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Remnants of the Illuminati

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posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 10:09 AM
Illuminati? Who are they?

Here a song i like.


I did try to embed, but for some reason it says malformed link

[edit on 13-7-2009 by deadoralive]

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by emsed1
Maban sent me a video to post:

Is there any particular significance to the video or did he just want to indulge my weakness for Dean Stockwell?

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by deadoralive

Nice track, ends a little abruptly, but pertinent lyrics.

Since you popped by...have you read the original thread from which we are all now outcasts...thread closed, members banned, you know how it is a damn good read for those with the stamina.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Wow just finnished reading the Shards thread at last, now my eyes are killing

Overall it's a great story, some I'm skeptical about, but some does seem to make sence and fit in with some my own ideas ive had for many years. I personally have found it very difficult to believe that the Illuminati are some big evil all powerful group that goes around ruling the world. I call them the NWO organisation, but the Illuminati may infact have just been very bright independent intelligent individuals who didnt even realize how powerful and influencial their contributions were back in golden age of walt disney, alice in wonderland, ect, which im sure uplifted many children's minds in many ways across the globe. I think back in those days they had a large amount of positive influance over the masses, but now it seems the masses of negative type people have a greater effect on them (the remnants?)

P.s shame to see the Shards thread end so abruptly it's kinda like the utube vid I nposted.

[edit on 13-7-2009 by deadoralive]

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by deadoralive

The song has a nice groove to it man. That helps .

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by kshaund
Someone around where I live years ago knew of someone who built a small Tesla coil and was sought out and told to dismantle it - somehow they can pick up these things which are a 'no no' to the general population to have.

Who told this person and why? I have seen many people with these both on the internet and small ones were sold at a science shop near where I use to live some time ago. I think I'd be careful how I used it and where but I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to own and operate.

Since it can emit substantial EM interference it might bring the FCC into the equation (assuming U.S. here). Buried power cables might be an issue as well since it would easily breach insulation.

Originally posted by kshaund
I was also told someone around here historically took a sonar type monitor used for fishing and adapted it for the air and pointed it up instead of down in water... apparently he picked up a lot of stuff and was sought out and told to 'stop' immediately or else, which he did.

Alot of stuff? Told to stop immediately for sending out sound waves? Was he annoying the bats in the area?

Originally posted by kshaund
It's nice Maban is communicating - and it's nothing personal because insight and wisdom coming from anywhere is welcome to me - I just don't believe there is an illuminati shard trotting the planet (wish it were so, just don't think it's true)...

Hehe. I didn't think he'd split so easily.

Originally posted by kshaund
It also doesn't make sense to ban him from ATS ...

It's a private company that can do whatever they please in regard to how they operate internally. Many an anarcho-capitalist here would support that contention. Perhaps they have additional information they are unable to share or really don't know any more than we do. So, if ATS feels it wants to fully disclose it's position and reasons it or just remain silent, then well, they are entitled.

Originally posted by kshaund
So that being said - if Maban wants to talk to us, it will have to be in another forum I'm guessing since this one is less than fair in the end (my opinion).

I would as well but apparently, as far as I know, he's confined communications outside the forum to The Three. I have no word on where to reach him beyond here. That's his decision and I'll repect that.

[edit on 7/14/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

These are second hand stories, the person who told me seems to be well informed so I took what he said at face value (occurred in Canada). These people were told by someone from the outside who tracked their toys to the source -

It is not legal to have or operate a Tesla toy I believe - I think all the patents are owned and not allowed thanks to the NWO and greed. Any being sold at markets have to be really small or not working as Tesla made them or they wouldn't be allowed. I don't believe I've ever heard of one being built and running anywhere on the planet for use, have you? I've only heard of his technology being used for things like HAARP and the Philadelphia Experiment, and probably even CERN's technology is from him.

The guy who re-wired the sonar was using it to pick up things in the skies, like orbs, ufos, whatever they were - and after a while he had a visit and was told to stop or else and he stopped.

From whom exactly were they visited? No idea - from "them", whoever they are at the time.

[edit on 14-7-2009 by kshaund]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 05:18 PM
Good news, I'm back! Sorry that I was away, I had some issues to work out with the mods here. I'll mind my manors in the future!

