posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by silo13
I dunno about Avalon - that was the concept, but I've not got as firm a concept as others of what Avalon IS, so I was just going to call it something
else (whatever struck neno's rather odd fancy), but with the same basic concept I have of Avalon. I've no reason to think that anyone can't call it
anything, or that it can be "anywhere", just that it's in some other dimension, or maybe a place 'tween dimensions.
I hate to see our co-writer gone, but the show must go on, and so it shall. I'm just not sure how to handle it. Probably need to retire her
characters somehow, maybe "park" them but by no means kill them off. I'm not caught up on the story - working two jobs and all that takes a toll,
and then there was the whole end-of-the-world Viking Apocalypse that happened Saturday evening that I had to celebrate (drinking, carousing, wenching,
feasting... the whole nine yards, complete with my very own dancing Valkyrie girl... life is GOOD after the end of the world, which after all, only
happens once - a year...)
The new avatar was created by my little missus in Photoshop, using the original Curmudgeon character that I had to hunt the internet for the original
of, and then she found the exact duster I wear, added the Bohannon hat, and there it was. She's still got some work to do on it, but I like the
direction it's going in. I watched her do it, and STILL don't know how it's done. PS is just a Black Art to me!
So - I'm off to get caught up. I've left neno hanging in the mist too long.