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Space Invaders Land In Russia

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posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:18 PM
quote]Originally posted by zeffen

How many pictoral representations recorded in ancient art all the way through to midevial and rennaisance times do we require?

For one thing these things in ancient art are not considered mysterious by the archaeological community. Only ufo/alien believers see Ufo's in these drawings/paintings. Not one expert in this has come forward claiming these are pictures of unknown craft.

How much video recorded evidence of strange ariel phenomenon performing bizaare and seemingly impossible manuever's does the general public require before we stop ridiculing the phenomenon

There are too many fakes out there.

As for eyewitness accounts...they only tell you that they have seen something they have idea as to what it is. They do not say definitivly that they are of alien origin. For all we know they could be military. And they also could be mistaken and could have witnessed natural phenomenon.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by riggs2099]

[edit on 26-2-2009 by riggs2099]

[edit on 26-2-2009 by riggs2099]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:34 PM
riggs2099 : I honestly did not want to post this as it might be seen as an off topic link, but i could not resist in taking you up on your comments. So i guess these people can be dismissed as easy as your land sightings

edit: there are another 3 parts to this, but i guess your able to view the rest in your own pleasure

[edit on 26-2-2009 by tristar]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by tristar
What is the best way to disprove something.

You can't. You can only prove an alternative.

Originally posted by tristar
Its protocol, there is nothing unusual about it being reported by state controlled media

You are trying to have it both ways; on one hand the KGB was trying to cover it up, explaining the lack of evidence. On the other, it was not unusual for them (inexplicably) to release information they wanted covered-up in the state-media.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:36 PM
Additional Info....

Known Investigators:

Alexander Mosolov (aviation engineer)

Vyacheslav Martynov (chief aviation engineer)

Dr Yuri Lozovtsev (materials specialist)

Journalists who interviewed people or had access to interviews:

S. Plotnikov for Selskaya Zhizn.

O. Donin for Kommuna and Alexandre Mosolov again for Kommuna.

Silanov was originally quoted in the paper Kommuna but was not listed as interviewing any witnesses and was not directly involved in the investigation..

But ummm, couple of additional things with regards to this source ON THE BORDER OF UMMO: THE SO-CALLED UFO LANDING AT VORONEZH, RUSSIA, 1989.

All kinds of reporters of the Western medias furrowed the city. They heard to say that in addition to the four children, there had been hundreds of adult witnesses. They found none, except if you count the mother of one of the children who stated that at a certain time whereas she went to a family celebration, she saw a flickering of red, green and yellow lights above the roof of a

Err.... wot? I believe they were already listed and interviewed by Plotnikov.

Among certain Russian ufologists, delirium reached new heights, however. "I think that this flying saucer was nothing other than the appearance of Christ", told Alexandre Mosolov, "Member of the special Commission of investigation of the incident of Voronezh." Why? Because only children, "innocent spirits", were witnesses.

Who was already known to have interviewed adults?

Three joined factors attracted the French, US resident ufologist Jacques Vallée towards this doubtful story: first of all, he had often maintained the position that they are "military personal" or mysterious "secret agencies" which are behind the UFO phenomenon.

Noo... no he doesn't.
He has always stated that there are agencies willing to use the UFO phenomenon to hide their own work.

In his book "The Invisible College", he had written fifteen pages on the Ummo case. He repeated faithfully what was known about it, and concludes as if all that were proven, by one of its favorite theses initially: "the phenomenon systematically lies to exceed logic", seeing a "psychic bond" between Ummo, Uri Geller, the UFOs and all the field of the paranormal.

Does he know that?
Since... no, that is not his interpretation since they key here is 'that if it were all proven' and 'there would be'...something he neither trusts or believes in, which is quite different.

Voronezh turned into a Mecca for foreign journalists accredited in the USSR. Local authorities organized trips for the representatives of the press. In spite of the fact that all the witnesses are children and that the only scientist, persuaded of the reality of the event, uses of very particular research methods for the demonstration

Ohh.. really?
The Engineers, pilots, Doc's and public prosecutors don't count then?