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

I kid you not, I was watching this video literally the day before Embsed1 posted it, strange.

I believe Tesla, while a very intelligent man I believe he operated very esoterically. If you read his history, he saw his inventions in dreams, visions, and he had a hard time differentiating between his dreams/visions and his normal 5 senses.

It reminds me of brilliant mathematicians where some of them reporti seeing the answers visually. They can manipulate numbers with a mental chock board.

The mind is an amazing piece of hardware and to this day we hardly understand it.

Tesla always wanted his inventions as a gift to humanity, I think this further supports the idea the Tesla's ideas were in fact inspired from God, angels, what have you. This shows, I think that he knew these ideas were not his but from a higher power. At very least he was a very giving person.

Some of his best works, I believe, are still classified. When he died as some of you know, the FBI swept in and confiscated his documents and experiments. One of his experiments that excites me is his experiments to harness energy seemingly out of thin air. When he came too close to success JP Morgan pulled his funding, I wonder why. =D

To me the fact that you can do this is no surprise since I feel energy flowing in all different forms, every day. Some are more sensitive than others. But to say even space is void, without any particles or density is not even scientifically correct these days. When cosmologists look at a galaxy and can't account for the mass they've brought forth the idea of dark matter.

I wonder how one can be so trusting of there five senses when there 6th will tell you a lot more, often.

kshaund, I believe you are right, I had a two strange men knock on my door when my friend and I were building one. We almost had it working and were testing it out. There are a few non-conspiratorial ideas why it's discouraged. It's a fire hazard or it might overload the the grid. I had a 10 grand power bill to pay that month!

Tesla coils can light up bulbs with out any wires, this technology is just coming out to the public today, pretty sad. It just took 100+ years or so. How they are able to detect this is because they have many satellites that can detect high frequency. There may be all different equipment that the government has that can detect such things and it may even disrupt there equipment, who knows.

Another possibility is when one understands a Tesla coil you can possibly go down the road and begin to experiment with free energy from the Ionosphere.

I'm going to buy a lot of land and finish my Tesla coil, damn those shady men in there black suits!

[edit on 14-7-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by kshaund
reply to post by EnlightenUp

These are second hand stories, the person who told me seems to be well informed so I took what he said at face value (occurred in Canada). These people were told by someone from the outside who tracked their toys to the source - It is not legal to have or operate a Tesla toy I believe - I think all the patents are owned and not allowed thanks to the NWO and greed. Any being sold at markets have to be really small or not working as Tesla made them or they wouldn't be allowed. I don't believe I've ever heard of one being built and running anywhere on the planet for use, have you?

I guess Canada is Canada and they would have laws against illegal interference.

Construction of such devices may be illegal in your area.
You could be hurt. You could die.
Take cover. Turn it on.
Fear what you have created.

Legal dangers

In the United States, RF transmitters are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission ( FCC), and they generally aren't keen on any type of RF interference. They have specific rules which prohibit the operation of spark gap type damped oscillators, dating back to the early days of radio. Make sure you operate your coil with a good RF ground. If interference still exists, construct a Faraday cage from chicken wire or similar material, which should eliminate the interference.

It look like you're half right anyway. It might be local laws and FCC laws also apply. I've seen plenty of others run and built for personal experimentation, for scientific research (on a recent documentary I can't find ATM too) but not for commercial purposes. Patents are irrelevant for making something for personal use as well and the term of a U.S. patent was 17 years at the time Tesla would have filed anything.

Term of patent in the United States

They are tesla coils that use resonant inductive coupling. The theory and contruction details are not difficult to come by. Aparently there is a good learning curve for getting it to actually work correctly and barriers as far as obtaining materials to drive the primary. If you're determined, have the time and have the cash, well, just go for it.

Some correspondence I found about the issue (interference with an airport):

I'd hedge a guess that they can track it exactly like they would illegal radio signals.

This video is pretty cool. I messed around with something similar on a smaller device I cooked up some time ago (using an auto ignition coil). Now I feel like moving on to bigger fish.

The guy who re-wired the sonar was using it to pick up things in the skies, like orbs, ufos, whatever they were - and after a while he had a visit and was told to stop or else and he stopped.

