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Remnants of the Illuminati

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posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by oconnection
Survivorman - Off The Grid

Great film, thanks for sharing that with me, I really enjoyed it. Luckily I don't anticipate having to deal with the weather conditions that they faced and I must say, their budget is much more flexible than mine, but it was good to see how the kids adapted and enjoyed the experience. I think their attitude to energy was a little dodgy, they don't seem to get the conserve aspect, but there you go, and I am surprised they didn't go for composting toilets, I love the idea of those...well love may not be an appropriate term but you know what I mean, great for tomatoes

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by oconnection

Awesome video - thanks so much!
I watch survivorman more often than not and haven't heard of this one - good score!

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

That's hilarious that you talked about this in your interview and still got the job !

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by kshaund

You know when you don't want a job so you get so relaxed in the interview and say whatever comes into your head? I took that to the next level...apart from the Monsanto stuff I also wittered on about my interest in ethnogens and then in the next breath let slip that I used to have a hydroponics set up (although I hastily backtracked when they asked me why I would have that...oops). They said after the interview that they had several more people to see and would let me know, I think they were telling fibs, they must have been desperate and I must be the only one who applied! It is the only explanation

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 12:39 AM
Yea no problem, my documentary collection is massive. I watch many more documentaries then movies.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 10:48 PM
Okay tree-hugging Luddite hippies!

Never once did I have a vision of us going back to plowing fields with oxen and using candles for lights and reverting to a level of centuries ago. I sincerely hope that's not what people are trying to accomplish.

On SG-1 my favorite race was the Nox. They appeared deceptively primitive but were mentally, spiritually and technologically very advanced. The main problem was they were so darn boring (wonderfully so) and thus never really received much attention.

Once again, no lull would be complete without super kittens, engineered foodstuffs, tesla coils and animals ascending in consciouness.

[edit on 7/31/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 12:11 PM
I went to the local farmer's market yesterday with my 'like-minded' buddy.

It was really nice to see folks out bartering for fresh food and products, musicians playing 'gasp' acoustic music and just pretty much hanging out 'off the grid'.

It was nice. For a while I pretended I was in some post-apocalyptic "Jericho".

Then I got hot and went back to the car and turned the A/C on.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:30 PM
Plague in China/Tibet:

Pneumonic Plague

This bothers me.

We haven't talked about Tibet in a while. I pray this is not engineered by remnants.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:32 PM
Also, the Huffington Post is saying today that the new FDA director Margaret Hamburg may seek to ban Aspartame(NutraSweet) due to new carcinogenesis studies.

Guess who makes Aspartame?

It starts with "M" and ends with "onsanto".

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Hydroponics are useful for growing... um... lettuce?

There is a company here in IL that produces corn products (syrup, oil, etc.) and they have a large hydroponic operation.

Hydroponics on that scale require MASSIVE amounts of water and they decided to use the giant hydroponic water tanks to raise Tilapia, which have become very popular here for eating.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 07:29 PM
I'm new here. I read Remnants to completion and then went and read Shards. I have to admit I came to a conclusion that seems more practical then anything else. I'm not trying to discredit anyone or anything, and, I am providing my opinion based on only what I've read here and elsewhere.

I believe Maban has a dissociative disorder when it came to his online posting that developed out of the credence lent to his story by other postings. From what I can tell, he created a fantastic story with information anyone with a library card, the internet, and a little imagination could have come up with. Most of what he did that I saw was a sort of … idunno, fill in the blanks with made up stuff, and the greater the lie the more people will believe it. He liked the attention so he created other identities to string people along with, and, it only started to fall apart when the b.s. got to be too much OR when people started to realize as much (that it was b.s.). The same ip address with multiple users is more then just an obvious oversight that I can't get passed.

I also believe that if we look at the organization and create a template for its business model there are a few things that leave us wanting. Take freemasons. An organization with many chapters throughout the world designed primarily as an exclusive organization with ties to multiple levels of society. So they're not underground like the illuminati, they're close enough, because we know they exist we do not know the full extent of their ability. They have a public face but could be doing things behind closed doors that we know nothing about. The members could all be cogs in the machine of world domination.

Why wouldn't a group of enlightened individuals, with Shards/Chapters, enlist this business model to function properly towards whatever ends they intend to accomplish? Why any infighting between Shards for any kind of supremacy when the ultimate goal remains the same? And I know it was stated that they operate independently and autonomously from each other with many ways of thinking and doing things, but, so do lodges. The goal still remains the same, same as with lodges.

