posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13
This is simply not true. In fact, every post indicating as much is nothing more than a propaganda laden lie.
I've participated in very few, but read nearly all of the related threads, until they meet their demise of course. First, it's no more work to ban
a member than it is to trash the entire thread. Second, the need to do so is monumentally inflated. Hence the complaints that "excuses" to close
these threads are being used, rather than justifiable violations of terms in conditions.
The very same "infractions" that get these threads closed, result in absolutely no action when the topic has nothing to do with cannabis.
You know what, there
are countless other places on the net to discuss these things. And you know what else, many of them strictly enforce the
same policies that this new zero tolerance policy replaces here at ATS. Want to know one more thing? These communities thrive. Plenty of
intelligent discussion, without the stereotypical pot-head "I'm soooooo stoned" BS posts. Users who post such garbage are promptly and permanently
removed from the community. Even places with more lax policies have member bases that have proven their abilities to police themselves in this
Let me ask this, as I fear that I may be, just as SkepticOverlord pointed out, too "dense" to understand. Exactly what harm does discussion of
these topics bring to ATS? There are no legal ramifications, no revenue related consequences, and those that prefer not to be exposed to such
discussions don't have to read them. All I can gather to piece some logical explanation together leads me back to SO's recent comment about letting
"real topics rule the day".
I'll be up front about this SO, then I'll kindly refrain from posting further in this thread. If it's solely the staffs personal feelings about
the matter (which you've refuted time and time again) then the staff is the biggest bunch of hypocrites on the site. The thing is, your (meaning the
entire staff) actions are saying something completely different than your words are. Although, I do have to give credit where it's due, and you guys
have perfected your Ostrich defensive maneuvers.