I'm not sure if what you're talking about is a really sonar or in fact a radar of sorts. I can see a radar being a regulatory issue. I'm not sure how you'd track such a sonar down over a long distance.

From whom exactly were they visited? No idea - from "them", whoever they are at the time.

Obviously there are considerations with laws at a secondary level but as for an outright global ban just because it's a Tesla type transformer I see more evidence against it than for it.


oconnection! Welcome back. Glad to see you got evrything resolved, sir.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 02:51 AM
We may be missing the point why Maban requested that the video to be posted. Since we apparently were not provided with a reason, perhaps the intention was to see how we took the video.

There are many ways to take this video. You could come away admiring Tesla (which I already do), you could become aware that there are many technologies that are in public use and some that have resulted in classified projects. You can also come away and realize that there are technologies like free energy HAARP type weaponry, mind control, ect. You also could see the esoteric side, the divinely inspired inventions. Am I missing a possibility?

He was put her for a reason and feel that he full filed his calling. Though man wasn't ready for a man like Tesla, and in many ways still isn't. Now the question is, do we know our calling, and are we fallowing through?

I'll be honest, I can say I feel like I haven't found my calling, but I'm ok with that, I'm still young (25). I do know I will find my calling one day but I haven't given up looking for it, that's part of my journey. I'm a little spec of dust in the vast universe but at the same time I realize my potential and the potential of the people around me.

We are bombarded with noise, it's hard to stay focused sometimes. Heck it's hard to find time where you can sit in quite or soak up some good music. But at the same time I'm content, that may be dangerous. When one becomes content, you can become lazy.

I do see a lot of wrong in this world, it bothers me, and want to do something about it. I try to do a small part in my little world. I feel that each day is a test, with how you are going to react to a situation, what you are going to learn, who will you meet, ect.

In the past I went to a lot of protests and that's fine. But yelling at a wall in my opinion won't change anything. There are better ways to go about it. Informing the public, in sighting passion for there fellow man, living by example. Change like Maban said will require a world wide awakening of consciousness. This is me rambling on as I listen to some amazing music that gets me thinking, hehe.

I can see that life changing technology is hidden away so often when it will affect the status quo. For example look at the electric car, fill your tank for 12 cents (back then). This would of ruined many powerful, entrenched, people. So some of the best battery technology was bought out from the oil and car companies. This is just one public example.

When we have an inventor that threatens the power that be and they can't be bought off, they are killed off. This wasn't the case when Tesla was alive because I feel that the government and other power brokers needed him.

[edit on 15-7-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by oconnection
We may be missing the point why Maban requested that the video to be posted. Since we apparently were not provided with a reason, perhaps the intention was to see how we took the video.

I dont' know. I've been aware of Tesla pretty much my whole life. Some information was taught in elementary school. My sense is that the conspiracy surrounding his work may be exaggerated. Not everything he ever invented is taboo as it sometimes sounds. I mean, I have an A/C fan with an induction motor running at this very moment and I'm not being arrested. /hyperbole

However, the video did state that it was not all a conspiracy against Tesla but that in fact he had a part in suppressing implementation of his own inventions. He considered the ramifications for humanity as a whole, considering the possible and likely uses of his technologies for both peace and war efforts, ahead of being a profiteering whore.

Am I missing a possibility?

He's brilliantly insane, possibly not of this world at all?

He was put her for a reason and feel that he full filed his calling. Though man wasn't ready for a man like Tesla, and in many ways still isn't. Now the question is, do we know our calling, and are we fallowing through?

I have no freaking idea to be honest. I think I got a "Don't call us, we'll call you."

Perhaps I was sent here to observe and report back my findings. There's a little silvery dude in my brain with a sharply angular countenance. My girlfriend can see it when she puts her forehead to mine. It really doesn't seem to react to being viewed but doesn't seem to like being discussed. I feel it kicking.

(don't dismiss all my strange statments as shenanigans)

I can see that life changing technology is hidden away so often when it will affect the status quo. For example look at the electric car, fill your tank for 12 cents (back then).

Electric cars have tanks?

Yes, there is tech that was not employed in automobiles that would have improved the fuel mileage. It's a fact and our family business, which did protype machine work as well as production, helped make some of it.

