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144,000 to be 'Taken' soon? July 11th 09?

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posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 02:59 PM
The 144,000 is not an alien race they are a chosen people or shall we say those killed by giving the testamony to Christ, the saints so to say. They will be dressed in white robes but they will have to wait a while till the number is complete.

The Bible points out the 144,000 as one paragraph, but the second one below talks about the 'The Great Multitude in White Robes'

13Then one of the elders asked me, "These in white robes—who are they, and where did they come from?"

14I answered, "Sir, you know."

And he said, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15Therefore,
"they are before the throne of God


Revelation 7
144,000 Sealed

3"Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God." 4Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.

That means that there are servants of God and that there are those who are also saved called the multitudes which are the rest of the believers aswell. So maybe they are seperate but does not mean others are excluded just meas they don't have the same authority as the 144,000 who help rule the world once this is over, they will be like gaurds for the rest of the world. So don't worry if people feel left out they are not, just means certain duties are meant for certain people's but I think they have to experience death too at some point, it's not an easy route regardless of bloodlines or tribes. Remember this is about becoming a saint and I believe the war won't be over just yet as the Beast will make war against the Saints but how can you make war against the Saints if they have not been killed already? So I believe it must go to another phase or maybe it's not in chronological order so to speak.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by hdchop
BTW - ""also hilda stanninger .. a doctor that has worked for the army .. a woman who treats morgellons sufferers with far infrared radiation said that if you take a UV light strong enough.. you can see an hour glass infinity sign shape on their foreheads.""

do you have sources for the above quote? - this as it is quite interesting!! I've done search after search (not like in the manner fromt he last quote) and can pull nothing?? thanx in advance...

source - 26500

I just listened to the entire interview. So many things brought up.

Tightening in scull cap and a dragon-like pattern on the forehead was discussed,

Heredity (genetically predisposed if you are German of Mongolian, I am part German~sounds like another poll question here)

Why we have the patterns on our skin

Why our abdomens swell up and why this spreads through less dense cellular tissues.

opticians seeing fibers in our eyeballs (dialated) and finding scratches on the cornea

Amino acid deficiency

opalene (sp?) hydroxy treatment, why it works (stay away from the halite)

Infrared energy treatments (beamer 3000)

High Ph (10 or 11) will turn silica + silicon = silicone

High voltage in our bodies (? norm is .4 or .04) some morgies are 23+ and can illuminate a fluorescent bulb by touching it. I know I get shocked whenever I touch something metal, it hurts!

mp3 link -

you would have to go through all the Stanninger interviews out there to learn more.
some are on some are on x-zone radio i think? maybe on coast to coast?
rense ones -

the "dragon shape" is like.. an "S" but it's in various stages of completion.. where when fully formed is like an "8"

it's a shame we can't search for audio-to-text in radio/TV interviews yet
that's a great technology if it was to be invented.

the thing is.. as much as I tell morgellons sufferers that their crawling sensations.. muscle twitches.. deep vibrations in the body.. hair changing.. are all symptoms of advanced kundalini awakenings.. it doesn't matter. none of them understand. they think it's hocus-pocus.

but there exists a distinct anatomical trigger that activates kundalini
kundalini is just a WORD.. it is exactly the same thing as the holy spirit entering the body.. and the mechanism as to which humans can transform.. metamorphose into a higher level of being.

just like a caterpillar to a butterfly.

the ancient-known method is to omit the orgasm and use the creative power of the sexual fluids to create WITHIN as opposed to.. "without" .. but people brush it off as absurd.. so the secret is held perfectly... only wall protecting it being humanity's skeptecism and unflinching over-confidence in their know-it-all ness.

more you tell other people about it.. that know-it-all comes out and people who have had kundalini awakenings think that their awakening is as far as it gets... or that they've not had one but have read as much as they can about it and come to their own conclusions.. that somehow it is a neat thing to experience but that's all.. and they cannot for some reason.. draw the parallels that are completely obvious.

it's this mentality where people disgard everything on the mainstream media about anything as trash because they "are clued in and know it's all lies" .. etc.. then they boisterously claim that all the info that the underground info they get is 100% right..

so they get all this info on morgellons from the mainstream and make their claims and personal convictions on it.. etc..

but there's really no reason to argue about it .

you'll see.

also notice this...
the first premiere of the show "Heroes" is on july 22.
july 22 of this year .. is a solar eclipse!

when's the next eclipse??
July 11... 2010 same date of first "4400" show.
july 11 eclipse -

and it passes directly over Easter Island... what are the odds??
when did christ rise in his new form? .. Easter.

