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Remnants of the Illuminati

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posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by oconnection

Hehe. It's all kind of like that for me too. I feel like I'm repeatedly having these carrots dangled in front of me where I could join up with TPTB. Visualization of following all that to its logical outcomes of how I'd be expected to behave gives me a queasy feeling.

Sometime I wish I had no moral compass, an insensitivity to human suffering and an abundance of materialistic ambition. I could've climbed right up the ladder and you all could lick my boots.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Yes, I too could of been a very successful man, never having to worry about money for the rest of my life. But one must ask, at what price? In my opinion this is not a sign of success, having mountains of paper money.

Yes, you need money for things like food, water, shelter, transportation, and hell even a nice vacation. I know many people who have a lot more than I but I will tell you this, I view my self as a happier person. I've sat down, had a drink, a cup of coffee, had a meal with absolutely miserable individuals who happen to be rich. Money, as the saying goes, does not provide happiness. Those who can be trusted with little will be trusted with a lot. Essentially, if you can be happy with little and trustworthy, you can be trusted with much.

Unfortunately this isn't the principle that applies today with many fat cats.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Have you never considered infiltrating them, finding their weaknesses, taking over? It would make for a lonely existence of course, playing along, living a lie, but if you can cope with the solitude it is possible... Assuming that corruption isn't contagious and you could traverse those heights (and sink to the depths) without losing your soul in the process, all it would take is one person close to the top to bring in others and the entire direction of the operation could, over time, be changed. Potentially.

I have no desirable skills, the PTB will never be inviting me to join them, so I can dare to theorise on the understanding that I will never be in that position...but it could work...sure of it.


posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Have you never considered infiltrating them, finding their weaknesses, taking over?

I've thought about it of course. The opportunities of late are quite sparse. Getting in while younger would have been better.

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
It would make for a lonely existence of course, playing along, living a lie, but if you can cope with the solitude it is possible...

I'm sure I'd have all sorts of company if I did that-- meaningless but plenty. I'd say the path I'm on is the one that is largely solitary but the few relationships are genuine.

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Assuming that corruption isn't contagious and you could traverse those heights (and sink to the depths) without losing your soul in the process, all it would take is one person close to the top to bring in others and the entire direction of the operation could, over time, be changed. Potentially.

I could barely bring myself to hit anyone even in self-defense when a kid. I had empathy for what I was doing to them even if it was the only recourse they left. Gaining some skill at verbally disarming people led to better outcomes.

So, I'm not extremely worried about my soul. Honestly, I don't think I could stomach playing along. If there is one thing I suck at, it's being so utterly phony for extended periods. No secret agent jobs for me.

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
I have no desirable skills, the PTB will never be inviting me to join them, so I can dare to theorise on the understanding that I will never be in that position...but it could work...sure of it.

None? Why don't I quite buy that? That "Bill Gates" job thing you mentioned was just a line?

I think you are an MI6 agent just pulling my leg.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I've thought about it of course. The opportunities of late are quite sparse. Getting in while younger would have been better.

I'm sure I'd have all sorts of company if I did that-- meaningless but plenty. I'd say the path I'm on is the one that is largely solitary but the few relationships are genuine.

I wonder if most of those that surround themselves with vacuous company do so not because they fear being alone so much as they fear being alone with themselves. Empty vessels make the most noise. Inwardly too.

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I could barely bring myself to hit anyone even in self-defense when a kid. I had empathy for what I was doing to them even if it was the only recourse they left. Gaining some skill at verbally disarming people led to better outcomes.

So, I'm not extremely worried about my soul. Honestly, I don't think I could stomach playing along. If there is one thing I suck at, it's being so utterly phony for extended periods. No secret agent jobs for me.

I have never been that assured of my goodness, still consider that a work in progress, had I allowed myself to be led along that path there is no knowing where it would have taken me. I could've quite easily gone either way. I am somewhat glad I never faced real temptation. Although wealth holds little invitation, there are other attractions and deviations to take which hold appeal to elements in my nature. Luckily, the only offers that I had that would have provided a rapid socio-economic climb involved me assuming a horizontal position, I had no interest in taking that route, too binding, requires copious amounts of vodka and valium to cut out the dullness.

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
None? Why don't I quite buy that? That "Bill Gates" job thing you mentioned was just a line?

I work on a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded project, employed for my horticulture skills...I don't think the higher echelons of power would have great use for those. My prospects, I would say, remain limited in that respect no matter who signs my cheque

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
I think you are an MI6 agent just pulling my leg.

Indeed...and I have a licence to prune.

I am, in all honesty, a danger to no-one but myself

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Have you heard about the seed vault in the arctic Gates supposedly put up?

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:55 AM
As i was reading your post about Tesla/Tesla coil's I remembered as a child. My father and Iwould play with this thing and it would despence what i took being a child as lighting. Well I went out to the storge buliding and found it. Is this what you was specking about in your post on page 14. When
someone told you about a man. Who was told to stop useing the one he bulit?

