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School children complain of "Obama Worship" during lessons!

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posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

- I blame him for this because of all his narcassistic self-messianic rhetoric that he droned on and on with during the election cycle.
- I blame the poor souls who lapped it up and who now subject the rest of us to their worship-Obama delusions.

Even if he is all that you accuse him he still has no responsibility of any actions of any mindless person.I'd love to hear though how you came with this conclusion about Obama.

If he is what you're saying and if that's how he "tricked" people into worshiping him,then how come you don't??So,it's their fault for acting the way they do.

Ask me to pity and even defend an unfortunate person,a misstreated one,an abused one but not a stupid one.Someone who has the "tools" (brain) but is not putting them to any use will get no pity from me,on the contrary,ill be happy to see him/her paying the price.
For the record,i'm not saying this for just the "Obama-maniacs" but for the "Obama-phobics" too.

Sorry for the late reply.

EDIT:I forgot to say that,i fully support any action to kick that teacher out of the school (i repeat,if the story is true).

[edit on 30-1-2009 by Oceanborn]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 08:09 AM
Well what do you know. I leave this thread alone for a day and decide not to post on it and see what came up.

Very interesting...very interesting on page 7.

First off My commendations and salutations to Cree Wolf. I like and respect their style and character. Cree Wolf knows as to whom and where his peoples are yet retains the character to think and decide for himself and not get on the standard issue M1A propaganda. Well Said ...well spoken Cree Wolf.

There is nothing at all wrong with knowing whom and from whence we come..our peoples. I think more Americans should know this history. Not only of their people but their nation and the world. Not just about the next product line to come down the pipeline or who is playing who this weekend.

And yet Cree Wolf exhibits the character of individuality to not get on the popular bandwagon of entitlements and "Victimization" thinking which is so popular among the body politic for votes. Cree Wolf shows the ability and willingness to stand on their own two feet ..not someone else's. Their own thinking ...not someone else's.

I too agree with Cree Wolfs assessment of this phrase by the poster. I refrained from commenting on it at the time but am gratified to see that someone else caught it as well.

"rising up and ruling the very country that enslaved them"

This is the very entitlement and heard mentality of which I often speak.
Entitlement/heard mentality is similar to this computer has default settings which allow one to play through unquestioned and undebated.
It has a close relationship to "Victimization politics" so popular today.

The pattern of Cree Wolf's thinking and conduct is in stark contrast to the trend of which so many of us are speaking concerning this thread and popular trends.

Agree also with Treemanx's position...they are going after the children to bring them in line with the new paradigm. This has actually been going on for a number of matter who is in office but has reached a new importance as a result of this election...a new paradigm. It is obvious to those who are not seduced by it.

ibegood2 and badgerprints make excellent points as well.

blue orders point..I have been waiting for this one is so predictable of many today responding to disagreement. Well said blue order. Well said.

THis is the pathetic response people use to suppress debate- automatically bring race into it if someone happens to oppose the CHOSEN ONE.

People were jumping all over Bush before/as soon as he was elected, I bet you weren't running around crying "is it cos he is white"

It is about time someone said it.

Nonetheless...I agree with the point of what many have said here..this stuff does not belong in the schools indoctrinating our children with the type of baggage so many adults today are carrying. It is obvious to me why this is happening. Because public schools are financed by the body politic.

Do I think Obama himself is doing this I do not. I think the machine which is handing him is doing it..just as it ran previous presidents.

Someone is using the cloistered environment of a captive audience in public schools to do this. They have done it for years and years will continue.


posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by Oceanborn
Even if he is all that you accuse him he still has no responsibility of any actions of any mindless person.I'd love to hear though how you came with this conclusion about Obama.

You already heard how I came to that conclusion about him. He constantly used narcassistic self-messianic rhetoric. It's no different then Jim Jones or any other cult leader. The people that blindly followed the biblical/spiritual rhetoric wouldn't have done so if he hadn't initiated it.

OF COURSE the people who worship the guy are to blame.
But so is Obama for opening the door for them to walk through.

If he is what you're saying and if that's how he "tricked" people into worshiping him,then how come you don't

I thank God every day that I didn't drink the koolaide. It would be so easy to do so. I understand why some people fell for it. They NEED someone and he says he can fill that need. He has no proof that he can - just his word. But due to the intense NEED people have, they bought into what he was selling.

