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Universal Federation?

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posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Vegemite
You claim to have made contact with extraterrestrials. So surely you wouldnt mind telling me why they are obsessed about anal probing and making cropcircles and mutilating cows.

The aliens and what humans think and say about the aliens are two different things. The obsessiveness you are asking me about is only coming from the humans. The more humans keep repeating that they have heard these things, the more the humans think that makes them more true. That is what the humans' whole ufo field is made of. Isn't that funny?

Except, the aliens really do create crop formations. Except, humans create a lot of hoaxes of them too.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by mOjOm
Ok, well how about this 'what if...' since we are all throwing in our 2 cents here.

FYI, While reading the following 'what if' idea, take extra notice to the key words with '...' around them. Most specifically, the single word 'I' that should be read in the first person. Meaning that 'I' refers to the individual who is reading it. This way, the entire idea itself should then take on the 1st person perspective. If this sounds weird, don't worry, it will make sense as you begin reading....

What if, this whole Reality Construct or Paradigm' is nothing more than the Pre-Established Scenario of which 'I' have designed and which 'I' am the only Real Player?
'I' have designed it purposefully so that all attempts to trick the Construct into proving that 'I AM' the only '1' have been accounted for. However, the most likely goal of the game is to Know beyond any doubt that 'I AM' in fact the only player while everything and every '1' else is simply what 'I' have Constructed in order to hide such possibility of Knowing it.

There are plenty of Clues however, all of which are not only available, but essentially are impossible to miss since Everything in one way or another will lead to the same conclusion if followed to it's end. For example, there are some known conseptual ideas which 'I' understand without any explanation required, showing that All is Programmed, Designed and Specificly Manifest as 'I' observe it, such as:
Patterns of Duality; Black/White, Hot/Cold, Up/Down, etc. which all are a form of Binary 0 & 1. Even Quantum Physics, ElectroMagnetics, Polarity, Sexuality, etc. They all can be broken into + or -, Positive & Negative, In & Out, Male & Female, This & That, Here or There. Yet, this still is not enough so that 'I' Know 'I AM' the only 1.

The more 'I' try and prove that 'I' have Created All 'I' Observe, the more the Construct Demonstrates the other. How far will 'I' need to go to do this? 'I' have even prepared Movies like 'The Matrix, Truman Show, Dark City, etc.' to help teach the consept. 'I' have prepared countless avenues of various kinds and various degrees to show that 'I AM' only 'Playing' a character in a Game, or a Part in a Movie or 'Play'. Religions, Novels, Poetry, Mathematics, Science, Music, Everything! All are of the same design with the same basis in some way, and all point to '1' source. Can 'I' figure out that source?

'I' don't require knowledge of anything to Know what 'I' need to achieve the Goal, but it's there anyway, both to lead and mislead. It's not so much that 'I' need to Find the Truth, 'I' could simply remember that 'I' forgot in the first place. Could such a thing really be possible? The fact that 'I AM' wondering about it being possible would mean, if true, it proves exactly why 'I AM' not yet free from the Construct itself. How 'ManyThings' will 'I' need to find before 'I' Know there is 'NoThing' which hides the source 'I' seek?


You are absolutely RIGHT. Everything in this world is a pattern of either an A or a B, or if you choose 0 and 1, left and right, top or bottom, positive or negative. EVERYTHING MUST conform to this rule. Color for example is a construction of multiple "things" that are either turned "on" or "off" the pattern of which forms a specific "color". This particle, the "origin" particle is the smallest "bit" of indivisiable matter consisting of only two states of being. For the "origin" particle is the very tapestry that all matter is built from. Take for example, the process of parid laser prototyping using modeled acyrlic. You start with a pool of acyrlic material ie "raw matter" then using your software driven, CAD system a laser builds a 3D model in the acrylic one layer at a time. Any 3D object that can fit in the tank can be constructed. Although it is simply a model of the object and lacks the ability to change shape or have various colors and shading the basic process of laying down layer upon layer of "information" until a 3D object is formed is the same. If even in a vacuum, what we know is existence is simply layers of "origin" particles layered in such a way, that denotes the lack of any other "real" substance then we can begin to understand the very fabric of every "real" matter. As being simply the unique "layered" model of "origin" particles that define what "it" is.

