posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:24 PM
Only under conditions.
Follow the money & power trail. There will always be a lot of big money & power leading to the ones behind the Disclosure. There has to be solutions
to our current energy problem, i.e. new technologies that provide "free energy." Free energy will have a "price" however.
As for the power elite, they will have their price which we must pay as well. It will be called "Amnesty." They will require a mandatory pardon
which will allow them to become untouchables. (this was put forward by Jim Sparks) All of the power elite who have been pulling the puppet strings
for generations, allowing all of this deniable mysterious crap to occur to us, (Aunt Sally's hair falling out & subsequent cancer, Gramp's nervous
meltdown during his military service 'cause he saw 2 dead ETs, cousin Tim's missing time episodes, etc.) will need an all expense paid resort island
to retire on. They need these perks for keeping us safe from ET & our own demise for the past 70 years.
I could carry on a lot farther, but I hope that I have made my point clear enough.
Oh & do not be beguiled by this President if he does release the mostly blacked out documents. He's not stupid. He went to Harvard University. So
long as he follows the rules by his paymasters he will be fine.