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Universal Federation?

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posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

Just one problem. Every race's biology is unique, having develped and evolved with their own world. Races cannot share atmosphere with each other. Everything is poison to an alien race.

Not to be argumentative, but then how do you guys get together with the ETs?

In your depictions on your site, none of them have any kind breathing apparatus. That is if they need to breathe?

Just curious, that's all.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 07:55 PM

I read your reply to facelift about the video and your reply to me about the photo was sort of the same.

It's doesn't matter if your photo disproves anyone elses theory and even if your interpretation of an event differs from your husbands, that is beside the point as well.

The only thing a picture would prove is that you have in fact been in contact with an alien species.

Wether the species is the same that visits other people or even your husband or different doesn't matter.

Cold hard evidence is cold hard evidence.

The picture proves nothing, the negative would go a great deal to proving it.

As for worrying about a government agent bribing your attorney or threatening him, then you can go through a group with no interest or fear of the government like MUFON or even NIDS.

The basic fact is, you are worrying about things that are completely irrelevent.

Plus, the hope would be that you take a picture with one of the ten or so aliens you have drawn pictures of.

If they look similar that too helps prove your case.

Don't worry about proving the existance of all aliens, just the ones you have had contact with.

Try not to ask for money for the photo as that would taint it, but certainly I would think that you could get this to the public before the MIB come to your door.

The aliens always seem to have an excuse. It reminds me of Oh God.

But this is not Oh God. Faith is not enough, especially when there are alway excuses. Evidence is needed.

SpiderJ of the Pleides

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 07:57 PM

It is infinitely easier to build a perfectly adapted city in space from scratch than to try to reconstruct the biological atmosphere of an established world. It's not even a good idea to try to change the natural system of a world because it can adversely affect a great many other worlds and lifeforms.

People's bodies are literally made of the elements of their natural worlds. The differences between worlds are "vast" and fluctuating in temperature, light, air, germs, plants, minerals, gasses, etc, etc.

You know what happens if you get stuck under water, but for most world to world it is more like immersion on in boiling acetic acid.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 07:59 PM

Thanks for all the good ideas.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

It is infinitely easier to build a perfectly adapted city in space from scratch than to try to reconstruct the biological atmosphere of an established world. It's not even a good idea to try to change the natural system of a world because it can adversely affect a great many other worlds and lifeforms.

People's bodies are literally made of the elements of their natural worlds. The differences between worlds are "vast" and fluctuating in temperature, light, air, germs, plants, minerals, gasses, etc, etc.

You know what happens if you get stuck under water, but for most world to world it is more like immersion on in boiling acetic acid.

I didnt mean all races of the universe i just meant ones that can be compatable/similar to earths (If you are going to model it on earths/use earths as part of a supporting atmosphere) if Humanoids claim to be part of us or ansestors then they should be compatable with earth as long as they havnt gone through any masive changes

By "Atrifical" i mean creating an enclosed atmosphere within an atmosphere

Its hard to explane but i think it is being done now (Just not with Humans)

[Edited on 9-4-2004 by Crash]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

Thanks for all the good ideas.

EarthSister, if you have a photo like that you should post it. Who cares if people think it's a hoax. If it's not, there will be some who argue and attempt to prove it is and others who attempt to validate it. It would be no different than if it was a hoax either way. That seems to be the way things work.

I have no doubt that a UFO could crash on the Whitehouse Lawn, Green skinned alien hanging out the the side of the craft for all to see, and you'd still get some Official 'Expert' claiming Swamp Gas reflecting off Venus or some crap anyway. Even worse, there would be some who'd buy it too, even if they saw it happen, just so their psyche would remain intact and safe within it's own Reality of Denial.

Plus, I just really want to see it!!!
I'll even help you verify its credibility if I can.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:24 PM

Ok, I see what you mean, but none of our visiting races are compatible with our world at all. Even the race of humans that visits Earth has developed from the beginning of their dna on their own world and has different biology than we developed into here.

A few of our visiting races can stay alive in our atmosphere from a few minutes up to two hours, but that is while unconscious, sick and dying; not walking around anywhere.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:27 PM

Thank you for the offer. That is very nice of you to want to help. But really, I don't have a photo or any other kind of physical evidence that I could show to prove anything. Those who have experiences with me have their own evidence and that is the way the aliens make it be for a reason-- a lot of reasons.

Anyway, I am busy talking about the aliens, describing them and what they do here and what they look like and everything. That's what I do. Evidence is somebody else's worry.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:32 PM

I almost missed your post.

Your question is the one.

There are two ways a being of one race personally visits a being of another race. One is by technology and the other is out of body, or they do both together. Either way, if you see them, you would not know what to think but you might come up with lots of crazy ideas, kind of like what you hear all over the ufo and spiritual fields.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:32 PM
Thanks for the thoughts everyone
That movie you talked about'' The Day The Earth Stood Still'' sounds cool. How old is this movie and who was in it? I like to see to give it a rent some time

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:38 PM
posted by robert what a load of crap that is, yea thats right millions and millions of ships just hanging out around earth in a big massive big, so dense that we would have problems sending probes outside of earths orbit, let alone the fact that they are cloaked and somehow impossible to precieve by humans.

We wouldnt have trouble launchin probes all the ships have to do is move. The Star Wars Program is a stupid attempt to combat these ships in orbit.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

Ok, I see what you mean, but none of our visiting races are compatible with our world at all. Even the race of humans that visits Earth has developed from the beginning of their dna on their own world and has different biology than we developed into here.

A few of our visiting races can stay alive in our atmosphere from a few minutes up to two hours, but that is while unconscious, sick and dying; not walking around anywhere.

