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Secret Homeland Security Threat Assessment Labels Gun Owners Potential Terrorists

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posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 04:53 PM
Time to do something about it.





posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Lazy1981

That's just it... I'm just a dumb grunt, but even I can figure out when the system is working or not. I'm content to let a qualified and justly elected representative of my home state represent my interests in legislature.

I'll go do the gruntwork.

My loyalties are aligned with yours... You just seem to have a heck of a lot more "political" savvy than I. Thankfully, we seem to post on most of the same threads, so I suppose I have my own personal "checks and balances"!

[edit on 14/4/09 by cbianchi513]

[edit on 14/4/09 by cbianchi513]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

I don't question your loyalties one bit. I was simply pointing out that a republic demands an electoral system. Direct representation would be a rabble.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by cbianchi513

Well thank you. I'll take it we've kissed and made up.

I have myself been searching for Patriots. Ive found threads on here welcoming communism!

Welcoming regulation over our governments by the G20 Nations.

I can only assume that these in favor have never served their Country.

I was wondering where all the Patriots went. It's nice to run across ones such as you, even though we disagreed on an issue or two.

After all we arent all clones. That would make a boring debate.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by questioningall

You'd be surprised at how often cops or ambulance workers are threatened when they respond to calls, there's a good reason why they ask that. Usually it is reserved for domestic violence calls though.One of my former boyfriends was a paramedic for many years in the Boston area and that is standard practice.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:13 PM
Things are getting crazier and crazier and people don't seem to care because they're just to ignorant to put the pieces together or to naive to see what's coming. I just had a conversation with a semi-friend about the ban on childrens ATV and she said "Good, they're are too many accidents anyways". I couldn't believe it. If anyone takes a few minutes to think about this they will see it doesn't make sense and should cause concern. Gun concern is the go to reason the government uses to take down a group they deem as threating; sort of like how they used and still use to take down the mob and big drug dealers. We saw this at Ruby Ridge and at Waco. If you haven't looked into Waco, which I'm sure most of you have, I suggest you do. I was young when it happened but recently I've looked into it a little more and what I've found is truely frighting, and I'm not one to buy into conspiracies easily. They used the same term, "stockpiling of weapons", to use against then and investigate them besides the fact the group bought and sold guns for money. Under this labeling any gunstore is stockpiling weapons! This also raises concern over another point; that is these guns are being bought legally. One of the reasons they are aware of people buying guns is because of the increase in gun sale records. It's true that people are buying more guns but they are doing it legally because they're worried they won't be able to soon, not because they are forming some violent militia. If they didn't propose gun bans they wouldn't have seen an increase in purchases. The whole reason they're doing tis is so they minimize resistance and so they have a reason to get rid of those you would oppose them before things get too crazy (The davidians wouldn't have hurt anyone but were willing to fight if forced to and we all know how that turned out). Putting a ban on guns won't make guns go away i.e. the prohibition, drugs, illegal guns now, but only give them a right to raid people they see as a threat.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:24 PM
I would dare say that this is the first time I have actually agreed with a news piece emanating from "Prison Planet".

DHS Secretary Napolitano is a complete idiot. First she sends out LEO Memos essentially outlining Conservative minded individuals, and especially Libertarians, as "Terrorists", then she also has the idiotic nerve to declare OUR beloved returning War Vets as "Potential National Security Threats"! What in the raging infernos of Hell is running through this broad's mind? The American Legion is now butting heads with Nappy-wino over this latest round of Classifications, and I dare say that if the opposition heats up strong enough, President Obama might suddenly step in and act as the "Hero" mediator.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:32 PM
Best arguement ever made that all Americans should at least know how to use a firearm. I know it's dated, and the political environment is totally different, but it's still great:

(comic book guy voice): BEST... MOVIE....... EVER!

I don't know about you folks, but until they come to TAKE my firearms, I'll keep them safe, thank you.

[edit on 14/4/09 by cbianchi513]

[edit on 14/4/09 by cbianchi513]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by secretagent woooman
reply to post by questioningall

You'd be surprised at how often cops or ambulance workers are threatened when they respond to calls, there's a good reason why they ask that. Usually it is reserved for domestic violence calls though.One of my former boyfriends was a paramedic for many years in the Boston area and that is standard practice.

I have heard that question asked once before by the Station, right before the Police came over, as a result of a Domestic Disturbance an acquaintance of mine had with an individual. They asked however whether anyone was wielding a gun, since there was alleged to have been a Firearm used in the prevention of a B&E. They never asked about any firearms owned in the general sense though.

As in this particular case, the Authorities should only have the right to ask if anyone is currently Wielding a Firearm, and accordingly, whether all Firearms are secure.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by rjmelter

Originally posted by rjmelter
so if you have problems with my theorys[sic] or beliefs ( all 6 billion of us on earth have different ones...) then you should justify it with subject matter not the disprove you once so i must be right always theory you got going on. ATS is here to wein[sic] people away from ignorance not onto it have a great day and stay on subject.

I am not now, nor have I EVER been one to postulate that I am always right... as I recall I did not enter this thread with a meandering, non-cohesive, blustering manifesto the likes of which you laid bare for ALL to behold earlier... and for the record, as far as I can discern I am not the one who is having difficulty staying "on subject"

Originally posted by rjmelter
Its not a secret Cabal trying to kill innocent ammericans[sic], its an organization that we elected to protect us, if your dissappointed[sic] they they arent[sic] protecting us the wya[sic] you want its because you dont[sic] voice your opinions like all of you should have, if you have a problem write your senator...