If my image's are posted wrong im sorry. I did not fully understand the image linking policy.

reply to post by EnlightenUp

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by kshaund
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Have you heard about the seed vault in the arctic Gates supposedly put up?

I have, although I think the Gate Foundation only contributed a small proportion of the funds for running the facility, none towards the set up costs. It is an important venture in my opinion. Most of the seed stored there is in actual fact a duplicate of material held in seed banks of the depositors...US, Brazil, Britain, India etc, many countries hold a 'back up' there. In the UK, at Kew Gardens, we have a state of the art storage facility aimed at preserving a seed (and possibly a tissue) record of all species of native and indigineous plants, as well as some from farther afield which is considered worth keeping. This will ensure that we are able to reproduce plant stocks for endangered species and species that have medicinal potential that may be endangered due to human encroachment. We know very little about the potential of some plants, but we do know that the potential is there.

The Svalgbard bank is important because of it's situation. Physically it is in one of the safest regions on the planet. There is very little continental shield in the Northern Hemisphere. Being on continental shield means that it is less likely to suffer any damage caused by earthquakes or really any other form of natural disaster, like a major rise in sea levels for example. The whole of Britain would be effected by sea level rises, as would the US, plus the UK is slowly tipping upwards, the west coast is lifting while the east is sinking. It is not a stable environment for the long term storage of biological matter. The nordic seed bank will, almost, theoretically, last for ever.

Back to Gates though, I read recently (New Scientist, Juneish) that he has given $50 million dollars in order to circumcise 650,000 men in Zambia and Swaziland as a preventative against HIV transmission. Evidently, circumcision can cut transmission by 60%. I don't see this as a long term solution, what about the other 40%? In Nigeria it has been found that lemon juice douches prevent the disease from developing and I cannot help but feel too much money is spent on physical prevention and not enough on educating. And, if hygiene is the key, surely access to clean water would benefit all, not just allow the men to dip their wicks and only pass the infection on 6 out of ten times.... Plus I cannot help but feel that all this money is going to go on chasing men who have absolutely no desire to have such an operation performed upon said wicks. It can only prevent 60% on transmissions on those that are circumcised after all, and I somehow don't think all 650,000 men are going to be that keen on getting snipped.

My mini rant for the day

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by s14mikeysr20

Fire it up and make some vids!

What was being sold at a science shop was similar but a bit less industrial looking. The primary driver components and primary itself were in a clear acrylic case with the secondary sticking out in the center.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Licence to prune? Circumcision? I start talking and it leads to this?

Should we ever meet you can be sure I'm going to wear a continental shield to protect my seed!

Freud is so ON right now.

I just hope Monsanto has no part in it. The last thing we need is them owning the patents to all the seed.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:44 AM
Hi there - I have no idea what these constructed machine looked like - I imagine they can all look different as they're all individually made (and in different sizes) as long as their inner workings create the effect. Very cool you still have it! Would be interesting to know what it really is/does! :-)

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
As i was reading your post about Tesla/Tesla coil's I remembered as a child. My father and Iwould play with this thing and it would despence what i took being a child as lighting. Well I went out to the storge buliding and found it. Is this what you was specking about in your post on page 14. When
someone told you about a man. Who was told to stop useing the one he bulit?

If my image's are posted wrong im sorry. I did not fully understand the image linking policy.

reply to post by EnlightenUp

[edit on 19-7-2009 by kshaund]

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

My cynical side (which is by far the largest side)
says the seed vault is for "them" and not "us" and Monsanto's job is to ensure what's outside the vault is lifeless food.

We'll never have those seeds - only way is to get them ourselves and save/store them but that's becoming illegal as well. NWO is alive and well... unfortunately....

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 02:23 PM
I am going to try and get vids of this working monday. Is there anything I should do or wear im not very familiar with these?

reply to post by EnlightenUp

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
I am going to try and get vids of this working monday. Is there anything I should do or wear im not very familiar with these?

Rubber...lots of it!

Perhaps, given your lack of familiarity you should see whether you can find any on-line guidelines...I know nothing about this kind of thing...but am now concerned about your safety...what does that big Caution sticker say on the front of the thing?

If there is any likelihood of ex- or im-plosion or even a general frazzelling, I'd take advice on it if I were you...but then, as I said, I know nothing about what it is supposed to do. Just take care...ok?

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Should we ever meet you can be sure I'm going to wear a continental shield to protect my seed!

Dagnammit you can't say something like that and not expect me to make some reference to seismic activity and pants and the such like....I will resist!

Should such an eventuality, as a meeting, arise I promise to leave my secateurs at home, though I do always carry a small, but sharp knife with me...and if it's hygiene your worried about I usually carry neoprene gloves with me too (well you never know)...

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by kshaund
My cynical side (which is by far the largest side)

Really? No, I don't believe it.

