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Space Invaders Land In Russia

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posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by tristar
You should research into the mechanism's employed by the U.S. into the demise of the USSR...

So, this being leaked to the state-run media in the Soviet Union was part of the plot by the United States to end the Soviet Empire? Then the Soviet Union just allowed it to happen, even so far as to allow foreign journalists into the city to report on the story they were trying to cover-up?

Again, no sense at all.

If this was part of the plot by the United States to bring down the Soviet Union, why not leak the pictures as well? You're still trying to have it both ways.

Originally posted by tristar
You should take the time to study "Sun Tzu"

What does that have to do with anything?

I've doubt you've studied Sun Tzu outside of learning how to spell his name...

Originally posted by tristar
After all this, i honestly think you should re-assess your cerebral comprehension of reality

Before you tell anyone they do not have a firm grip on reality, let's go back over your argument...

There is no evidence for this case (outside of eyewitness testimony), which is proof of a cover-up by the KGB despite the fact there is no proof of a cover-up which in turn is proof of the event. Despite the KGB cover-up, the state-run media reported on the event (due a plot by the United States) which the KGB made no effort to stop, even allowing the witnesses in the case to talk to the press. Is that a good summation? You have confused baseless speculation with facts.

[edit on 27-2-2009 by SaviorComplex]

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by Truespirit82
Sorta fits the the description of the nephilum.

Does it now?

This is a great depiction of theVoronzezh aliens. And here is another.

How does that "sorta fit" the description of the Nephilim? What does a Nephilim look like anyhow?

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 11:55 AM
The dubbing et all made it look like a farce!
Taken at face value, it does prove existence of aliens. But I think its more likely
a) Fake video with actors
b) Mistranslation? (I dont speak much Russian, could be!)
c) Propaganda from the KGB, to make people believe in aliens (to cover up their shady earthly doings)

So to sum up I think its bullЖit

Originally posted by Raud
Swedish subtitles even!

We have a saying around here: Sverige is svery gay. (jk!)

I always wonder; what do they want? Why just land and make such a grand display of themselves, just to fly away the next moment?
Why not leave some cool things or at least tell some sort of message?

lol thats exactly what I'd do! I'd step out of my shiny spaceship, breathe heavily like Darth Vader, take off my helmet and go "BLAH" with a scary face then run off!

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 11:58 PM
SaviorComplex : Lets make this very simple. Do you believe that this landing happened ?

P.S. Apologize for the cerebral comment.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by Ridhya
The dubbing et all made it look like a farce!
Taken at face value, it does prove existence of aliens. But I think its more likely
a) Fake video with actors
b) Mistranslation? (I dont speak much Russian, could be!)
c) Propaganda from the KGB, to make people believe in aliens (to cover up their shady earthly doings)

So to sum up I think its bullЖit

Originally posted by Raud
Swedish subtitles even!

We have a saying around here: Sverige is svery gay. (jk!)

I always wonder; what do they want? Why just land and make such a grand display of themselves, just to fly away the next moment?
Why not leave some cool things or at least tell some sort of message?

lol thats exactly what I'd do! I'd step out of my shiny spaceship, breathe heavily like Darth Vader, take off my helmet and go "BLAH" with a scary face then run off!

Everyone is entitled to their beliefs.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 09:54 PM
Just me, and i guess the U.S. have a space station ..NOT.

Do we seriously need us to show you the way..?

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by reticledc

It looks like a Nordic alien, they're generally taller, around 9 ft tall, and the most sightings of them is in russia and europe. Around 80% of sightings in russia and europe are Nordics, but only 20% in america are Nordic.
Does that answer your question?

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 05:16 PM
I remember the story, seeing illustrations and the´reports´in the biggest and cheapest german boulevard paper (Bild).

and I remember reports, later in the 90ies, clarifiing this as a HOAX.


posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by internos
reply to post by andolin

It is very important to notice the details, and you caught straight one that raised doubts about this case, because of its possible relations with theUMMO highly questionable stuff, which symbol was looking, indeed, like a Ж .

