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Please help me to understand my bitterness towards Judaism.

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posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

This is just simplistic religion bashing. In fact, religion, which I'll define as the set of doctrines that attend a particular belief or faith, is a necessary and natural product of faith. It's the answer to the question of, "How then shall we live?"

What most religion bashers don't like is either a particular set of doctrines or a specific one that they simply can't handle. For instance, in the case of many religions lots of people hate dedicating one day in seven to worship or tithing their hard earned cash to the church. Some Christians deny separation from the world or the trinity. Many people simply can't stand other believers in their faith - they can't get past personal disputes and then separate themselves because of them.

There are many doctrines that define any religion so which ones do you find so disagreeable that you can't find *any* religion? By rejecting them all, you define for yourself a religion of one - which has its doctrines also. Likely they are the minimal subset of some faith you were introduced to as a child or everything you find conveniently harmonizes with your own way of living.

So, anyway, no more unqualified religion bashing. If you want to bash religions, start arguing doctrine.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:09 AM
I am a Christian, and I used to be a Zionist Christian. No more. Since a child I've been brought up on the horrors of the Nazis, graphic stories of the gas chambers and concentration camps -- all with the idea that 6 million Jews were the victims. Since then, I excused their hatred of Christianity and of Jesus, thinking they were bitter because of what happened in WWII.

Then when I became a Christian I learned they were the Chosen People, that they were all going to be saved, that they were like supergods or something, that they needed to rebuild the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, and that means knocking down the Dome of the Rock mosque. Oh, well, it's for the Jews, and anything for the Jews.

Well, no more. As a Christian I've started examining the Bible verses more closely that have been twisted by Jew and Christian alike to justify making the Jews into a collective God on earth. Specifically the verses in Genesis where God told Abraham that he would bless those who blessed him (Abraham) and curse those who cursed him (Abraham) and that God would use Abraham's "seed" to "bless the nations." Well, the book of Galatians makes it plain that the "seed" referred to is Jesus, not the Jews collectively to bless the nations. We can see the Jews have been a curse and not a blessing, and the whole world is on the brink of total conflagration thanks to the Jews.

As to the blessing and cursing, it is impossible that the "bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you" was referring to anybody who ever descended from Abraham and Sara no matter how remote -- or even as the Jews now say just adhereing to the Talmud and Cabala qualifies for being a walking blessing and cursing factory if one is Jewish. Bless me I'm Jewish means somebody like Marilyn Monroe, SammyDavis or Madonna, studying the Babylonian Talmud and Cabala, the superstitous occultic stuff that Jesus condemned.

The book of Galatians in the Bible says that the real Jews are those who love Jesus, and the Bible warns in Revelation against the "Synagogue of Satan" and in Revelation compares Jerusalem in the last days to "Sodom and Egypt." The Old Covenant is over, says the Book of Hebrews, and the Jews never fulfilled their half of the bargain, never, which is why they never received the land of milk and honey, were always at war, in and out of occupation or in outright exile (twice). For them to come back 2000 years later and say to the Palestinians, "Hey, God promised us this land, so pack up and move on over here to these camps while we knock down your houses and take over your lands," doesn't wash.

The Bible tells how the Jews rejected Jesus as their Messiah and crucified him, said "We have no king but Caesar," and "Crucify him, Crucify him," and "His blood be on us and on our children forever." Jesus told them their father was "The devil, and you do his works."

Today the Jews wail at the wailing wall for their phony antichrist messiah to come and rule the world from Jerusalem. This is nothing any Christian or anybody else for that matter should be supporting, nor their rebuilding of Solomon's Temple, which Jesus cursed, and was torn down in 70 AD.

The Jewish Talmud says that Jesus was a scoundrel, that he is now burning in firey excrement in Hell, and that Mary was a whore. The entire religion of Judaism is built on hatred of Jesus. As a Christian, I'm not condoning this anymore.

I will continue the rest below.