Also, he knew that he would find in Russia sympathetic ears to his paranormal and other "psychic aspects" or "interdimensional" worlds thesis. Where a judicious ufologist would have smiled at "the scientific apparatus" of the famous Russian "experts" supposedly proving a "biomagnetic activity" on the alleged spot of the landing of Voronezh through what was nothing else than the good old divination rod, Jacques Vallée rather heard resound a peasant paranormal tinkling. And these aliens "too absurd to be extraterrestrial" thus "lures of aliens" product of some "higher intelligence" was probably also irresistible for him.

Actually I believe Vallée was quite astonished at the fact and he says so... repeatedly. So, ahh, no that's not right either.

And finally....

As for Jacques Vallée, he would come out with a new book, "UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union" and would boldly describe the case of Voronezh like that of a dozen adults

Which he didnt, he thought it was a mystery worth looking into.

in addition to the children, of a round spacecraft, and giants with three eyes, and a robot who accompanies them,

Which he questioned and left open.

he would write on "engineers" who examined landing traces of the craft, which would have weighed 11 tons.

Whoom he just so happened to talk to and were actually, you know, engineers.

He would tell that Ajaja confirmed the "abductions of the witnesses of Voronezh".

Who didnt.

He would even publish a list of so-called witnesses coming from a doubtful gazette.

And how would you know the papers report was doubtful?
Were all those quotes simply made up?


His Names not Ajaja.... It was Vladimir Azhazha and he wasn't mentioned when Vallée interviewed the Voronezh 'Collective'.

...and where the hell did this Alien rock sample come from since it isn't mentioned by anyone associated with the investigation as far as i can tell.

But still... its all just speculation and if the KGB were involved it would have been the second directorate.
In which case witnesses would have been identified by dental records.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by summerdreary
You obviously know what your talking about. I don't really; I just found the video interesting.

We all find this subject interesting, and I am not faulting you for finding it interesting too. What I took issue with is the statements you made that have very little grounding in reality.

Originally posted by summerdreary
At least I admit I'm ignorant. Trust me, I'm trying to fix that.

You're in the same boat as the rest of us.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by tristar

Augh..more links. What is it with you believers and your links. Pilots only see things that they have no clue as to what it was. It does not say could be military or natural phenomenon that is unknown to us or it could be alien. No one stop with the links...that don't tell us nothing new.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:45 PM

Surprised the ufo believers didn't post this as proof of aliens are here. Full story there.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by riggs2099]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by tristar
What is the best way to disprove something.

You can't. You can only prove an alternative.

Originally posted by tristar
Its protocol, there is nothing unusual about it being reported by state controlled media

You are trying to have it both ways; on one hand the KGB was trying to cover it up, explaining the lack of evidence. On the other, it was not unusual for them (inexplicably) to release information they wanted covered-up in the state-media.

What exactly are you not understanding , that the news did leak and could be kept under control. Is this so hard for you to understand. This a practice performed by the U.S. main stream media with the open blessing of the military.
Also to take parts of my post and quote a particular line and not post from start to finish for the only purpose to create momentum is not the best thing to do. Its something politicians do and im way to familiar with that style of dialogue or should it be monologue.
Either way, you have your beliefs and opinions and so do i. In closing to try and approach me with methods that date back to the 50's id re-think your strategy

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:51 PM
Here are two pages I found, translated by Google.

Even with the automatic translation faults I think this may help to get a better picture of this case.

Page 1
Page 2

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by TheOracle

Yes the seventh letter of that Cyrillic system and the alchemical symbol for Uranus, the seventh planet. How or why UMMO (Hoaxers ?) decided to use this I don't know.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:28 PM
I didn't read all the thread and I have no personal decision to make one whether I believe or disbelieve this event but I just wanted to note something. The witnesses might not have known or remembered what the symbols where on the craft but merely linked them with something similar that they did know.

For example if I saw a almost complete circular bracelet shape but with one end with a spherical attachment on it then I might not know what it means or his exactly but I would say if asked that it looked like Ouroboros as that is the nearest thing I know to identify or remember it as looking like. Over time my bias/ choice of what it looked like would be taken as my fact even though it was just an observation and it is likely that in each subsequent drawing of that symbol it would become more and more like Ouroboros and less like it actually was.

