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144,000 to be 'Taken' soon? July 11th 09?

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posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 02:25 PM
If you are around to be greeted you may be glad to see any one of the 144000 after a global event.I am keeping my options open and making new friends.

Just a bit of advice,I have been to the moon and so have other posting on the internet,If you can at least admit to yourself that the odds of people from all over the world having the exact same fairy tale dream are astronomically low,then you have a slim chance of sticking around in the reality that is about to unfold around you.

You see reality is really a numbers game and when our numbers decline drastically,then a very few HIGHLY INFORMED ,good, moral,CHOSEN people can influence MOST OF WHAT IS LEFT OF HUMANITY IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

If you feel you have these qualities then you to my friend may be considered a "chosen one".


No evil,only good,all the old lessons and institutions gone,to be replaced by ones designed with humanitarian concern by 144000 "chosen ones".

I doubt there would be any business or law schools,and come to think about it how much tech do we really need ?Only vanity creates a need for over 75% of the medicines and health products we consume,we put more resources into squeezing four or five more years out of our life than it would take to feed the entire planet and that my friends is a fact.

What happens if a jury of your peers REALLY BECOMES A JURY OF YOUR PEERS?We wouldnt need any jails and capitol offences would surely be dealt with swiftly.There wouldnt be murderers and rapists and pedophiles living amongst our communities or at least not very many.


What I am saying is that without our current corrupt system to protect you,I for one would have no problem taking your life if the needs of the many dictated so if you were to do a crime against humanity.

This alone is good winning over evil simply because we all know dam well that a murderer who has taken a human life no matter the reason barring defense of human life ,must have the privelage of life taken away.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 03:51 PM
The 144000
"These are the ones who have not been defiled with women, for they have kept themselves chaste. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These have been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb. 5 And no lie was found in their mouth; they are blameless. "

so they are all men then?

Matthew 24:20
Then there will be two men/women in the field; one will be taken and one will be left.

i always wondered about this quote,

if you don't have a choice in the matter that worries me!

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
If you are talking about the so-called rapture .. there is no such thing.
It's completely unscriptural.
The rapture cult was invented by Nelson Darby in the mid 1800s.
It's soul-candy ... feel-good non-scriptural cult material.

Very true. It is escapism at its worst.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by meremortal

The 144000
"These are the ones who have not been defiled with women, for they have kept themselves chaste. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These have been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb. 5 And no lie was found in their mouth; they are blameless. "

Thats because the 144,000 are generally what makes up the global elite, better known as the 12 lost tribes or the illuminatti. They for the most part only marry into their own families to keep everything within the family.

The new 144,000 could be hand picked I don't know for sure, but I would suspect it is these same twelve tribes, possibly speaking of the oldest son which usually becomes the heir to rulership or whatever.

I think the Bible also refers to them as jewish boys which does not surprise me as most zionists often refer to themselves as jews.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 05:02 PM
"Thats because the 144,000 are generally what makes up the global elite, better known as the 12 lost tribes or the illuminatti. They for the most part only marry into their own families to keep everything within the family. "

so the 144000 is/are incestuous then?

first i heard they were men and/or gay/religious order? had not been defiled by women. gee that really makes me feel good being a WOMAN at this present time on this earth..

so are they monks?

i bet some monks defiled them selves on us women

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by meremortal
"Thats because the 144,000 are generally what makes up the global elite, better known as the 12 lost tribes or the illuminatti. They for the most part only marry into their own families to keep everything within the family. "

so the 144000 is/are incestuous then?

first i heard they were men and/or gay/religious order? had not been defiled by women. gee that really makes me feel good being a WOMAN at this present time on this earth..

so are they monks?

i bet some monks defiled them selves on us women

They will not be gay.
They will merely be Virgins. More exactly; Male Virgin Jews.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by meremortal

so the 144000 is/are incestuous then?

Pretty much.

first i heard they were men and/or gay/religious order? had not been defiled by women. gee that really makes me feel good being a WOMAN at this present time on this earth..

so are they monks?

Probably not so much monks, more likely senators and governenrs and the ilk.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by eradown

Well the Mark of the Beast is the counterfiet anyway of the Seal, so even if they look the same they are meant to because the Mark of the Beast will be false anyway. 44-100 = 66 so there is some numerical ying yang effect to it. I just hope it's not a twisted meaning good = bad bad = good situation but then again would not Satan say that him self he did back in Genesis?

