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Tamiflu - danger drug - dont take under any circumstances

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posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by tide88

I wasn't aware of the deaths from Viagra, however given the non-stop advertising on radio, I'm not surprised. A lot of men must be swallowing the stuff like candy.

Hospitals were using the same drug to stop spasms of cerebral blood vessels following aneurysm ruptures long before Viagra came to the market. I can tell you it causes a sudden and very powerful rise in blood pressure. Thus the risk of stroke and heart attacks after taking Viagra seems inevitable.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen

Originally posted by Inspiration1911
Here is a response from one of the Doctors in Mexico.

Mexico flu: Your experiences

I work as a resident doctor in one of the biggest hospitals in Mexico City and sadly, the situation is far from "under control". As a doctor, I realise that the media does not report the truth. Authorities distributed VACCINES among all the medical personnel with no results, because two of my partners who worked in this hospital (interns) were killed by this new virus in less than six days even though they were vaccinated as all of us were. The official number of deaths is 20, nevertheless, the true number of victims are more than 200. I understand that we must avoid to panic, but telling the truth it might be better now to prevent and avoid more deaths.

This means that the Doctors who were given the "Anti-viral" Shot died from it anyways. That also means, that the Mexican people probably DIED from taking the Vaccine also...but instead of the Media telling us which people did take the Vaccine & died, they continue to sell it to us.

[edit on 28-4-2009 by Inspiration1911]

I need to correct you on one seemingly misconstrued idea as of recent, and that has to do with the fact that a "Vaccine" is NOT the same thing as an "Anti-Viral" Pharmaceutical Drug/Treatment.

If the Physicians and Medical Personnel in Mexico City died as a result of the ineffectiveness of the current Influenza Vaccine, then that is an obvious factor, seeing as the current Vaccine does NOT cover the latest Flu strain.

Vaccines deliver a minute amount of a Virus to the human body, thus allowing for the natural Antibody system to prepare its own Defense and Attack system in response.

Anti-Virals on the other hand attack the replication of a Virus directly, and thus prevent it from overwhelming the ill-prepared Antibody system within the host's body.

Vaccines condition the Human Immune System Response, whereas the Anti-Virals suppress the Virus in question, which in turn allows for an unconditioned Human Immune System to play catch-up, and to typically take control from there on out.

Vaccines are always administered in Standardized Dosages, whereas Anti-Viral Dosing depends upon the original strength of the Individual's Immune System, and the severity of the attacking Virus.

Okay, so the Doctors used VACCINES...Nevertheless, the Doctors STILL DIED from taking the Vaccines which is what their giving out NOW.

Now, my understanding is that this Swine-virus is a mixture of the pig, bird, & far now there is no true vaccine; including Tamiflu which these doctors were probably given which is why they werent being reported & why they DIED.
But thanks for explaining the difference, that info is always good to know.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:10 AM
Definitely look into the herb Olive Leaf Extract or Neem Extract (Indian herb). Powerful anti-viral, anti-bacterial and a long list of other benefits. The only side effect is that it may cause a short temporary period of weakness but that's natural as a result of the body getting rid of the toxins from the body. Nature provides us with everything we need to survive and get well. But the next best advice I can give is to slowly eliminate meat and dairy from your diet. Animal products are a huge burden on all your organs making it much more difficult for the body to heal itself. I'm a vegan myself for 2 years and haven't been sick since. Drink only water and pure fresh pressed organic juices. Keep your stress levels low, turn off the tv and listen/watch uplifting books and movies. Check out Wheat Grass Powder too, powerful detoxifier cleaning out your system of any junk stored over the years. The list of benefits is too long to post here, but give it a try and go natural!

Look here:

[edit on 29-4-2009 by eudaimonia]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by Inspiration1911
Okay, so the Doctors used VACCINES...Nevertheless, the Doctors STILL DIED from taking the Vaccines which is what their giving out NOW.