the logo of the "heroes" TV show is an eclipse.

are morgellons sufferers going to be taken to Easter island to have the rays of the sun on that specific moment of the eclipse...somehow interact with the filaments woven into their body... and transform?

notice how morgellons sufferer's symptoms increase noticeably during full moons.."full+moon"
all eclipses happen on full moons.. you could call an eclipse a super full moon.

maybe they leave earlier.. 1260 days actually equals july 9th or 10th of this year....
if they leave earlier....
july 7 is a special sun-day because of "Manhattanhenge" as well.

the masonic head honchos of the "Holy-Wood" ... definately are doing some serious predictive programming for the positive aspects of what's to come!

the negative aspects?..... we shall see... more on that later...


[edit on 2-6-2009 by prevenge]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:37 AM
What are morgellans?And are there any videos available of the physical traits?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by one4all
What are morgellans?And are there any videos available of the physical traits?

you should actually be asking "what is kundalini"
or "what is the ark"?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 07:22 AM
Okay where's the part where the discussion goes back to where it started, looks like it has ended already, can we go back to the basic core of the story please like the 1 4 4 0 0 0 gets off track if people don't.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by The time lord

Thats because if you are paying attention, there is a lot more to this 144,000 than most people see. Yes the powers that be have their own version but as prevenge and I have both pointed out there is more to it than people being raptured from the earth which actually has to do with frequency.

Also the best way to piece this information is to look up mayan tablets of lord pacal and study what the mayans knew about the 144,000.

The bible has twisted it up a bit and leads one to believe that these chosen ones will become chosen by god, but one can help but notice that 144,000 has to do with natural selection and these 144,000 would be chosen under different circumstances.

Like for instance the bible says to be as light as a feather. It also describes a musical pitch. This is where ascension comes in, not to be confused with rapture, well maybe slightly.

Many archaeologists believe that the large stones were moved to build the pyramids using harmonics as in sound to help lift and move heavy objects.

So when you hear people on ATS talking about frequency and vibration you will know what they are talking about. It is the discussion of actual changes that are occuring to our DNA during this great galactic alignment.

Back before WWII the standard musical pitch was A=432 and of course that was what it should be naturally but then it was change to 440 to make it more dischordant. You see music has healing properties that will aid you in your ascension if properly wielded. This is getting back into all the other things that we are taught to do that are actually bad for us like fluoride so I will stop there.

Anyways, ancient sumerians describe accounts of different so called dieties that were elected according the age of the earth or rather astrological.

In the painting the last supper there are thirteen. Mary of course has a hand slashing about her neck as if she was being cut out.

Every court has 12 jurors and a judge, that makes thirteen. You see where I am getting at?

Before 46 BC the calendar used was a thirteen month calendar, like the mayans it was designed astrologically. Of the 12 or should I say thirteen tribes there was always one age that would rule until the age is over and then the next in line I believe.

But Julius Caesar changed the calendar from the 13 calendar that was completely accurate to the 12 month julian calendar using the names of his own children to make up a couple of the months and made our calendar into a 12 month system that makes absolutely no sense at all when compared to more accurate calendar system.

So now you can see why Mary was being cut out. Thats the merovingian bloodline that dates back to Isis and Horus and is the bloodline of Jesus. Thats the same bloodline as the Queen Elizabeth and if you look up and compare pictures of the two you will notice that she holds a rod of iron as described in the bible and is adorned with 12 stones around her head, just like mary is often depicted the same with 12 stars around her head and a skeptor and usually in paintings of mary there is also a serpant.

Sorry if I lost you somewhere, but this is important info to consider. Because the 144,000 are most easily described as the descendendants of the bloodlines in the last supper where marys bloodline became the royal family and the other twelve became the lost tribes. They are just using the calendar as they always have, except this time they are hiding that information from everybody else and this is most likely the largest conspiracy ever.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:46 AM
Prevenge I don't think anyone will get rptured anytime soon, but I do believe we are approaching a global event from the months of June and July that will have many moving underground. Check out the crop circle.

Furthermore it seems that the war over Israel is heating up and we will see a global religious event very soon.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:52 AM
Conspiracy + Boredom = This.

Anyways, awesome read OP.