For now, suffice it to say that the Constitution forbids Congress establishing a state religion, and Christians in American cannot sing carols at Christmastime or erect a manger scene in the town square. Yet the Jews get to have their own country that we helped to steal for them from the Palestinians, lots of high tech weapons even better than what we have, and U.S. taxpayers must pay for it, and billion$ of dollars each year a love gift from the U.S. All because of their hatred to Jesus and occultic beliefs in the Talmud and Babylonian Cabala.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:14 AM
The jewish Talmud says no such thing in relation to Jesus, and that is not how you spell Kaballah. The jews dont even believe in the concept of Hell.

You need to study more before you decide to post things as facts.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:36 AM
The Catholic church recently agreed to submit to the Rabbis from Jerusalem.

The Zionists rule the Vatican. January 6, 2009
Texe Marrs talks about the Jewish Influence in Roman Catholicism

04. Rabbis Over the Vatican—Pope Benedict XVI Cedes Keys of Kingdom to Zionist Interlopers, Leaving One Billion Catholics Swallowed Up in a Thick Cloud of Jewish Deceit:
In an amazing turn-about, the new Pope, Benedict XVI, has turned over the reigns of power at the Vatican to Zionist agents. Recently, a Chief Rabbi came to Rome and taught a special conclave of Catholic Cardinals and Bishops. Invited by the Pope, this rabbi instructed the Catholic clergy on how they were to interpret the Old and New Testaments. Meanwhile, a high-level rabbinical council is secretly overseeing all Vatican operations, including the pre-screening of all church literature and papal encyclicals, to insure that Zionist preferences and tradition are preserved. The Holy See has fallen totally to the Judaizers.

see “Judaism and the Vatican” by Vicomte Leon de Poncins in an upcoming Talmudtimmy upload.

Don't be shocked by this. Both the present and past popes were Jews. Loyola was a Jew. Lacunza was a Jew (Jesuit), the guy who first came up with the imminent rapture doctrine that Scofield popularized in his Zionist writings now gracing so many fundamental Christians' "Scofield Reference Bibles."

Most of the Zionist thinking amongst Christendom stems from CI Scofield, who was an agent to the Illuminati British Zionists, that his dispensationalist footnotes exalting a Jewish state were funded by them and eagerly launched by Oxford Publishing in England. Anybody who studies the life of CI Scofield will be shocked to learn what a scoundrel he was, an Elmer Gantry if ever there was one, who abandoned his wife and children, was imprisoned for embezzling and scamming, who scammed his own mother in law out of her life savings selling her nonexistant property, and who "borrowed" the writings of the Irvingites for his footnotes, adding and changing and expanding on them. That Scofield was a novice Christian, if any Christian at all, and that even though he took the title of "Doctor" upon himself he never went to seminary.

Ed Hendrie reports online that the British Zionists decided in the 1900s that the Christian church would be an impediment to their plans to steal Palestine, and they deliberately infiltrated Christianity with their agents. Today Zionists Jerry Falwell (now deceased), John Hagee, Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHeye and Pat Robertson (Freemason) carry on where Scofield left off. What a mess.

Texe Marrs also gave a message two weeks ago about a new book that's out, almost 600 pages, footnoted and with a huge bibliography, that has some interesting information about the Holocaust that caught my attention. Karl Marx, Lenin and Trotsky were all Jews, and it seems that it was Lenin himself who came up with the figure of 4.5 million Jews killed at just one camp, Auschwitz in Poland. Today that concentration camp is a museum, and recently the plaque was removed which stated that 4.5 million Jews died there. Seems the only authorization for that figure was Lenin himself, and the curator/historian of the Auschwitz Museum (formerly concentration camp) said, No, only 450,000 people IN TOTAL died there, and many of them were not even Jews.

So that's 4.5 million out of the entire 6 million who we've been told died at that one camp, which is another political fabrication created by the Zionists to sway the population to their way of thinking, all pointing to the NWO Fourth Reich.

Henry Ford said it: History is bunk. Especially 'history' we get from the controlled media and the Zionist controlled government schools.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
The jewish Talmud says no such thing in relation to Jesus, and that is not how you spell Kaballah. The jews dont even believe in the concept of Hell.

You need to study more before you decide to post things as facts.

Yes, it's spelled Cabala. It's spelled both ways. The Jewish Babylonian Cabala, book of the occult, studied by people like Madonna and most Jewish rabbis and who knows how many Jews.

