reply to post by SLAYER69
Hi Slayer, Bob, nice posts. Obviously a lot to work through, but if I might contribute a little something...
About 2000/2001 I was thinking about writing a novel bringing together all my little obsessions, one of which is UFOs, and I was doing a lot of
looking around on the net. Now one of the interesting things is the speed at which pages can just "disappear", particularly if they're
But what I did find, for a while, was
Edgar Fouche's original pages on the TR-3B. Now, the links you've provided, which are all that are
left these days, are bits and pieces from the original site, which was, if memory serves, Edgar
Rothschild Fouche (and you
know there are going to be people going crazy over that middle name) was, I think, the first person to break the TR-3B and he said that he'd put the
information together combining data from various contacts he had, some of whom had worked on the thing.
Within a couple of months of finding the site, it had disappeared.
Now one of the things I remember that doesn't seem to be covered in the links any more is the nature of the stealth/mimicry coating on the craft,
which Fouche said was technology developed from research into quasicrystals.
Now you guys are clearly capable of doing research and you might find it interesting to look into that keyword. At the time, I did quite a bit of
looking and I came to the conclusion that the field had a certain amount in common with, say, electrogravitics - there's an initial flurry of
interest and then for no apparent reason it all goes a bit quiet... and it looks as if the most interesting aspects were co-opted into the black
world. Certainly a brief look at the current
Wikipedia entry doesn't give one much to go on,
and doesn't really bear much relation to what I was looking at at the time.
While researching quasicrystals I came across a site that had a huge repository of scientific papers on cutting-edge technology. It was all very
hidden away, but a real goldmine. I have since lost all references to it and I didn't have the chance to download any papers (I was only using net
cafes at the time) but I could have spent forever going through the articles. Can I find it now? Can I ****. It might still be out there, though...
a bit of an ElDorado for ATSers of a scientific bent.
It's kind of interesting that the original pages on the TR-3B disappeared so quickly and completely, and Fouche seems to have gone quiet on the whole
thing himself.
Another guy who's had something to say for a while now is Jack Schulman, president of ACC. As part of the research I was doing a few years back I
came across his version of how the transistor came to be invented, and he's adamant that it was reverse-engineered. There's an interview with him
here that might give you a jumping-off point for further research -
normally I'm more helpful and thorough than this, but it's late and I'd have to do a lot of digging.
It was cool to see the interview with Paul LaViolette, too. I used to have his book
The Talk Of The Galaxy, which was about how pulsars are
quite clearly examples of extraterrestrial technology. He details a way that they could be used as interstellar navigation beacons independent of the
frame of reference of the observer which is fascinating: to put it another way, no matter how fast you're going you can tell which pulsar is which,
so you will always have several reference points to co-ordinate to get a position.
The interview was a little disappointing, though, in the sense that I'd actually like to find out how subquantum kinetics works. It's something
I've seen him refer to but without a good explanation.
The other guy, Paul Vowelshortage, was interesting too, and his idea that quanta are really more to do with time than space was certainly food for
thought. He also mentioned The Appalling Randi. That guy should be tortured and shot, imo. If you can fool a scientist by sleight of hand it proves
NOTHING other than you're a sneaky SOB who should be kept away from scientific endeavours. He's got form for turning up at places where scientific
research is producing anomalous results and turning the whole thing into a circus. Perhaps he's on the payroll of the same guys who financed
Philip Klass.
I also enjoyed the video of what might be the TR-3B, but... sadly, there's so much fakery around these days it's hard to get too excited. Good
find, though.
Anyway, awesome posts, guys.