Wouldn't it be a kick in the butt if this really did happen?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 11:59 AM
12.21.12,awsome research,I was abducted as a child and have direct genetic connections to several "queens"of Merry Olde England,interesting thoery about the bloodlines,I had already figured this out on my own.You see not one but TWO women from my family ,neither of which were BLUEBLOOD OR ROYAL,both contributed their GENETIC QUALITIES to the royal line BY MARRYING INTO THE ROYAL FAMILY AS COMMONERS,AND THEY BOTH BECAME QUEENS.

Kick in the fact that one of my relatives also started a religon that has followers numbering in the millions worldwide and I would say the plot has started to thicken.How many other connections to royalty and religon are there?

I felt from the time I was born that I was of royal descent somehow,and I mean from a very young age.My family had a nickname for me because I always carried myself in a royal manner and exibited slightly odd "old man"behaviour when I was a child.Deductive reasoning,telling my parents the right things to do(they really were the right things and they corroberate this ability today),not enjoying toys,feeling ABOVE many seemingly normal tasks,having a huge sense of "pride",I read the entire set of World book Encyclopedias as a child,having the need and ability to lead anyone in anything we do.I even insisted on the formal pronunciation of my name from the point I could talk onwards ,this being very important to me as a kid for some reason.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by one4all

Thank you. Yes there are also various off shoots of all these blood lines. I think the word elite is also used to describe the purity of which ever bloodline. I think I may even have at least a tiny bit of royal blood but as history shows that there are thirteen tribes which is something I am yet to research further, thirteen races(?) that each have ties to these anicient bloodlines.

Then again. What do you think DNA databases are for? I am pretty sure the PTB have a pretty good idea where we all came from. Better than most of us do anyway.

edit: spelling

[edit on 3-6-2009 by 12.21.12]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:25 PM
The 144,000 may not be people but a measurement of time before a global disaster. This would fall in line with 2012 disaster predictions. The Messiah may in fact represent the change brought by cataclysm. The Messiah himself would be the cataclysm which ends the evil of our present global civilization.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by prevenge

What's going on on July 11th 09?
Oh nothing.

Just the launch of the predecessor to the Orion Spacecraft, replacement to the Shuttle Program, the Ares I-X spacecraft, to test the ability of the launching system for the Orion, aiming for transport of man to the moon (again?// ahem//).. by 2012.

Mate you need to do more research,

Ares I-X flight is scheduled for August, 2009 at the very earliest

Source: google it

if not

And NASA plans to land on the moon no later than 2020 ..... i doubt 2012 seeing as they are months behind on development.

Just though you would like to know


posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 01:54 PM
The 144,000 will have the Seal, their fathers name and the son's name so it Biblically it has to do with God.

I read on a website many years ago but do not know the link that someone said the 144,000 will change the frequency in which we live in to break out of the serpents rule or realm. Under Ufology it could mean these people will change the frequency in which we are under the matrix and they will hold the power to set the world free. I do understand where you guys are coming from; there has been just so much information like 8 years of internet research it's easy to forget.

But because I use Bible references to look at the world it keeps me focused and on track.

The Bible refers to number 13 as a rebellious number; it always falls into rebellious government movements or against the government of God. That number is a curse in the order of things on this plane of existance, hence why so many refer to it as bad luck.

11 Disorder and judgement
12 Governmental perfection
13 Apostasy; depravity and rebellion


[edit on 3-6-2009 by The time lord]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by olegkvasha

Originally posted by prevenge

What's going on on July 11th 09?
Oh nothing.

Just the launch of the predecessor to the Orion Spacecraft, replacement to the Shuttle Program, the Ares I-X spacecraft, to test the ability of the launching system for the Orion, aiming for transport of man to the moon (again?// ahem//).. by 2012.

Mate you need to do more research,

Ares I-X flight is scheduled for August, 2009 at the very earliest

Source: google it

if not

And NASA plans to land on the moon no later than 2020 ..... i doubt 2012 seeing as they are months behind on development.

Just though you would like to know


mate you need to understand that wikipedia is a user-editable website and that it is dynamic in the sense that when specifics change, then the website gets updated with new information.

the date has changed since I first started this thread, and there's been alot of dispute within the Obama administration as to whether or not NASA is going to actually go with the Ares/Orion program, or a newer model from a different company.

take the "2009" wiki page.. which hasn't been updated yet with the informaiton.

July 11 – NASA will launch Ares I-X, a test flight intended to gather aerodynamic data that will support the development of the Ares I crew launch vehicle. Ares I-X will be the first test flight of a future human orbital launch vehicle by NASA since STS-1 in 1981.

chill .

i love how people hop on this thread and do like a 2 second wiki check and then proudly lah tee dah post their little retort.

you need to do more research.

and i was just bringing up the july 11 reference at that point because it had something to do with space.

now i'm more prone to looking at july 7-9 for this disappearance of morgellons sufferers to happen.

hell maybe they'll be rounded up by DHS first.
who knows?

but thanks for reading the post.


