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Tamiflu - danger drug - dont take under any circumstances

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posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 06:04 PM
I ordered 3 bottles of PowerImmune. It's highly recommended by Mike Adams who runs the Natural News website.

Here's the review:

The taste of the Fitura Power Immune product is just as it should be: Intense, complex and slightly bitter. There's a lot going on in there, with the herbal ingredients acting in synergy. It's not nearly as intense as, say, John Barron's super garlic tincture from Baseline Nutritionals, but that's okay since not everybody can handle that level of herbal intensity. Fitura's Power Immune is certainly far more potent than a lot of the herbal products found in retail, many of which are watery and seem to contain very little actual herbage.

The ingredients in Power Immune are:

• Echinacea Purpurea
• Licorice
• Cat's Claw
• Green Tea
• #ake Mushroom
• St. John's Wort
• Lemon Balm
• Olive Leaf
• Astragalus
• Ginger
• Garlic
• Onion

If you'll notice, each one of these ingredients is anti-viral by itself. Cat's Claw and Green Tea also have strong anti-cancer properties. Licorice helps stabilize blood sugar, #ake mushroom is an immunomodulator, and St. John's Wort is a wonderful mood booster that works better than antidepressant drugs. So there are other benefits provided by these ingredients, beyond their anti-viral effects.

You may notice on the PowerImmune page there is a little text about the review that states:
"We won't claim it will be a contender against the bird flu or swine flu because, frankly, no one can predict with certainty what will protect you against either. "

But keep in mind that these sites cannot 'claim' to heal anything or the FDA shuts them down. They did that to the cherry industry. Cherries are a great cancer-fighting food but the FDA threatened to shut them down for making those claims on their websites so they had to remove the claims.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by tide88

Originally posted by nerdychemist
I am so glad I am no longer a chemist, I could've been involved in this!

I count my blessings everyday!

Also people, colds tend to manifest itself after a sudden drop in temperature so be vigilant.

Be the people who were dissing me off over the bird flu transport wished they didn't, I knew that spelt trouble!! Plus did no one report on the missing swine flu from the army base who someone said on here?

News just said they think they found ground zero for the swine virus. Some small town in Mexico, apparently a 4 year old was the first to contract the virus. He was exposed to a big pig farm. So I think you theory that the military in some way is behind this is kinda far fetched.

Who has not said that the initial virus was given to the pigs? perfect cover up! I have a weird hunch that the feed maybe infected and given to pigs, in the same manner as infected foodstocks be involved in CJD and perhaps Foot and mouth and the blue tongue which was going about, I think there was a case of it in the UK

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 06:10 PM
Beside the things mentioned against flu virus, you might also consider the mushrooms; Specifically reishi, shiitake, and cordiceps. Of course, there is also maittake, turkey tail and others, but the first have huge immune system potential (and antiviral). I grow this stuff myself and have not had cold or flu (or any other sickness) in years. I also concoct my own elderberry tincture from wild elderberries..

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 06:11 PM
I highly recommend you all take a look

I've been digging a bit on the Gilead(company that makes tamiflu) Board members....some VERY intersting connections there...

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 06:53 PM
Granted, there might be certain side-effects associated with Tamiflu, as there is with ANY medication, but do you realize that by encouraging Infected persons to resist this form of treatment, you might in fact be contributing to furthering their Health problems, which may result in Death?

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by grantbeed

#1: the rumsfield angle is odd, agreed.

#2: any infection, particularly any virus (some more than others) can cause
encephalitis - patients get altered sensoriums, deliriums, seizure, etc etc

#3: the same article linked states #2, and yes, Temiflu does cause neuropsychiatric
disorders akin to treatment with oral steroids, particularly in adolescents.

now lets move on. This is the easy part of a breaking pandemic - ie., you

get it now, the staff aren't overwhelmed at the local hospital UNLIKE the scenario

6-8 weeks into the 2nd round of a pandemic where the virus is worldwide, has

mutated, there is high mortality, and shooting in the streets. The trick is to

do things right now that avoid that mess later. Watchful waiting (and being


ref: Rx info (and I am an M.D. BTW)



Tell A Friend Print this monograph
Adverse Reactions
Serious Reactions

* delirium
* behavioral disturbances
* self-injury, incl. fatal
* anaphylaxis
* Stevens-Johnson syndrome
* toxic epidermal necrolysis
* erythema multiforme

Common Reactions

* nausea
* vomiting
* diarrhea
* abdominal pain
* headache
* epistaxis
* ear disorder

[edit on 4/27/2009 by drphilxr]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Grimstad

I've found, by accident, that at the 1st sniffles, restrict every type of simple carbohydrate, every femto-gram for about 3 days, much like fasting, and the virus has no inbound fuel. But go nuts on the protein and fiber, very low fat. Very hard for me, a sugar-holic. But in about 24 hrs 99% of everything is gone. But will come back if you don't stick with it for the 3 days. (With, of course, suppliments and tons of clear no-salt fluids). Works but wierd.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by nerdychemist

Seeing that the swine virus was around in the 70's I find it highly unlikely this was some government conspiracy to kill the population. And yes I realize that this is a different swine virus from back then, flu viruses are always mutating. This mutation alone makes it highly unlikely that there would be some govenment conspiracy to spread a virus that may mutate and kill off half the population. They themselves would be putting their life at risk. Even if they had a vaccine for this particular virus the chance of it mutating into something else would be too high of a risk for them to take.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:16 PM
Here's my regimen as an alternative to tami-flu
(which echos other's suggestions, but I think it's important to share anyway)

