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- I blame him for this because of all his narcassistic self-messianic rhetoric that he droned on and on with during the election cycle.
- I blame the poor souls who lapped it up and who now subject the rest of us to their worship-Obama delusions.
"rising up and ruling the very country that enslaved them"
THis is the pathetic response people use to suppress debate- automatically bring race into it if someone happens to oppose the CHOSEN ONE.
People were jumping all over Bush before/as soon as he was elected, I bet you weren't running around crying "is it cos he is white"
Originally posted by Oceanborn
Even if he is all that you accuse him he still has no responsibility of any actions of any mindless person.I'd love to hear though how you came with this conclusion about Obama.
If he is what you're saying and if that's how he "tricked" people into worshiping him,then how come you don't
Update Jan 28th: The parents spoke to the Vice-Principal this afternoon. He said he would take care of it. I will check with them tomorrow and update this story.
Update Jan 29th: The teachers at the school today talked to the children about flag etiquette and the meaning of the flag and why the pledge is made. The lights were left on in the room, so the flag could be clearly seen and the children were told that they should face towards and look at the flag. The parent spoke to the Principal and the child's teacher. The Principal said they would not show the image of the president at the same time as the pledge tomorrow. The Principal apologized for causing offense. The parent and Principal and teacher left on good terms.
Originally posted by Oceanborn
If he is what you're saying and if that's how he "tricked" people into worshiping him,then how come you don't??
Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
But the truth is that the majority of people in this country want Obama to be our president. Many like him a lot. He has the highest approval rating since Kennedy.
Not worship, just approval. And the conservative and Republican people of this country who DON'T want him to be president are pissed and are trying to get the rest of us to think that something "weird" or "freaky" is going on so we might feel like maybe we ARE caught up in some kind of worship cult and question our opinions.
The only problem is that if you ask ANY Obama supporter if they think he is MORE than a man... some kind of "special" being or something to be worshiped, they will laugh and tell you that no... He's a man, a politician. He is our president. They may ask what kind of drugs you're on. We simply approve of this MAN for our president.
Anyway, while this particular school (in the OP) messed up (and I totally agree it was a bad decision!) they have corrected their behavior and the kids learned a valuable lesson in the precess about flag etiquette. This was not directed by the government, or even the school, It was just an idea a teacher had and it was a bad idea. And it was fixed. This happens all the time. And it has nothing to do with Obama. It has to do with teachers sometimes bringing their personal opinions into the classroom. It happens with religious teachers, conservative teachers and liberal teachers.
The fact that this case involved Obama just makes some people come unnerved.
Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
the paranoia and skewed perceptions we are seeing about this "fear" of Obama Worship
Even God himself talks to Barry while he's in church on Sunday, telling him: "Look around you. Now look to me. There is hope enough here to last a lifetime."
They NEED someone and he says he can fill that need. He has no proof that he can - just his word. But due to the intense NEED people have, they bought into what he was selling.
Originally posted by Oceanborn
He "opened the door" to vote him,not worship him.
Originally posted by exfed
How can a man who has only been in office little more than a week have done anything warranting approval?
He never has done anything notable in his whole life
I have personally spoken to people that are emotionally invested in Obama as a president and have actually claimed that he will change the world.
Frankly, as a conservative independent, It's not Obama that is wierd or freaky, it's the obsurd following of a man with no track record that's disturbing.
Many claim he is the only person capable of uniting the world.
A public school teacher is an agent of the government and needs to be particularly sensitive to the fact that they have a job to do, not an agenda to purue. Thus, they should be fired, regardless of religion, sex, political affiliation... what have you, if they can't keep their opinions out of a classroom.
Originally posted by exfed
While when taken at face value, it may seem harmless to elevate any one person to such heights, it's more dangerous than productive. Barack Obama is a politician. He has never authored a single piece of landmark legislation. Other than being elected, he hasn't done anything. Approval ratings on Inauguration day are crap. How can anyone approve of someone who hasn't done anything? It doesn't make sense.
Logic dictates that you can't expect someone to affect "change we can believe in" when they have never done anything. I challenge anyone to outline one achievement of Barack Obama on behalf of the people of this country.
While preaching change and bipartisanship, he, and by proxy his party, just crammed hundreds of billions of dollars of pork down the throats of the American people, in the face of hundreds of of voices in protest. 188 Congressman voted against this slothful bill and were IGNORED, as were the hundreds of millions of citizens they represent.
Change? It's chump change and politics the way they have ALWAYS been. There's no change here, no savior, nothing earth shaking... just spitting out lies from both sides of his filthy politician mouth.
I'm an even handed person. If a teacher puts religion in a public classroom, he/she should be fired. Political opinion? Fired. Why are we pumping billions into our failing educational institutions just to sit back and watch teachers not teach? If you work in any other job and fail to produce, you get fired. If you're an educator and fail to produce, you demand more pay and more school funding, claiming that it will fix everything... only to come back and make the same arguement in another year or two. It's been going on for decades and still no one seems to care.
Sorry.... to much coffee this morning. Rant ended.
Originally posted by FlyersFan
Look at the statements he made. I put some of them in my last post.
It was narcassistc self-messianic language. Jim Jones style.
If he hadn't spoken that way then the people wouldn't have
reacted in the same manner that they did.
Originally posted by blueorder
Originally posted by Res Ipsa I guarentee you that he is going to make some sweeeeet mistakes for you and Fox to jump at.....but at least wait until he does....because at this point you have shown nothing more than your "true colors" and you aren't too imaginitive in your color selection.
THis is the pathetic response people use to surpress debate- automatically bring race into it if someone happens to oppose the CHOSEN ONE.
People were jumping all over Bush before/as soon as he was elected, I bet you weren't running around crying "is it cos he is white"
Debate surpressors move on
Think this through carefully.
MLK has schools and a holiday.....
He is the first black President.
Originally posted by orangetom1999
He is not the Black president or the White President or an other stereotype.
Originally posted by exfed
How can a man who has only been in office little more than a week have done anything warranting approval? He never has done anything notable in his whole life
My son, who is in 1st grade, came home yesterday saying that he didn’t want to go back to school anymore. So I asked him why? He said that during the Pledge of Allegiance the teacher put up a large image of Obama next to the flag. I asked him if he was sure of this and I suggested to him that maybe the teacher just put up an 8×10 photo of the president. He said, “No, it is a large picture of Obama and when we are done Ms. **** turns off the image.” I also asked if they did this for Bush last year? He again said, “No.” This was my sons first day back to school since before Christmas, he was on a 5 week track break.