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Evacuation Warning! - Yellowstone National Park (Non Official)

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posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 07:54 PM
not american here, but do you think there is any connection between Yellowstone and the recent initiatives on population control in the case of natural disasters in the US? A stupid question, but what if there is something to come and "they" know it? hm.. Saturday late night effect, sorry

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 08:07 PM
I think that it's very unlikely that any of the recent earthquake activity in other parts of the world are in any way related to the activity at Yellowstone. I also think that it's equally unlikely that any nefarious entities know something is going to happen and aren't telling anyone. It wouldn't matter if everyone knew it was going to happen or not. The eruption of a super volcano is little bit hard to hide from.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

Heres a neat one mate. I was in the PI when Pinnatubo went off. That was a real blast... lol pardon the pun. We were evactuated to Okinawa Japan immediately. Even as far as there, we received some 1.4 metres of ash. Tell you what. The soil was rich that following year. They just had another indicative earthquake, just like the last time it went off. Mag 7.5.
It might be getting ready to pop again as well. which would make sense with all the EQ's around the Pacific Plate. Mainly along the western half of it. That pressure does have to give.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 08:28 PM
Maybe a truck full of Mentos crashed and fell into that hole that those people in Journey To The Center Of The Earth fell into? Might that not cause an eruption?

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 09:30 PM
No one answered my questions on my previous post on page 25.
Would it be a nice pretty spurty volcanic eruption thing or would it be like a thick black ash cloud that was like pompai? covering everything near by in a thin volcanic ash which as already mentioned would form a cement in your lungs.

No one seems to have mentioned pompai for whatever reason.

Its easy to say that its at the brink of going off because its been well over 1000 years since it last went off so even if it comes in the next 50 years its on the brink now.

And who ever it is that stars in that first video He tells you Nothing.
You could hear all that stuff he says at a tour or on some video from the gift store its all well known knowledge.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 09:48 PM
Chill... you are making me (and lots of others) nervous!

I am worried with this whole mega-volcano thing about as much as I am dreading that tomorrow I turn the Big Three One. I am glad the guy (not directed at the op) took the time out to state his piece on the matter, whether he is blowing smoke or not is beside the point... something will be learned from this event in whichever way it chooses to manifest itself. Point being, there is really nothing you or I (or him) can do about it. It is just as inevitable as the passing of another year in time.

More than likely, most of the populous that lives in and around the vicinity will get about as much warning as a simple (nasty self edit) and that would be about the last thing they knew from the deal. From there on out, it is an end-game scenario where the rest of the living species would either have to suffer and adapt, or die off. Although I consider myself an avid self-sufficient person (survivalist) I myself would rather get it over with quick and simple than to have to endure the prolonged ash-winter that would ensue.

To be frank, I understand your concern.. I really do, but I hope (I urge) that you will look into the facts before you pull chocks and flee. Listen to your gut instincts, and don't quit your day job. If this does turn out to be nothing, well... at least we learned something from these events.

Well, I myself am gonna sit down and enjoy a nice cold beer... that is my gut instinct tonight.



[edit on 09/1/3 by telemetry]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:02 PM
If Yellowstone did blow, 200 miles would not be far enough away.

Also, remember that what goes up, must come down. The fallout zone would stretch from Wyoming all the way to the Atlantic.

The ash would be several feet deep for hundreds of miles, inches deep to Missouri, and a fine dusting to Georgia. The dust would cirlcle the earth for years.

On the bright side, we would all get to visit Yellowstone one last time. A part of it anyway.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

complete bull#

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by retso

NOBODY, really knows how big the explosion would be if Yellowstone had an eruption. Yellowstone is an active vocanic caldera, and could actually erupt at any time. If it did happen, an eruption could be any magnitude from a little pop, like Mount Saint Helens. (Yes folks Saint Helens was pretty tame as volcanoes go.) Or it could be a million times bigger than that.

If we got a big eruption, it would be an earth changing event. Everyone would know about it pretty quick. We have not had an eruption like this in any of recorded human history.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:10 PM
I watched his video and for me it comes off as a lot of gobbletygook. I am something of a geology nut myself and I say "bogus". If I'm not mistaken, he says that a supereruption or an asteroid hit (take your pick) 500,000,000 years ago wiped out the dinosaurs. I have a news flash for Mr. Sanders--there weren't any dinosaurs 500,000,000 years ago!! This was during the Camrian period when life had yet to come up on land. or if it did, it had barely begun to do so. I know that the study of this period isn't his area of expertise, but I knew that there weren't any dinosaurs 500,000 years ago way back in junior high!

I honestly think this guy is either using this as a ploy for gain, either for money or for increased traffic to his websites. I cannot believe that he would be the only geologist dealing with Yellowstone who would give warning of an impending eruption. So yeah, I call "bogus."

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by LightsyLad

I have to admit that I did not watch the video. Geologists all over the world monitor quake activity on a daily basis.

There are dozens of tremors in Yellowstone everyday but most of them are so small that they aren't worth mentioning. There are tremors everytime a geyser erupts, but not a big deal.