BTW - just so that no one screams RACIST .... I'm posting one of those obama-flag pictures with people carrying them who have white skin .

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 08:37 AM
This story is apparently true.


Update Jan 28th: The parents spoke to the Vice-Principal this afternoon. He said he would take care of it. I will check with them tomorrow and update this story.
Update Jan 29th: The teachers at the school today talked to the children about flag etiquette and the meaning of the flag and why the pledge is made. The lights were left on in the room, so the flag could be clearly seen and the children were told that they should face towards and look at the flag. The parent spoke to the Principal and the child's teacher. The Principal said they would not show the image of the president at the same time as the pledge tomorrow. The Principal apologized for causing offense. The parent and Principal and teacher left on good terms.

Originally posted by Oceanborn
If he is what you're saying and if that's how he "tricked" people into worshiping him,then how come you don't??

This one question, if explored, will reveal exactly the paranoia and skewed perceptions we are seeing about this "fear" of Obama Worship across the nation. There was a thread here that attempted to explore this "skew", but not many answered it. Of course, the results would reveal how twisted this thinking is - that people all over the planet are succumbing to "Obama-worship" - so it's not in the interest of those who wish to perpetuate this thinking, to answer the poll. So only a couple did.

But the truth is that the majority of people in this country want Obama to be our president. Many like him a lot. He has the highest approval rating since Kennedy. Not worship, just approval. And the conservative and Republican people of this country who DON'T want him to be president are pissed and are trying to get the rest of us to think that something "weird" or "freaky" is going on so we might feel like maybe we ARE caught up in some kind of worship cult and question our opinions.

The only problem is that if you ask ANY Obama supporter if they think he is MORE than a man... some kind of "special" being or something to be worshiped, they will laugh and tell you that no... He's a man, a politician. He is our president. They may ask what kind of drugs you're on. We simply approve of this MAN for our president.

And this alleged "Obama Worship" can't COMPARE to this:

WHERE WERE YOU THEN??? Why don't I remember threads about "Bush Worship"???

Anyway, while this particular school (in the OP) messed up (and I totally agree it was a bad decision!) they have corrected their behavior and the kids learned a valuable lesson in the precess about flag etiquette. This was not directed by the government, or even the school, It was just an idea a teacher had and it was a bad idea. And it was fixed. This happens all the time. And it has nothing to do with Obama. It has to do with teachers sometimes bringing their personal opinions into the classroom. It happens with religious teachers, conservative teachers and liberal teachers.

The fact that this case involved Obama just makes some people come unnerved.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

But the truth is that the majority of people in this country want Obama to be our president. Many like him a lot. He has the highest approval rating since Kennedy.

How can a man who has only been in office little more than a week have done anything warranting approval? He never has done anything notable in his whole life

Not worship, just approval. And the conservative and Republican people of this country who DON'T want him to be president are pissed and are trying to get the rest of us to think that something "weird" or "freaky" is going on so we might feel like maybe we ARE caught up in some kind of worship cult and question our opinions.

I have personally spoken to people that are emotionally invested in Obama as a president and have actually claimed that he will change the world. Frankly, as a conservative independent, It's not Obama that is wierd or freaky, it's the obsurd following of a man with no track record that's disturbing.

The only problem is that if you ask ANY Obama supporter if they think he is MORE than a man... some kind of "special" being or something to be worshiped, they will laugh and tell you that no... He's a man, a politician. He is our president. They may ask what kind of drugs you're on. We simply approve of this MAN for our president.

Maybe some. Many claim he is the only person capable of uniting the world. Quite a few voted for him because of his race and the historical nature of his election. I'll never vote for anyone because of their race, nor shall I vote against them because of their race.

Anyway, while this particular school (in the OP) messed up (and I totally agree it was a bad decision!) they have corrected their behavior and the kids learned a valuable lesson in the precess about flag etiquette. This was not directed by the government, or even the school, It was just an idea a teacher had and it was a bad idea. And it was fixed. This happens all the time. And it has nothing to do with Obama. It has to do with teachers sometimes bringing their personal opinions into the classroom. It happens with religious teachers, conservative teachers and liberal teachers.

The fact that this case involved Obama just makes some people come unnerved.

A public school teacher is an agent of the government and needs to be particularly sensitive to the fact that they have a job to do, not an agenda to purue. Thus, they should be fired, regardless of religion, sex, political affiliation... what have you, if they can't keep their opinions out of a classroom.