Think of how a 3D animation is programmed in the software. Here is a simplified example, Take a cube having length and width and height of equal dimension, lets say 1,000 pixels or "points". So 1,000 x 1,000 x 1,000. Each "point" within the cube then is defined by three markers. The center point within the "cube" could then be 500,500,500. So at this point the "cube" is "empty" while "empty" is really only a concept the space is really just devoid of any features that are different than a surrounding feature ie every "point" within the "cube" may be white. Now lets program point 500,500,500 (the center "point") to be black. Now when you "look" into the cube it is no longer "empty" there exists now a black dot in the middle of an empty white "room". Now lets build on the black dot and call 500,500,501 black as well. Now within the room is a small black line consisting of two "points" in length and 1 point in depth and width. 500,500,502 being black and now we have a line that is 3 points in length etc. Now lets pretend that this line is a a pencil in your surrounding "enviroment" and you simply move your pencil 1/2 inch away from you. Back inside the "cube" our three "point" line has changed from the position 500,500,500-502 to the position 501,500,500-502. And the "space" that it used to be in 500,500,500-502 has now reverted back to just the "white" state of being. The "information" that describes the "pencil" in reality has now moved onto the adjacent "origin" particle. And the previous "origin" particle has now returned to its previous state. The action in which we apply to the movement of the pencil in reality is called "force". We precieve that the pencil has moved "through" the air and now rests in the location that we left it. The "true reality" is that the "information" that describes the pencil into "being" has been relocated to its new "position" within the "cube". Our bodies move through this "cube" in same fashion, because somewhere in our brain is the ability to "send" the "information" to the new location. Thus creating precieved movement. This could also explain telekenisis as not being a process by which "force" is applied to an object to make it "move" but rather a process by which the "information" that is the object is "re-assigned" to a new location. Since the act of de-materializing and re-materializing consists of trillions of "origin" particles the object must move through the space one adjacent "origin" particle at a time. Making the object "appear" to float through mid air. Or move under it own power. So therefore Telekenisis is not "pushing" an object but more like "sending" it to its desired location. The critical component then, just like in a software program is knowing "where" to send the "information" to and knowing how to fully describe the object so that it may manifest itself in the new location. This could also describe any number of "magic" workings from the times of anitquity. Reserving only the most "enlightned" people to fully understand the workings of GOD's creation. Ie Moses and the staff of snakes. Or the many wonders of Jesus, wine from water, the act of multiplication. See Jesus did not make bread appear from nothing, he replicated it since he "knew" the construction of the "information" which was the bread, he simply changed the surrounding "free space" to mimic that which was the bread, so he did with the fish. The "water" was already is the state of a liquid and I bet there is a small passage left out of the gospel that says that Jesus placed a "drop" of wine into the water in the barrell and behold the whole of the water was now wine. This one small drop of wine is all Jesus needed to assimilate the remaining water into wine. Knowing the construction of the one "wine drop" Jesus could re-configure the water into the "information" that would then describe it to be wine. This soley because he is a part of GOD, being that he was the purest example of GOD in human form.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
No matter what names you call me or what you say about me or my family and friends, or my information or the alien races that visit Earth, you can only be completely wrong, because you do not know anything at all about any of it. You are no authority of any kind.
I don't believe I extended my "name calling" to your Family or Friends but hey...whatever gets you to sleep. You have no truthful information on any simply have a fertile imagination or a serious mental problem. Nothing more. I'm not an authority of any kind? I don't need to be to spot a fake.

Originally posted by EarthSister
It is not wrong on this planet in any society to be paid for honest work. On the other hand, taking anything without paying for it is stealing and that is against all laws- all federal and state and world laws, as well as all spiritual and moral laws. Even nonprofit organizations have to charge material fees for products and services. That is just the way life is. It costs money to produce jewelry. Are you saying I should not produce jewelry? Or are you saying I should produce it and give it away for free? LOL!
So what you're saying is...these alien species and their federation gave you the full rights to their images, ideals and logos? They granted you the merchandising rights on Earth?