The Jews have three "Holy books."
*One, the Torah, is the Old Testament.
*Two, the Talmud, a collection of Jewish literature, superstitions, and rabbinical teachings and interpretations, so-called, of the Torah. Jesus condemned these "traditions of men," and called their proponents a "Den of vipers."
* Three, the Cabala or Kaballah, occultic book of black magic, straight out of Babylon, foundational book of mysticism for all secret societies.

The Talmud does say that Jesus was a scoundrel and that he is burning in firey excrement.

The following is from: The author of this website is one Brother Nathanael Kapner (sp?) who was born and raised Jewish, is now Orthodox Christian Evangelical, and blowing the whistle.


* “If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)

* “If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)

* “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)

* What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep.” (Sanhedrin 57a)

* “Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)

* “All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)

* “Girls born of the ‘goyim’ are in a state of ‘niddah’ (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)


* “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)

* “If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)

* “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)

* “Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)

* “When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)


* “‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)

[’Yashu’ is an acronym for the Jewish curse, ‘May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.’]

* Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)

* “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)

* “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)

* “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)

* “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a)

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Ichabod

So, anyway, no more unqualified religion bashing. If you want to bash religions, start arguing doctrine.

I am sorry that I can not accommodate you. I am not bashing your religion or anyone else’s. You asked me to explain my non-belief, I did.

I don't believe in religion period. I can accept rules of behavior and guides for social harmony but I do not believe that anyone has the right or the ability to describe God to another.

Religion wants to paint God into a tiny box that can be used at will. A box that can be used to bang someone over the head with if they do not conform. A box to explain away a pain, a sorrow, an event or to use as a weapon to justify hatred and wars.

Why are you so upset that I do not believe the religious dogma that you have chosen to believe and accept? I am not attacking you for believing. You have the right to believe what you choose. It works for you. I get it.

It does not work for me.

Your next question will be why does it not work for me. The answer is that I believe God is too big to be put in a box. When you try to contain him you loose sight of him because you can only put a part of him in the box that you can carry. When you try to explain him you only create more questions because our minds are not adequate enough to process all that God is. Religion in my opinion minimalizes God and tries to miniaturize him to a size that we can understand, that we can use.

I don’t care how many tales, parables or accounts that you come up with it; they all came from the mind of a “man”. A man that had an agenda; whether to bind or to divide.

I don’t think God needs a press agent. Again, this is just “my” opinion.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:11 AM
Don't you mean your biiterness towards "JEWS"..... For all you who think you're smart being jewish is not a religion, it is a race just like chinese/mexican/african american you name it! Any one who believes otherwise I'd have to say you're badly misinformed..... Don't worry many people feel as you do I mean how many countries have they been kicked out of so far??? I guess all those countries were just "anti-semites". Here's a good analogy for ya.... If i go live with 40 different families say I get thrown out by about 5 of those families, it could possibly be the family were just bad people....... Now if I got kicked out of all the families houses, hmmm then I'd have to take a step back and say WOW maybe it isn't the families fault maybe it's my own? Seriously use some logic here...

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:13 AM
For a start off its not spelt both ways, there are a LOT of perversions to the truth out there, one of which is the pile of #e aforementioned whorish singer is involved in.

Secondly the Jews only have 1 holy book that is the Torah.

Rabbinical Jews will use the Talmud to help them interpret the Torah, The Talmud is a huge document pertaining to jewish laws and the discussions of the rabbis relating to the way jewish society under them should behave. It is not a holy book at all, it is like a very old written collection of minutes from various big meetings of the rabbis.

The word Kaballah in hebrew means tradition. There is NO magical mystical Kabbalistic Book that says Guide to Kaballah. There is one word in Hebrew which is used to refer to ALL the Jewish mystic traditions and that is Kaballah, but there is no Big Book of Kaballastic spells, even if there was the amount of jews which practise any form of Kaballistic tradition is incredibly small, generally confined to Chassidim (a very very tiny % of the jewish population) and even then amongst orthodox jews the study is confined to MEN, women are totally forbidden to study Kaballah.