Being in the Detroit area, nearly all my friends' fathers were/are auto executives. If anyone is in any sort of manufacturing somewhere in most cases the auto industry figures into it.

Now, they've got some crud going on with wind power and just "green" manufacturing in general.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

(don't dismiss all my strange statments as shenanigans)

To be honest I'm seeing a girl that I wish could open her mind to my "crazy" behavior. You found a gem, hold onto that. After I've shared what I've shared, I hardly think you are crazy, sir.

[edit on 15-7-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by oconnection
Tesla always wanted his inventions as a gift to humanity, I think this further supports the idea the Tesla's ideas were in fact inspired from God, angels, what have you. This shows, I think that he knew these ideas were not his but from a higher power. At very least he was a very giving person.

Sometimes the source of invention is suppressed because it gets in the way of commercial exploitation. Or because it cannot yet be commercially or militarily (though the two are not necessarily exclusive) exploited.

The Patent Office made the following comment in 1903:

Many of the claims are not patentable over Tesla patent numbers 645,576 and 649,621, of record, the amendment to overcome said references as well as Marconi's pretended ignorance of the nature of a "Tesla oscillator" being little short of absurd... the term "Tesla oscillator" has become a household word on both continents [Europe and North America].

But no patent is truly safe, as Tesla's career demonstrates. In 1900, the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd. began thriving in the stock markets—due primarily to Marconi's family connections with English aristocracy. British Marconi stock soared from $3 to $22 per share and the glamorous young Italian nobleman was internationally acclaimed. Both Edison and Andrew Carnegie invested in Marconi and Edison became a consulting engineer of American Marconi. Then, on December 12, 1901, Marconi for the first time transmitted and received signals across the Atlantic Ocean.

But Tesla's calm confidence was shattered in 1904, when the U.S. Patent Office suddenly and surprisingly reversed its previous decisions and gave Marconi a patent for the invention of radio. The reasons for this have never been fully explained, but the powerful financial backing for Marconi in the United States suggests one possible explanation.

Marconi’s family connection to the British aristocracy led to defence contracts. Britain allegedly recommended to the US that they ignore Tesla and that Marconi would share the technology with the US military. Why buy when you can steal? Tesla, naïve, believed that there was plenty to go round. He thought he’d get his share and the recognition he deserved. Militaries want to have an unfair advantage, or to at least see if a certain technology will give them an edge over the other guys. Marconi is, was, a defence contractor. A very powerful defence contractor and they cover a whole spectrum of very complicated things that I know nothing about.

The Marconi Company is currently part of BAE systems;

BAE Systems plc is a British defence, security and aerospace company headquartered in Farnborough, Hampshire, England, that has global interests, particularly in North America through its subsidiary BAE Systems Inc. BAE is the world's second-largest defence contractor and the largest in Europe.[3] It was formed on 30 November 1999 by the £7.7 billion merger of two British companies, Marconi Electronic Systems (MES), the defence electronics and naval shipbuilding subsidiary of the General Electric Company plc (GEC), and aircraft, munitions and naval systems manufacturer British Aerospace (BAe).

BAE is the successor to various aircraft and defence electronics companies, including The Marconi Company, the first commercial company devoted to the development and use of radio; A.V. Roe and Company, one of the world's first aircraft companies; de Havilland, manufacturer of the world's first commercial jet airliner; British Aircraft Corporation, co-manufacturer of the Concorde supersonic transport; and Supermarine, manufacturer of the Spitfire. It has increasingly disengaged from its businesses in continental Europe in favour of investing in the United States. Since its formation it has sold its shares of Airbus, EADS Astrium, AMS and Atlas Elektronik.

BAE Systems is involved in several major defence projects, including the F-35 Lightning II, the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers. The company has been the subject of criticism, both general opposition to the arms trade and also specific allegations of unethical and corrupt practices, including the Al Yamamah contracts with Saudi Arabia that have earned BAE and its predecessor £43 billion in twenty years.[4]

I expect that if he was screwed over the radio, and they got away with it, that they saw no reason not to carry on doing so with all his inventions. I would presume that those that can be commercially exploited have been and what is left, though still of value, they have less concern over. They don’t care about genius, sadly. Unless there is money in it.