Idoctrination is NEVER ok. It's a teachers job to teach the mechanics of subject. Morality, patriotism, politics and belief are the parents' realm.

That Youtube clip, while neat and all, was from "Jesus Camp". That's church, not school. As a previously religious man, every church I have ever attended always prayed for the president, regardless of who they were.
[edit on 30-1-2009 by exfed]

[edit on 30-1-2009 by exfed]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
the paranoia and skewed perceptions we are seeing about this "fear" of Obama Worship

.... FACT .... not 'paranoia and skewed perceptions' ... but FACT.

It's there. It's NOT isolated. It's freaky.

From Obama himself - "a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany ... and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama" - Barack Obama Lebanon, New Hampshire. January 7, 2008.

From Obama himself - 'my hour has not yet arrived.' (right out of the bible)

More self-messianic language from Obama himself - "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

"I'll do whatever he says to do. I'll collect paper cups off the ground to make his pathway clear." - Halle Barry. (definately messianic and biblical)

"A quantum leap in American consciousness" - Deepak Chopra, Huffington Post

"Barack Obama is our collective representation of our purest hopes, our highest visions and our deepest knowings . . . He's our product out of the all-knowing quantum field of intelligence." Eve Konstantine, Huffington Post

"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . . He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . . . Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves." Ezra Klein, The American Prospect

"Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind." Gerald Campbell, December 2007

“I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan." - Janny Scott - New York Times

“What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history. ... The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance.”
- Jesse Jackson Jr. Politico June 5, 2008.

"Does it not feel as if some special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?" "So let us hope the Gods are on our side and our Hero will prevail" - Daily KOs - April 26, 2008

"He communicates God-like energy... in whom you can feel God" Steve Davis - Journal Gazette, Charleston

"Not just an ordinary human being but indeed an Advanced Soul"
Chicago Sun Times

From Oprah Winfrey - "For the very first time in my life, I feel compelled to stand up and to speak out for the man who I believe has a new vision for America, . . . I am here to tell you, Iowa, he is the one. He is the one!"

"We're all here to come together – to appreciate our uniqueness and to treasure our diversity, and we're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . The reason I love Barack Obama is because he is an evolved leader who can bring evolved leadership to our country. . . .

. . . When you listen to Barack Obama, when you really hear him, you witness a very rare thing. You witness a politician who has an ear for eloquence and a tongue dipped in the unvarnished truth..."

""No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don't expect, like Jesus being born in a manger." - Lawrence Carter, Dean of MLKjr International Chapel.

"Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama." - Dinesh Sharma, Marketing Science Consultant (PHD- Harvard)

"We just like to say his name. We are considering taking it as a mantra." (p218)
- From the David Mendells Book - Obama, From Promise to Power

"At one point, I thought Barack was going to rise up over the people and start saying, 'My children, my children, I have come to free you,' joked his driver and bodyguard, Mike Signator. "It was just incredible." [p. 297]
- From the David Mendells Book - Obama, From Promise to Power

"A Lightworker -- An Attuned Being with Powerful Luminosity and High-Vibration Integrity who will actually help usher in a New Way of Being"
- Mark Morford San Francisco Chronicle June 6, 2008

Creepy Fictional Book

Even God himself talks to Barry while he's in church on Sunday, telling him: "Look around you. Now look to me. There is hope enough here to last a lifetime."

"You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about
universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And
he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t
care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the
youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking."

url=] ABC News [/url] Obama's half eatten waffle sold on EBAY

“This guy was president before I was . . . This guy was God before I was.” –Barack Obama - calling himself GOD - in reference to Morgan Freeman’s portrayal in “Deep Impact and “Bruce Almighty”

“This is bigger than Kennedy. . . . This is the New Testament .” . . .”I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often. No, seriously. It’s a dramatic event.” — Chris Matthews

When asked in an interview what sin is, Obama defined it as “Being out of alignment with my values."

"When that happens, it will change everything. ... You'll have to measure time by `Before Obama' and `After Obama,'" Lee said during the panel. "It's an exciting time to be alive now." ... "Everything's going to be affected by this seismic change in the universe," - SPIKE LEE July 10, 2008

"Barack Obama is the Platonic philosopher king we’ve been looking for for the past 2,400 years" - Micah Tillman - Catholic University of America

"his speeches give an aura of immortality that belies the fact that he's a living breathing human" - South Florida Sentinel - Obama rally

ABC News Even some Obama followers are concerned about the messianic rhetoric.