There are several texts which are generally considered guides to starting study on the Jewish Mystic paths. The best known of which is the Zohar, the Zohar DID NOT under ANY circumstances originate in Babylon, it supposedly was created in Palestine around 200 ad but really was most likely written by a french Rabbi in the 13th century.

The older texts such as the Sefer Yitzrah where around before the coming of christ, and to a casual observer look more like poems and prayers than an instruction manual on the occult, those who have read and understood these ancient texts will see a large parallel with what Jesus was teaching.

The translations you posted of what is written in the Talmud are not entirely accurate, however they aren't totally inaccurate.

The Rabbinical jews did attempt to annihilate the influence of Yeshua through manipulation of his root name, they succeed but not in the way they had hoped.

Rabbinical jews do shine a very harsh light on the concept of Goyim, but Goy are not the same thing as Gentiles, your looking at phrases out of context without understanding the position that is being discussed. This isnt good still though, there is no defense for this position, and its part of the jews failing of the covenant.

Rabbinical Jews are only a portion of the jewish nation, and they are misguided don't mistake my posts as justification for all they do and believe in, because I will not try such a thing, I am not a rabbinical jew.

Saying that the Talmud is a holy jewish text is BOGUS, its a reference material, and some people do give what is stated within too much weight that's for sure, most do not.

Saying that there is some Kaballistic holy book which all Jews refer to is TOTAL BS.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by gYvMessanger

Are you Jewish? What do you base your claims on?

My undestanding is that if you want to become a Jew and you're not one already, to study the Talmud. The Cabala is for those who want to really get into it.

The Talmud is a horror enough.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by jheated7
Don't you mean your biiterness towards "JEWS"..... For all you who think you're smart being jewish is not a religion, it is a race just like chinese/mexican/african american you name it! Any one who believes otherwise I'd have to say you're badly misinformed..... Don't worry many people feel as you do I mean how many countries have they been kicked out of so far??? I guess all those countries were just "anti-semites". Here's a good analogy for ya.... If i go live with 40 different families say I get thrown out by about 5 of those families, it could possibly be the family were just bad people....... Now if I got kicked out of all the families houses, hmmm then I'd have to take a step back and say WOW maybe it isn't the families fault maybe it's my own? Seriously use some logic here...

Judaism is a religion, not a race.

They did tests. Most people who call themself "Jewish" have not a bit of Abrahamic DNA. The Palestinians on the other hand are almost nothing but Abrahamic DNA.

The Jews fail in two scores --

don't have the DNA.
don't have the right scriptures.
don't have the right messiah.

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:28 AM
I am a child of Israel.

Im not a Jew as you would understand the word.

Im not a Jew as an orthodox Jew would claim to be.

I was born in a jewish family, I grew up in a normal westernized jewish community until I was an early teenager.

I have studied many forms of spirituality, including pushing quite deep into Jewdiasm ,through various branches.

If I was asked by a jew who my rabbis where or what sect I belong to, I would say I try to follow the teachings of Ravi Nachman of Breslov and Rabbi Kaplan also a breslov chassidim.

None of those are accurate descriptions though, I am a servant of the lord, I want to bathe in the light of the creator and help others do the same, I still have a lot of work to do on myself though, I hear my edges are still quite rough.

Modern Jewdiasm is a perversion in my eyes, but as long as people are trying to find god, everyone has to take their own path.

There are DNA markers which make out Jews by the way, I believe the Levi are the first tribe in which such a marker has been identified.

And once again the Messiah prophecy was given from a Jew to the Jews about the Jews, its possible Jesus could have been the Messiah, but the fact that we live in this world and not paradise pretty much means he wasn't back then, and if it turns out when the next Messiah arrives that its Jesus come back then the Jews will be still saved by him, so /shrug.

[edit on 19-2-2009 by gYvMessanger]

[edit on 19-2-2009 by gYvMessanger]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by gYvMessanger

Do you believe if you have one drop of Abrahamic blood (and Sara's blood) that makes you Jewish? Do you think you need a certain percentage? What about the people who are running Israel right now and have no DNA markers at all, but think they are "Bless me I'm Jewish?"

