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School children complain of "Obama Worship" during lessons!

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posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Ameneter

Originally posted by threelions

Admire are you kidding he hasnt done anything yet. Time will tell about whether he will be any good or not. Get a grip people everybody in the US is so crazy about obama.



Obama is the most over hyped over rated over exposed president ever. Im sick of his face. Every time i turn on the UK news- obama watch day 7 blah blah blah.

And for the record he is mixed race.
It is simple biology 1 race + another race = mixed race
However this simple equation seems too complicated for most journalists and media cretins to figure out.

Rant over sorry about that.

And another thing, why do so many of you keep on saying that Obama hasn't accomplished anything yet. Do you believe winning the Presidency was a cake-walk? Obama executed one of the most astounding wins in American history. The man's very name was enough to guarantee his loss, yet what he accomplished is of utmost historical importance. He has established a new paradigm in presidential elections. That's what he has accomplished so far. History is staring us in the face and we refuse to look at it and recognize it for what it is.

Yes he won the presidency but he hasnt actually accomplished anything for the country yet has he?

You dont have to amazing to be elected you can lie your way to office and then be a complete idiot while there. Remind you of anyone?

I just hate this all this obama is god stuff. The only thing hes done so far is closed guantanamo bay and we the suckers in the UK are being forced into accepting some of these very dangerous individuals.

We have enough terrorists already thanks obama. He has only been in 5 minutes and he is already endangering my country.
As far as im concerned if any of these people commit any crimes the blood is on obamas hands.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13

Originally posted by exfed

How can a man who has only been in office little more than a week have done anything warranting approval? He never has done anything notable in his whole life

So then, neither have any of us.

I've done what I've done. Some would call it quite notable, I think they can melt down all of my medals and make me a nice bicycle seat. I'm not trying to lead a nation, my only aspiration is to be the greatest man in the world to my wife and children.

You only hear what you want to hear. I do, too, but I am proud of the things that I am hearing.

It's not what I want to hear, it's what I don't hear... or rather don't see. Come on, Lincoln... half of what you see... NONE of what you hear.

[edit on 30-1-2009 by exfed]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Muundoggie
If I see a parade or rally that has people carrying huge images of Obama I will then be certain that this country is in trouble. Only a communist or socialist system does this kind of idolatry. If you see this kind of behavior in the U.S. it will be a sure sign we are going down the toilet.

I know what ya mean bud. But sadly, not long after 9/11, billboards began popping up in a few areas around the country with Dumbya's face and only the words "Our Leader" on them.

Our hand-basket should be burning up in the atmosphere while we descend into hell any moment now.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 09:02 PM
Hmm, putting an image of the president next to the flag, isn't that elevating him to the status of emperor or something?

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Son Of Liberty
a single man that only won his seat of power because he's black.

You must be very uninformed. That IS NOT why he was elected. Obama was elected because our country has been moving toward the Socialistic/Communist ideology that Obama spews for over 40 years now. Let's put the "blame" where it really lies, not on some racial mumbo-jumbo.

Now, honestly, I think Obama is well intentioned, but I too am quite disturbed by the way the media portrays him. A messiah he is not, yet, it seems that some of the powers that be wish for us to view him in such a light.

[edit on 30-1-2009 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by orangetom1999
He is not the Black president or the White President or an other stereotype.

Black is not a stereotype. If you have a problem with the phrase "the first black president", wait till we have the first woman president.

lol lol lol Benevolent Heritic. THe manner in which it is being used is to me a stereotype. I am not interested in it being spoon fed to me day in and day out.

I work with alot of black men in my occupation. I even put my life in thier hands from time to time and they do not fail me. Their blackness means nothing here in this line of work. What means something is thier character and ability to go the distance to get the work done...and safely.

Obama's blackness, or whatever the is the latest claim, means nothing to me. What is stereotyping is the manner in which the media and body politic use it over and over and over and over ad naseum. I am not interested in this type of political treadmill.

However in line with stereotyping have a point that when the first woman president is elected. It will be just as stereotyping and nauseating as well and for the same reasons I quoted above.


posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Originally posted by Son Of Liberty
a single man that only won his seat of power because he's black.

You must be very uninformed. That IS NOT why he was elected.

