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How Can They Be So Blind?????

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posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
I don’t think we will ever know the complete truth regarding 9-11. That it was an inside job is impossible to dismiss. Two of the world’s tallest buildings, side by side no less fell with the precision of expertly laid demolitions. The one in a trillion odds of that happening with one of them…ok, that was the one in a trillion? Two of them? Please.

Every conceivable effort has been made to make sure not one defendant or one shred of evidence ever gets to a court of law to undergo the scrutiny of the possibility of independent Judiciary, jury or press could vet the evidence.

I don’t see it ever happening unless a second revolution takes place in the country to cleanse and purge the government of special interest influence.

I do not believe any Muslim nation or any Islamic terrorist group has the sophistication, discipline or logistical ability to pull off such attacks.

I do believe it was a Middle Eastern Country that was behind it though.

If so and if every proven I would love to see the day come when it is held to account for it, and every co-conspirator in this country prosecuted to the fullest extent and beyond, complete with some water board time of their own.

It boggles the imagination of how far and how quickly America has fallen.

I can only hope someday we find our way again. As far as jailhouse goes, there is always going to be someone hovering around to lead us away from the right path.

No one possibly involved would ever have the motive or opportunity to reveal it.

Anyone who could get close enough to prove it would never have the opportunity to do so in the political environment we live in.

It likely just boils down to living with it, or dying to get to the truth and put an end to it.

I don’t know if it’s so much a matter of being blind for most people as it is a matter of being so engaged in a daily struggle for sustenance that people just can’t connect how much more difficult that struggle has truly become for them because of indifference to anything but that daily struggle.

Slaves on a Southern Plantation probably didn’t pay much attention to Master’s business.

Slaves to the United States of America Incorporated don’t really either.

Good luck

You hit on some good points, but I cannot believe all of you are on the right path. Whatever path you conceive yourselves to be on, I have no intentions of leading you off of it. I am simply relating to you some experiences I had. I am not insisting 19 Muslims from anywhere did anything. I am insisting I had known in detail about the attacks of 9-11 since 1997, and that the original agreement to do those attacks came through Saudi Arabia. Hell, maybe they were lying to me. Maybe there were not really out of Saudi Arabia, but I was certainly led to believe they were, and where they were from is irrelevant. I still knew.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Mr Shaw, a serious question please. You say you were aware of the impending attacks as early as 1997. From the timeline I have seen and find credible, the decision to actually go with a massive airplane attack on the US was only solidified in 1999 and details were hammmered out as to number of planes, targets, logistics, over the next two years.

Even dismissing inaccuracies, I get the impression that in 1997, at most there was a desire to hit the US hard, and synchronized airplane attacks was at best a suggestion.

I'm not in a position to comment on the veracity of your claims, but you must be aware that there are hundreds of people with claims they also were aware of the upcoming attacks, made attempts to alert authorities,
or else claim to have proof of previously unrevealed critical information like knowledge of organizations not usually identified with 9/11 being involved.

For this reason alone, skepticism is warranted by those without proof other than your word.

Mike F

Persons I told about the coming attacks of 9-11 in varying degrees of detail, beginning around September of 1997, and continuing to and through the night of September 10, 2001. In as near chronological order as I was able to remember. Source---Discovery 9-11: Genesis of American Terror.
Copyright John Gobin Shaw 2006.

Mary Conley 1996, exception, one other there too.
Students at Yeungjin Junior College 1997,
Larry W. Bowman, PH.D. 1997,
Ken Biondi 1997,
Professors Wendy and James Olmsted 1997, 2000, 2001,
Doris Hoffman 1997 or 98,
Xiang Li Zhu 1997-2001,
Rufus W. (Dub) Davis 1998,
Officer Danny Carey 1998,
3-4 guys in youth hostel in Santa Cruz, CA 1999,
passengers and driver on Greyhound bus coastal CA 1999,
Stacie (Steve) Homer 1999-00,
Andrew Campbell 1999-00,
Students and teachers in Jinan, China 2000,
Xiang Li Zhu’s uncle Dec. 2000,
Jeff Shaw December 2000,
911 Stuart FL early 2001,
4 persons at church dinner 2001,
Mr. Osborne of FL DOC early 2001,
Craig Newbold 2001,
Nurse at Martin Memorial Hospital on or around May 22, 2001,
Eva Schulman June or July 2001,
6 persons in Shepard Park August 2001 (Robert Dixon and Martin Wrigley),
Some govt. or law enforcement number Fort Pierce, FL night of 10 Sept. 2001, possibly ninth, about 8:30 pm from phone booth near Dunkin Donut between I-95 and turnpike on Okeechobee Rd. OTHERS.

[edit on 1-1-2009 by Jailhouserock]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit

Originally posted by Jailhouserock
I have written a manuscript of 90 pages and 54,000 + words.

Just a technical point. Getting 54,000 words on 90 pages is not easy, even single spaced. Was this legal sized paper?

Jailhouse, you've told us that you were recruited for the 9/11 operation by people in Saudi Arabia. You've said that you have a bone to pick with the US government. Why don't you go to someone like Alex Jones, who also has a bone to pick with the US government? What are you doing on a forum like this where you are not telling us the details and where you have little or nothing to gain by your presence?

I told what you said to word count on the computer. Its only answer was over 54,000 words.

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