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Respected Foes

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posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

The two terms create an oxymoron, that is the issue.

The negative term out weighs the positive.

Same issue with "deny ignorance" and why it will not be "denied"... the focus is on "deny"..."pushing away", etc. This in turn will create the latter, "ignorance", as people become closed minded to the potential that exist in life due to their zealous pursuits to "deny" something. - becoming 'right' by making the other 'wrong'.

You get what you focus on, so be careful what terms you use, which will become your focus.



[edit on 30-3-2009 by dAlen]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Desert Dawg
How do you think a 'red' star would work out?

Blue can mean many things, most of them relating to the quality of the post.

A red star would show that a particular post wasn't worth the time.

Just because a person didn't star a particular post doesn't mean much.

Lots of reasons for that, but I think a red star would be useful.

Red is a disturbing color, a "brown" star perhaps.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 03:42 PM
My definition of "respected foe" is this. Note that I only have one.

A respected foe to me is one with whom I will in all likelihood never agree with, though hope springs eternal, on any topic. Yet our conversations are just that, conversations. With no animosity or hard feelings involved. We just see things differently.

This sort of foe should make you think, and think again, about your views on a topic. You still, in the end, may not agree, but he or she has made you look at their side of the argument.

That's my definition.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I see the title as an indicator that someone feels your valid information is worthy of fighting about so that their opinion wins. I don't do the list thing here as I only see it as a way to group various people together using their ideals and their opinions. I guess I just think that later on someone will take this list from ATS and then use it to find the group that needs to be silenced.

I have three members that have found me to be a 'Respected Foe'... all for the act of making one comment that seemed to leave them with little to respond to...


[edit on 30-3-2009 by AllTiedTogether]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 03:52 PM
I don't put people on ignore and I don't foe people.

Everyone has a right to their opinion and who am I to judge their opinion is unworthy of notice (ignore) or unworthy of seeming respect (foe).


posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:01 PM
I have tagged 2 members as "respected foe". They are from the Debate Forum though so it makes sense. As to those that don't get it, there are many that have "foe'd" me. I don't think there's any respect though.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:19 PM
I have "foed" nobody... if i respect them that much, whether we see eye-to-eye or not, and whether our tastes or beliefs are similar or not... they make my friends list.

There are those i don't have time for and actually don't like....but i wouldn't foe them.

Perhaps if it wasn't "respected foe" or if it wasn't something to be more pleased about or whatever...
If it was like a "people that piss you off" list....then maybe there would be a few names on it

Can we have a "people that piss you off" option??


[edit on 30/3/09 by blupblup]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:32 PM
I'll admit, I used my foes list as an 'AshleyD Thinks You're a Jerk' feature. Then I deleted everyone after becoming staff for the sake of neutrality.

It wasn't always that way, though. When I was brand new, I used it for the right reasons and to select users who often disagreed with me but whose intelligence and points I greatly respected. After learning the ropes a bit more and seeing how personally some took being foed (it's never been a big deal to me), it became obvious most members took it as a declaration of animosity so I quit using it as a compliment.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

We could really use a "jackass" function.

Can't you pull some strings.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:34 PM
I tried to put everybody on my Foe list, but my laptop burst into flames and I had to beat it out with my tin foil hat. Shame to lose such a good hat that way. Now I simply enjoy the discussion even if some choose to attack the poster and not the subject. Trolls will be trolls and they can stay under the bridge harassing goats all day if they wish. It doesn't bother me. I certainly have no intention of labeling someone as my foe simply as negative labels serve no purpose. Adding in "Respected" only creates an oxymoron and further negates any value to the label.

I generally disagree with much of what FlyersFan posts in the forums. Much of it, but not all of it as sometimes we totally agree, but I will never consider her a foe simply because I respect her position, the quality of her posts, and her usually even temper..... even if she is totally wrong.
Her posts help to counter balance any discussion and that is what ATS is all about. Different viewpoints are to be valued, not shunned. If everyone had the same viewpoint then Sara Palin might be running the nation as our Queen. Heavens forbid!!!

I am delighted to be the foe of people I have never met nor had discussions with, and it is nice to be so respected by strangers..... unless it is the NSA keeping an eye on me....... Ok I gotta go and cover my walls with more tinfoil to block the signals.

[edit on 30/3/09 by Terapin] Gender correction as noted.

[edit on 30/3/09 by Terapin]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:35 PM
I wonder if you are, in some vague manner, referring to me?

I recently put you on my Foe list as each time I presented "my side" of an issue, in numerous threads, you simply quit responding. No finality or closure, as if the ideas ran out. Then I am simply labeled as "combative" for asking tough questions.

So lets get things out in the open, shall we?