The last thing that bothers me is that you'd have to already believe more then just a little bit to buy in. I personally started my search with an open mind and am only writing this not because I found more questions then answers in his posting, but, because nothing further was leant to the search for truth then what I can only discern as a very obvious fiction. Sorry if this offends anyone, just throwing out there a relatively open minded outsiders opinion on the whole thing.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by spiderjerusalem

Yeah, I tend to agree. Sadly but truly as it would be nice to have a hero or two 'out there' on our side...

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by spiderjerusalem

After the last year and a half or so I don't think it's even POSSIBLE to offend anyone left reading these threads! :-)

Everyone has a valid viewpoint.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by spiderjerusalem
I believe Maban has a dissociative disorder when it came to his online posting that developed out of the credence lent to his story by other postings.

That is certainly feasible. Or he could have started something and not known how to finish. Or even, he could have started out with one part of the puzzle looking for others and when presented with the pieces was so overwhelmed by the final picture he was lost for words. It seems to me, as he or it, is not here to answer any questions as to their motivations that we could suppose until the cows come home. Personally, I think his symbient found out what he was doing and tried to arrest him with a little madness in the works. Happens to the best of us from time to time. Our symbient selves prefer it if we don’t know that they are there because we really are our own worst enemy.

Originally posted by spiderjerusalem
The same ip address with multiple users is more then just an obvious oversight that I can't get passed.

Sometimes the ends justify the means. Sometimes that means the end.

Originally posted by spiderjerusalem
I also believe that if we look at the organization and create a template for its business model there are a few things that leave us wanting. Take freemasons. An organization with many chapters throughout the world designed primarily as an exclusive organization with ties to multiple levels of society. So they're not underground like the illuminati, they're close enough, because we know they exist we do not know the full extent of their ability. They have a public face but could be doing things behind closed doors that we know nothing about. The members could all be cogs in the machine of world domination.

They could, perhaps they are. But they are not. The freemasons en whole are a cog. But there are lots of other cogs. Lots and lots. And, some are a little on the rusty side and nolonger performing their intended function. Still, the freemasons are not an exclusive organisation, anyone can join these days. Their teachings/degrees have been muddied over time and they seemingly have no clue as to the real mysteries. The odd ones do, the intellectually industrial types. But for the most part, it seems to be a dining club, a way to feel they are doing something good with a little bit of charity work. But still, it keeps them out from under their wives feet, so there is a purpose.

The freemasons are not progeny, they are an imitation of earlier ‘mystery schools’.

Originally posted by spiderjerusalem
Why wouldn't a group of enlightened individuals, with Shards/Chapters, enlist this business model to function properly towards whatever ends they intend to accomplish?

Is it not because the business model as you deem it, has been found, repeatedly to proliferate corruption? Ever seen Scanners Darkly? Only that which is unknown, unidentifiable and invisible, can be free of corruption. Corruption seeks out the innocent and the good. Not the other way around.

Originally posted by spiderjerusalem
Why any infighting between Shards for any kind of supremacy when the ultimate goal remains the same?

Impatience? Enthusiasm? Frustration?

Originally posted by spiderjerusalem
And I know it was stated that they operate independently and autonomously from each other with many ways of thinking and doing things, but, so do lodges. The goal still remains the same, same as with lodges.

The lodges retain autonomy, feasibly, but are the members autonomous do you think? Or are they followers of rules? Are they tied by brotherhood or their ability, and combined willingness to conform to a set of rules? They know how to keep a secret and follow rules. The rest is up to them, as freemasons. What exactly, therefore, is their combined goal? I see none.

Originally posted by spiderjerusalem
The last thing that bothers me is that you'd have to already believe more then just a little bit to buy in.

There are open minds and there are open minds. Not all information can be found, in the traditional sense. The power of imagination can fill in the blanks or help lead us to them. It is, afterall, elementary my dear spider. It is only when the web gets tangled with deception and becomes our undoing that we realise the time has come to start afresh. Or give up and wait for another spider to consume us. Not always our own fault, sometimes we can get out of our depth, sometimes we are caught on the tide of attention. Or even when we lose our faith in others or set ourselves apart, the weaver of the web can struggle to maintain the gossamer anchorage holding him in place. Or indeed, he can lose control of that which he created, it is taken over, not his anymore.

In terms of disassociative states, this claim lays rise to accusations that Maban is a victim of the other posters rather than they his. Which kind of negates it all and makes it a moot point. So long as all intentions were well meant, all are adults, then all made a valid and largely independent decision to participate, Maban included, then all should accept the outcome on the chin like grown-ups. Again, Maban included.