From what I can assume from scattered referrals about this letter that was used in that form in the ancient world the interpretations of its meaning point to one of the possible 12 races of the nephilim the one who stood unaffected by the widespread corruption that tempted these races after they discovered the human civilization.
This one might have been the oldest and more cunning race since it is thought they in cooperation with humans drove all the other races either underground or somewhere else, or both.

Probably this letter or others with similar likenesses might being used as a kind of ID which might also display a mythological meaning behind it. Else there wouldn't be much of a logic behind the reasons that exist of those probably using symbols to identify themselves.

[edit on 4-3-2009 by spacebot]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 06:13 AM
One more thing.

I am done fully reading the thread and I wish to question the way which we talk about these matters.

Imagine an intelligence organization wishing to identify, categorize and make some meaning out of the incident presented in this thread.
Imagine they work like the ways we talk in this thread.

They would have achieved nothing with their research.

Whatever happened might be a HOAX or a real incident. Since there are no critical evidence displaying this as a HOAX we have to take it seriously unless some other evidence surface up pointing to a HOAX.

Now another thing which we should do which IMO is the PRIMARY thing we should always do, after making sure the incidents we examine are not HOAXes, is to try and make some sense out of it.
In the whole thread only 3 (three) posts wondered about the meaning of that incident. If those were indeed aliens, then what was the meaning of their show and who are they.

An intelligence organization that would file this matter under investigation, would research the times and dates of the incidents of any valuable meanings, would relate it to other SIMILAR INCIDENTS, would categorize the appearance of visitors in a common incidents database, also any paraphernalia like symbols, shapes of craft, visible textures, kind of technology and its function, behaviors, etc etc

It is clear that whoever might feel like researching this will not bother to post anything in a thread or even try to argue with most of the posters.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have missed the point entirely!

Let me point some things out of this incident:

Carefree and honest eras of the past drew more carefree and honest looking visitors. Should I say carefree and honest countries too? To many of the media brainwashed people certainly a communist country was nor carefree nor honest, it was the devil incarnate, right? All that of course compared to the cradle of truth and honesty that America was and probably is...

All visitors appear mechanic. Russia has quite a following in receiving mechanical visitors. Just follow my signature.

Ok now we have little evil grays visiting the US and tall mechanical dudes, baring symbols OR transmitting symbols, showing off maps, stop to take a chat, not hurting anyone really..displaying their technological ideas by visual open display of their creations of non lethal technology, etc etc ALL THAT IN THE EVIL COMMUNIST RUSSIA while the US citizens are getting anally probed by silly looking caricatures that appear like they came out of fairy tales.

I honestly don't know what to make of all this. Well unless aliens like to convey political meanings to their appearances, I actually do, the "good guys" felt safer to land in the former USSR than in the modern US! Do they have a point?

I am sure that sometime somewhere in some NSA office there could be a guy studying these things and wondering: Why do these guys over there seem to always get the good shows while we here seem to be stuck with the anal probe guys?

[edit on 4-3-2009 by spacebot]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by anti72
and I remember reports, later in the 90ies, clarifiing this as a HOAX.

Do you have evidence of this, Anti?

Originally posted by spacebot
From what I can assume from scattered referrals about this letter that was used in that form in the ancient world the interpretations of its meaning point to one of the possible 12 races of the nephilim...

Do you have anything to back this up, aside from a New Age source?

[edit on 4-3-2009 by SaviorComplex]

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 07:12 AM
It is not my claim and some things have to surface in the right time and with the right attitude towards comprehension.
In order to back anything up, or even discredit anything I would had to have the aliens personal address and a transport to their whereabouts so to have the chance to interview them and post the vids back here some people that ask me "if I can back this up" are kept satisfied.

People usually come in paranormal boards looking for hard evidence, there are many things wrong with this tactic. You only get ideas to follow and think about a different avenue of approach, or even make a new realization but that's it. All these things exist in the realm of thought.
You need some backing up, you must do it yourself.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by spacebot
People usually come in paranormal boards looking for hard evidence, there are many things wrong with this tactic...

You are dodging the question.