Now, my understanding is that this Swine-virus is a mixture of the pig, bird, & far now there is no true vaccine; including Tamiflu which these doctors were probably given which is why they werent being reported & why they DIED.
But thanks for explaining the difference, that info is always good to know.

No. The Doctors took this years flu vaccine. The vaccine did NOT kill them. The Swine Flu did.

Tamiflu is NOT a vaccine. It's an anti-viral drug; a pill. It's not terribly effective against this virus. The virus is killing people; not Tamiflu.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by NoArmsJames

Yeah, tamiflu is not killing people, Donald Rumsfeld is.

Lot's and lot's of people.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by Lebowski achiever
Rumsfeld or no, I think the fears expressed are a little exaggerated. We are talking 54 cases when Tamiflu is prescribed over 24 million times in Japan alone. Really, the odds of you drowning in your bath are way better than the odds of dying after taking Tamiflu.

Now now don't start this balancing risk business
People here are very happy getting very agitated about very minor risks. They don't want to know that never driving a car and never drinking alcohol will have prevented premature death by a factor of thousands compared to everything discussed above!!!!!

Here's a fact:you are more likely to die by TV than Tamiflu (That's the LCD TV variety tipping over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) So quick get rid of your TV!

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 06:42 AM
More than just dosing up on herbals, naturals, or chemicals, you can adopt a generally healthy diet in all of the natural ingredients mentioned. For me, it is all about the Kimchee: high in ginger, garlic, onion, and tons of valuable probiotics.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:15 PM
I know this is Off topic, but I find it funny that the globe can come together and leave aside all their indifference's to mount an offensive campaign against this virus.
Forget the wars that are between them. All have dropped their weapons and are now fighting as one to combat this pandemic.

But wait... Wars are a fixation. Money is the real goal. By going to war the financial gain for companies is massive!

Isn't that then what is actually occurring here? I was reading the BBC (Link) and it lists alot of the countries that have measures in place. If you are using Firefox then press "ctrl+F" (search the page) and type "Tamiflu" and mark "Highlight all results"
As you can see, most of the countries already have vast stocks of the stuff, I'm quite sure that all have it.... Ok ok I know this is old news
But the point I'm trying to get at is money.

Tamiflu isn't even a proven anti-viral that can combat this infection. Yet everyone seems to buy it by the bucket load with out prejudice?
As some have come to believe, this is a man made virus... If that is true, then it would make alot of sense and it would be clear to say that Donald and its makers are set to make a massive fortune, even if the drug doesn't work lol.

Anywho, how is it that the world will come together under the false blanket of an epidemic, if only to gain a financial boost to certain groups of people...
Its history repeating itself just under a different alias and different scenario!

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Nineteen

Although Relenza has the same side effects as tamiflu. Maybe their havent been any reported deaths but it also isnt used as much as tamiflu. Maybe if 24.5 millions doses of relenza were given to the japanese their would have been deaths too.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Kliskey

The CDC actually came out and said both tamiflu and relenza both have seen positive results against this strain of flu.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday tests involving antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza against the swine flu suggest the drugs would be effective treatments

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Nineteen
reply to post by tide88

I wasn't aware of the deaths from Viagra, however given the non-stop advertising on radio, I'm not surprised. A lot of men must be swallowing the stuff like candy.

Hospitals were using the same drug to stop spasms of cerebral blood vessels following aneurysm ruptures long before Viagra came to the market. I can tell you it causes a sudden and very powerful rise in blood pressure. Thus the risk of stroke and heart attacks after taking Viagra seems inevitable.

I was just using it as a example that 75% of perscription drugs can kill people. Tamiflu mortality rate is like .00006%.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by YouAreDreaming
reply to post by NoArmsJames

Yeah, tamiflu is not killing people, Donald Rumsfeld is.

Lot's and lot's of people.