For example, to be a black person you must have a certain percentage of negro parentage. If you have a negro parent, 100 percent, back 20 generations, are you a Negro?

How much of Abraham's blood do you need to be a Jew?

Or is it not more a matter of the religion?

And did you ever study the Cabala? The Talmud? The Torah? The New Testament?

The Bible says that the real Jews are those people who love Jesus. Do you agree? Or do you think he was a bad guy who fooled and disappointed the Jews who were waiting for somebody to come and take over the world and rule?

Do you believe Jesus is coming back, or are you waiting for another somebody to come, like Obama, or Lord Matreya, or whoever it is the Jews are waiting for, calling for at the wailing wall? Do you believe in a Zionist Fourth Reich of people selected based on their DNA? Do you believe God is a racist, that good and evil are just two sides of the same coin? Are you an occultic?

If Jesus was not the Messiah "back then" as you say, but he could come again and possibly be the Messiah now, are you sure you studied your Torah thoroughly enough that you would have missed the scriptures abouat the suffering messiah, the one who came to save us for eternity, not just to sit on a throne and oversee a cursed and sinful world? If this world is slated to destruction, as the Torah states, how can the Messiah rule in such a place?

Who cares about a piece of real estate in the mideast that we must blow the planet up over it, rebuild that temple for the Jews?

Do you read the prophecies in the Torah of the Messiah that were fulfilled in Jesus and still don't believe? That he would be born in Bethlehem of a virgin, that he would be crucified, buried in a rich man's tomb, they would cast lots for his clothes, that he would ride into Jerusalem as a king on a donkey, and many others?

The Bible says the real Jews believe in Jesus.

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Salt of the Earth
reply to post by gYvMessanger

Do you believe if you have one drop of Abrahamic blood (and Sara's blood) that makes you Jewish? Do you think you need a certain percentage?

No I think the special qualities identified to "pure" blooded jews is something which can pass down regardless of diluted blood, it just takes more work for the individual. Even in the jewish texts it says a non jew who converts faithfully and fully with all his heart and willingly takes on the covenant is more exalted in the eyes of the creator then a pure born jew, and there children are considered pure born from then on essentially.

Given the amount of lost tribes it would not surprise me if there where tiny trickles of jewish bloodline in people literally all over the world, not just those who identify themselves as being jewish.

Indeed the very act of losing the tribes may have been to make it so that more people could be bought into the pact, after all the way rabbinical jewdiasm went (and yes its racist and doesn't attempt to get converts or even teach about the noahide laws) clearly wasn't going to win the fight.

For example, to be a black person you must have a certain percentage of negro parentage. If you have a negro parent, 100 percent, back 20 generations, are you a Negro?

How much of Abraham's blood do you need to be a Jew?

Or is it not more a matter of the religion?

Its both, its totally possible through spiritual practice to take on the same qualities as a Jew and infuse that into your bloodline from then on out (through marriage to a jew which will end up being part of the process).

There is a legend told of how before the creation of mankind God asked all the nations of the earth if they would take on the act of ensuring the Mitzvah of the Torah was up kept within the physical world.

This was a heavy burden and most refused. The selection of spirits who agreed would go on to become the jews.

The jews original job was simply to show the other nations the light of the one true god, they where to act as a scapegoat, sometimes they would be exalted so that other nations would grow envious and ask how was it they could have so many things, at other times they would be persecuted and down trodden but they would survive so that the world would be able to see perhaps there is some justification in the protection of the god of israel, the god of this creation.

The idea of being a "chosen super race" its not the special gift others think it is.

Its like the old Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times" only for the jews the interesting times never stop.

And did you ever study the Cabala? The Talmud?

Yes evidently I have studied both, I like to think I avoided the brainwashing as much as possible.

The Bible says that the real Jews are those people who love Jesus. Do you agree? Or do you think he was a bad guy who fooled and disappointed the Jews who were waiting for somebody to come and take over the world and rule?

No real jews dont have to love jesus, you cant blame the modern jews for something the jews did 2000 years ago, or damn them for following leaders who may have led them astray. It is not for you or any other man to judge, they are being punished, clearly for those who have eyes to see, and they will come to the true understanding in time along with everyone else.