Golly Gee... thanks for the civics lesson! Don't presume to lecture me on how I should interact with Governmental(or otherwise) entities. Even at an early age I was quite vocal about making my opinions known. I began participating in letter writing campaigns to not just the Executive, but the Legislative as well as Judicial branches of state & federal government when I was a 12yr. old "wet behind the ears" kid. By the way...I was NOT prompted to perform this particular action by ANY adult.

Originally posted by rjmelter
get off of your computer complaining on ATS and go out and do something (Without your bullets)

As I see it, I am not the one that you refer to as "complaining on A.T.S." try lookin' in the mirror if you want to find the source of the shrill harping round' these parts. Furthermore I would venture to say that I do quite a lot with my day besides farting around on the internet, I am in the process of opening up TWO new businesses and this shall be accomplished without the use of "bullets"

I don't look to "The Government" or ANYONE else to come to my rescue. I am(apparently) a dying breed in that I place self-sufficiency on the top of my list of desirable personality traits. I was from a young age brought up to respect guns and treat/handle them with care(I received my first firearm at 8)

I have always felt that the 2nd amendment was an integral part of our FREE society and I have spoken of this before both within the forum of A.T.S. and elsewhere...

The right to keep and bear arms has been seen as a integral element to sustain a healthy, viable Republic. In this country, from the outset there have been numerous individuals who supported the concept of an armed populous, one notable example being the man responsible for the resolution making us independent of British tyranny Richard Henry Lee. Lee is quoted as saying "To preserve Liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."

I have cited a few tidbits of info on this subject in a different thread on A.T.S. & I shall offer access to that now...

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:38 PM
I heard about this a few days ago and today I was listening to one of those talk show guys and since now almost everybody in this country is a terrorist, subversive, enemy of the state I came to this conclusion. They are at war with us. We don't know it (some of us do) but in general we (I mean the typical American citizen, obviously not US here on this board) don't notice it. They are destroying the value of our money, on purpose, Law enforcement is now doing everything in their power to put honest citizens who speak up in jail or fine them, our politicians, like the Clinton administration, is bought and paid for by the Chinese. These are the first shots across our bow. Since our political leaders are actually quite smart and savy at the game they know when to strike. I suspect very soon we will see (where it is obvious to even the average US citizen)the detention of non-lawbreaking citizens. If there is any military or law enforcement on our side, now is the time to get ready to come to our aid, because only a whisper in the night will be our clue because before you know it, the most vocal of us will be gone, then those who complain will be gone. This is a turkey shoot and we are the turkeys. They have already declared war on us by even thinking about creating this document, much less handing it out to everybody so I ask you, what are we going to do?

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:41 PM
i just read the miac pdf and all i can say is wow. the authors of this must spend a lot of time on ats and infowars. the miac pdf covered all the popular topics being discussed. its just funny how the miac pdf classifies anybody who believes in any one of the popular "conspiracy" theories a right winged neo nazi. i believe that the n.w.o does exist and are more out in the open than ever before, its just that most people dont give a #. and by n.w.o i mean that the world is run by a small group of elite bankers and other powerful leaders of industry. i do believe that 9/11 was an inside job. i do believe in intelligent life from other planets visiting this planet and the cover up that goes along with it. sorry to ramble but i guess what im trying to say is that im not a skinhead because i believe in not so hard to believe theories.

[edit on 14-4-2009 by middleclasssoldier]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:50 PM
Just **** me sideways.

I've obeyed the law (a bit slack on traffic law) all my life, never been in any trouble, served honorably in the military, fought my country's enemies in combat, bled in combat, raised a law-abiding family, held God, guts, and guns close to my heart, paid my damned taxes, employed people who paid their taxes, and now this Homeland Security dog on Obama's leash is calling me a "Potential Terrorist?"


That SOB!!!!

Well crap. That's really gonna make momma proud.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 09:13 PM
The report is saying rightwing radicals may represent a domestic terror threat, which is a big "duh" after the Pittsburgh cop shootings, or anyone who still remembers OKC.

It is not saying every Joe Sixpack with a gun collection and an NRA card is a "potential terrorist"

Similarly, the previous report on leftwing & animal rights groups did not say that every kid that sends $10 to PETA is a "potential terrorist" either

I didn't see anyone getting outraged at that one, but this one is being misrepresented by people with an agenda.

The DHS is supposed to study potential terrorist threats.

That's their job.

Am I wrong

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 09:15 PM
The timing of the release of said DHS report is quite ironic especially when one considers the April 15th Tea Parties and how they have been portrayed by the liberal left via main stream news media, liberal left blogs and websites, etc.


[edit on 14-4-2009 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by ingauged00

You are right they're doing this is so they minimize resistance. You will see that many here on ATS agree that all the pieces are coming together.

Here is another link to consider. The dates may be off but another means to stop or reduce resistance.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 09:24 PM
Accidental repost OOPS.

[edit on 14-4-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 10:39 PM
Americans are up # creek without a paddle. shoulda fought for your rights when you had the chance

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 11:37 PM
i laugh at the government for trying to impose any ban instead of regulation since the prohibition did so much good my only problem is how in the world did these government people get into power without knowing history

john baker is not my real name

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 12:54 AM
Who put a lapel ribbon lady in charge of homeland security? She looks like a social worker from DFCS that tries to take kids because of anonymous tips about someone's house being dirty. I don't like them either.

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