Why would D. Rumsfeld want this drug to kill people. I thought the whole point was he was on the board and made millions from the governments purchase and is making money from this particular strain of flu. If this drug showed a major side effect of death or didnt work, that stock would tank and he would lose between 5 - 25 million dollars.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 06:56 PM
What this document is saying is that TAMIFLU once Excreted is still ACTIVE & can genetically exchange between Influenza viruses in Wildfowl & HUMANS once in the WATER SUPPLY!?!


[edit on 29-4-2009 by Inspiration1911]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:11 PM
Whoa, I just heard "TAMIFLU" mentioned in Obama's speech in response to the first question asked by a member of the press. I guess we know where Obama stands.

[edit on 4/29/2009 by SonicInfinity]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 04:07 PM

Found this paper guys and gals and it is correct that the tamiflu is a bloomin hazard, if it is in a carboxylate form, how can we filter it?

Apart from it being charged?

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by nerdychemist

Hi, can you post that subject here on this thread, I started its called Tamiflu Excretion into the WATER supply.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:14 AM
i just came across this article:


But now health investigator Patricia Doyle posts on an analysis of the potential side-effects from this medicine, which may make it even less appropriate for consumption. The list includes, in alphabetical order: aches and pains, allergic reactions (sometimes leading to shock), asthma and aggravation of pre-existing asthma, bronchitis, chest infection, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, dizziness, ear infections and problems, erythema multiforme, headache, hepatitis, indigestion, liver problems, lymphadenopathy, nausea, nose bleed, rash or rashes, runny nose, sinusitis, Stevens Johnson syndrome, symptoms of a cold, tiredness, tummy pain, urticaria, and vomiting.

Moreover, Doyle notes, those with major allergies should also probably avoid Tamiflu, since the capsules also contain the following ingredients: black iron oxide (E172); croscarmellose sodium; FD and C blue 2 (indigo carmine, E132); gelatin; oseltamivir; povidone; pregelatinised maize starch; red iron oxide (E172); shellac; sodium stearyl fumarate; talc; titanium dioxide (E171); yellow iron oxide (E172). The oral suspension liquid, meanwhile, contains: oseltamivir; saccharin sodium (E954); sodium benzoate (E211); sodium dihydrogen citrate (E331 (a)); sorbitol (E420); titanium dioxide (E171); tutti frutti flavor; maltodextrins (maize); propylene glycol; Arabic gum (E414); natural identical flavoring substances (mainly consisting of banana, pineapple and peach flavor); and xantham gum (E415). She also lists several medicines that may have adverse affects while interacting with Tamiflu, including Chlorpropamide, Methotrexate, and Phenylbutazone.


a smorgasbord of iron oxides? titanium? ...and with all those other ingredients, including shellac, saccharin, and sorbitol, this stuff sounds horrible for us!!

why should we take this crap?! i think i'd rather have Swine Flu!!

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Grimstad

Sodium Benzoate & Vitamin C = Toxic.

If you ingest vitamin C make sure to not consume any food product containing Sodium Benzoate, the combination as is toxic.

In combination with ascorbic acid (vitamin C, E300), sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate may form benzene, a known carcinogen.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 02:38 AM
Not speaking strictly about the current outbreak of what has been termed "swine flu" specifically as it's mortality rate can't be confirmed, but for any instance where a virus poses a dire threat to your life:

I'm not coming out in support of Tamiflu or any anti-viral drug, in my opinion there is no possible way such a drug could be 100% safe within the next 15 years because it is dealing with such an incredibly dangerous and volatile organism, with proteins, with DNA itself. That being said, I'd much rather have a month's supply than die from flu, or any virus. The side-effects that broke the story were psychotic symptoms - hallucinations, delusions, psychotic behavior, and in a very small number of cases, suicide - except for suicide, none of those symptoms have permanent effects and any physical pain they cause pales in comparison to a viral infection which you can't fight off. If you can afford Tamiflu, do yourself a favor and get some anti-psychotics, hell even sedatives and mood stabilizers. If I had to choose between a small risk of suicide and possibly some psychosis for a few weeks or being dead forever...

If your goal is survival, you may have to bend your principles in favor of your life.

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