Then how do you/they contact eachother?

Also wasnt there 3 Origanalitys origanaly from earth who were born on earth and then began waring with eachother untill they finaly figured out space travel?

Then after a while they "Re-discovered" eachother and began waring again all over

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:40 PM

I read on your website that ETs are thinking about Japan as a possible first contact candidate. I found that interesting because the Brookings Institute Report on possible ET contact uses Japan as an example of a culture that did not disintigrate or fracture after making contact with the more technologically advanced west. In fact, as opposed to other cultures, the Japanese adapted and became stronger as a result. Is that a possible reason for the Japanese being choosen? ie. they can handle it?
Have they given a time table or approximate date?

[Edited on 9-4-2004 by Facefirst]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:41 PM
Posted by earthsister

Yes, there is a federation of planets. Literally translated it is called The Intergalactic Union. It is made up of five galaxies, four surrounding one. Ours is one of the surrounding. In the union are over 5200 worlds of advanced intelligent races of people. There are a relatively few additional worlds of people in these five galaxies, but not being advanced yet, they are not participating inside of the union yet. Humans on Earth are among the newer races.

5 galaxies and only over 5200 worlds? I dont think they would control all these galaxies if the Intergalactic union is only over 5200 planets.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

Thank you for the offer. That is very nice of you to want to help. But really, I don't have a photo or any other kind of physical evidence that I could show to prove anything. Those who have experiences with me have their own evidence and that is the way the aliens make it be for a reason-- a lot of reasons.

Anyway, I am busy talking about the aliens, describing them and what they do here and what they look like and everything. That's what I do. Evidence is somebody else's worry.

Cool, never hurts to ask, ya know?!?

BTW, the next time you talk with 'Them', put in a good word for me, ok? Tell em to come by sometime for a visit. My Girlfriend and I are quite interested in chatting with them if they get a chance. We're about as Non-Threatening as can be, and can provide a pretty comfy and private stay here at our house as it's just the two of us. As long as nobody leaves the saucer parked out front for the neighbors to see and that kinda thing of course!

Who know's maybe we can even give them a hand in waking people up to the possibility of their Public Announcement.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
Thanks for the thoughts everyone
That movie you talked about'' The Day The Earth Stood Still'' sounds cool. How old is this movie and who was in it? I like to see to give it a rent some time

The movie is from the early 50's. Rent it. It is quite unique in the fact that it does not take a pro-democracy stance or an anti-communism one. Very unusual for the time period. It has it's hokey moments, but the story itself transcends those moments. A great premise against the backdrop of the coldwar, the world must become peaceful or be destroyed.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Crash

Originally posted by EarthSister

Ok, I see what you mean, but none of our visiting races are compatible with our world at all. Even the race of humans that visits Earth has developed from the beginning of their dna on their own world and has different biology than we developed into here.

A few of our visiting races can stay alive in our atmosphere from a few minutes up to two hours, but that is while unconscious, sick and dying; not walking around anywhere.

Then how do you/they contact eachother?

Also wasnt there 3 Origanalitys origanaly from earth who were born on earth and then began waring with eachother untill they finaly figured out space travel?

Then after a while they "Re-discovered" eachother and began waring again all over

Contact between races is technological and/or spiritual.

I have never heard of 3 Origanalities? from Earth or how you describe them, and that goes against what I have been told by the alien races.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Facefirst

I read on your website that ETs are thinking about Japan as a possible first contact candidate. I found that interesting because the Brookings Institute Report on possible ET contact uses Japan as an example of a culture that did not disintigrate or fracture after making contact with the more technologically advanced west. In fact, as opposed to other cultures, the Japanese adapted and became stronger as a result. Is that a possible reason for the Japanese being choosen? ie. they can handle it?
Have they given a time table or approximate date?

[Edited on 9-4-2004 by Facefirst]

What I was told was overall about Japan's demeanor as a nation as well as their peacefulness, strength and independence. There will be a lot of opposition against Japan for making first contact and working with the alien races so they need to be strong enough for that too. Yes, one reason is because they can handle it, but mostly because they are willing to handle it responsibly. Without either of those things, it would not work out very well.

They have not given me a time table or an approximate date. They only told me "soon."

Soon means "before many current deciding factors can change course."

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

What I was told was overall about Japan's demeanor as a nation as well as their peacefulness, strength and independence. There will be a lot of opposition against Japan for making first contact and working with the alien races so they need to be strong enough for that too. Yes, one reason is because they can handle it, but mostly because they are willing to handle it responsibly. Without either of those things, it would not work out very well.

They have not given me a time table or an approximate date. They only told me "soon."

Soon means "before many current deciding factors can change course."

Well, if that is the case, then let Japan handle it. They are definitely among the friendliest and most open minded of the world.

Regardless, tell your friends to pay me a visit.
I promise I will be an gracious host and I have the extra space!

We need them here. We need to have something to shake us out of our petty differences and to provide a model of a peaceful, functional world.

[Edited on 9-4-2004 by Facefirst]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 10:26 PM
If they are going to make open contact with Japan and then use Japan to introduce themselves to the planet why are they making contact with people outside of Japan.

Don't give me the "They want all people from all over the world to know" or the "special liasons to verify the truth of their existence."

If they exist and they are planning on using Japan for first contact, then it is safe to assume that they will work closely with high ranking government officials and civillian scientists, this would surely give them the credit they need to be taken seriously.

If the Japanese government says it's true, then I don't think a lot of people are going to doubt their sincerity.

Japan of course would not expect the world to take their word on it and so would produce physical proof.

solid physical proof and present it on television.

So if that's the plan, why are they making contact with people outside Japan.


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