Obama Campaign HQ - Lake City Florida

'A sactuary of sacred trust'??

"Your vision is a sacred trust...You are a sanctuary of a sacred vision for a renewed America..." - from

The FAUX HALOs the press put around him are beyond comical.

The caption - Has 'HE' finally returned?

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

He "opened the door" to vote him,not worship him.

They NEED someone and he says he can fill that need. He has no proof that he can - just his word. But due to the intense NEED people have, they bought into what he was selling.

But that's what all the politicians do.Have you ever heard someone saying "I wont be any good as a president but still vote for me."?

I don't know why i even bother,i wanna talk to someone who's open for a conversation,not someone who's spending his time to find anything to blame Obama or anyone else for that matter.
Why are you so biased?If there's a good reason tell me and we can talk about it.
So far,about this speciffic subject,it's like having a trial for a murder and instead of locking away the murderer we want to lock away the gun.

I can't discuss with you like that,i'm sorry.I'll wait for your next reply though to make up my mind.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Oceanborn
He "opened the door" to vote him,not worship him.

Look at the statements he made. I put some of them in my last post.
It was narcassistc self-messianic language. Jim Jones style.
If he hadn't spoken that way then the people wouldn't have
reacted in the same manner that they did.

I'm blaming BOTH - the people who are going overboard and him. More so the people going overboard. But I do put some responsiblity on him because he was manipulating the people and he knew it.

Example - I blame the drug addict for taking the drugs, but I do put some (not all, not a majority, but SOME) blame on the drug pusher for waving the product in the face of the drug addict. See?

Ultimate blame goes upon the person who worships. Of course.
But in this case he also gave the people a reason to think that way.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by exfed
How can a man who has only been in office little more than a week have done anything warranting approval?

Every president has an initial approval rating upon entering office. Why shouldn't Obama have one? Recent INITIAL Approval Ratings

He never has done anything notable in his whole life

You'd have to be living under a rock to really believe that. Whether you approve or not, he has been a very busy person in politics.

I have personally spoken to people that are emotionally invested in Obama as a president and have actually claimed that he will change the world.

And that's a problem? For all we know, what he does during the next 4 years MIGHT very well have influential change on the world. We don't know yet.

Frankly, as a conservative independent, It's not Obama that is wierd or freaky, it's the obsurd following of a man with no track record that's disturbing.

Hey, I understand. As an atheist, I feel much the same way about religious people and their following of a fantasy person. At least Obama is real.

Many claim he is the only person capable of uniting the world.

And??? What's the problem with someone thinking that? They're either right or they're wrong. What's the danger? That's a real question. I would love to know why people are "afraid" that others think that Obama might play a big part in uniting the world. To fear that is bizarre!

A public school teacher is an agent of the government and needs to be particularly sensitive to the fact that they have a job to do, not an agenda to purue. Thus, they should be fired, regardless of religion, sex, political affiliation... what have you, if they can't keep their opinions out of a classroom.

Do you feel the same about this woman?

Teacher allowed religious and patriotic banners in class

Look, I agree that public school teachers need to be sensitive to this kind of thing. They are also human (with opinions) and push the envelope and they make mistakes. She is cooperating. I don't think she should lose her job over a mistake. Do you?

[edit on 30-1-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I agree with you,he has to take some blame too but let's not forget,all politicians use anything they can to get votes.
Only if we only consider how many money are been spent everytime in elections we can very easily say that it's a crime by itself! (it's amazing that citizens in most of the western socities,including mine,tolerate that)

In the end of it,he just sells,it's up to you (not personally you offcourse
) to buy it or not.People finally have to take the part of responsibility that they really own,it's the only way for every country (all the things i'm saying to you i could be easily saying them to a greek person.We,too,have two major parties here playing people like puppets) to be builded around something good.

Like you said (and i fully agree),the ones to blame the most are the people themselves.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

While when taken at face value, it may seem harmless to elevate any one person to such heights, it's more dangerous than productive. Barack Obama is a politician. He has never authored a single piece of landmark legislation. Other than being elected, he hasn't done anything. Approval ratings on Inauguration day are crap. How can anyone approve of someone who hasn't done anything? It doesn't make sense.

