posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Studious
Up at the top of the screen, click on Video & Media.
After you get the new screen, click on "My Home", toward the right of the screen.
After it brings up your profile, scroll down and on the right side of the screen, there will be a section called "My Media" Click on "upload
After that screen comes up, it will give you the option to name the media and give it a description. You have to give it a title, a description and a
category before it will upload. Fill in whatever info you desire then click Upload Media File at the bottom.
Where it says "Media Upload", you can browse to the PDF's location on your hard drive and then hit upload. After it runs - voila! Your file is
now on ATS.
I'm obviously not a moderator - but I wouldn't think using other's posts on this particular thread for the purpose of maintaining story line would
get you banned.
[edit on 24-3-2009 by mf_luder]