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Space Invaders Land In Russia

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posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:50 AM
I would like to add quickly, that if this was a hoax instigated by the Russians, or UMMO, they are very unlikely to use the symbol on their chests, that only makes any real sense if the visitors used it first.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 09:59 AM
Sounds an awful lot like the Nephilm mentioned in Genesis. The older guy's description fit pretty well with Genesis' description. "Men of renowned", "mighty", etc..

If they are the Nephilm, you can bet your bottom dollar they will be back. And when they do, watch what happens around them, more than what they are doing, and saying.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Now_Then
So this thing landed and the 'aliens' got out and had a little walk around the town and no one got any photos??

I know it's 1989 and well before cell phones with cameras! But surely there must of been at least one camera in running distance
Any one else find that odd?

yup...that's what suprised me too. not one official, nor one person, had a camera??? hundreds of people saw the craft, aliens got out and walked around, a drilling sound was heard, and no one got a snapshot???
and in a park?? people bring cameras to parks to take pictures of their kids at play, nature photos, family get-togethers, bird watchers, military people have cameras in their vehicles......but NOT ONE PHOTO????

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 10:14 AM
We are talking about 1989 not 2009, also keep in mind that if photos were taken , they have been confiscated by the FSB.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by tristar
We are talking about 1989 not 2009, also keep in mind that if photos were taken , they have been confiscated by the FSB.

Exactly, and we are talking about Voronezh, not New York City.
It's a big mistake to look at the things with our eyes, we should put some efforts and try to look at the things as they were, at the time and where they happened. But we see it all as if it happened yesterday, in New York City

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:04 AM
There are some problems with the case.

For instance...

--- the supposed high-levels of radiation found in the area was found to be residual from the Chernobyl accident, according to Igor Satosev of the University of Voronezh.

-- The "sandstone not-of-the-earth" found by Silanov turned out to be only iron-ore when examined by the Laboratory of Geophysics of Voronezh.

-- Silanov used "biological magnetism" to find the landing site; in other words, dowsing.

-- Silanov also claimed months before that a burned patch of ground in Voronezh was evidence of a UFO landing. Investigation by TASS and other researchers found it to be the result of a hay-fire, according to firefighters.

-- the holes from the landing gear were said by some witnesses to have been there for some time before the supposed UFO landing.

-- While some witnesses said the UFO bent and distorted a poplar tree in the area, other people from Voronezh said the tree had been like that for some time.

-- Silanov himself stated that the media took an enormous amount of creative freedom with his report of the Voronezh landing.

-- One researcher, Boris Shurinov concluded the landing was a hoax, saying: "the case collapsed like a house of cards."


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Jonro
I love this thread and case! its like a litmus test for disinfo agents/government ops trying to debunk, looks like i just quoted a perfect example of one. BANG! headshot! One agent down.

Comments like this are a litmus test for stupidity. Or delusion. Take your pick.

Do you really believe it is not possible to have a genuine disagreement over facts in the case? Do you really think it is not possible to have questions or look at it with a critical eye unless you are a disinformation agent?

If you are going to accuse someone of being a disinformation agent, prove it. Provide evidence outside of the fact you do not like their opinion.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by tristar
We are talking about 1989 not 2009, also keep in mind that if photos were taken , they have been confiscated by the FSB.

We can speculate that is what may have happened, but we should not take such speculation as conclusive evidence of why there are no pictures.

Further, if the KGB (being 1989 it would have been the KGB involved, not its successor agency) sought to cover up the encounter by confiscating photos of it, how is it we know about the case in the first place? All media was state-run media in the Soviet Union; if the KGB were seeking to cover it up, TASS would not have run the story.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by SaviorComplex]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:40 AM
Saviour: I thought it was most obvious that the KGB were involved and that a simple name change does not alter its prime directive.

Now you must keep in mind that when Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev and the U.S. president finally reached an agreement to dismantle communism the inner core of the then USSR was still in control. Its secret service and its military hardcore liners were and have been in full control.
If however you wish to quote various articles about the state of the then USSR military machine to be in a state of breakdown, i would most certainly disagree. So to follow through with history we then seen the next Russian Prime Minister Mr. Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, who was also given the presidency in not so publicly debated military take over from his former president. Obviously this was all done with the blessing of the U.S. So to move things on, suddenly a hard core liner took over the position. So in reality, there missile defense system in the 20 years of secret development achieved more ai operated systems than any other nation to date.
In brief, while the rest of the world was applauding the fall of communism, nothing really changed and nothing will.
When such an event arises of that magnitude as ufo technology or any form of data retrieved, it receives the highest priority, which overrides any existing law/policy/constitution.
This has been well documented in many forms of media. So how is it you would think that a nation would allow any form of documentation or evidence to surface. The mere fact that no such documentation has surfaced is what should ring your alarm bells.