Incidently, I should add, there is a difference, to having an open mind and suspending disbelief. The latter is a little harder, but if you can do it, it is all the more rewarding when commencing to scratch the surface.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by emsed1
This thread is to explore the popular notions of the "Illuminati" from a skeptical point of view. In other words, if we assume the "Illuminati" do not exist, what evidence do we have that can prove their existence?

(You will have to excuse any garbled words, I'm on my mini laptop at the moment.)
Here I will attempt to give a dieing thread a breath of air.

I do not believe we will be able to prove the existence of this organization for two reasons. First, we are looking in all the wrong places. Secondly most do not have the eyes to see.

Any evidence I can provide as of late are my word and my experiences. I've shared a few of them in the past. I also came across a pretty good article on the "Shadow Government".

An analogy might be to a sinking ship, in which some want to build and equip lifeboats and others who want to make sure they are the ones who get to go in them. Each needs the other, for the time being, but the latter are beginning to threaten the production and seaworthiness of the lifeboats.

It is becoming increasingly apparent to American citizens that government is no longer being conducted in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, or, within states, according to state constitutions. While people have recognized for more than 150 years that the rich and powerful often corrupt individual officials, or exert undue influence to get legislation passed that favors their interests, most Americans still cling to the naive belief that such corruption is exceptional, and that most of the institutions of society, the courts, the press, and law enforcement agencies, still largely comply with the Constitution and the law in important matters. They expect that these corrupting forces are disunited and in competition with one another, so that they tend to balance one another.

I am still in line with the opinions of EU atm.

It's pointless to think this way when the true "secret" orders don't even exist on this plane. There is noone to go after or rather noone anyone here can possibly go after or pin down because you'll never catch them in one place. Truely they could be anyone on the street or anyone you know. Anything on this level is either preparatory or a shadow of its true self meant to mirror in the material that which is on a higher level. That's how I've come to understand what the real deal is. It's interesting.

Taken from another thread...

[edit on 14-9-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by oconnection

Hey, now I'm a reference. Sweet!

I think Maban would balk about any such "other realm" talk especially after having made it clear to me many times he considers it archaic superstition in light of later knowledge uncovered sometime in the early 20th century.

Sometimes, though, I wonder if the intent was simply to keep us focused on the here-and-now instead of "out there" in less tangible (to most) aspects of the universe. He many have felt these other concerns divert us from the critical tasks at hand, most importantly nurturing love and compassion now instead of always looking to the future for some divine intervention on our behalfs.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:48 AM
About six months ago I found a reference to a so-called "educational" film called "The Alphabet Conspiracy" ( made by Frank Capra. We all know that Capra belonged to the Illuminati/Knights of Malta and made propaganda films during WWII. It seemed really strange that someone would make a movie that's supposed to be teaching kids about letters and call it a "conspiracy" unless you wanted to hide another message. The movie starts talking about the "dawn of time" -- again, a strange place to start teaching about letters. I was really struggling to figure out the hidden meanings when I suddenly realized that the conspiracy is in the alphabet itself -- that's why the narrator starts with the "dawn of time" -- he's explaining to the next generation Illuminati that the alphabet was created -- or brought by the ancients -- specifically to transmit the secret Illuminati knowledge. And then, remember that in Kabbalah letters of the alphabet have symbolic and numeric meanings. Does anyone else know anything about this?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:52 AM
Iceland: what ugly secrets are waiting to be exposed in the meltdown

I was so excited to see news about Iceland I will post the new article now and edit later. =)

Almost a year since the collapse of the Icelandic banks, the rotten nature of these financial corpses is slowly beginning to emerge. Iceland: what ugly secrets are waiting to be exposed in the meltdown? Iceland: what ugly secrets are waiting to be exposed in the meltdown? For months rumours of share-ramping, market manipulation, excessive loans to their owners and unusual transfers off-shore have been circling Kaupthing, Glitnir and Landsbanki, whose failure last October left 300,000 British customers unable to access their money. It has now become clear that this was no ordinary crash. Iceland's special investigation into "suspicions of criminal activity" at the three banks is likely to stretch from Reykjavik to London, Luxembourg and the British Virgin Islands. Eva Joly, the French-Norwegian MEP and fraud expert hired by Iceland and now working with the Serious Fraud Office, now believes it will be "the largest investigation in history of an economic and banking bank collapse". Many of the banks' secrets are likely to be inextricably bound up with corporate Britain and the success of these investigations in tracing and recovering assets is likely to affect every UK household. Local authorities lost £1bn – or 5pc of all the money from council tax – in the over-leveraged institutions, leaving many facing the prospect of drastic cuts in services or steep hikes next year as they wait for the proceeds of the banks' administration to dribble through. Although the Treasury can barely afford the UK's own bailout, it was forced to pay out £7.5bn to British savers who had internet accounts with Landsbanki's Icesave and Kaupthing's Edge with the uncertain prospect of getting the money back.