This is your claim:

Originally posted by spacebot
From what I can assume from scattered referrals about this letter that was used in that form in the ancient world the interpretations of its meaning point to one of the possible 12 races of the nephilim...

Implicit in the claim is that there are records, of one sort or another, where you are getting this information. In other words hard, quantifiable evidence. Now, where did you come by this supposed information linking a letter in the Russian alphabet with the "12 races of the Nefilim?"

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 08:05 AM
For some background on the Ummo Hoax, read this article, the UMMO Experience.

UMMO -- a name to bewilder researchers with, yet one that delights the true believers. The full panoply of Ummite madness was never unleashed upon the United States, nor indeed the English-speaking world. The putative race of space-farers from the star Wolf 424 was partial to France and Spain, and its network of informants destined the bulk of its reports to recipients in these countries. One researcher has gone as far as to describe the whole UMMO experience as "Star Trek made flesh," a phrase which elegantly summarizes the legacy of millions of words left to us by visitors from another star system.

Before the reader gets too excited, it is necessary to observe that like Star Trek, UMMO was merely a work of fiction (a much kinder description than merely branding it a hoax). The incredible mythos spun out by Spanish psychologist Jose Luis Jordan Pena had consequences that went far beyond any hoaxer's expectations.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 06:40 AM
An important part of the survival of knowledge especially the kind of knowledge that comes from the pure fundamentals the part that align itself with the true core of our existence, the kind of thing you can feel at heart, even having as guidance only your pure intuition, is when describing anything to not force your point of views and your own interpretations upon the listener. Leave the listener free to feel and to expand on the knowledge you are trying to convey. This is probably why Jesus was speaking allegorically and with parallels.
Also this kind of knowledge rarely gets lost among the lies and deception.
If you like to search for knowledge then you will search about the symbols of many ancient cultures and then you will find this particular symbol along with the myths that accompany anything similar. If you are just here to discredit or to force your point of views then you will be demanding hard evidence, like if anyone owes you anything and be quoting irrelevant and suspicious hoaxes.

Since the Ummo case is brought to the discussion lets talk a bit about it.

According to your link:

UMMO -- a name to bewilder researchers with, yet one that delights the true believers. The full panoply of Ummite madness was never unleashed upon the United States, nor indeed the English-speaking world. The putative race of space-farers from the star Wolf 424 was partial to France and Spain, and its network of informants destined the bulk of its reports to recipients in these countries. One researcher has gone as far as to describe the whole UMMO experience as "Star Trek made flesh," a phrase which elegantly summarizes the legacy of millions of words left to us by visitors from another star system.

Before the reader gets too excited, it is necessary to observe that like Star Trek, UMMO was merely a work of fiction (a much kinder description than merely branding it a hoax). The incredible mythos spun out by Spanish psychologist Jose Luis Jordan Pena had consequences that went far beyond any hoaxer's expectations.

An Exercise Out of Control

In the mid 1950's, Jose Luis Jordan Pena was elaborating the theory that paranoia was much more widespread among the population than psychiatrists of the time were willing to admit. Jordan Pena believed that no less than 79% of the population was afflicted, and proceeded to demonstrate the validity of his theory by concocting the UMMO affair -- the story of tall, blond and friendly aliens who had landed near the French locality of Digne. The belief in superstitions such as astrology, flying saucers, spiritism, shamanism, etc., was considered as proof of this paranoia by the Spanish psychiatrist.

The Ummo case was based as we can see on an effort to force to the unsuspected public the notion that whoever deals, sees or hears about UFOs must be a kind of a psychopath.
If this wasn't the only suspicious part, another thing comes along, the focus to whoever has a testimony or likes to talk about the subject of human like aliens.
Also what Star Trek has to do with anything? So we can just throw the whole bunch of people who would like to theorize about what ideas Star trek was putting forward too in the mix of the possible psychopaths?

Someone forces someone else to think in a certain way, could this be of any good? Why forced to do anything? Who is trying to hide something, or convince others they should hide their ideas or and experiences from the general public?

If there was an agency in existence that wanted to sidetrack peoples opinions and to force an intellectual dictatorship on the people dealing with the unexplained and otherwordly visitors in particular, it could not have done a better job than what that Spanish doctor did.
That's all I have to say about the highly suspicious Ummo case.

