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:14 AM
Interesting, but...Im pretty skeptical of the sources for that. Having a large number of family members who are that sort of christian, I have to say that Bush did not ever act the part of the sort of person who usually holds such views.

Basically the only sources are some website ive never heard of, and a biography by some french reporter, which is apparently the source for this article. Anyone have any clue as to the veracity of said reporter? Biographies are often...embellished, after all. He said, she said doesnt really make this very believable.

It is interesting to see how ready and willing so many were to believe on questionable sources, however.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:16 AM
Not that I'm saying I believe Bush, but we can't leave out the possibility that maybe he knows something we don't, I mean he was the president. But yeah it doesn't make sense to me.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by Tadarida
This, above everything else, is the most frightening thing I have ever read. This is truly evil.

I don't find the statement to be evil at all. I just find it to be psychopathic and a major embarrassment to the Christian religion.

(Assuming the quote checks out.)

As for other comments regarding the New World Order for god sake his dad and 1,000 other pistol recipients had "New World Order" printed on their pistols. That was all the required proof to know they are NWO nuts. I just don't get why that story did not go to the front page with 200 flags but whatever it got four to six. Then there are all the leaders these days openly supporting world government so I don't know what is left to question over whether the NWO is real whether or not it is an explicit organization or (in my opinion) just a loosely knit group of like-minded people who love world domination and world enslavement.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by mmiichael

in that story the only loosers is the irakies and only the irakies, i can't belive we are there talking about who's right or wrong, who need to be blamed, we never learn anything from the past, french people abuse irakies, like most of europen with this stupid program Oil for food scandal

and usa did the same but bush take the oil
by making a war

killing and destroying a country just for this f...... oil
it's a shame and it's insane where is the part of humanity
in this, where is our part of responsability in this.

please let's show a littel respect for humanity and irakies it's not
a video games, we the people we need to show to our
governement that we are not agree with that because we
the people we are not ready to kill 1 million of others peoples
in irak just for keeping driving our car .


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