JP Morgan was the banker for the Carnegie Institute (as I recall), one would presume that as the Carnegie’s were investors in Marconi that they would be none too happy with Morgan giving money to the competition.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
The Marconi Company is currently part of BAE systems

BAE Systems is involved in several major defence projects, including the F-35 Lightning II

Small world. Strange synchronicity.

I was offered the possibility to get involved into programming controls used in the production of the F-35, if I just make the right phone calls. Who knows if it would work out but much like Tesla, I don't want what I do to be exploited to make war machines.

The aircraft is a neat little toy but that won't blind me into doing stupid things. Someone else can do it.

Eggs, milk, coke, bread

[edit on 7/15/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 12:12 AM
Can someone "enlighten" me on the Illuminated order of Rockefeller?

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Richardfromoxford
Can someone "enlighten" me on the Illuminated order of Rockefeller?

Not sure I understand the question...

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by oconnection

I also recall learning about Tesla that his ideas came from that half awake/half asleep state (subconscious I'd call it) and was able to hold onto these ideas long enough to actually build what he envisioned.

We (the people) are not allowed to have these freedoms (like electric cars). That's why his patents were taken and used for the Illuminati/shadow government and not people. And this is an example of why I get so cheesed off when I hear "We (the people again) have to make the changes needed."

I say bull crappie to that ! We didn't make this mess - it was made TO us by THEM. All we need to do to change the world is get rid of THEM (Illuminati) and let the people be people. But that's not going to happen - or it would have happened sometime over the past several thousands of years - the Illuminati are for the most part invisible and difficult to get a hold on in any sense of the word. They have their own agenda and we are the victims of it yet are being told we're the cause of all earth's woes....

Lies, lies and more lies.... I've come to try and enjoy the moment/present more and to realize I can only affect my circle, not the world. So I protect what I can and enjoy what I can and let go of the rest - it's just a moment in eternity and everything changes (eventually). If it takes a few million years, well, worrying about it now won't help, will it...

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Small world. Strange synchronicity.

I have had so many synchronicities with these two threads, Maban and practically everyone concerned, it has, almost, at times felt as though my mind were an open book. Scary and thrilling all rolled into one.

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I was offered the possibility to get involved into programming controls used in the production of the F-35, if I just make the right phone calls. Who knows if it would work out but much like Tesla, I don't want what I do to be exploited to make war machines.

The aircraft is a neat little toy but that won't blind me into doing stupid things. Someone else can do it.

I think the budget went to something like $800 billion, or something equally silly...lots of money is spent in finding new and interesting ways of blowing things and people up.

It is a nice toy though (if only it was used as such, or that the play didn't involve needless death and destruction), but at $35 million a pop I doubt I'll ever get to play with it. I would have been a little tempted to make the phone calls though, just in case they let me have a little ride. Before turning them down of course (of course).

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by kshaund

I have some very interesting friends with some very interesting stories. Who knows if it's true but I'll share a bit, still I wonder if I should.

I'll try and be as vague as possible. I know someone who is a very successful stock broker, even during these times. This fellow is very highly intelligent and very business minded. He has made countless millions, lost it, then made it back again. When he was living in New York he was invited to a "special business meting". He didn't tell me much but what I will tell you was his perception of the whole ordeal .

There was this blank looking building, somewhere in New York. You would never guess what's inside. When you walk inside there is extravagant statues, painting, marble everywhere, a golden water fountain, ect. To get to the point he said he met a group of old men, who he felt operated in old money. His perception was in fact they ran many things behind the scenes.

He was offered a job, which he turned down politely. Soon after he fled New York.

Here's another one for you. Back in 95 my father had many friends in the automobile industry. This individual would come over to my fathers house and hang out and barbecue with my father, relax, watch some sports, ect. One day this fellow invited me to run up to the store with him because we needed a few things for the dinner party. I hoped into this futuristic looking car, to this day I haven't seen it around. I was amazed at how quite and smooth this car operated (electric). We got to talking and he basically told me a few interesting things about the car. He explained that it ran on batteries that are so efficient you could drive across the United States on one charge. At a young age, I thought that was pretty cool. I was a rather shy kid back then and never bothered to ask more questions.

Just a few stories that all share today.

[edit on 17-7-2009 by oconnection]

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