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Is it time to ditch the bible?

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posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Thistled
I know this will probably upset a few people and I apologise for this....

Is it not time to ditch the bible?


Ditch the bible - it's quite nasty, and it adds fuel to the fire of hatred and discrimination. No place for that in todays world.

Why do angry atheists want to take from people the freedom that we have in this country to read the Bible and worship God?

It's very easy to prove that God exists, you cannot have a creation without a creator. You cannot have things made without a maker. So all it takes is a little bit of common sense on the part of thinking people to realize atheism is a complete farce. It's intellectual suicide. It makes no sense whatsoever.

Atheists believe that everything was created by nothing, and they call Christians naive?

And it's an absolute tragedy because every atheist is going to learn a terrifying fact at the time of their death. They've got everything to lose and nothing to gain. If the atheist is right and there is no God, he doesn't even get the joy of saying to theists- "I told you so".

But, if there is a God, and he's the God revealed in Holy Scripture, then he's rejected his only salvation, because heaven and hell are realities. Have they ever considered even for a minute what it would mean if they were condemed to a place of hellish torment for all of eternity? They gamble their short lives here for absolutely nothing, and risk all eternity in burning torment if they are wrong- geniuses!

The darker a nation gets, the more it hates the light. The more a nation throws itself into sin, the more it's going to hate righteousness. This site is certainly a reflection of that growing darkness. What a time we live in!

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Clearskies

I also went to elementary school in Atlantic Beach, right outside where you live. I only went to public school until we moved to South Florida, (above Miami) Where my parents thought I would be isolated from drugs. But there were as many drugs there!

If you watch Bonanza or Gunsmoke you know it was the rich and famous but also civic minded citizens who established public schools in Nevada and Kansas. Education was pretty straight forward back then. I had a relative who taught school because he could read and write. Yes, that was in KY, but also was in the 1920s.

Usually and I do mean this in real life not just in the tv series, a single woman (a spinster or a widow) taught school. As in the case of nurses, women were a low cost option. When men were employed in the same job, they were always paid more. It was not until the 1950s and the advent of teacher unions that sex discrimination in pay was ended. Life was much less complex than it is today. For example, there was a famous series of school text books called the McGuffey’s Reader. However much I might disparage the McGuffey's series for containing too much religion - Garden of Eden, Noah’s Flood etc - keep in mind that nearly every child in America used the SAME text book. It is this kind of uniformity that builds a culture, a country. It is the "do it my way" or Tower of Babel thinking that tears one down. IMO. See Note 1.

Drugs. It was in 1969 that President Nixon declared War on Drugs. (This is why I want nothing to do with a Bush43 War on Terror). We have killed 1000s in Columbia, wrecked the place and are now shooting in Peru. We have killed 1000s in Afghanistan and what do we have to show for it? Cocaine in plentiful supply now comes through Mexico and we are about to kill 1000s of Mexicans. Heroin comes from Afghan and we are not through killing people there, yet. Aside: If there is a GOD, surely He will not let Obama “KILL” himself in Afghan as Johnson did in Vietnam!

Don’t forget that prior to 1906, there were no laws on drugs and all were sold over the counter. Heroin, coc aine and marijuana. I’m not saying we go back to 1906 but I can say America survived for a very long time (1906 - 1607 = 299 years) without putting over 1 million people behind bars.

We teach (or indoctrinate) our children about religion at home. But, I know from my nieces and nephews who went to Christian schools, that there is more discipline, more caring from staff at most Christian schools.

Yes, indoctrinate can be used pejoratively. When I went through basic training in the AF it was called quite correctly Indoctrination. So there is or are good forms and bad forms of indoctrination. Maybe I meant propagandize more than indoctrinate? What I really meant to convey was that TRUTH should be the watchword of education of whatever kind or wherever offered. Dare I say EVEN in religion where TRUTH has never been well received?

Christian schools - indeed, any private school - self selects out the non-involved parents and ejects - dismisses - any student who cannot conform to basic rules of conduct. Public schools do not have that luxury. As long as education is compulsory by force of law, expulsion is not an option. If we had funds available it is my belief we could reach 80% or more of those students who are disruptive. (Yes, I’m a liberal. Liberals are like that). But we don’t have the money and those students are not part of anyone’s constituency.