[edit on 5-3-2009 by spacebot]

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 07:04 AM
Just for the record : Part1 Part2

As the U.S. and all other Governments have agreed to never disclose their existence so to was the Russian army involved. As for the symbol discussed, well its not Russian nor was it derived from a European Country.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 07:23 PM
I waited and waited (I waged a bet with myself about potential responses) until someone would find the similarity between the symbols used by the Voronezh aliens

and what the traditional African Dogon tribes in their ritual dances use such as the traditional Dogon dance masks:

The dance:

I don't know if it is simply ignorance or a genuine lack of interest that promote a general habit for ..ignorance.
While sites as ATS exist I witness an increasing lack of interest for people to do genuine research, while the plane and lame "debunker" persona is becoming a trend.

Its is easy to be a debunker, you have to know nothing while living in ignorance and be happy about it. It is more difficult to engage yourself in any kind of research.
I am sorry but I do not see a "bright" future coming for a while.

[edit on 16-3-2009 by spacebot]

Oh, also I do believe that any symbols we might witness in extraordinary events (such as the landings in Voronezh) if these events are caused by some kind of intelligence, any symbols in plain sight have a significance and might not be used without reasons.
My verdict is that those guys (there is a chance) they wanted to say "We come from Sirius" well at least from one of their local suns. I have found some similarities with other events and I believe that what we might have witnessed (in many cases) coming from Sirius or try in someway to identify themselves as coming from Sirius are mainly machines rather than living beings, for some strange reason.

[edit on 16-3-2009 by spacebot]

[edit on 16-3-2009 by spacebot]

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by foremanator

you scum... how dare you try to be positive!!!

Seriously I got chased thread to thread by a few trolls recently... But most ATSers are great, and I consider them peoples friends, and I extend my heart and soul to them

I'm a Marine Vet and I love all life, until recently mabye a year ago I hated people but not anymore. I see them as silly little creatures now, just like kittens playing with yarn.

Just silly little loveable creatures!!!


posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by tristar
Just for the record : Part1 Part2

As the U.S. and all other Governments have agreed to never disclose their existence so to was the Russian army involved. As for the symbol discussed, well its not Russian nor was it derived from a European Country.

This deserves a thread of its own!

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by spacebot

Originally posted by tristar Part1 Part2

This deserves a thread of its own!

Indeed it does -fascinating incident

The incident of Shaitan Mazar began on August 28, 1991, at shortly before 5:00 P.M.
An extremely large object approximately 600 meters long, and 110 meters in diameter appeared over the Caspian Sea, showing on radar screens of the tracking station on the Mangyshlak peninsula. Radar computations showed the object moving at the speed of 6,300 miles per hour, at an altitude of 21,000 feet.
Tracking station operators immediately broadcast the "friend or foe" request. No response was received. The streaking craft was now considered an "intruder." The cosmodrome at nearby Kapustin Yar was contacted, requesting information on any test flights from the facility. The officer in charge replied that there were no test flights of any type, and that he, also, had the object on his radar screen. Operators at Mangyshlak issued a military alert.

The alert put the military into action immediately. Two MIG 29 fighters were diverted from a routine mission, and two others were scrambled from the peninsula. The pilots were ordered to attempt to force the craft to land, and if those orders were refused, to shoot it down! Military flight commanders gave interception coordinates to the planes. They would meet with the unknown object over the Aral Sea.
Speeding to the position, the MIGs had the object on their radar screens. When they reached visual range, they were shocked to see a gigantic, elongated, metallic gray object. The flight leader requested the "friend of foe" response, and gave orders for the unknown craft to fall in behind the lead MIG, and follow it to a landing. There was no response from the craft. Also, the UFO seemed unconcerned with the MIGs, which now surrounded it. The MIGs had assumed a position of 800 meters from the unknown craft. As the MIGs closed in on the craft, the pilots noticed two port holes toward the front of the object, and green symbols composed of a language unknown to any of the Russian pilots.

Great post!

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