I honestly think Jesus is a good candidate for Messiah, but he did not complete the mission before his death, therefore at this time who the Messiah is, is still open to debate.

Why I consider Jesus a Messianiac candidate is because of the spread of the faith of One since his time and because of his teachings, though I also consider the modern church a huge perversion as well.

The jews at his time werent ready and were full of corruption, that is when Rabbinical Jewdiasm was born after all. I dont think the Jews are waiting for someone to come and take over the world and rule with some fist of jewdiac iron though.

Much like the idea of what Jesus is to Christians, Jews are waiting for a world teacher to come along and spread peace and understanding through the world so we may ascend to the next spiritual level of creation.

Do you believe Jesus is coming back, or are you waiting for another somebody to come, like Obama, or Lord Matreya, or whoever it is the Jews are waiting for, calling for at the wailing wall?

I don't wait for anyone, I hope with all my heart that a Messiah will come to teach all of us a better way, but I do my part to explore the mysteries without waiting to be dragged, because no one will come and save us until we as a whole people (not just the jews) are ready to be saved, and even then, the Messiah is not superman, there will be no clicking there fingers together and suddenly all is well, we all have to work at being acceptable before the light, its not a case of sin sin sin oh look heres a savior its all gonna be ok now.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 10:57 AM
Ill tell you who cares about that piece of real estate.

The christian nations who allowed the secular jewish zionists that piece of land so that they could force the conditions needed to bring about the tribulation.

Even orthodox rabbinical jews, a vast amount of them DO NOT see the modern state of Israel as the fulfillment of prophecy.

And yes ive studied the conditions for the Messiah in the Torah, clearly you haven't as otherwise you would know that multiple conditions where not met during the life of Jesus.

[edit on 19-2-2009 by gYvMessanger]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
Ill tell you who cares about that piece of real estate.

The christian nations who allowed the secular jewish zionists that piece of land so that they could force the conditions needed to bring about the tribulation.

Even orthodox rabbinical jews, a vast amount of them DO NOT see the modern state of Israel as the fulfillment of prophecy.

I'll give you an amen on that. Also the Catholic church is disguised Judaism, and they are bedfellows with the Zionists.

But the British Zionists poisoned the well of Christendom. After it was poisoned, now we've got "Christians" working for the antichrist and the NWO.

I think the Jews need to wake up and realize Jesus is the Messiah and refute the Zionists.

I think the Christians need to wake up and realize the Jews are not the Chosen People and refute the Zionists and refuse the Christian Zionists who wave the el diablo, people like Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, Todd Bentley, and the whole lot of them, all Illuminati devil worshipping Zionists.

I think Catholics need to wake up and realize the Catholics are really Zionist Jews in disguise.

Then I think we can avert WWIII. Once the NWO comes to fruition the antichrist will chase down both Jews and Christians who will not worship the antichrist, literally worship him. And they will be pulling so much "stuff" that gullible people, halfway hypnotized, mesmerized, drugged, and self-deluded will fall for the hokum the Zionist Illuminati are going to pull off.

Like Operation Blue Beam, a fake alien invasion, mass hypnosis.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:10 AM
Yes there is no doubt we are in a very dangerous position right now, and I pray we are given the clarity of sight to find our way through this without the path turning even rougher, if there is still time which of course is a whole other debate

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Salt of the Earth
Do you believe if you have one drop of Abrahamic blood (and Sara's blood) that makes you Jewish? Do you think you need a certain percentage?

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
No I think the special qualities identified to "pure" blooded jews is something which can pass down regardless of diluted blood, it just takes more work for the individual. Even in the jewish texts it says a non jew who converts faithfully and fully with all his heart and willingly takes on the covenant is more exalted in the eyes of the creator then a pure born jew, and there children are considered pure born from then on essentially.

The Old Covenent is no more. Believing the Old Covenant is still in effect is Zionism, thinking you can pick up and go on as before, as though the Jews had not smashed every covenant promise to the last one, but now 2000 years later go get the promised land and set up your Messiah in the Temple. Uh-uh. It's over. The Old Covenant ended with Jesus, and after long years of breaking the covenant on the part of the Jews, in and out of exile, wars, occupation. Finally, the Jews crucified their Messiah. Jesus cursed the temple, and that's the end. The temple was torn down. It's over. New Covenant. Now it's believe in your Messiah, wait for the New Jerusalem, the New Heaven and New Earth.