Chewable Vitamin C with Rose Hips
Colloidal Silver
Nebulizer so colloidal can be inhaled easier into lungs
Oil of Oregano (diluted in extra virgin olive oil)
Elderberry Extract
Garlic oil (chop around 3 cloves, put into a medicine dropper bottle of extra virgin olive oil, let sit for a couple weeks for pure garlic oil)
Mucinex - guaifensen to keep mucus nice and thin
Castor oil for castor oil packs
Purified water

[edit on 27-4-2009 by Asherah]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by tkwasny

Actually instead of taking advice from a conspiracy forum go to the hospital or your family doctor. You would have to be stupid to not go to a doctor at the first sign of symtoms. If you take advice from this board it may be too late, seeing you need to catch it in the first 48 hours for tamiflu to even work.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by grantbeed

hmmm, isn't amazing how all the pieces just start to fall into place? Earlier today I was reading articles on the BBC site posted by Doctors who claim that the patients in Mexico are NOT responding to the medications. They didn't specify the name....but wouldn't it just feed our conspiracist minds beautifully if he was referring to this very drug???? I will do more research and post links should I happen to find a connection. DEPOPULATION ANYONE?????

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Asherah

I am into holistic medicine myself but be careful with that, there are liability issues for posting recipes like that. As a fellow "witch doctor", my best advice is let your knowledge of alternative medicine be known and then let people come to you. You'd be amazed how a good hearted suggestion could be taken out of context! FYI, as soon as this potential mess broke out I started working on a powerful natural remedy for it. I stick with all plant based materials and oils though, if anyone is interested in remedies of this or any other nature, feel free to u2u me.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by jackieps1975

The people in the states all took tamiflu and it has worked so far. Also depopulation using a flu virus wouldnt work. The so called Powers That Be wouldnt be able to protect themselves if the virus were to mutate.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by BlueRaja
I understand the price of tin foil has been going up lately too. I wonder if there's a correlation. Perhaps Rumsfeld has shares with these companies too.

I know someone who died from a vaccine. It wasn't some fairy tale I heard on the wind. Get real.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by grantbeed

isnt it funny how donald rumsfeld has huge shares in tamiflu and this is the governments number one choice for YOUR vaccinations if need be due to a pandemic.

read the following article and be shocked. i would not go near this tamiflu at all. sounds fishy to me.

Another fear and hype thread! As if there weren't any other out there....

I TOOK TAMIFLU years ago and it helped me a lot! I started to develop a bad flu and took it immediately. The result, I was almost back to normal the next day and totally back to normal within 3 days. No side effects, NOTHING!

But I guess first hand experiences with tamiflu don't count here, do they?

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by jackieps1975
reply to post by Asherah

I am into holistic medicine myself but be careful with that, there are liability issues for posting recipes like that. As a fellow "witch doctor", my best advice is let your knowledge of alternative medicine be known and then let people come to you. You'd be amazed how a good hearted suggestion could be taken out of context! FYI, as soon as this potential mess broke out I started working on a powerful natural remedy for it. I stick with all plant based materials and oils though, if anyone is interested in remedies of this or any other nature, feel free to u2u me.

I haven't posted anything that isn't already all over the net, or things you can find a grocery store or health food store. If someone wants to hold me responsible over garlic oil
so be it my friend.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:37 PM
Right out of scifi....

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[edit on Mon Apr 27 2009 by Jbird]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:57 PM
For those of you interested in alternative medicine, or if you happen to be familiar with essential oil treatments/remedies, here is a basic list of those that possess anti-viral properties and their constituents:
Enveloped viruses are most sensitive to essential oils with a high amount of monoterpene alcohols (eg. Linalool, present in Lavender, Coriander, Petitgrain and Thyme c.t. Linalool; Citronellol present in Geranium and Rose Otto; Geraniol present in Palmarosa; alpha-terpinol found in Eucalyptus Radiata, Niaouli and Ravensara; Terpinol-4 present in Tea Tree and Marjoram; and Menthol, found in Peppermint and Spearmint) and monoterpine phenols (eg. Carvacrol in Oregano, and Thymol in both Thyme and Oregano).

Non-enveloped, or 'naked' viruses are more sensitive to essential oils with a high content of terpenoid ketones (eg. Pinocamphone in Hyssop; Verbenone in Rosemary c.t. verbenone, Pinocarvone in Eucalyptus Globulus, and Thuja in Sage


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[edit on Mon Apr 27 2009 by Jbird]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by annestacey

Please be extremely careful when ordering natural remedies online. The effects of essential oils and distilled herbs are only effective if cultivated and produced properly.
I seldom post on this forum unless I feel I really have something to offer that hasn't been said 872 times before
In any case, this is my forte, and anyone with questions about natural remedies should please feel free to u2u me *snip*

P.S. I am an accountant by trade, I just happen to be a witch doctor at heart
and I am happy to share FREE information and FACTS to those that request it.

(removed personal info)

[edit on Mon Apr 27 2009 by Jbird]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 08:33 PM
Well, I just happened to hear from a source today (free Mason member) that the swine Virus was structurally Engineered. NOT to take any anti-viral shots...and to take any other natural type remedies you might have on hand.

This message I shouldn't have recieved, but am telling you anyways. Please take this seriously folks.

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