Note 1.
Two of the best known school books in the history of American education were the 18th century New England Primer and the 19th century McGuffey Readers.

Of the two, McGuffey's was more popular and widely used. It is estimated that at least 120 million copies of McGuffey's Readers were sold between 1836 and 1960, placing its sales in a category with the Bible and Webster's Dictionary.

Since 1961 they have continued to sell at a rate of some 30,000 copies a year. No other textbook bearing a single person's name has come close to that mark. McGuffey's Readers are still in use today in some school systems, and by parents for home schooling purposes. In addition to the commonly known elementary readers, McGuffey also published the High School and Literary Reader in 1889.

[edit on 2/3/2009 by donwhite]

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by nwosigns
reply to post by Thistled

I agree, there are lot's of things in Leviticus that make you wonder what, if anything it has to do with today's society. In fact, many sections of the Bible are that way.

What I take out of these old books of the Bible is the true holiness of God. Back then, the Lord required his people to follow the law perfectly and if they didn't, they were either required to make an offering to be made right with the Lord or they were put to death. These kinds of things just make me appreciate Jesus even more because of how much he saved us from by being that ultimate sacrifice to fulfill the old covenant and offer us a new and improved one. It's just a shame so many can't see or understand it. To each, their own though.

Originally posted by badmedia

I think there is a difference between people who follow Christ, and people who do things in his name as a means of manipulation.

Yeah exactly. This is just another example of how people do not know God, Jesus or his path. They can't tell the difference between someone pretending to follow the path and someone who actually does it. Actions speak louder than words. So then what happens is we all get lumped into the same category because so many people don't know the difference or even know there is one. There are many, many people who claim to be followers of Christ, but in reality are nothing more than Pharisees. They knew Scripture well and were suffocating and merciless in enforcing what they read even though they had no idea what it meant or how to follow it even though the path was right in front of their faces.

Being able to tell the difference is Godly wisdom as opposed to earthly wisdom which, by itself, is useless and does not understand Godly wisdom.

[edit on 3-2-2009 by Kratos1220]

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 02:14 PM
I think i can assume if one decides to 'ditch' the bible, he actually knows what it is about before he took that decision.

That if he says 'ditch the bible', that this is only regarding himself.
If this would include to prevent others from reading it, that i would considder to be very wrong indeed.
They would be forced to take your word for granted, and not be given the chance to decide for themselves.

Even if you believe, it's wrong to force your believes onto other people.

Religious books should always be available to all, and the decision to believe or not, is a strictly personal one.

Things just go wrong when people are desperatly trying to force their opinions upon others. But i respect both sides, and have no problem with a civil and open discussion to clarify ones point of view.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 03:21 PM
You do not have to ditch your bible. Im not a christian nor do i think the events that it describes are real, but it has some good points to consider. If you cant see anything good in it then why bother reading it? Just highlighting the bad parts of it does not make you look smarter than the people who follow the teachings of christ? Just because there was no moses that read the 10 commandments does not mean that they are no good or should not be followed. The discriminating against people with dissabilities was okay at that time. They had very little medical knowledge so it was better to stay away from people with disseases because you could not treat them and they would infect others should they be close by. Ever hear someone say get away from me if your sick, i cant get sick or stay away from me i got a cold?
But like i said i do not believe in the bible as a book of facts but i do think people are better off following a moral code that aids in their survival and i do not think less of people when they do believe in the bible.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 03:43 PM
(If you were able to), Ask all the people in Hell right now if they're believers?? I wonder what some of their answers would be??? Scripture clearly points out that the Bible is foolishness to those who are perishing. Also, the fool has said in his own heart that there is no God. God's plan is quite simple and not hard: believe that He died on the cross for your sin's and you will be saved. Hundred's perhaps thousands of people die every day without knowing or having accepted God's free gift of salvation and go out into a God-less, hopeless, eternity wondering where did I go wrong and why didn't I heed God's warnings to believe? Because for one thing, without the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you, you cannot nor have the desire to see things (spiritual things) for how and why they truely are. Satan is the prince and power of the air and what's going on, on this earth. Scripture says we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with powers and principalities. When the anti-christ eventually show's up on the world scene everyone will think he's the best things to ever have come along since sliced bread! He'll be the smoothest talker you will have ever heard and will be supernaturally in-dwelt by Satan himself and will perform many signs and miracles. Believe before it's too late! JOHN 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Rest assured and be certain of this one very fact: One day when you die you will cross the threshold of eternity, either having known Christ (as Savior) or having rejected Him. You will take that journey alone, no one will be holding your hand or talking to you or explaining anything. As a believer you will be ushered into the very presence of God, Himself. For the one who always thought they had time and rejected Him, you will have eternity as a rememberance of your actions and there will be no more second chances or going back. Your fate will be un-fortunately sealed and all hope will have vanished right before you. Make the right decision, tomorrow is not promised to anyone. God Bless you!