Originally posted by Salt of the Earth
And did you ever study the Cabala? The Talmud?

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
Yes evidently I have studied both, I like to think I avoided the brainwashing as much as possible.

Well, seems like your beliefs are taken from the Talmud and Cabala, not the Torah. The Bible says that the real Jews are those people who love Jesus. Do you agree? Or do you think he was a bad guy who fooled and disappointed the Jews who were waiting for somebody to come and take over the world and rule?

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
No real jews dont have to love jesus, you cant blame the modern jews for something the jews did 2000 years ago, or damn them for following leaders who may have led them astray. It is not for you or any other man to judge, they are being punished, clearly for those who have eyes to see, and they will come to the true understanding in time along with everyone else.

I honestly think Jesus is a good candidate for Messiah, but he did not complete the mission before his death, therefore at this time who the Messiah is, is still open to debate.

Why I consider Jesus a Messianiac candidate is because of the spread of the faith of One since his time and because of his teachings, though I also consider the modern church a huge perversion as well.

The modern church is definitely a perversion.

If you reject Jesus and believe salvation comes from the whole world evolving, the ones with the right DNA, then you are a Fourth Reicher New Age Racist Zionist. Not to be mean or unkind. As to Jesus' death, he is not dead but alive. He was resurrected bodily, and appeared to his disciples and others for 40 days afterwards, ate and drank with them, in his new glorified body that was able to travel from one place to another in a split second and to go through walls. His ascension into Heaven was witnessed by 400 people. After that, those who believed followed his directions and waited for power from the Holy Spirit to come on them. When it did, they took the message of hope (that all can be saved by believing in Jesus as the Lamb of God, find forgiveness of sin, and a new life, a fresh chance, and power to live for God).

Originally posted by Salt of the Earth
Do you believe Jesus is coming back, or are you waiting for another somebody to come, like Obama, or Lord Matreya, or whoever it is the Jews are waiting for, calling for at the wailing wall?

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
I don't wait for anyone, I hope with all my heart that a Messiah will come to teach all of us a better way, but I do my part to explore the mysteries without waiting to be dragged, because no one will come and save us until we as a whole people (not just the jews) are ready to be saved, and even then, the Messiah is not superman, there will be no clicking there fingers together and suddenly all is well, we all have to work at being acceptable before the light, its not a case of sin sin sin oh look heres a savior its all gonna be ok now.

That is New Age, Fourth Reich, Zionist belief, that the "whole world must believe." This means death to billions of people who do not believe in order that the rest of the world may "advance" into their evolutionary "punctuated equilibrium," jump into the Fourth Reich utopian millenium.

The Messiah is far more than a superman; he is God himself, the creator of the universe, created everything by his word alone. Created matter out of nothing, blew the breath of life into dead matter. Then came down to earth to be born of a woman, to grow up and die as the Lamb of God, to take away our sin.

Jesus said, He who comes to me I will in no wise cast out. You don't need the right DNA. You need the right ATTITUDE and the right heart. It's a matter of believing, not a matter of who your parents are.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:21 PM
Dont equate what you consider belief to be what I consider belief.

You believe you need another person to act as the bridge between you and god.

I do not.

I also do not demand that the world comes to see my point of view, rather my desire is that the race comes to an understanding of the divine, not through slavish following of a religious doctrine, but through a real evolution in consciousness, not some airy fairy wishful dreamstate, but a real change in the way that human perception works.

Your not wrong though, If people need to die for that to happen, and on mass, I could accept that point of view, I would prefer a more peaceful resolution however. The thing is if a real change in attitude and perception does not come about, a lot of people are going to die, on mass anyway and nothing but more corruption and pain will come of it.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:28 PM
The Covenant as a pact is eternal, who is bound by it has changed but once bound to it you don't break free without consequences.

