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School children complain of "Obama Worship" during lessons!

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posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:05 AM
Which founding fathers? Some would lose their minds that there is a black man as President.

...the argument that Obama hasn't done anything and then "poof" he is the President.....this is an awesome example of the hypocrisy soooooo many people on ATS have displayed...(not picking on you)

1) many of you do not trust anyone in politics
2) any politician must have sold out to someone or has to be in someone's back pocket and they are just more of the same.
3) AND this is the kicker.....these same people, who say this, also argue out of the other side of their mouth; "who is this guy? what has he done? nothing? Show me birth certificate. Palin is more qualified.
....who in the hell do you people want to see as President? Do you realize that some of the greatest, civic minded, and capable people in the U.S. would never ever run for President because they wouldn't want to run the media guantlet of modern day politics. What President in History would have survived? Lincoln? hardly.
....anyone with a long history in politics these days have probably survived doing things and catering to people that they regret, but maybe they think they are doing more good than bad, the ends justifies the means type thinking....cough.
....But here we have Obama.....he moved too quickly to allow special interests and others to sink their claws into him. They too are probably asking themselves..."what happened? how did he get elected?"

So when some of you argue that "we don't know him" you should think that is a good thing.....then move on and ask the question "ok, does the guy have a brain in his head and what rhetoric or philosophy is coming out of his mouth".....then after getting that answer.....move on to asking, "ok, has he done anything to back up his rhetoric? and/or "has he done anything that flys in the face of his rhetoric" that point you can join the rest of us that want to believe and do believe this Country can be preserved and dare we dream, better than how we remembered it when we were kids.
....we have a rare man in office right now, and at the right time, but yes, even the Patroits can lose a football game but what team do you want to hitch your wagon to between...the Detroit Lions or the New England Patriots?
Giving the man a chance is the very least that a true American can do...
some of you haven't even made an attempt to hide your ignorance and couldn't just wait until he did something you could shout "AH HA...SEE I TOLD ALL YOU SHEEPLE" You guys have jumped on him from the moment Roberts screwed up the Oath and even before. "duh, he didn't have his hand on the Bible the 2nd time...duh, that be meaning he evil"
I guarentee you that he is going to make some sweeeeet mistakes for you and Fox to jump at.....but at least wait until he does....because at this point you have shown nothing more than your "true colors" and you aren't too imaginitive in your color selection.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:06 AM
I don't believe a word that the OP posted. Is ATS becoming a disinformation center? How can people believe crap like this? Or is this just another incredible thread to sow seeds of discord among the gullible American public? How much does anyone want to bet that this will turn out to be nothing but a hoax?

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Ameneter


I am going to take your post as a sarcastic joke.

Would you like to give us some more substance of what you think instead of just a blind attack of the free thinking people of this site?

What do you think of Obama?

What do you think of the worship of Obama (not talking about this story)

Is Obama your Savior or Messiah?

In your opinion should people be punished for questioning Obama?

People are here to see stories and reports like this and to be able to DISCERN and come up with their own conclusion of what is going on and to think for themself's instead of to just blindly believe what some one sided cooperate sponsored, scripted reading journalist you have a problem with this?

If so, why are you here?

P.S. I would like for you to respond please. I will be very interested to hear your answers to these questions.

[edit on 1/29/09 by housegroove23]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by orderedchaos

Now this was written by a Child:

“You are the best because you are the first African American president in the United States of America!”

This is all I notice about Obama as well and I'm nearly half a century old.

Perhaps even more disturbing is that there is no significant authoritative pressure pushing this kind of activity in schools. Clearly the teachers instigating the activities in the incidents related above are doing so of their own will, the phenomenon is a cultural one.

It is one thing for naive adults to buy into such groupthink, but to also subject young children to this, a mentality akin to the desperate prole worship of Big Brother in George Orwell’s 1984, is profoundly foreboding for any so called free society.

Children cannot grasp Politics their still learning the three R's so how would they Know well they don't!
This is filling childrens heads with meaning less crap! it's actually Brainwashing.


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:53 AM
I was always against brainwashing kids in schools (religion an politics). Prayer, anyone ?

I sincerely hope that this gets much more wide spread...That is the only way we would get rid of Pledge of Allegiance in schools (I'm sure that republicans would be the first to jump on it)

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:54 AM
And here we have another totally anonymous hit piece with no evidence to back it up, and many are up in arms alluding to the fact Obama-worship is reaching dangerous levels (which, if you read between the lines, means he is either the anti-Christ or the next Hitler), our liberties are being taken away, and our youth are being indoctrinated, bla, bla, bla.

How very odd that a five year old 1st grader is already so entrenched by his parent's idealogies that he pledges to a flag and Obama picture and realizes he is being indoctrinated.