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 04:03 PM
ALL religion should be banned. Not one single religion is true. They all lead to destruction and prejudice and hatred. Do some scientific on research on the origins of all religions and it becomes quite clear that ALL are man made and hold ZERO truth.

WAKE UP PEOPLE I cant believe people still believe in the pink unicorns!!

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
(If you were able to), Ask all the people in Hell right now if they're believers?? I wonder what some of their answers would be??? Scripture clearly points out that the Bible is foolishness to those who are perishing. Also, the fool has said in his own heart that there is no God. God's plan is quite simple and not hard: believe that He died on the cross for your sin's and you will be saved. Hundred's perhaps thousands of people die every day without knowing or having accepted God's free gift of salvation and go out into a God-less, hopeless, eternity wondering where did I go wrong and why didn't I heed God's warnings to believe? Because for one thing, without the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you, you cannot nor have the desire to see things (spiritual things) for how and why they truely are. Satan is the prince and power of the air and what's going on, on this earth. Scripture says we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with powers and principalities. When the anti-christ eventually show's up on the world scene everyone will think he's the best things to ever have come along since sliced bread! He'll be the smoothest talker you will have ever heard and will be supernaturally in-dwelt by Satan himself and will perform many signs and miracles. Believe before it's too late! JOHN 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Rest assured and be certain of this one very fact: One day when you die you will cross the threshold of eternity, either having known Christ (as Savior) or having rejected Him. You will take that journey alone, no one will be holding your hand or talking to you or explaining anything. As a believer you will be ushered into the very presence of God, Himself. For the one who always thought they had time and rejected Him, you will have eternity as a rememberance of your actions and there will be no more second chances or going back. Your fate will be un-fortunately sealed and all hope will have vanished right before you. Make the right decision, tomorrow is not promised to anyone. God Bless you!

24He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

25These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.

26But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

You call out for Jesus because you do not see the father which speaks through him. If you did know Jesus, then you would also know the father. It is your prejudice that speaks against other men who do not share your beliefs, not the fathers.

[edit on 3-2-2009 by badmedia]

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 04:19 PM
My beleives is that jesus did walk the earth and he taught people how to live and meditate in a way to seek higher forms of conciousness! (sorry if spelling is bad)

I think morals and values have formed from the bible and was an essential part of growing up in the same way as In 1733 Charles François de Cisternay DuFay, a French chemist, stated that electricity consisted of two fluids: "vitreous" (from the Latin for "glass"), or positive, electricity; and "resinous," or negative, electricity. When he electrified a glass rod, it attracted nearby bits of cork.

Just look how electricity is also a main use in life today. As the bible was before..

But going back to the original question


I think not its allways good to know where we come from but the bible is a form of teaching / brainwashing (A book to make people think differently)

We have alot to thank religon for but i think its almost a certainty that its a made up book from humans. And quite potentially has some dangerous aspects to because god made man in the image of himself but GOD made atoms and evolution has taken man to the image it has today!

My thoughts only


posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Thistled

Honestly... Thistled, some of these quotes given earlier are quite horrific, I agree, but both Leviticus and Exodus are in the Old Testament and as you will find, in the Old Testament punishments etc. are a lot harsher. Look in the New Testament and you will see love and compassion in verses like

Jhn 3:16 For God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Obviously, the everlasting life means not immortality in this world but means we will have everlasting life in heaven with Jesus.

P.S. Don't say its impossible to be in multiple places at once... Einsteins theory of relativity states nothing can travel faster than light... Quantum particles do!