We do exactly the same thing.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:51 AM
someone said that the US was kept in the dark.

actually, NBC news ran a story on this. i remember it well-- it concluded with a shot of the children holding up their drawings.

there is easily accessible information on the internet that points to this being a hoax.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Tynee
someone said that the US was kept in the dark.

actually, NBC news ran a story on this. i remember it well-- it concluded with a shot of the children holding up their drawings.

there is easily accessible information on the internet that points to this being a hoax.

I am not referring to main stream media and in the off chance you not aware of it, but main stream media should be your last point of reference. If you would like a simple example, then i guess i should turn back the time and if you could quote the reason's given through the mass media the reason that the U.S. must attack Iraq ?.
Oh you can also quote N/s/A, f/B/i,c/I/a memos, which later were removed as not a complete analysis.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by tristar
So how is it you would think that a nation would allow any form of documentation or evidence to surface. The mere fact that no such documentation has surfaced is what should ring your alarm bells.

First, did you not bother to read the second paragraph I wrote? If the KGB sought to cover-up the incident and confiscate any documentation, how is the state-run media reported on it. If the KGB wanted the story hidden, we would not be having this discussion, would we? You are trying to have it both ways.

Second, you are employing rather circular logic as proof, the absence of evidence is evidence in-and-of-itself. while ignore the other possibility, that there is no evidence because there is no evidence.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:23 PM
Well obviously the mechanism's employed by the FSB are far more rigid than the its counter agency's. You should not be so quick to dismiss information, especially information which has / will be so heavily restricted.
By even attempting to think with your mind in the year 2009 is just what the problem is. Put yourself in an agency with 3rd generation blood line who serve and maintain what is considered as a super power. Its really something you should perhaps research into.
Even the most recent ufo sighting in greece took over 1 year for the information to surface and as it surfaced its been totally buried and no one is even attempting to approach the topic. As you may have read the F-16 jets were scrambled with full payload, consequently NATO HQ in Italy were informed of such a scramble. A source i have , has informed that traffic controller logs were deleted.

So i guess no evidence nothing happened ?

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:32 PM
This is a very cool video, thank you for posting this.
If this would have happened in the US, the entire town would have been put under quarantined and all the witnesses brainwashed and forced to live in the basement of Area 59.

Kudos to russia for not covering the whole thing up.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by tristar
Well obviously the mechanism's employed by the FSB are far more rigid than the its counter agency's. You should not be so quick to dismiss information, especially information which has / will be so heavily restricted.

Wow, you've missed the point so bad you've almost circled back around to meet it again. You are babbling about something that has nothing to do with the point.

I'm going to ask a simple question, one more time: If the KGB sought to cover this encounter up by confiscating evidence, as you claim (thereby proving by lack of evidence this really happened) why is it they allowed state-run media to report it?

Originally posted by tristar
So i guess no evidence nothing happened ?

All we can go one is what we can verify.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by summerdreary
This is a very cool video, thank you for posting this.
If this would have happened in the US, the entire town would have been put under quarantined and all the witnesses brainwashed and forced to live in the basement of Area 59.

What an astute observation!

That is exactly what happened in the case of Roswell, Kecksburg, the Ronnie Zamora case, Pine Bush, and the Flatwoods, West Virginia encounter.

Originally posted by summerdreary
Kudos to russia for not covering the whole thing up.

And here I thought they were, according to some posters.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:49 PM
I guess I didn't read the whole thread. Sorry.
I can't really tell if your being sarcastic or not, but if you aren't, thanks. If you are, I guess I deserve it: I'm not the smartest fellow alive.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that at least Russia isn't going on a massive killing spree trying to cover up what the town saw.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by summerdreary
I can't really tell if your being sarcastic or not...

I am.

Originally posted by summerdreary
I guess what I'm trying to say is that at least Russia isn't going on a massive killing spree trying to cover up what the town saw.

And this has happened where in the United States concerning UFO phenomenon? Shall I start listing famous UFO encounters again?

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by summerdreary
This is a very cool video, thank you for posting this.
If this would have happened in the US, the entire town would have been put under quarantined and all the witnesses brainwashed and forced to live in the basement of Area 59.

What an astute observation!

That is exactly what happened in the case of Roswell, Kecksburg, the Ronnie Zamora case, Pine Bush, and the Flatwoods, West Virginia encounter.

Originally posted by summerdreary
Kudos to russia for not covering the whole thing up.

And here I thought they were, according to some posters.

Well since you seem to be on target,
What is the best way to disprove something. ?

*******Its protocol, there is nothing unusual about it being reported by state controlled media.******key word being CONTROLLED *****

[edit on 26-2-2009 by tristar]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:11 PM
I'll admit, it was a bit of a drastic comparison. No country has ever done something to that extreme before. I am a bit off put by your confrontational nature, as much as I appercaite your views. You obviously know what your talking about. I don't really; I just found the video interesting.
At least I admit I'm ignorant. Trust me, I'm trying to fix that.

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