The Republicans have just elected a black leader in a calculated move to keep up with the Democrats. What makes you think the Democrats didn't push Obama to the top of the pile to win the election using his colour?

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Lazyninja

Hmmmm...I didn't know this..Interesting development. Thanks for the update here. Yes I see and would tend to agree..The Republicans as well are going to attempt to play the race card as well as the sex card in order to level the playing field.

Somehow I dont think from either party it will be for the benefit of the public but instead for the political parties.

I recall reading some history books many years back where the authors were quoting some of the early founders about the dangers of a political party system. It would seem that there were some merits to thier arguments. We are talking the early 1800s here.


posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

You are comparing apple and oranges.

1) of course he is going to be critically viewed as any other President
2) but his place in history is already done.

George Washington wouldn't have had to have done anything and his place in history wouldn't have changed. 1st President of U.S. Obama is first "minority" it is what it is....what is so hard to understand about that?

Does that ensure he will go down as a great President? absurbed to assume that. But it doesn't take a Nostradamous to know that there will be schools named after him. Is Sputnik significant in history for any other reason than it was the 1st?

200yrs from now even the most dim witted kids will know who George Washington and Barak Obama were. Even if Obama does as wonderful of a job as Bush.....can you see how they are seperate issues?

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
reply to post by Lazyninja

Hmmmm...I didn't know this..Interesting development. Thanks for the update here. Yes I see and would tend to agree..The Republicans as well are going to attempt to play the race card as well as the sex card in order to level the playing field.

Somehow I dont think from either party it will be for the benefit of the public but instead for the political parties.

I recall reading some history books many years back where the authors were quoting some of the early founders about the dangers of a political party system. It would seem that there were some merits to thier arguments. We are talking the early 1800s here.


....I miss the point of this. Are you saying that any "significant" founding father was arguing against political parties as a whole or just whining about the other side?
....grabbing a date....1787....from that point on we have always had at least 2 major parties that fought each other all the time. Malbury v Madison was a great example between Adams and Jefferson. The writing of the Constitution between the Federalist and Anti-Federalist.
I don't think it is a stretch to say that America is what it is today because of the two party system.
So I don't understand you argument, either that or you ability to look back into the past is way better than your ability to look into the future.
a) you think the Country would have been better served with one party
(your look into the past) and
b) you think Obama has to achieve anything more to get schools named for him. (your look into the future)

((( When Jackie Robinson got into MLB, did other teams start getting black players because another team had one? Was it to sell more tickets because, hey look, we got ourselves a black guy too?)))) retarded thinking

[edit on 31-1-2009 by Res Ipsa]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

Apples to oranges. I don't think so. I am not at all interested in his history or this "historical moment...but his impact on Americans..not his history making. Understand the difference??...We are both talking apples and oranges here.

I don't care one whit about his blackness nor his historical significance. I care about his Americanism. What he is going to do for the people of this country. I also don't care one whit what he is going to do for the political party which represents him....but what he is going to do for the American People. I have learned over the years that the political parties are not the same as the American people.

Do not mistake a historical moment for an impact on the American People. When you try to pass this off as excellence to me, you are yourself doing apples and oranges. I am not interested in this template of yours. History itself has clearly shown in many nations/peoples that glory and human glorification is a fleeting thing. Hence I don't get all enthusiastic over such things. I refer especially to the glorification of human beings.

With this glorification in mind..I will not be worshiping in front of the television during the super bowl game tomorrow night. It is my way and the very way I think. I will be doing other things than such glorification.


Post script,

While it has been years since I have read it I recall the debate over the political parties system is that it soon enough becomes about the business of the political parties not about the business of the people. Issues come up and are used/misused to keep the parties in power..not to handle the business of the people.
What the history reads is that there is some merit to the argument some of them had back then. The strange actions of our House and Senate members paint a clear picture that it is maneuvering about the parties not the business of the people.

This is how a hijacking takes place. The careful and planned substitution of the business of the American people for the vote getting apparatus of the political parties.
When someone states that they own this party or that party..they are clearly saying to me that they own the country...the people do not own it but the political party. This is not a representative form of government after that takes place. Was this not the statement of own the democratic party?? I think this template goes back much further than

What alarms me is that to my limited knowledge the opposing party has not presented this view. This is very telling to me about the Republicans as well. Thus indicating to me there is little difference in the two political parties.