How very odd that the man's wife 'volunteers at the school' and is able to describe Obama, the number of flags behind him, how large the picture is, and how far away from the students it is, but doesn't remember if his hand is on his heart after checking the picture out in 3 of the 5 classrooms?

How very odd that this concerned mother, who I hope has a relationship with the teacher after volunteering for the first semester, doesn't ask the teacher why they pledge to Obama and not the flag? How very odd she doesn't ask the principal, or any of the other teachers. Apparently, she's too fragile and innocent to have a backbone when it comes to her child.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 12:11 PM
Assuming that this story is confirmed, it seems no different to me than children in the past being forced to worship Hitler or Chairman Mao. Schools are filled with predominantly liberal educators, which is bad enough. Even these educators should know better than to hold a praise Obama session. A public school is not the place for adults to inflict their political beliefs, whatever they are, on children of tender years. If I were a patron of that school district, I would be raising Hell with everyone from the superintendent of schools on down. This in spite of the fact that I have no children of school age.

[edit on 1/29/2009 by TheAvenger]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Avenginggecko


Some people are here too take information from stories and reports like this and connect the dots and eventually see a not so pretty picture of what is really going on here. It seems to me that you see the dots but you are denying that they even exist.

If you really pay attention to what really is going out there in the world, reports like this is just a small sliver to what the big picture really is.

Would this story have more meaning to you if you heard it from a one sided cooperate sponsored, scripted reading journalist, NOT from Fox News but from Msnbc or CNN or AP or Huffington Post or NPR?

[edit on 1/29/09 by housegroove23]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 12:51 PM
People please listen!

I am so happy with the fact that we finally have an African American President! It is awesome it really, really is!

But we need to put that aside now and look at what is really happening here. Its not about black and white or the fake left and right political parties and its not even about Obama!

Its all about a false ideology that is being brainwashed into the minds of not just the American people but the whole world!

People I plead with you, please just please consider what I am saying here!

If you can just consider what I am trying to tell you then all you need to do is too read the following detailed analysis:

If you read that analysis and really pay attention to what it is saying then you will be fully awake to what is really happening here. Everything is all laid out in that article for you.

Please, Please Read It!

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

Res Ipsa,

Elvis was an entertainer, not a politician. So too where the others you mentioned.

I do know this difference. I don't also worship or idolize politicians. I do know the difference. I wont even worship the gods of sports. I know this difference as well.


....But here we have Obama.....he moved too quickly to allow special interests and others to sink their claws into him. They too are probably asking themselves..."what happened? how did he get elected?"

I disagree totally. Politics has become heavily about marketing. Presentation. Obama was handpicked over a candidate with experience in politics because he was more marketable to a wider spectrum of voters. Race as well as sex was indeed one of the dominant factors in this election. Careful preparation for this particular election day has been put in place for over 20 years now. It was judged the proper time and proper candidate based on timing and marketability conditioning.

As to special interests. I disagree once again. It is merely a matter of determining who his handlers are...just like any other president.

One thing William Jefferson Clinton was able to clear up for me ..though I have been thinking along this line for years that the requirements/standards for the office of President of the United States are not as high as most of us think. This is particularly true if one sees the office through the politics of Marketing Strategies for votes. I am sure that this is applicable to many Republicans as well.

I agree with numerous of the posters on this thread...public school is not for this type of brainwashing or idol worship. It should be a place where fundamentals are put in place on which students can profitably use to direct their thinking and abilities in later ages. Reading Writing and Arithmetic. Not political brainwashing.

IN case you dont get it ..we are talking about our Children here ...not Obama per se. This is not pro or anti Obama.. but about our children being used as pawns in a school system financed by politicians.

What does it say about the body politic when it becomes obvious over the years that they are leaning heavily down into the public school system to get predictable controllable votes from a gullible emotional electorate when they come of age.
I can take this much further but this will suffice for now.

This knowledge of which I speak and these trends of which many describe are an offense to many. Many do not like the trend of manipulation which the media and now many zealots in the school systems tend to try to get over on a gullible and uninformed public. Even on our children.
They are particularly offended when they detect that their children are being subject to this programming and choose to speak out so.
Many did not like it in previous administrations and the trends going on then. This type of trend has only been magnified since back then.

I agree with what Zelong has stated here.

“You are the best because you are the first African American president in the United States of America!”

This is all I notice about Obama as well and I'm nearly half a century old.

I have a longer attention span than many folks I know and require more feedback than "This is the first African American President of the United States."

I am not an emotional trainwreck and have somehow escaped most of this type of programming... Sports conditioning, Hollywood and television menus.