The symbol on the craft might be very different or not even a symbol at all but something that the kids linked with zhe.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:37 PM
interesting case, but I get a really wierd feeling when watching the witnesses talk.

Like they are under some mass hypmosis or something.

Then the last guy says they looked like ordinary humans just very, very talk.

Well Russia is infamous for tall people. I see alot of them pushing 8 feet, add some thick boots, and small children....

I dunno, I haven't read much about this case so I can't really make any solid theories.

Interesting though 1989 and no pictures?

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 05:15 PM
Hey! Great find OP! apparently this did get pretty big, but I never heard about it, but then again i'm only 20.. Anyways i just read a bunch about this and i can say this made my thursday night much better lol..

Lmao @ some of the voiceovers too!
funny stuff

cheers all,

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 06:06 PM
This was a gem of a thread. Congrats to the OP!

As the saying goes..., the story continues....

I hope people keep reviewing this case until its true nature is resolved beyond a doubt.

Starred & Flagged: Because such incidents often fall by the wayside, due to cultural and or political barriers. Skeptic or believer, you must admit that more data is better than less - unless, of course, if you're just cynical or naive by nature. This should be considered by all as an essential incident to study, regardless of their "stance".

[edit on 26-2-2009 by Maxmars]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by tristar
What exactly are you not understanding , that the news did leak
and could be kept under control. Is this so hard for you to understand.

Yes, because it makes no sense. You are trying to have it both ways again. You say the KGB tried to cover it up by confiscating the evidence, yet somehow the story was leaked, despite the vice-grip the Soviet authorities kept on the media. There were no leaks unless they wanted there to be leaks. If they were trying to cover it up, as you claim, then there would not have been a leak. So...which is it? Was there a cover-up or not?

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by foremanator

Wow I have never heard of this. Very interesting! I was reading some peoples response about how nobody took pics. Well if I remember that time period correctly people didnt carry cameras like they do now and not as many people had cameras like today. I know if this happened to me I probably would totally forget to even take a pic. I would be too intrigued to think properly.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by tristar
What exactly are you not understanding , that the news did leak
and could be kept under control. Is this so hard for you to understand.

Yes, because it makes no sense. You are trying to have it both ways again. You say the KGB tried to cover it up by confiscating the evidence, yet somehow the story was leaked, despite the vice-grip the Soviet authorities kept on the media. There were no leaks unless they wanted there to be leaks. If they were trying to cover it up, as you claim, then there would not have been a leak. So...which is it? Was there a cover-up or not?

Yes, because it makes no sense. You are trying to have it both ways again. I DONT THINK SO

You say the KGB tried to cover it up by confiscating the evidence, yet somehow the story was leaked, despite the vice-grip the Soviet authorities kept on the media. You should research into the mechanism's employed by the U.S. into the demise of the U.S.S.R. and subsequently into a military take over by Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin who the western main stream media showed it was a democratic elected official. But history showed otherwise.

There were no leaks unless they wanted there to be leaks. If they were trying to cover it up, as you claim, then there would not have been a leak. So...which is it? You should take the time to study "Sun Tzu"

Was there a cover-up or not? After all this, i honestly think you should re-assess your cerebral comprehension of reality

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 01:36 AM
Cool find man!
Swedish subtitles even!

Would be nice to lay one's hands upon the official investigation report.

When it comes to these forms of encounters, with mass witnessess and even "aliens" walking around the landing site, I always wonder; what do they want? Why just land and make such a grand display of themselves, just to fly away the next moment?
Why not leave some cool things or at least tell some sort of message?

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:51 AM
awsome find mate, first ive heard of this ...
Sorta fits the the description of the nephilum. I wonder/???????
s&f friend.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by Truespirit82
awsome find mate, first ive heard of this ...
Sorta fits the the description of the nephilum. I wonder/???????
s&f friend.

Oh the nephilim, now that is one entity i wish to avoid.

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