News article here >>

[edit on 17-9-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by oconnection
Iceland: what ugly secrets are waiting to be exposed in the meltdown

I was so excited to see news about Iceland I will post the new article now and edit later. =)

Almost a year since the collapse of the Icelandic banks, the rotten nature of these financial corpses is slowly beginning to emerge. Iceland: what ugly secrets are waiting to be exposed in the meltdown? Iceland: what ugly secrets are waiting to be exposed in the meltdown? For months rumours of share-ramping, market manipulation, excessive loans to their owners and unusual transfers off-shore have been circling Kaupthing, Glitnir and Landsbanki, whose failure last October left 300,000 British customers unable to access their money. It has now become clear that this was no ordinary crash. Iceland's special investigation into "suspicions of criminal activity" at the three banks is likely to stretch from Reykjavik to London, Luxembourg and the British Virgin Islands. Eva Joly, the French-Norwegian MEP and fraud expert hired by Iceland and now working with the Serious Fraud Office, now believes it will be "the largest investigation in history of an economic and banking bank collapse". Many of the banks' secrets are likely to be inextricably bound up with corporate Britain and the success of these investigations in tracing and recovering assets is likely to affect every UK household. Local authorities lost £1bn – or 5pc of all the money from council tax – in the over-leveraged institutions, leaving many facing the prospect of drastic cuts in services or steep hikes next year as they wait for the proceeds of the banks' administration to dribble through. Although the Treasury can barely afford the UK's own bailout, it was forced to pay out £7.5bn to British savers who had internet accounts with Landsbanki's Icesave and Kaupthing's Edge with the uncertain prospect of getting the money back.

News article here >>

[edit on 17-9-2009 by oconnection]

Hi again

I think you have seen nothing yet. The goverment are lying to us and are hiding things and probably saving someones ass.
People here are very tierd, because our goverment does nothing to help people in this country , who are loosing there homes and taxes are getting higher and higher. And companies are constantly closing and people are loosing jobs because the goverment does not help them. The only thing that they do, is talking about this Icesave loan that UK and Neatherland are forcing us to pay and convincing us that we have to pay. But we dont have too. There are somthing terrible been hidden from us.
Many have left the country or are going to.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 02:03 PM
Glad to see the thread picking up again.

I will reach out to Maban and see if he's still around.

In the meantime I have been digging heavily into the sacred texts of various religions and groups trying to get back to the origin of Maban's stories in order to see if they match.

I am finding out some amazing things in Freemasonry that were never revealed to me in my progress through the Craft. It's not because they were being withheld, but because they have been forgotten.

I am also starting to understand the arguments about Pike and the inner/outer, higher/lower aspects of Freemasonry and it makes perfect sense, but not in the way conspiracists would have you believe.

There is no high level cabal that exists to hand over the mysteries of time and universe. The mysteries ARE THERE though, but they cannot be given, only sought.

Maban talked about three original truths. I believe these are the same three truths given mankind at the beginning of our history. He said we would not be able to handle them at our stage of human development and our world and our society would collapse. I know now (a small bit) of why this is true.

In some versions of history the "knowledge/gnosis/word/logos/truth/light" is LOST and our purpose as living beings on this world, above all else, is to find it.

In the other common version of history the "truth/light/gnosis" etc. was not lost, rather it was HIDDEN due to an uprising in mankind that would wreak havoc, evil and destruction were they to obtain it.


Even if you strip away all the myth/hypothesis that belief systems have added in, you arrive at a very common story that has persisted from before recorded history in almost all civilizations of man.

Nevermind supra-human beings, magic, aliens, strange creatures, lost civilizations, angry and kind deities, RNA manipulation, telepathy, etc...

Strip away all the hyperbole people have added through the years whether culturally, religiously or socially and there is still a small, strong thread that tells the story of us.


These are the lowest common denominators I have found that might help us understand what will happen to mankind, where we came from, and who we are.

Here are some common ideas.

1 - People have spirits or souls

2 - We have been separated from an omnipresent benevolent force and we long to return

3 - We have ability far beyond what we commonly perceive

4 - We have (either by choice or tragedy) 'lost' the information that will allow us to return to our true nature

5 - It is inherent in our nature to create, learn and be kind

6 - Groups of men have given up on searching for what is lost and now desire to control what is temporal.

7 - What was lost has been guarded throughout our history by stewards so that it might not be used nefariously.

8 - our ultimate survival depends on our ability to turn this world into a peaceful, vibrant civilization.

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