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How Can They Be So Blind?????

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posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Jailhouserock

I may not be able to tell you what you need to know, but then again, maybe I can. I have also written a manuscript of 90 pages and more than 54,000 words detailing the entire matter of my own experiences getting the information about the coming attacks, and telling others. Were government functionaries told repeatedly and in detail well in advance? The answer is yes. Were there coverups before and after 9-11? The answer again is most likely yes. I ought to know. I told them myself, and I had to deal with their obfuscations and lies after 9-11. Par for the course where I come from

So you are claiming to be John Gobin Shaw of Stuart, Florida ?

If you are... you have been pimping this story for almost 5 years:

Attack plans of 9-11-01 well known since 1997.
Author-John Gobin Shaw ^ | January 8, 2003 | John Gobin Shaw

Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 12:36:26 PM by John Gobin Shaw

Sorry.. I am calling BS on this one.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:02 PM
Notice something Jailhouserock?

Do you see how so many people are asking for details that would SPECIFICALLY point to you (individually) if you answered them? Ask yourself who might want to know who you are specfically.

I can think of about 10 other questions to ask to verify details without knowing who Jailhouserock is, yet no one is asking those questions. Aren't you other readers curious about that?

"What time and date did you call...blah, blah, blah." Yeah, THAT information can't be used to track who you are exactly, can it?

Curiouser and Curiouser.

edit to add: BTW, I do not mean to say that I believe or disbelieve the guy; however, I notice that when someone claims to know inside information, there's always people coming out of the woodwork saying, basically, "We need to know your real life identity", not "How can we verify your story is true?"

Do you other readers not find that curious?

[edit on 29-12-2008 by sir_chancealot]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by sir_chancealot

Dude....dont be so gullible. What he wrote was from a letter he posted on another thread here at ATS:

......Between then and right up to and through the night of Sept. 10, 2001, I told about 130 people, many in high detail, exactly where the attacks would be carried out, how they would be executed (with commandeered, fuel-laden aircraft), and approximately when.

I was absolutely right in every specific detail. Among those I told were law enforcement in three countries, including law enforcement authorities in Stuart, whom I told repeatedly in 1998 and in early 2001.

I have written a manuscript detailing my experiences getting the information, and passing it along to others over the four years before the attacks actually were committed. The document is 90 pages and more than 54,000 words.

John Gobin Shaw

Stuart, Florida

Funny... this John Shaw also blogged at a Bike Forum in 2002 where he talks about surviving explosions while on a bike tour.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Personally, I'm fairly compassionate when it comes to disbelievers. It's a very traumatic thing to have people trying to tell you that the government you more or less trust has actually perpetrated mass murder and fraud on it's own population. I can understand why people grasp at straws and cling to ridiculous ideas and hypotheses.

I try to avoid sneering at people, with the exception of bold faced truth avoiding crap disturbers, of course.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
I am beginning the think that the veil that has been placed upon most of our eyes by the talking heads and pundits is too large to be removed.

Most people want to be loved, admired and respected by those they consider their peers and their elders. Conspirators know this is human nature and use it to convince people that anybody who talks about certain subjects are crazy or a little "off". So, yes, the veil is too big because people don't want to be laughed at. Remember the playground? Nobody wanted to be weird...

This will NEVER change...

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

How did you find the biker blog letter Cameron? Nice work.

Mr. Shaw is definitely an adventurer with many a tale to tell. Doesn't mean they are all tall tales, but it does urge caution.

Greetings from the sunny southern USA. My name is John Gobin Shaw. I was born in 1949 in Stuart, Florida. I live here today.
My interest in cycling took hold of me when I was younger, when I was a boy. My first tour was through England, Scotland, and Wales in the summer of 1984. In all I have bicycle toured about 23,000 miles through nineteen countries, including western and eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, the USA, Canada, Mexico, and China. I have traveled extensively to thirty-five countries.

Among some of my more memorable experiences overseas were surviving the worst railroad disaster in the history of Ireland; the following day a suitcase bomb was detonated in the main train station in Bologna, Italy; both catastrophes were horribly deadly and a carnage. I was at the release of the American hostages from Iran. Anyone remember that? I also had a confrontation with Mahmet Ali Agka at the main train station in Frankfurt, Germany not long before he traveled to Rome and shot the pope in an attempted assassination. I will leave that sort of theme alone.

I lived for years in Europe, and for years in the far east. I have a pretty good understanding of the differences between different cultures. My book, The Last Great Bicycling Tour, is on paper and on floppy disc, 250 pages. . . .

For years I have been teaching English as a foreign language. Now I am temporarily free to go and do. I have a BA degree from Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida. I have served in the US Army, one term.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower
George W. Bush Jr. was a joke as president.

It is my belief that two things occurred that contributed to his "popularity".

1. Massive "mind control" via the news media
2. Most people believe what they need to believe and refuse to admit they were wrong until things get so bad there is no room for denial.

" Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18

[edit on 29-12-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

A quick google search of Mr. Shaw's name brought up many blogs and editorials where the same story is repeated. (since 2002)This Jailhouserock dude sort of picked up on it. I highly doubt he is John Shaw.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

Mr. Shaw goes into quite a lot of detail on this webpage:

The responses to his story are quite amusing. My favorite: "Ever heard of the FBI?" He seems to have told everyone but the FBI about the coming attack.

I tend to agree with you. I don't think "Jailhouse" is Shaw.

I don't even think Shaw is Shaw now.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 07:17 PM
Thanks CF for the excellent investigative work. What possess someone to do something so pointless is beyond me. A better fit for such posts would be in the writer's forum and/or BTS.

911 is of all the subject matters to be discussed, within ATS and out, resides on the most serious/important end of the spectrum of discussions to partake in. If we have any chance at all in waking up everyone to reality... accuracy and honesty are basic constants we all must adhere to, without exception.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

Yes, that's me. There is no big deal about being John Gobin Shaw. CTs in general do not like dealing with primary source information because they cannot twist it to suit their psychological-emotionsl needs. The best one gets from CTs on this point, factual, primary source information, are accusations against the messenger, ad hominem. I have been dealing with these types for years. They are disgraceful in their attitudes, ill tempered and deplorable.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:43 PM
I think it is going to take more resources than I have to get the full story out of jailhouserock. I'm willing to wait patiently. I've been here before and waiting takes no energy whatsoever.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 02:34 AM
I don’t think we will ever know the complete truth regarding 9-11. That it was an inside job is impossible to dismiss. Two of the world’s tallest buildings, side by side no less fell with the precision of expertly laid demolitions. The one in a trillion odds of that happening with one of them…ok, that was the one in a trillion? Two of them? Please.

Every conceivable effort has been made to make sure not one defendant or one shred of evidence ever gets to a court of law to undergo the scrutiny of the possibility of independent Judiciary, jury or press could vet the evidence.

I don’t see it ever happening unless a second revolution takes place in the country to cleanse and purge the government of special interest influence.

I do not believe any Muslim nation or any Islamic terrorist group has the sophistication, discipline or logistical ability to pull off such attacks.

I do believe it was a Middle Eastern Country that was behind it though.

If so and if every proven I would love to see the day come when it is held to account for it, and every co-conspirator in this country prosecuted to the fullest extent and beyond, complete with some water board time of their own.

It boggles the imagination of how far and how quickly America has fallen.

I can only hope someday we find our way again. As far as jailhouse goes, there is always going to be someone hovering around to lead us away from the right path.

No one possibly involved would ever have the motive or opportunity to reveal it.

Anyone who could get close enough to prove it would never have the opportunity to do so in the political environment we live in.

It likely just boils down to living with it, or dying to get to the truth and put an end to it.

I don’t know if it’s so much a matter of being blind for most people as it is a matter of being so engaged in a daily struggle for sustenance that people just can’t connect how much more difficult that struggle has truly become for them because of indifference to anything but that daily struggle.

Slaves on a Southern Plantation probably didn’t pay much attention to Master’s business.

Slaves to the United States of America Incorporated don’t really either.

Good luck

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by ipsedixit

Hello ipsedixit:

I see you ask questions that are relevant to the post. That is a rarity on internet forums where primary source info on 9-11 is the matter at hand. I will answer your question. And don't worry about being played for a fool. None of what I tell you is BS. It is all accurate and true. This will not be in great detail like in the manuscript, but it is straight talk.

As for the Brooklyn school children, we must learn to accept that precognition is possible, and not everyone all the time is totally reliant on conventional, third dimensional, reactionary forms for knowing.

In fact, it was not I who extracted information from them. It was the other way around, and all in writing by e-mail. Now, do not jump to any conclusions from this next fact. They never said word one about flying aircraft into buildings. It was I and I alone who came up with that scenario.
They agreed to that, and to my proposal of coming to Florida to get the training for the technical aspects of the mission. I remind you I called 911 in Stuart, Florida in early 2001 telling of guerrillas or terrorists in the area planning attacks and using airplanes. That is a fact despite the police department's success in obfuscating the evidence of the call.

Connections with intelligence agencies? Not that I know of. The fact was then and it still remains. I had no idea who I was corresponding with then, and I have never found out who to this day.

Why did I take the threats seriously? First off, they were not exactly threats. They were agreements to do something I assrued them could be carried out successfully. I had long been looking for retribution against government in Florida, but they had bigger and better ideas. This system had thoroughly screwed me over, and I wanted to makle it pay bigtime. I took their agreement seriously because we were men of honor. If you say you will, you do. Tenuous as it may seem to some, that was it.

I told the so-called authorities exactly where the attacks would happen, about when, and how. I could have told them a great deal more forcefully with more info, but they were clearly not interested.

