posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by dunwichwitch
Oh my... i had exactly the same thing!
But i was approximately 12 years old and i nearly cried that i felt so dirty inside
in retrospect very intelligent...
So, this i explained only so that you take the foollowing seriously:
Meditate. The reason for your prejudice is not that you have never been to Jerusalem, nor that you have not enough jewish friends. Imho. This can give
you a way out but it's not sure.
Prejudice, is a state of mind. It's not something singular. Not like a picture, it's the canvas
Some people think always in prejudices.
You must alter the canvas and you can do it only in the meditative state. Show yourself the many different life forms, SEE inside the humans and
project love to everyone. This is easy. The hard thing is to except the reality, which is: judgement is not easy, every person is a singular, powerful
entity. Above all, every mistake (like Gaza) has its root in something negative, the person once had to go through. Face Zipi Livni in your meditation
and SEE and feel her mistakes. It's not the fault of the jews!
If you don't achieve to alter you mode of thinking, this small problem will grow like cancer, altering your mind... That is not doomsaying, it's one
of many dangers.
Best regards