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by theflashor
My beleives is that jesus did walk the earth and he taught people how to live and meditate in a way to seek higher forms of conciousness! (sorry if spelling is bad)


I think not its allways good to know where we come from but the bible is a form of teaching / brainwashing (A book to make people think differently)

If you want to know what Jesus REALLY taught, read the Bible. It was written by people who actually walked with Him. Even the Liberal Scholars will admit that fact.

Many of these same men also brutally lost their lives as they died trying to convince people just like yourself of the diety of Jesus. I ask you, would you dedicate your life (and then be executed) working to spread lies about a man that you once knew?

These men walked with God on earth- Jesus Christ, and saw Him raised from the dead. Once that veil had been lifted they had no fear of earthly death, and no greater cause than to spread the Good News of His free gift of Salvation to all people.

The Holy Bible is a super-natural book that God has provided for those who earnestly want to know the Living God. I promise you that if you consistently read the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding, you will be changed- for eternity.

Be the Spiritual leader for your family and do not allow the enemy of your soul to deceive you. Begin in the NT and read the Bible thoroughly and prayerfully for yourself, then be amazed at how God speaks directly to you.

He promises that those who diligently seek Him, will find Him- so put God to the test!

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by AdmiralObamaGFOL
.....He promises that those who diligently seek Him, will find Him- so put God to the test!

Nice line....

OT wonders (hopes) they'll take you up on that challenge...


PS: Good thing ATS keeps these posts as records...maybe SOME will check back later???? I'll be watching!

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Clearskies
reply to post by Angus123

Once you meet G-d, (and sometimes before) G-d will introduce you to His word and you won't be able to say you don't know about Him, because you WILL know.

Perhaps you're right
But I'm not gonna hold my breath. Peace!

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

For the one who . . rejected Him, you will have eternity as a rememberance of your actions and there will be no more second chances or going back. Your fate will be un-fortunately sealed and all hope will have vanished right before you. God Bless you!

"I Mr Anon, pronounce you are going to hell. I wish you Godspeed!" Reminds me of the Catholic Dominican priest with Cortez who instructed the Spanish soldiers to stack the still alive Native American Indians on a great pile of dry wood then to set them alight, explaining as they performed this macabre task, "They would not convert to Catholicism but I can save their souls after they have died." Such is the power of GOD's servants!

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Clearskies
reply to post by Thistled

As much as I disagree with Fred Phelps, he still has free speech.
Did they push you around or try to stone you?
You know their version of the Gospel is a minority in Christianity, right?

And therein lies the rub... It doesn't matter if those people are in the minority. It is still what Christianity teaches. My parents haven't spoken to me in 20 years now because they are good Christians.

My parents wanted me to live my life believing in the Bible. Their biggest mistake in that endeavor was that they made me actually read it, lol.

[edit on 3-2-2009 by Angus123]

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 05:30 PM
It is so sad to even have a post like this.... This is a sign we TRUELY are in the END times. God Bless and be with you all.. May the Holy Spirit find your heart and lead you straight to Jesus. He is the way, the only way to salvation. God Bless everyone.....

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Clearskies
reply to post by donwhite

I don't think many churches get money from the public till.

I don't know of any, really.

Bush instituted "Faith Based Initiatives" to get around that pesky separation of church and state thing.
They get quite a bit out of the public tills these days.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 05:36 PM
No offense to the Bible readers, but these thoughts came to me: We don’t know if JC/G-d died on a cross. That was thousands of years ago! It’s hard for me to believe something from waaaayyy back then based on other people’s writings. Again I’m using comparisons here: Can anyone honestly say that the holocaust never happened, even though most of us were not born to see or be at those places of death?

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Angus123
My parents wanted me to live my life believing in the Bible. There biggest mistake in that endeavor was that they made me actually read it, lol.



Hi, you don't know me...and OT doesn't know you...let's ACCEPT that as a foundation, ok?

With that said....I will be reviewing this thread, (IF the ATS folks can keep it?) in 20 yrs....and I guarantee you a FACT...

Here it is....

1) YOU WILL REGRET these words!!!!

2) You will get a curve from LIFE!!!!!

3) You will MAKE IT YOUR LIFE'S mission to undo these words...


Bottom line.....

4) YOU WILL BE HAPPY....and the LORD Jesus' Best Friend!!

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 05:40 PM
The bible is a pile of bull#. People who belive in a god are just thick!

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