Okay, I know I am a little late to the debate, and if I am repeating what others have said, forgive me.
Freedom of religion/speech/expression: Under the First Amendment of the Constitution states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of
This amendment has been interpreted by the Courts, as have all the amendments, and it is not an unlimited right.
As an example, freedom of speech does not protect "fighting words." If your speech is designed to cause public alarm or harm, you may be prosecuted
and punished under an appropriate law.
Freedom of religion: The government cannot tell you what god - if any - to believe in, but you cannot practice your religion completely unfettered.
What if your religion calls for polygamy (Mormons), the government has the right to pass laws prohibiting that conduct and punishing you if you break
the law regardless of religion.
What if you religion called for human sacrifice, should the government stand by and let it happen, of course not.
Here we have a nutty guy on a real cold day braking the law with respect to public decency. The idea of law is to have a society where we can all get
along. Just because some people are not offended by the wizard's display, others have the right to be free from his chosen type of expression.
In a society of laws, such as our republic, we agree to live by certain standards. This allows us to co-exist. If he wants to be naked, he should do
so at his home. Its like public intoxication. You can get as drunk as you like in the privacy of your home, but we do not have to be subjected to your
intoxication in public places.
As far as the force used, if you refuse to allow a police officer to execute a lawful arrest, you will probably get a serious beat down. If you are
being wrongly arrested, cooperate fuly and bring a civil rights lawsuit when you get out of custody.