Logic dictates that you can't expect someone to affect "change we can believe in" when they have never done anything. I challenge anyone to outline one achievement of Barack Obama on behalf of the people of this country.

While preaching change and bipartisanship, he, and by proxy his party, just crammed hundreds of billions of dollars of pork down the throats of the American people, in the face of hundreds of of voices in protest. 188 Congressman voted against this slothful bill and were IGNORED, as were the hundreds of millions of citizens they represent.

Change? It's chump change and politics the way they have ALWAYS been. There's no change here, no savior, nothing earth shaking... just spitting out lies from both sides of his filthy politician mouth.

I'm an even handed person. If a teacher puts religion in a public classroom, he/she should be fired. Political opinion? Fired. Why are we pumping billions into our failing educational institutions just to sit back and watch teachers not teach? If you work in any other job and fail to produce, you get fired. If you're an educator and fail to produce, you demand more pay and more school funding, claiming that it will fix everything... only to come back and make the same arguement in another year or two. It's been going on for decades and still no one seems to care.

Sorry.... to much coffee this morning. Rant ended.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by exfed

While when taken at face value, it may seem harmless to elevate any one person to such heights, it's more dangerous than productive. Barack Obama is a politician. He has never authored a single piece of landmark legislation. Other than being elected, he hasn't done anything. Approval ratings on Inauguration day are crap. How can anyone approve of someone who hasn't done anything? It doesn't make sense.

Logic dictates that you can't expect someone to affect "change we can believe in" when they have never done anything. I challenge anyone to outline one achievement of Barack Obama on behalf of the people of this country.

While preaching change and bipartisanship, he, and by proxy his party, just crammed hundreds of billions of dollars of pork down the throats of the American people, in the face of hundreds of of voices in protest. 188 Congressman voted against this slothful bill and were IGNORED, as were the hundreds of millions of citizens they represent.

Change? It's chump change and politics the way they have ALWAYS been. There's no change here, no savior, nothing earth shaking... just spitting out lies from both sides of his filthy politician mouth.

I'm an even handed person. If a teacher puts religion in a public classroom, he/she should be fired. Political opinion? Fired. Why are we pumping billions into our failing educational institutions just to sit back and watch teachers not teach? If you work in any other job and fail to produce, you get fired. If you're an educator and fail to produce, you demand more pay and more school funding, claiming that it will fix everything... only to come back and make the same arguement in another year or two. It's been going on for decades and still no one seems to care.

Sorry.... to much coffee this morning. Rant ended.

don't apologise and keep drinking the coffee, excellent post!

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Look at the statements he made. I put some of them in my last post.
It was narcassistc self-messianic language. Jim Jones style.
If he hadn't spoken that way then the people wouldn't have
reacted in the same manner that they did.

Interesting thread here about Obama's trance inducing,hypnotic anchoring,emotion transfering,pacing and leading speech techniques

[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by blueorder

Originally posted by Res Ipsa I guarentee you that he is going to make some sweeeeet mistakes for you and Fox to jump at.....but at least wait until he does....because at this point you have shown nothing more than your "true colors" and you aren't too imaginitive in your color selection.

THis is the pathetic response people use to surpress debate- automatically bring race into it if someone happens to oppose the CHOSEN ONE.

People were jumping all over Bush before/as soon as he was elected, I bet you weren't running around crying "is it cos he is white"

Debate surpressors move on

No....I was jumping all over the place because Gore won and the Supreme Court pulled a modern day Dred Scott on me.
No...I was jumping all over Bush when he laughed off pleas from world leaders to spare a retards life from the chair while he was Gov. of Texas.
...I don't care what a candidates party is. I voted for Huckabee in the Florida primary. I wanted Ron Paul but he wasn't viable (I live in real world) and then I went with Obama who if needed my primary vote would have got it but I wanted Huckabee rather than McCain. if McCain got elected, I would have been holding my breath right now hoping he does something good....but I certainly wouldn't be losing my mind with anti-McCain rants until he did something of independent significance that I loathed.

Debate all you want about Obama but at this early point in his presidentcy you have nothing but hot air, partisian, or racist radical views to fuel it.
1) if dude isn't the Messiah, then stop saying he hasn't done anything yet as a reason to not support him, since YOU would have to believe he was to expect so much of him so soon......follow?
2) Please tell the rest of us what the acceptable amount of optomisim or happiness would not offend the rest of you. "Some people are so happy, I want to hit them and make them unhappy" (a child said that, not Aristotle)
think about how true that is for so many people.
3) There is a honeymoon phase going on, are you familiar with that term?
4) As noted before....history has been made....the first..(half white/half black) ...if that makes you can't undo it.