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:50 PM
I believe they are referring to not having had relations with a woman that resulted in offspring,they are "chosen ones"with no children,hence no immediate family ties.Their line because they have no offspring essentially ends with them.For some reason they do not send their genes into the future.But they themselves are important.I'm more curious about the purchased part of the statement,purchased in what manner,and exactly what was the price paid per head.And just what moral obligation does the act of purchasing the 144000 make the buyer immune to?

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by prevenge

What's going on on July 11th 09?
Oh nothing.

Hey, slow down there cowboy! July 11 is my birthday and the day that I finally get to start drawing on my retirement. But as this would be contrary to my signature, I guess there is still a chance that the Rapture "will" be my retirement.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:10 AM
I hope it has to do with not having children, rather than being a virgin otherwise I doubt many people today would live up to not being a virgin unless they were priests of course. I think purchased means God has brought them, or singled them out and maybe that leads to their long lost bloodlines a kind of fate from the beginning of the world as a plan by God. He decided that those people are his elite in doing his work.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by The time lord]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:15 AM
knowone is getting raptured in july lol i didnt get the memo

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by The time lord

Yes well religion does have a way of muddying the waters. There is evidence that the elite were cross breed with humans and nephelim so that would in fact make them slightly human but also a species of an advanced race, from the tree of knowledge I assume. That does not make them chosen by god, that makes the son of god the subject of genetic manipulation. Yes, they were the sons of Gods? But who were the Gods?



Thouh he was a son of God, yes.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:08 AM
Back on topic I think it is safe to say that the only type of rapture that may occur at best if you are a descendant of 144,000 you might recieve an invitation in the mail to come and stay at their underground facilities.

Other than that any rapture would be man made and the end result would most likely not be souls ascending to heaven. Just a major distraction or global event in which the media would portay the missing persons as having been "raptured". Then the government would continue working underground using a global GPS network.

If you recieved an invitation in the mail you would most likely go to this place, "New Jerusalem" where these people will gather and create cells of 144,000 from their living quarters, each cell would have 144,000, it is not limited to 144,000 that is just the number thats desired for each community.

Thats for a couple reasons. Because the desirable number of people to repopulate the planet is 144,000. Also I believe that when you are opening all of your chakras the light ommited from your pineal gland also has that frequency. The number itself is synomynous with many things that are in nature. So this would also be the number of humans desired to complete our next step in evolution and in the next phase of evolution humans would most likely have the ability to speak telepathically.

Christ consciescness is what it is usually called. However, christ consciescness would then be a part of nature meaning that this evolutional proccess is already happening on it's own and it is not exclusive to the elite. We just happen to be discussing the PTB's plans for attaining it. Therefore we could assume that the slowing or calcifying of our pineal glands are intentional as an attempt to slow or even stop this process.

You see, life itself is only possible because of consciousness. Which is why elites have always used sacred geometry. We are all one, the universe is always growing and we are a part of that process.

So in short it's realy all about the pineal gland.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:13 AM
The pineal gland is what one of the implants they give us stimulates,it somehow forces us to learn faster and nonstop.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:35 AM
That would be more like overriding the pineal gland. If the techniques are practiced properly anybody is capable of reawaking the pineal gland without any technological intervention.

[edit on 2-6-2009 by 12.21.12]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 01:14 PM

but check THIS OUT!!!....

i cant believe this... guess what date "the 4400" started... er premiered...


JULY 11 ! ...1260 days from dec 21 2012

well.. plus 5 yrs but you have to make the dama BEFORE it happens righ durr.. k thats obvious.. just yeah it's ON that day.. the premiere of the first show.
Sorry to burst a bubble but the date is June 11

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 01:42 PM
I don't think the 144,000 is an actual number of people as I've reviously noted.. .but rather a frequency.

the "lamb" is a "standing wave" the "lambda" symbol is used to define waveform in mathmatecal equations.the schumann resonance is parallel with the waveform found in the human brain between waking and sleep... when your pineal is producing '___'.