[edit on 4-6-2009 by prevenge]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by The time lord
The 144,000 will have the Seal, their fathers name and the son's name so it Biblically it has to do with God.

I've come to sway more to the understanding that the "name of god" or "word of god" is actually DNA. specific genetic code that is a long long "name" if you will.

people more prone to be changed or "unlocked" into a higher level of human being.


posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:23 AM
It's not exactly a very spiritual thing to do is it?

You know: Leaving family members alone on earth, children with no parents etc...

I call this regurgitated pseudo-spiritualism with little or no substance apart from religious fever and people hoping that some miracle will change the planet from all the failings of our human error.

No offence to the OP of course, i've heard about this before but pseudo-spiritualism will not change the planet.

The ONLY difference we can make to the planet will be by our own hands, our own hard work and determination and NOT magic angels coming down to the earth to rescue to the lost tribes of Israel.

Let us not forget that the bible and the Koran and all the other so called religious texts were written by the hand of man.

So... People are now creating their own jigsaw from what they want to find...
Take a few numbers here and OMG it coincides with a number from the bible and if you times that number by another number OMG it looks slightly like a number that emerges from the fibonacci sequence, which if you subtract it by the number of lost jews, equates to a number that when you turn it upside down looks a bit like jesus on a bike.

Sorry to be so sarcastic, but ultimately..... If all we are hoping for is something to take us from the planet, then i say GO.

The rest of us will try and make this place a better place, while the chosen 144,000 can sod off on their own selfish space ship.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
It's not exactly a very spiritual thing to do is it?

You know: Leaving family members alone on earth, children with no parents etc...

No offence to the OP of course, i've heard about this before but pseudo-spiritualism will not change the planet.

The ONLY difference we can make to the planet will be by our own hands, our own hard work and determination and NOT magic angels coming down to the earth to rescue to the lost tribes of Israel.

actually I'm totally with you on everything you say here..

from a certain point of view though.

you see.. I don't look at the bible as some mythological babblings of unimportant irrelevant info.

I used to.

because i hated the general depiction and interpretation of it.

i see it as a literal "direction book" .. "instructions"
same with the torah..

but what i'm saying is that these actual events you see in the bible.. are BEING CARRIED OUT.. scientifically...

through quadrillions of $'s...of research and testing...

in order to follow all the steps in order to create heaven..
scientific biological immortality.. etc.. in order to evolve as a culture
erasing war and violence from our culture...
and join the galactic community.

i see it being carried out.. and i am enthralled in fascination by it.

so i don't think it's well wishing or hopefulness in imaginary gods or myths in a book..

i see it as actually being done... down to the very last detail.

so yeah.. pseudo-spiritualism will not save us.
it will only dig us deeper into ignorance and failing.

to find the perfect genetic combination for bodies to inhabit... and unlock their hidden code for immortality...
then incorporate that information into everybody's resurrected bodies in the future..

then everybody will live forever.

i can see that all happening in the future.
near or far flung.


posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 09:46 AM
Missed the word 'of' in the previous post instead (to) Christ.

The 144,000 is not an alien race they are a chosen people or shall we say those killed by giving the testamony of Christ, the saints so to say. They will be dressed in white robes but they will have to wait a while till the number is complete.


Also I like to add that God has come back many times to earth to speak to people, mainly prophets and tribes, usually man has a tendency to reject God.
Is that not what UFOlogists say about Aliens, we have not evolved as a society to accept Alien invitation because we need to get on with each other first before we can accept them?

The Bible uses that analogy too sometimes like when Jesus says he will return once the whole world knows his name and yet communist countries are still full of people who never heard of Christ and the Middle East don't recognise Jesus as Christ like Christians do. But for that to happen man will be at a peek of spirtual warfare as that information of the good news becomes something the evil forces want to wipeout in the process.

Man has met God many times, we just have a habbit of rejecting him, if Jesus was an Alien then we rejected him simple as that. God will work with people in different ways with the Holy Spirit, he is not gone but his power is seen in different ways.

[edit on 4-6-2009 by The time lord]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by The time lord

you know when they return in 2012, they are probably going to be like your avatar.


posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 03:26 PM
Once again, another date/prediction that shall come to pass with nothing happening except the everyday occurrences in life.

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