Yellowstone had a major earthquake back in 1959. That was a big one, about 7.3 to 7.5 according to Wikkipedia. I suspect that we would see several large quakes like that one before a major eruption.

If anything, the 1959 quake showed us what the approximate magnitude should be for a major event in Yellowstone. We haven't seen anything near that magnitude lately.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:01 PM
I think the USGS just got the notice to not post anymore data to their websites that may raise some level of concerns..... After 5:30 pm local the data just stopped.

Odd ?

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:34 PM
It's not going to happen now. It settled down. Which is a good thing...However, I was paranoid about this event since this whole thing started, I bought a mask, and stocked up on canned foods and water.
Now it was all for nothing

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by toast317

Look at the bright side..Now you're already set for the next big ATS prediction/imminent threat thread

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by toast317

I grew up in Wyoming and we took a trip to the park every year. About the time that I was 8, I recognized that Yellowstone was just one big volcano. After that I used to lay awake at night worried that a volcanic vent might open up under our house. Of course it never did.

I don't worry about stuff like that any more. If it happens, there is nothing that you can do about it anyway.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:44 AM
Thanks to this thread I now have to add a few things to my survival supplies.

Tomorrow I will buy grow lights and sun lamps. The grow lights for my garden if I have to grow it in the garage and the sun lamps for me so I won't get cabin fever.

I wonder what the next situation will be that I didn't plan for. I really thought I had it all covered. Just never thought about Volcanoes and the ash cloud.

Anybody know where I can purchase air filters for dogs?

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:40 AM
Please see my post on or about page 174 of the "What's up with Yellowstone"? thread. This situation has been emerging geologically for YEARS & there are many reasons why it is being ignored in most media- PLEASE, EVERYONE TAKE NOTE! THIS IS FAR MORE SERIOUS THAN IT AT FIRST APPEARS!!

For those interested, I am a geology student at University of Cincinnati, & my professors are all very knowledgeable people- Deianera

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by Deianera
Please see my post on or about page 174 of the "What's up with Yellowstone"? thread. This situation has been emerging geologically for YEARS & there are many reasons why it is being ignored in most media- PLEASE, EVERYONE TAKE NOTE! THIS IS FAR MORE SERIOUS THAN IT AT FIRST APPEARS!!

For those interested, I am a geology student at University of Cincinnati, & my professors are all very knowledgeable people- Deianera

Perhaps you could talk to your professors and one or more of them partake in the threads here and in the ATSMix program instead of that Sanders fella. I did u2u Johnny that he should really get a real geologist to have answer questions rather than the Sanders wannabe.


posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by dizziedame
I wonder what the next situation will be that I didn't plan for. I really thought I had it all covered. Just never thought about Volcanoes and the ash cloud.

Well don't worry... we can fix you up with the latest phobia and what you need to prepare...

Let me help...

If you have any underground rivers where you live.... (The Mandalay Bay casinos sank 18 inches
) you should prepare for THIS...

If you live within 200 miles of Yellowstone... study Pompei... they too had no warning.

If you live below sea level... study New Orleans... and have a rubber dinghy handy

If you believe in Nibiru and 2012... then watch this video and you will know what to prepare for...

Its in Japanese... but as they say a"A picture is worth a thousand deaths ...errrr words"

Anybody know where I can purchase air filters for dogs?

A muzzle lined with cheese cloth (or fine linen)

[edit on 4-1-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by jam321
Seems like this is only one person sounding the warning. Sounds like a false warning to me. If that thing was on the Verge of going off, I would expect a governor or the President to sound the alarm.

and what.. cause mass panic in the middle of everything else that's going on?

don't worry.
a government official will say something..
but only at the last possible minute.

everybody is pulling out with prior knowledge of something big like this happening.
an "unforseen" (ya right) event.

could this be what is 'projected' to be happening on the 22nd?
a-la spoken of by Biden and Powell?
is the 22nd a conveniently planned date for it?
will/can it be triggered by HAARP to catalize it's already mounting volatility?

believe me.. if they know something like this is going to happen.. they're going to make sure that it happens under control... before the planet does will trigger it to do it when everythings in position to take advantage of it's effects.
as traumatic as it may be..
there are benefits to be taken from any 'event'.

millions are going to be made with all the investment in the resorts that are going up in the area cleared up by that tsunami that happened years ago.

someone somewhere is going to make millions off this.

skeptics of this pure logic will say 'nuuh-uuh.. no no.. natural disasters happen on accident and everything is by chance.. there's no intelligent modification or harnessing of these events even though billions of $ in profit can be made from them.. nuuh -uuuh.

i say you're blind and don't understand the magnitude and value of this methodology.
HAARP can be used by any commercial agency.
so can the weather modification program.
whomever bids the highest.

someone somewhere understands the rediculously huge 'bargain' a disaster like that would pull in.

someone somewhere understands the massively devalued land cost this will create.

someone somewhere understands that the exchange of land and money will be a feeding frenzy when and if that happens.

someone somewhere understands that if you can intelligently control WHEN it happens.. all the more efficient every decision and asset management surrounding the operation will be.

HAARP can do this.

someone somewhere will cash in.


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