One more thing..I am not just talking here about on a federal level..but on a state and local level as well.

food for thought for some of us.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by orangetom1999]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
reply to post by Res Ipsa

Apples to oranges. I don't think so. I am not at all interested in his history or this "historical moment...but his impact on Americans..not his history making. Understand the difference??...We are both talking apples and oranges here.

I don't care one whit about his blackness nor his historical significance. I care about his Americanism. What he is going to do for the people of this country. I also don't care one whit what he is going to do for the political party which represents him....but what he is going to do for the American People. I have learned over the years that the political parties are not the same as the American people.

Do not mistake a historical moment for an impact on the American People. When you try to pass this off as excellence to me, you are yourself doing apples and oranges. I am not interested in this template of yours.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by orangetom1999]

You should have said this in the first place. So then you understand that there will be schools and streets named after him? For historical purposes not for "excellence" per se. I do love the, "Do not mistake a historical moment for an impact on the American People." quote.....I think by definition it impacts American People or it wouldn't be "historic"

So fine, you don't care about the historic don't be all up in arms for schools creating murals of him....its all historic stuff....not "excellence" since obviously he hasn't done anything yet to merit it.
Apples=historic.......Oranges=excellence....or (has done anything to merit the love and adulation of Obamamanics) Are you getting the picture? lovin the template yet?

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

Res Ipsa,

Apparently the historical significance of what you say about schools and streets escapes you at the moment. The point I was making some posts up about MLK is that he was dead when all this which you seem to think is so historic transpired.

Have we gotten so ignorant and uninformed about history that we must now glorify people who are still living in such a manner? Are we this hard up today such that the media must create our heros for us..even before they have carried out the poeples buisness??

They can name all the schools and streets for them they want ..I will not be jumping up and down for joy..for Obama or any other President. I am not so deceived by the political party apparatus of this country ..from either party. This is a media political party creation ..for the purposes of the political party..not the American People. It would be no different if someone else won.

You're incorrect you here...I do care about historical stuff...I just dont think this is historical in the manner most seem wont to jump on the bandwagon. The measure of a President is how they perform in the test of time..not just immediately being sworn in. Can we be so far gone and desperate we no longer know this??

The template being followed is false and by this people can be easily mislead. But it makes them feel good till the liquior wears off and the sun comes up.


[edit on 1-2-2009 by orangetom1999]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 12:21 PM
Sadly, Obama worship is in Canada too. Hell, I'm a Newfoundlander and we were forced to watch the inauguration in class. I'm glad that I was home sick on the Inauguration day.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by ShadeWolf
Sadly, Obama worship is in Canada too. Hell, I'm a Newfoundlander and we were forced to watch the inauguration in class. I'm glad that I was home sick on the Inauguration day.

Good Grief ShadeWolf,

I am glad to hear that someone in Canada is capable of thinking for themselves and not just on the emotional bandwagon. It gives me hope for Canadians. Well stated ShadeWolf..well stated.

Most of the Canadians I meet on line are way out there somewhere in Never Never Land to various degrees. It saddens me to see that someone or some group out there wants most Americans as well to follow this template.


posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 12:43 PM
Its lucifarian freemasonry being used to attempt to indoctrinate and initiate using spell craft. Hence the term of masonry is "the craft" we all remember the movie.

Anyway. Id home school.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by mastermind77
Its lucifarian freemasonry being used to attempt to indoctrinate and initiate using spell craft. Hence the term of masonry is "the craft" we all remember the movie.

Anyway. Id home school.

Interesting post mastermind. Why do you use the term "Luciferian??"

I am curious about the use of this term verses others.

No I have not seen the movie. I know of it but never desired to watch it.

Agree that alot of it is indoctrination. By the way...To what lodge do you think Obama belongs?? How about his wife???


posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 12:43 AM
This should not come as a surprise since Obama says & does nothing to stop people from treating him like he is the new messiah.

A man of more humble manners would ask that the populace not treat him as some kind of savior.

His Truth Squad will continue to ensure this type of worship.

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