5) lastly, the argument that he hasn't done anything yet to warrant anything like a mural being painted (to the poster from England) is soooo weak. He already did it. He is the first black President. MLK has schools and a you think a President can waltz through 4 years without doing anything? This is a no brainer.....He has made his place in American History by being POTUS! thats it...whatever he does from here will just determine the length of pages in the history books.

[edit on 30-1-2009 by Res Ipsa]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

Res Ipsa,

You have some real problems here.

MLK has schools and a holiday.....
Think this through carefully.

also here...

He is the first black President.

This is not a default setting to automatically play through unquestioned or unchallanged.

I dont think you or other people out here think it through. We are not interested in his blackness. We are intrested in his Americanism. We are not interested in his speechs. We are interested in how he is going to handle the buisness of the American People..not blackness or this or that...or whatever is the popular trend to keep and maintain power for the political parties.

He is the President. That is it ...period. He is not the Black president or the White President or an other stereotype. He is just as subject to scrutiny as any other president and all the baggage which goes with it. No default settings to automatically play through. No $200 after passing go.

That is actually it Res Ipsa...some people are tired of the stereotyping..the one way stereotyping and we expect more and better than this from our media and intellligences. We see it for what it is...stereotyping for political is not carrying out the buisness of the American People is firming up the position of the political parties. In the spirit of this is doing so even in the public school system at the expense of our children.


posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
He is not the Black president or the White President or an other stereotype.

Black is not a stereotype. If you have a problem with the phrase "the first black president", wait till we have the first woman president.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by exfed

How can a man who has only been in office little more than a week have done anything warranting approval? He never has done anything notable in his whole life

So then, neither have any of us.
Personally, I think he's done as much as he can so far, and that's a load more than Bush did.
Ethics requirements? Lowering the super high salaries of people who don't do anything worthy of making hundreds of thousands a year? Opening the doors to science? Trying to fix our economy? Trying to get democrats and republicans to negotiate? Going to presenting his ideas and speaking with the republicans even though he didn't need to?

I think that he's done many, many notable things. Even going back to the way that he helped so many people in Chicago's inner city.

You only hear what you want to hear. I do, too, but I am proud of the things that I am hearing.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:09 PM
I'm sorry if this has been pointed out already, but I don't have enough time to read through the whole thread right now.

My son, who is in 1st grade, came home yesterday saying that he didn’t want to go back to school anymore. So I asked him why? He said that during the Pledge of Allegiance the teacher put up a large image of Obama next to the flag. I asked him if he was sure of this and I suggested to him that maybe the teacher just put up an 8×10 photo of the president. He said, “No, it is a large picture of Obama and when we are done Ms. **** turns off the image.” I also asked if they did this for Bush last year? He again said, “No.” This was my sons first day back to school since before Christmas, he was on a 5 week track break.

Pay attention to what the child in 1st grade supposedly said. Does this really sound like how a young child talks? Most kids I know don't say "it is", they say "it's" and they don't frequently use the words "image" or "large".

Maybe I'm reading this too critically, but that just doesn't sound like it came from a 6 year old. My opinion is that this is a hoax by an anti-Obama to get people paranoid.

[edit on 30/1/2009 by cPrime]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I am replying to the post in which you supplied photographs of the people holding our DEFACED AMERICAN FLAGS!

I don't care if Obama actually is Jesus Christ reincarnated. You do NOT deface the American Flag like this without an act of Congress! The company or individuals that made this should be prosecuted to the full extent of our laws. THIS makes me angry.

(If Congress was to act approving of this, The United States of America really IS IN TROUBLE!)


[edit on 30-1-2009 by CreeWolf]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:48 PM
Some people are just out for blood and many people reject Obama as president. This may or may not be true, but I'm sure there's a lot of stories going around trying to make Obama look like the bad guy...

Either way...despite the fact that this story may be true or false, we run around every day slamming pieces of paper down with faces of presidents on them for our own personal gains. Sure we don't stare into the eyes of these faces and recite pledges, but the idea that we're holding them in such high regards like idols on our currency should be enough to make you want to puke.

The story seems fabricated as an attack on Obama.

And it looks like my intuition on that paid off...

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