posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 02:34 PM
I've discussed '___' in U2U's, unless this is against the rule then I don't care. I think people are upset because there is a large audience
here, and some peoeple in particular they want to get the info out, and also get their opinion. If they had anyone in mind, they simply send them a
private message.
It is a little bit frustrating for me only because what I want to touch on his a tribal brew, used for spiritual experiences rather then recreational
use, and its legality is kind of iffy in many countries as I looked it up. Its really about the topic of tribal practises, which the government
allows, if under traditional conditions.
But again. No big deal. I want to talk about it to a certain few people and until its banned from private messages I won't really care. And I mean
its not like these people don't have emails. This is just making it a little more diffuclt, thats all.
I understand the spirit of the rule, to clean up the board, to mature it, but as another member said, you might as go ahead and remove all the sexist,
racist, ignorant comments with it. I would also add in that defense, that there has been stricter rules on that as we have seen, so they are trying to
make everyone respect each other, you know?
I just hope its not an issue of looking down on "druggy-talk" because we PERSONALLY don't like it, and can't handle it. Don't get me wrong, I
don't like it either but getting the information out there would still be nice.
A nice compromise would be like.. haha.. a special forum, like breaking news, where you post a source, only your not allowed to discuss it.
If some scientists post an enlightening opinion on illegal drugs, it would be nice if everyone could see the article you know? But just not post
their 2 cents. You would be denying ignorance, and not really taking a side. I mean thats what denying ignorance is all about right? Seeing the
full picture!
I just hope its not a case of personal preference and it seems like they have given it much thought and even though they themselves probably see there
is some great value in it, that they value the order of their board more. I mean it would be stressful when you think of it.
A bit of censorship guys but its not bad. Its like going to someones house and they have a stupid rule, put up with it. Yes there motto is deny
ignorance but I hope they're trying to piece this all together at least.
I wonder if they'd get any kind of heat from the government as well, as the gov't won't fess up and crack down on someone for digging into
conspiracies because then they'd have to admit the conspiracy, thats why they just do dirty things to shut us up. But when something like drugs, some
common laws here comes into the picture. I can see them getting into some trouble. But I don't know the depths of the law.
Understand that these guys want a forum of free speech for you, but hell.. I'm not going to ask them to go jail or get a fine for me, but thats up
to them.
We already discuss so much, so much. And again, if we can still discuss certain things in U2U's, we're not missing much.
I understand both sides of the arguement, but I don't think it's really that bad.
If you don't agree, start another site I guess. I'm here because of the audience, and i want to stay here for that reason, more people to get
Anyways, thats my opinion. Thanks for reading.
[edit on 25-2-2009 by CavemanDD]