Originally posted by EarthSister
It sounds to me like you are trying to steal from me.
Wow, paranoia on top of greed and overactive imagination. I have no need to steal anobodies propaganda lol...

Originally posted by EarthSister
I don't use crystals or "hump" them, and what exactly does that mean? I hope to God it does not mean what I think you are accusing me of because that would be slander of an indecent kind which is another crime you are committing while you are accusing me of committing it, and it would also be reason for the moderators to ban you from ever posting in this forum again.
You might like to take notice that I've made it quite clear several times that everything I have said regarding you is my OPINION and isn't based on any fact much like your aliens. I am entitled to my opinion...even on this board.

Originally posted by EarthSister
My video does not cost $30.00.

$'re splitting hairs. That's a tad childish. Hey...I thought you said it wasn't YOUR video?

Originally posted by EarthSister
You really should get all your facts straight before you publicly slander and accuse an innocent person of committing crimes like conspiracy to commit cultist murder by poison.

This forum is a perfectly appropriate place for me to post my knowledge, experience, ideas and opinions about alien life. That is exactly what this forum is for, and you are not in charge of it. You do not own it and you do not get to decide what can be posted. If you do not believe anything I say, that is just fine by me. You have no right to badmouth me or attack me or call me names in any way for any reason.

Now, Preest, I would appreciate it if you would please either talk to and about me appropriately or stop talking to and about me at all. Which will it be?
I plan to continue to greet this type of junk head on. You are entitled to your opinion as I am mine. I do not plan to step away from your topic or anybody elses...I take extraterrestrial life seriously and feel imaginations like yours are important for dreamers but dangerous to impressionable believers with serious voids in their you plan to hand people any poison for suicide? Of course not(hopefully)...but how far is somebody else willing to go when they claim your copyrighted aliens spoke to them and told them to shed their earthly flesh?

Believing in extraterrestrial life is slowly becoming accepted and it's people like you and your ideas and "facts" like this that set this belief back.

I don't like your garbage and don't plan to stop saying don't like my opinions and feel I have no right to speak it...we agree to disagree.

[Edited on 4-13-2004 by Preest]

[Edited on 4-13-2004 by Preest]

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 02:43 PM

I don't use crystals or "hump" them, and what exactly does that mean? I hope to God it does not mean what I think you are accusing me of because that would be slander of an indecent kind which is another crime you are committing while you are accusing me of committing it, and it would also be reason for the moderators to ban you from ever posting in this forum again.

Just curious Earth Sister, have you ever been involved with the CHurch of Scientology?


posted on Jun, 1 2004 @ 12:45 PM
Type in your URL Omega Files about the second one down or so by Branton boring but interesting must read it all to understand some things. Then do a search on Orion.

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 05:08 AM
Courtney Browne the author eluded to their being just an assosiation as you mentioned, through his Remote viewing group, and in his book cosmic voyage describes the federation and what role Earth plays in this whole plan. And also eludes to an on going teritorial war about earth and us ,that we are un aware of at this point. Seems their are some bad Dudes who want our planet and the resources that go along with it. and consider us little more than annoyance, like ants at a picnic.
sure hope not!

posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 06:33 AM
Spiderj, you asked about these pics. Here is some drawings and pictures of aliens

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 05:22 PM
"This forum is a perfectly appropriate place for me to post my knowledge, experience, ideas and opinions about alien life. That is exactly what this forum is for, and you are not in charge of it. You do not own it and you do not get to decide what can be posted. If you do not believe anything I say, that is just fine by me. You have no right to badmouth me or attack me or call me names in any way for any reason. "

Well said EarthSister!

If you don't agree with someone, just go ahead and disagree, but don't go calling names. That's just childish. Preest, you have a right to your opinions, and EarthSister, you have a right to your opinions. Each of you has a right to put forward your opinions. But slander is out of order!

Now play nice!

[edit on 12/6/2004 by Al Vereco]

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