I am not interested in his African Americanism. I am interested in his Americanism.

Children cannot grasp Politics their still learning the three R's so how would they Know well they don't!
This is filling childrens heads with meaning less crap! it's actually Brainwashing.


Agree with Zelong again here..well stated olde man. Well stated.


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Oceanborn
Well,even if this is true,is it Obama's fault that someone is "worshiping" him or whatever?Blame the looney who actually does that thing.

- I blame him for this because of all his narcassistic self-messianic rhetoric that he droned on and on with during the election cycle.

- I blame the poor souls who lapped it up and who now subject the rest of us to their worship-Obama delusions.

One more day .. just one more day .. and that nutter substitute teacher will be outta the school. Some of the parents complained. The principle left the woman in the classroom. Lack of subs, flu & cold season, .... BAH!

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by housegroove23
reply to post by Avenginggecko


Some people are here too take information from stories and reports like this and connect the dots and eventually see a not so pretty picture of what is really going on here. It seems to me that you see the dots but you are denying that they even exist.

If you really pay attention to what really is going out there in the world, reports like this is just a small sliver to what the big picture really is.

Stating this is a report is a little false: it is a an unsubstantiated story that obviously has an agenda to sow fear into people who are so warped by the last years of vitriolic partisanship that they can't see past their own agenda and would rather assume the worst than work for the best.

I am really paying attention to what is going on in the world, and for the first time in awhile, the majority is optimistic that we can turn this country around, and the world is hopeful that we can do something to better humanity.

Can I see the dots? Yes, I can. I can see the dots that certain people are creating to further their own cause at the expense of truth, so that conspirators, idealogues, and partisans can draw their own false conclusions and trumpet their fear as prophecy of a coming doom.

Would this story have more meaning to you if you heard it from a one sided cooperate sponsored, scripted reading journalist, NOT from Fox News but from Msnbc or CNN or AP or Huffington Post or NPR?

[edit on 1/29/09 by housegroove23]

This story would have more meaning to me if it wasn't anonymous, unsubstantiated, and obviously fake. There are certain basics to reporting that anyone, regardless of the source, should follow.

I'll leave you with this.

From my post:

And here we have another totally anonymous hit piece with no evidence to back it up, and many are up in arms alluding to the fact Obama-worship is reaching dangerous levels (which, if you read between the lines, means he is either the anti-Christ or the next Hitler), our liberties are being taken away, and our youth are being indoctrinated, bla, bla, bla.

And from the post immediately following mine:

Assuming that this story is confirmed, it seems no different to me than children in the past being forced to worship Hitler or Chairman Mao.

I believe this proves my point quite nicely. Fear is an amazingly effective tool, it's just too bad so many let themselves succumb to it so readily.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by orderedchaos

So it seems forum posts by angry republicans have become fact, chronicled, and confirmed
. You lost, get the hell over it. I left the Republican Party when I realized it had "evolved" into standing for nothing.

[edit on 29-1-2009 by NativeAmerican]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:04 PM
People are really excited to get a new president and I can understand that, it is a great point in history. But that is going tooo far!
He should at least have his hand over his heart.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

Ok, easy there. I know what you are saying, I'm sure we all do though I cannot honestly speak for everyone, but you are missing the point. I'm all for giving this guy a chance, I wasn't happy when George W. Bush got elected but I still gave him a chance to prove what he could do, just like I'm giving our current commander in chief a chance to prove me wrong. The reason why I personally question President Obama isn't so much the guy himself (even though I don't really care much for his policies) I'm questioning the Iconic status he was given without any reason. Think about it, no president ever got this kind of buzz before, not one that I'm aware of. The past President's of recent times at least did something that people were aware of, this man just kind of appeared out of nowhere, nobody knew him, but the Chicago media really built up his "legend". Now whether or not Obama orchestrated this or not, is pretty hard to prove, but regardless of how you look at it he would have been stupid to not jump on the "savior" role in which the media inspired the people to believe in. This whole thing from when he became Senator to now makes me think of American Idol. Now, even though seeing as this is a conspiracy site, one could easily say that the movies/shows that had a black president and Idol was the way we were buttered up, or "trained" to react once a man like Obama appears. But that's just going off course a bit. lol

But what I notice in your post is pretty much the same kind of response I get when I've asked people why they support him. Before he was elected, all I got back from them was the reciting of his campaign phrases and promises, and that he is not Bush. Other responses were, "well, he speaks well, so he must be intelligent, unlike Bush who can't put a sentence together." or "well, he looks good, he's young, has a great smile, he is just great!" But if you questioned him, you were automatically looked at or called a racist or a fool. I'm not questioning his policies, or whether or not he is the right man for the job in this thread. I just want to know why he is getting this pop star, worship status without any reason other than the fact that he speaks well and is not Bush. I hoping that the answer isn't because we are an American Idol possessed nation that makes Paris Hilton a star. People make choices based on what is currently "in", rather than actually giving anything any real thought nor do they get themselves educated to come up with their own conclusions, but instead find it easier to just go with what's in style.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Maybe it is a fake story. But the feelings felt towards this man certainly aren't fake. People DO worship Obama regardless of this story's accuracy.