Without dancing around the issue, it was regarding the rampant abuse by pedophile priests in the Catholic Church and your posture was that the percentages were insignificantly minute and comparable to other forms of organized religion. It obviously struck some sort of raw-nerve ending for us both, you as a defender, me as the accuser.

It is a topic that is quite personal to me and I will champion the cause of exposing hypocrisy every chance I get.

As was recently pointed out in another BB forum, vigorous and passionate debate should be expected here. So YES I used the tools at my disposal in this forum and added you as my FOE.

Thanks for your input on it's meaning. I suggest you simply accept the "compliment" and thank me for giving you the idea for this wonderful thread. Your FOE list is quite prestigious and I am proud to be added. I suppose the "Barf" icon is also a term of endearment?

Ironically, you invite "trolls" on your moniker as if to say "bring 'em on."
Apparently you have not encountered any who can bite back.

Without Wax......KK ( Rick ) Your new found foe.

[edit on 30-3-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Terapin
I generally disagree with much of what FlyersFan posts in the forums. Much of it, but not all of it as sometimes we totally agree, but I will never consider him a foe simply because I respect his position, the quality of his posts, and his usually even temper..... even if he is totally wrong.
His posts help to counter balance any discussion and that is what ATS is all about.

Oh boy, did you step in it. She has a good sense of humor though.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:48 PM
Bugger, I thought "respected foe" was just ATS talk for "I think you're a tool"

No way do I want them to think I respect them....anyone know how to take someone off the list?

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by grover
... I have after years of resisting it put people in ignore and kept them there because they deserved it...

After being here for five years I finally used it for the first time today.
My ignore list has a grand total of ONE person on it now.

Originally posted by Terapin
... even if he is totally wrong.

Psssssssssst ... I'm a girl.

But since you were so nice in your post I won't slap you upside the head with a coconut creme pie or anything. (at least not until you fall asleep or something like that)

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by one2many
No way do I want them to think I respect them....anyone know how to take someone off the list?

I believe that if you click the red "X" next to the user name that will remove it from your list.

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:51 PM
Nevermind .... Intrepid answered as I was posting.
I'm kinda slow today I guess ...
(no comments!!)

[edit on 3/30/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Nevermind .... Intrepid answered as I was posting.
I'm kinda slow today I guess ...
(no comments!!)

[edit on 3/30/2009 by FlyersFan]

Many thanks to you BOTH

all done

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 05:12 PM
This is an interesting topic. Yes Flyers fan, I completely understood what was implied by the original meaning of the Respected foe list.
If they really are respected by me, irrespective of their ideology, they would become my friend.
However, the folks here that have an opposite opinion to mine that I truly respect, I will remember.

If they are eloquent and thoughtful in presenting their case, they leave an impression that I wont soon forget when I see any future post by them.
They are my respected foes, without virtue of an overt tag.

On the other hand, the hoaxers and disrespectful ones, trolls and the like, wont be so easily remembered (at least in my case). So I have decided that I would use
the foe tag to help me delineate the easily forgotten.

Like others here, I do not use the iggy button, that is what my brain is for. If they get real bad....welcome to my foe list.

Until there is a "here's your sign" button, this system works well for me.

I think that the ATS terms of decorum will preclude any type of overt ideological enemy tagging.


Edit 4 :tupid pelling.....again

[edit on 30-3-2009 by Zeptepi]

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by grover
... I have after years of resisting it put people in ignore and kept them there because they deserved it...

After being here for five years I finally used it for the first time today.
My ignore list has a grand total of ONE person on it now.

Originally posted by Terapin
... even if he is totally wrong.

Psssssssssst ... I'm a girl.

But since you were so nice in your post I won't slap you upside the head with a coconut creme pie or anything. (at least not until you fall asleep or something like that)

Don't know why but finding out you're a girl has rocked my mind...

Well you beef like a 250 pound hockey player, so good on ya!

posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 05:38 PM
Oh crud. I thought that anyone who was a fan of the Flyers had to be a brutish male Troglodyte.

I stand corrected. Now that I know you are female I wont pull any punches next time we disagree.
That is the trouble with generic avatars. Gender can be a mystery, but it certainly does not change the quality of anyones post.

As for the whole Foe concept... As a child I learned "Fe Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an English man. Be he alive or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread." While I have eaten a wide variety of unusual meals in my day and travels around the globe, I am not certain that I would enjoy cannibalizing a pasty English chap, nor eating any pan dimensional trolls. Thus I will have no Fo, unless it is Pho.

Edited to add: Whenever I discover that someone has put me on their Foe list, I immediately send them a U2U thanking them for offering me their respect. If they leave it up, it shows that respect was intended. If they take it down, it shows they are full of ..... Er..... foe.

[edit on 30/3/09 by Terapin]

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