'___' is found in acacia wood

acacia wood is what the ark of the covenant is made of

the ark has a tabernacle draped on it

the tabernacle is a "tent" made of red blue and white "byssus" threads

"byssus" threads are described as fungal hyphae.. thin filaments.

these red blue and white filaments are what "morgellons sufferers" are finding growing in them.

morgellons sufferers also report the exact same symptoms of incredibly advanced kundalini awakenings.
this is paralleled by "the holy spirit"..

morgellons sufferers also report a massife pumping feeling on their foreheads and a "crown of thorns" feeling around the crown of their heads.

you think that the ones who are "sealed" are going to walk around all high and mighty and skipping through the streets singing their praises..

or do you think it's more likely that their transformation would go for the most part unnoticed and miserably..

you'd think from the way the idea of the "chosen ones" has been hyped up by people's collective imagination.. it would be all daiseys.. and you'd INSTANTLY REJECT the notion that anyone would SUFFER through the initial stages of the "ark" being built within their skulls.

but if and when they all dissapear..

and you look around after july 11 and say.. hey .. you know all those morgellons people are not posting on the forums they all talk on...
and everybody who had a family member that thought they were crazy and deserted them... suddenly realize they're gone..

i wonder what the national discourse would be a t that point..

would it be more like.. "hmm wow we just screwed up" .. "the 144,000" were all around us and we thought they were just crazy people so we dumped them as friends and neglected them as family members... the 144,000 were happening around us and we treated them like crap and watched them die and did nothing and now theyre gone... i wonder how they're gonna treat us when they come back?"

but no you say.. "the 144,000" .. the "chosen ones" would be more obvious and happy holy people and we'd know it because we know everything when it's right in front of us."

the initial studies at the Tulsa oklahoma forensics crime lab said that the fibers could not be identified and that they did not burn until 1,400 degrees. and they would also react to certain "frequencies"...

also hilda stanninger .. a doctor that has worked for the army .. a woman who treats morgellons sufferers with far infrared radiation said that if you take a UV light strong enough.. you can see an hour glass infinity sign shape on their foreheads.

if i were you.. if things get REALLY bad in the near future.. after they "leave" i would stick it out until 2012.. when the 144,000 (remember it's a frequency) ... come back to set things straight.

by the way the "not defiled by women" thing may be that their genome hasn't been polluted by extra unwanted genetic information in the X chromosome (from females).

and "chaste" doesn't mean CELIBACY ok?
chaste means pure matrimony.. sex with seldom indulging in animal spasm.. ie: orgasm.
actual alchemy.
focusing entirely on the love-making.. and not the orgasm.
white tantra.

it really annoys me when people read scripture and interpret it so superficially.. but it's to be expected.
as if one of the most important pieces of literature in the world would only mean what you think it means on the surface.
as if it's base-interpretation (that which a 3 year old could comprehend) .. is the end all and be- all of it's absolute significance and meaning to the human race.

and i don't mean the "well how can we use this parable jesus spoke of in our life" i mean being courageous and rebellious (against the sheep crowd) and thinking even DEEPER than THAT and going into actual practical applications of the artistic PHYSIOLOGICAL symbolism in the literature.

such base-mindedness never advanced a culture.


[edit on 2-6-2009 by prevenge]

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by hdchop
Sorry to burst a bubble but the date is June 11

Release dates for
"The 4400" (2004)

USA 11 July 2004

what's wrong with you? you didn't even follow my link?
that link i posted

the link YOU provided is a link to when the series RETURNED for their THIRD SEASON.

I was talking about when the series premiered.
the VERY FIRST SHOW OF THE very FIRST SEASON.. where they get "taken".

so whatever mister smarty pants.

you should try on some prevenge pants. they always fit.
mmm snnnug..


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by prevenge

Originally posted by hdchop
Sorry to burst a bubble but the date is June 11

Release dates for
"The 4400" (2004)

USA 11 July 2004

what's wrong with you? you didn't even follow my link?
that link i posted

the link YOU provided is a link to when the series RETURNED for their THIRD SEASON.

I was talking about when the series premiered.
the VERY FIRST SHOW OF THE very FIRST SEASON.. where they get "taken".

so whatever mister smarty pants.

you should try on some prevenge pants. they always fit.
mmm snnnug..


My bad sorry for the quick copy and paste but no need to snap as you do -enjoy this thread....

BTW - ""also hilda stanninger .. a doctor that has worked for the army .. a woman who treats morgellons sufferers with far infrared radiation said that if you take a UV light strong enough.. you can see an hour glass infinity sign shape on their foreheads.""

do you have sources for the above quote? - this as it is quite interesting!! I've done search after search (not like in the manner fromt he last quote) and can pull nothing?? thanx in advance...

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