Personally, I don't know what to think of the man yet...
But I do know that throughout history, there have been several people who are extremely ambitious, known for spreading the message of change or hope, are seen as idealists, are worshiped by countless people, and are seen as the "messiah" or "savior".

The funny thing is, all the people I can think of who share these traits end up turning into something that the public could never have imagined.
For that reason alone, I believe that no one should worship another man - or believe that he/she is incapable of failing.
So much trust in one person makes the act of betrayel a very possible outcome...

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:09 PM
I don't know if the article is true but I do know this when I walk into any store or watch TV these days.

There are Obama magazines telling me how "historic" his election is, Obama cups, Obama bags, Obama puzzles, Obama collectors coins, Obama shirts, Obama Decks of Cards, Obama novelty toys, Obama this, Obama that!

I told my wife I've never seen so much "crap" about one man since Elvis. This guy is being made more of a celebrity than anything! The bailouts, the publicity, the media's obsession with him is nothing but Democrats trying to gain all the ground they've lost over the years. The media ESPECIALLY has no excuse for their "love affair" with this guy. He is the most glorified empty suit I have ever seen!

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by CreeWolf

So you are saying the election of our countries leader who happens to be black. You know the people Americans enslaved, raped, and killed is not historic? Not to be a jerk, but that may in fact be the most ignorant comment I have seen yet on ATS.

If you are truly a Cree "Indian" as you claim then you should understand the importance of a people who have been enslaved, rising up and ruling the very country that enslaved them.

[edit on 29-1-2009 by NativeAmerican]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Cio88
This is what Obama-Mania leads to.

Im am pretty sure this is really happening. MY youngest brother is 13 and attends the school that I attended. He has said to me that stuff like this is happening. He said that anyone who didnt agree with Obama or support him was scolded.. by classmates and teachers.

Like my old sig said... Obama mania leads to ignorance in denial.

I have two children, one in Elementary, one in High School....Nope...have not heard a thing about anyone scolding anyone in regards to their political thinking. Children seem far more intelligent in their discussions with each other in regards to differing opinions than adults do sometimes.

During election season both children had discussions etc in their classes, no one was "scolded" for their opinions and in all actuality they were ENCOURAGED, no matter how they thought/felt to share that with each other. In Elementary my son is in the gifted and talented class, they actually had debates and elections in class, he loved it, learned a lot, and everyone was encouraged to state their opinions no matter who they were supporting. My High School child told me she enjoyed the debates they had in her honors classes, and that everyone was encouraged to share who they supported and the reasons why. Seems that what was taking place was teaching them how to research information, disagree and debate with each other without calling each other names, or being idiots.

My daughter supported Obama, her best friend supported McCain. They are still best friends. Grown up should take some advice from these two girls, they have different opinions, and still are best friends.

My daughter does not feel Obama is a god or messiah or whatever repubs keep claiming. She feels he is.....wait for it.....wait.....this will be a very shocking admission........a man, a human who just MIGHT do some good for this country.


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:25 PM
It’s hard to tell what portion of the Obama mania driving the world right now is purely commercial for profit enterprise to drive profitable novelty sales and what portion if any has an even more sinister underlying political motive behind it.

The truth is whether you are for him or against him; democrat or republican there is no denying this man has been branded in a manner no different than Pepsi or Coke. Everything about seems to be Madison Avenue driven and calculated in a way that he in many ways is the sum total of every poll that asks what are you the consumer/voter looking for in this, this and this, and then hocus pocus he just happens to fit the bill.

It’s wonderful the racial divide has finally fallen, that Democrats can have an opportunity to change if they are capable policies most of them voted for anyway in the last eight years.

The world is really though in to precarious a situation to entrust it’s future blindly without question to a man whose greatest credentials to date seem to be garnering the love of the masses.

He is a mortal man and the vehemence that many Obama supporters lash out with when anyone questions or criticizes the man is frightening already.

He would be a fool to not be aware of the unique advantages his cult like popularity awards him with.

Time is going to tell whether he has the wisdom to use that productively for the good of American society and government, not rabid defenders who practically seek to criminalize questions or criticisms.

This is a man and a situation that bears close and constant scrutiny like no other, especially and even more so coming on the heels of the man he replaces.

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