reply to post by rjmelter
Originally posted by rjmelter
so if you have problems with my theorys[sic] or beliefs ( all 6 billion of us on earth have different ones...) then you should justify it with subject
matter not the disprove you once so i must be right always theory you got going on. ATS is here to wein[sic] people away from ignorance not onto it
have a great day and stay on subject.
I am not now, nor have I
EVER been one to postulate that I am always right... as I recall I did not enter this thread with a meandering,
non-cohesive, blustering manifesto the likes of which you laid bare for
ALL to behold
earlier... and for the record, as far as I can discern I am not the one who
is having difficulty staying
"on subject"
Originally posted by rjmelter
Its not a secret Cabal trying to kill innocent ammericans[sic], its an organization that we elected to protect us, if your dissappointed[sic] they
they arent[sic] protecting us the wya[sic] you want its because you dont[sic] voice your opinions like all of you should have, if you have a problem
write your senator...
Golly Gee... thanks for the civics lesson! Don't presume to lecture me on how I should interact with Governmental(or otherwise) entities. Even at an
early age I was quite vocal about making my opinions known. I began participating in letter writing campaigns to not just the Executive, but the
Legislative as well as Judicial branches of state & federal government when I was a 12yr. old "wet behind the ears" kid. By the way...I was
NOT prompted to perform this particular action by
ANY adult.
Originally posted by rjmelter
get off of your computer complaining on ATS and go out and do something (Without your bullets)
As I see it, I am not the one that you refer to as "complaining on A.T.S." try lookin' in the mirror if you want to find the source of the shrill
harping round' these parts. Furthermore I would venture to say that I do quite a lot with my day besides farting around on the internet, I am in the
process of opening up
TWO new businesses and this shall be accomplished without the use of "bullets"
I don't look to "The Government" or
ANYONE else to come to my rescue. I am(apparently) a dying breed in that I place self-sufficiency on the
top of my list of desirable personality traits. I was from a young age brought up to respect guns and treat/handle them with care(I received my first
firearm at 8)
I have always felt that the 2nd amendment was an integral part of our
FREE society and I have spoken of this before both within the forum of
A.T.S. and elsewhere...
The right to keep and bear arms has been seen as a integral element to sustain a healthy, viable Republic. In this country, from the outset there have
been numerous individuals who supported the concept of an armed populous, one notable example being the man responsible for the resolution making us
independent of British tyranny Richard Henry Lee. Lee is quoted as saying "To preserve Liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people
always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
I have cited a few tidbits of info on this subject in a different thread on A.T.S. & I shall offer access to that now...