I was in Florida when some of the commandeers were training there. It is possible---and I am saying only possible--- that I might possibly have met two of them in a restaurant in Stuart, Florida across the street from a residence whose address I had sent to Saudi Arabia in 1997. I am saying that as only a possibility. I was asleep in Fort Pierce, Florida when the attacks were carried out. Does that answer your question about degrees of separation?

Try not to draw wrong inferencesfrom this information. There was lot more to it.

Thanks for the upbeat remark about the manuscript. I could probably already have had it published if not for my cursed lack of ambition.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by The All Seeing I
If jailhouserock knew what was coming prior 911... then former head of the FBI terrorist division John O'Neil definitely knew. Explains the cowinkadink; on why he showed up as the new head of security for the WTC on the day the towers went down.

So how is it that jailhouserock is here with us... informing us after the fact... attention getting mind play (troll), psychic or gov insider? Doesn't really matter... such questions/answers get us off the OP... unless we can gleam some insight(s) in to "How Can They Be So Blind?????"

Actually, I think you raised a very good point. And do not worry about my knowing in detail the attacks were going to happen. There is no deception or BS to what I am telling you. It is all quite true.

Your point is if I could find out, which I did without really even trying to, then certainly the higher ups in the intelligence community not only knew what I knew, but very likely a great deal more besides. I agree. But, I do not know they knew.. I only know that I found out and told about 130 people in detail, many quite openly and vociferously.

It does not seem possible that I could find out and they could not. But again, I only know for sure my own experiences. That they knew too is only what I think is a very reasonable conjecture., and probably quite an accurate one at that.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Having believed that 9/11 was done internally since i saw the video of George just sitting there after he was informed with a relieved look on his face,...

If that's your 'proof' then it's not a lot to go on.

If Bush43 knew what was coming then he would have been in a much more 'presidential' setting for when the big hit came .. not reading a billy-goat book to children in school.

And as for what you call the 'relieved look' .. most of the rest of us see someone who looks like a deer-in-the-headlights .. in shock and with absolutely no idea what he should do.

Bush43 had no clue what was going to happen. None.

[edit on 12/30/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by cashlink
reply to post by Jailhouserock

Why seven years wait, to tell your story, what I have a problem is, why after seven years you have not already written a book? I am sorry for sounding so suspicious; however, with the big campaign of disinfo operators trying to derail the truth on ATS, I have a right to be so suspicious.

Why do you think I have waited seven years to tell this story?

What makes you think I haven't written a book?

Both questions are based on false assumptions.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Jailhouserock

"Mr. Shaw,"

Can you please submit your credentials to the MOD's here at ATS. I for one do not believe you are who you say you are. I called B.S. to you from the get go, and I continue to think so.

You have posted in several thread and forums across the internet with nothing but fictitious tales. Time to buck up and show us some proof that you are who you say you are and that the evidence you claim to have is valid.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by sir_chancealot
Notice something Jailhouserock?

Do you see how so many people are asking for details that would SPECIFICALLY point to you (individually) if you answered them? Ask yourself who might want to know who you are specfically.

I can think of about 10 other questions to ask to verify details without knowing who Jailhouserock is, yet no one is asking those questions. Aren't you other readers curious about that?

"What time and date did you call...blah, blah, blah." Yeah, THAT information can't be used to track who you are exactly, can it?

Curiouser and Curiouser.

edit to add: BTW, I do not mean to say that I believe or disbelieve the guy; however, I notice that when someone claims to know inside information, there's always people coming out of the woodwork saying, basically, "We need to know your real life identity", not "How can we verify your story is true?"

Do you other readers not find that curious?

[edit on 29-12-2008 by sir_chancealot]

Rarely on 9-11 CT forums will anyone reply to the issues raised from primary source information. It is usually to the messenger and derogatory in some way. You tell people about the attacks before they happen, and people refuse to heed. You tell afterward that you knew they were going to happen, and they refuse to believe, and make libelous accusations. Considering the attitudes, is it any wonder the attacks were carried through to a successful completion?

This is true. In 1997 I told these people in Saudi Arabia that I could tell any number of people in the US about the attack plans, and because of the attitudes of most Americans, their mission could still be completed successfully. If you Americans could understand how ill tempered, arrogant, and deplorable your attitudes are, you could perhaps understand why it was so easy to tell so many without any breach of operational security to the mission.

Your own paid protectors in law enforcement refused to cooperate with me, which was predictable. You have the government you deserve. I know I deserve better.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
reply to post by Jailhouserock

"Mr. Shaw,"

Can you please submit your credentials to the MOD's here at ATS. I for one do not believe you are who you say you are. I called B.S. to you from the get go, and I continue to think so.

You have posted in several thread and forums across the internet with nothing but fictitious tales. Time to buck up and show us some proof that you are who you say you are and that the evidence you claim to have is valid.

Fictitious tales? You are saying I am lying? Screw you liar. I am not the one who has to hide behind the distance and anonymity of an internet forum. I know what I am talking about

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