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Respected Foes

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posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 12:10 AM
Why presume they don't understand what the word means?
Have you asked all of your foes if they truly comprehend what the title suggests?

Hey...maybe you are a respected foe to the people that have added you to the list.

Perhaps you aren't giving yourself enough credit...


...perhaps you give yourself TOO much credit in assuming your opinions have members soooooo outraged to the point of utter confusion and that they MUST foe you even if it means there is the word respect in there somewhere beyond the limits of their reading comprehension skills to even detect.

Either way I wouldn't worry about their motives at all.

I never added anyone but not because I egocentrically felt that those with differing opinions did not deserve the title, but because I just didn't consider it as important enough to go through the effort. I have seen many people with all sorts of opinions here post well constructed arguments and positions that didn't fit my own yet were worthy of a reading. Some have even helped change my own perspective a little and I hope they allow their own perspective to change as well. Unless we just come here to read our own posts and argue for the sake of arguing.

You know what?
Maybe I should utilize the option.

I'll add you, Flyer, to my respected foes list because I do think you are someone on the opposite side of my (political) opinions yet you formulate your arguments well enough.

For the most part, anyway.

There. My motives are clear and done in the correct manner you suggested.

You will be like my firstest foe ever!

- Lee

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 12:28 AM
OK, my ping-pong is a little rusty.......but I always accept a challenge.

Originally posted by whitewave
Actually, I didn't suggest adding dignity to the title at all. I believe that was your translation.

I substituted "Respected" with "Dignified" to help sentence structure.
But that is pure semantics as they mean the same thing. You were proposing a "SXXX List," a "Fecal Roster" Wink-wink.

1) If my sense of humor failed to amuse you then I freely admit that I am not everyone's cup of sunshine.
I love sunshine, that's why I live in Florida. I am finding you amusing.

2) Several people have suggested adding a category for jerks, trolls, etc. Please point out which rule of logic my suggestion failed to meet.

3) Your opinion (and you're welcome to it)
Thanks, It's not much but it's all I have as you do yours. I have no beef with you.

Back On Topic:
My point in all of this was that, for me, the FOE button serves a useful purpose. It is already integrated within the board and serves as a navigational assistance tool.
As OP pointed out it is actually a mere acknowledgement rather than a derogatory label.

Some members (like me) change their Avatars frequently. While scrolling the myriad of pages, it adds a thin red banner over your Foe's name so as to be easily identifiable. You can pause to consider their views on other topics. Perhaps you'll find you actually have more in common than you thought and remove them from your FOE list. As I type this I realize my argument is losing luster so that is all I have to say.

Bottom line.............."If it ain't broke, don't fix it." It seems to be working just fine.

As of this posting I have had 1 person FOE me and I have FOE'd 1.
After 2+ years, I'd say that ain't so bad.

Thanks for considering my minority view.


[edit on 3-4-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:25 AM
I agree, but I think that the "Respected Foes" section is a bit redundant.

If you respect someone, then it means you value their words. If you value their words, then you can learn something from them... and so they cannot be a foe.

It should be a straight case of friends for those you agree with and respect most of the time; no status for those you respect but mostly disagree with; and ignore for those you cannot stand (I think to this date, only Jedimiller has made my ignore list).

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by lee anoma
Why presume they don't understand what the word means? Have you asked all of your foes if they truly comprehend what the title suggests?

As I said - I have no foes. Just because someone disagrees with me doesn't make them a 'foe'. And as for those that have put me on their foes list, I am absolutely sure that many of them have no clue what it means. I gave reasons for my belief in this area.

When you sit in a thread and have the other person throw personal off topic insult after personal off topic insult ... and minutes later they hit the 'foe' button' ... that person does NOT respect you and therefore the title 'respected foe' doesn't fit. I've discussed this with a few other people here through the years. They've had similar things happen.

Frankly, it makes us laugh.
Those poor folks hitting the 'foe' button just don't get it.

As for trolls, they are not 'respected' foes. They are just trolls and a waste of bandwidth and a waste of time to read. They don't earn the title 'respected foe', nor do they earn mention on my profile in any way.

You will be like my firstest foe ever!

Since you understand that it is a badge of honor to be a 'respected' foe ... I'll take it as the compliment that it was offered as.

Edited to add -

Originally posted by 44soulslayer
If you respect someone, then it means you value their words. If you value their words, then you can learn something from them... and so they cannot be a foe.


[edit on 4/3/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 02:36 PM
Yipeee! I have three more people this week who have decided that I am a 'respected foe'. that makes 40 people who think so highly of me that they clicked on the 'respected foe' box.
Add the 171 people who have me clicked off as 'friend' and I've got a whole lotta people who just luuuuuuuuuve me no end!

(numbers are approximate. My eyes can't see the small print on the screen very well anymore)

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 03:45 PM
If I dont like the way someone is speaking or I think someone is just a mindless bigot I use the ignore function, not the foe function.

[edit on 5-8-2009 by gYvMessanger]

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Yipeee! I have three more people this week who have decided that I am a 'respected foe'.

And it's only Wednesday.

Once the week is over, I'm sure you'll gain an even bigger fan base.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 04:30 PM
You lot are just playing croquet here. The thread remains effetely theoretical until we hear from Yahn Goodey and who's that other famous chap who's got 997 foes or something?

Let's hear it from the pros.

Oh, and by the way, the obvious solution: two buttons:



Just chuck the 'respected' and we'll all be happy. T&Cs still apply.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:51 AM
I just wanted to say that I appreciate the new folks who are picking their friends and foes ... and I thought they might like to read what a 'respected foe' really is.
Anyone who picks me ... THANK YOU !!

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