Just because the Jews failed and others have taken it up does not mean that the Jews are not still bound to their obligations. To believe otherwise is a falicy that falls back on the idea of a super race that is the chosen blessed people of god who will receive all his favor, and one that later people tried to usurp without understanding what they where really taken into.

Its all chinese whispers that have passed through the ages and come out in some insane mess.

You do not understand what Kaballah is, its just a word, it means Tradition, it is like saying I have studyed the Occult and taken teachings from there. I have Im not trying to state otherwise.

You need to understand that the Jewish religion, the mainstream face religion that you see out there IS all about control, but not control of you, control of the everyday jew man, women and child, just as Christianity is a device to control other people.

All the religions have deeper teachings, the jewish Kaballah is nothing more than a means of perception, there is no Kaballah outside of the Torah, all the other texts you may have heard about merely teach someone different ways to get information out of the Torah. Yes it is very easy to be led astray with this new perception, but it is impossible to maintain the perception without drawing closer to an understanding of the divine nature, if you understood what you where denouncing you would understand you are denouncing fundamental teachings that Jesus himself gave.

Once you have studied Kaballah everything you read is a Kaballistic text because it is literally a means of perception, I could show you one of the holyest Kaballistic texts right now and you would think it was a good healthy prayer, which it is,and nothing more, when in fact it is a detailed manual, but only if you know how to read it.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
Yes there is no doubt we are in a very dangerous position right now, and I pray we are given the clarity of sight to find our way through this without the path turning even rougher, if there is still time which of course is a whole other debate

Yeah, like WWIII, World Depression worse than anything we've ever seen, plagues, starvation, civil war. Just what we see now in Gaza and Lebanon is a horror.

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
Given the amount of lost tribes it would not surprise me if there where tiny trickles of jewish bloodline in people literally all over the world, not just those who identify themselves as being jewish.

Indeed the very act of losing the tribes may have been to make it so that more people could be bought into the pact, after all the way rabbinical jewdiasm went (and yes its racist and doesn't attempt to get converts or even teach about the noahide laws) clearly wasn't going to win the fight.

So which is it, the "tiny trickle" Jewish bloodline, or the pure heart that believes the scriptures (scriptures that none of the Jews don't believe BTW or they would be Christians and not Jews).

For example, to be a black person you must have a certain percentage of negro parentage. If you have a negro parent, 100 percent, back 20 generations, are you a Negro?

How much of Abraham's blood do you need to be a Jew?

Or is it not more a matter of the religion?

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
Its both, its totally possiblethere where tiny trickles of jewish bloodline in people literally all over the world from then on out (through marriage to a jew which will end up being part of the process).
There is a legend told of how before the creation of mankind God asked all the nations of the earth if they would take on the act of ensuring the Mitzvah of the Torah was up kept within the physical world. This was a heavy burden and most refused. The selection of spirits who agreed would go on to become the jews. The jews original job was simply to show the other nations the light of the one true god, they were to act as a scapegoat, sometimes they would be exalted so that other nations would grow envious and ask how was it they could have so many things, at other times they would be persecuted and down trodden but they would survive so that the world would be able to see perhaps there is some justification in the protection of the god of israel, the god of this creation. The idea of being a "chosen super race" its not the special gift others think it is. Its like the old Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times" only for the jews the interesting times never stop.

None of this is taught in the Torah. This is Talmudic and Cabala legends and superstition of Jewish pride in being a super race. Where do you get the idea that you are the "Chosen super race? I thought you said the Talmud was not your holy book? This is all New Age Nazi Racist Fourth Reich "kill the goy" belief in so many words.

The Torah does not say the Jews were a super race or that they were chosen. Did it ever occur to you that maybe God chose to reveal himself to the Jews because of their stubborness and price, not because they were so wonderful? The Jews betrayed God at every instance. When Moses went to the mountain, no sooner had he turned his back than Aaron his brother and the Jews were building an idol to Baal and orgying around. Solomon sacrificed his children to Molech. It goes on and on and on.

Maybe God picked the Jews to reveal himself so intimately to because he knew they would crucify Jesus, and this was necessary for the salvation of the whole world.

Ever think of that?

Not to be mean or unkind, which I know this probably sounds very mean.

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

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