Originally posted by kshaund
says the seed vault is for "them" and not "us" and Monsanto's job is to ensure what's outside the vault is lifeless food.

Monsanto would, as long as it is profitable for them to do so, leave this planet a lifeless hulk...but the seed banks are more of a preventative measure than anything else. In the case of the Millenium Seed Bank at Kew, some species of plants for which they have a seed record are already believed to be extinct (though it is difficult to determine that, many plant seeds can lie dormant for decades). We, humans, have created much of the need for these banks. Deforestation, for commercial purposes, urban sprawl, pollution, intensive agriculture war etc etc all have an impact on plant life, hundreds of thousands of species of plants are under threat and the seed vaults are absolutely essential to ensuring that we have access in the future to plant material and that we are able to ensure that plant diversity continues to thrive. We and everything else on this planet is completely dependent on plant life, none of us can live without plants in some shape or form. We will all benefit, directly and indirectly, should the need arise from these vaults. But that said, if there is a commercial angle to be exploited then yes it will be exploited.

What troubles me more is that the presence of the seed vaults offers the excuse that there is no need for us to change our ways...plants that we have a record of can and will be allowed to go extinct, because what the hell, we can just grow some more.

I was in a meeting a few weeks ago that discussed cuttings we had sent to Madagascar for field trial, the plants had been delayed at the airport because of a coup there. I asked a couple of my collegues, who are French, after the meeting whether there was a military dictatorship in Madagascar (I don't watch the news anymore, that's my excuse), they thought this was very funny and then replied with all seriousness that it was in fact a Corporate dictatorship...I replied, is there a difference? Long and the short, it then took us to the fact that North Korea has bought up large tracts of Madagascan land, because it doesn't have the land to feed it's own population (given current farming practices). There is great concern now that intensive farming will affect the unique biodiversity of Madagascar...and yet though we know this will affect both plant and animal life, North Korea will still be allowed to do whatever they want, because people are more important than plants and animals in the shortsighted world of money. It is absolute madness.

Therefore I have less concern about who will have access to the seed bank than I do about the real motivation behind it and the excuse that it provides for the planet to keep getting raped.

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 07:22 PM
Thank you for you'r concern, But no worries! I spoke to my father today about operating the Tesla Coil. I feel there will be no problems when I turn it on. I will have vids as soon as I get my cam Monday or Tuesday.

( It is a 250 Thousand volt Tesla Coil )

As for the yellow caution it reads.

( To insure continued protection against shock hazard, connect only to properly grounded outlets. If unit is damaged or broken, repair or replace. )


reply to post by KilgoreTrout

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Yes, I agree - I just happen to think it's thought out a little further on a higher level and whatever North Korea does now to Madasgascar, for example, is only because decimation on a global scale is on the agenda for now - and I don't believe we'll ever benefit from any of their seeds - it's for the new world, not ours - depopulation of the planet down to 500,000 million is well underway... People need to get their own seeds and not rely on any outside agency, especially government, to do a thing to help when their intention is to destroy.

And yeah, I know it's really hard to believe I'm a cynic, but really, it's true!

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by s14mikeysr20
I am going to try and get vids of this working monday. Is there anything I should do or wear im not very familiar with these?

Here are some good tips. Google around for more.

Don't even touch the high voltage side and have the currents run through you body regarless of what the label seems to imply. Your nerves just can't feel what's happening because of the high frequency of the AC.

Rubber unfortunately won't help. I'd recommend a faraday suit.

Probably overkill in this case.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by kshaund
Yes, I agree - I just happen to think it's thought out a little further on a higher level and whatever North Korea does now to Madasgascar, for example, is only because decimation on a global scale is on the agenda for now - and I don't believe we'll ever benefit from any of their seeds - it's for the new world, not ours - depopulation of the planet down to 500,000 million is well underway... People need to get their own seeds and not rely on any outside agency, especially government, to do a thing to help when their intention is to destroy.

I don't disagree with you, I am hardly party to anyones plans, but I honestly do not see the purpose (for them, who depend upon us to buy their crap) in depopulation, perhaps I am missing something. The only advantage I can see is that it will help to end viral spread. Any population that becomes overcrowded, as urban humanity is, will start to destroy itself through disease and acrimony...this is the natural way of things...whatever 'natural' is. In fact in the same issue of New Scientist that I mentioned earlier there is a fascinating overview and reappraisal of the Gaia model, which proposes that the 'nature' of life on this planet (and possibly beyond) is the destruction of one form of life to make way for another. Human depopulation, according to that model, could be a way of avoiding that inevitability. It is important to remember that the planet will survive just fine without us, there will always be something to fill the void. Plus if you look at the major depopulation events in the past, most notably the Black Death, well it didn't take us too long to bring the numbers back up, we may not breed like rabbits but we don't do badly in that department. Haha...I am sure now that you are going to tell me about sterilising agents in the water...and that will bring us around to Brave New World again....

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